I live in Eagle county Colorado which is a hotspot. They aren't testing anyone except extreme cases any more and our number is still high. I know some people that got tested before the requirements on testing started. The president of the hospital system wrote a letter to everyone the other day say basically that there are hundreds if not thousands affected here which is significant because only about 20k live here full time. I can post the letter if anyone is interested.
From people we know personally
- Mother (50's) and daughter (7) - got tested last week. Feel like crap but hanging out at their house. Felt ok enough one day to be dumbasses and break quarantine and go for a hike but it brought back the daughters fever. They are doing better but still sick.
- Husband and wife both in their 40's. Got tested - wife has underlying conditions. Symptoms hit fast and hard but only lasted a little over a day. Felt about 90% on day 2.
- lady in her 30's - not tested because of requirements but doctors presume she has it. Just feels sick and chest pressure. Waiting it out at her house.
On the local Vail moms Facebook there's lots of talk from people that have that say it feels like you are hungover and /or there's a weight on your chest. None of them hospitalized. The info from online is less reliable because it's a moms page on Facebook and it's not first hand.
ETA - they have a self service reporting tool to track cases here that is find of interesting if you are into that stuff.