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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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hulot said:
ME1 Vanguard rushs into the thick of things with a shotgun while everyone's locked down and floating from singularity, lift and throw. Universal cooldown means you can't spam attacks like that anymore. Though playing as an adept, having four people caught in one singularity and then using warp for the biotic explosion is pretty badass.

And the bolded is what I love and have been robbed of. I wonder what the best class is for ME2, because it sadly isnt vanguard anymore.


I bought the nudie mag for $4, where is it? I went to the captain's quarters to check it out, but I didn't see it. :lol

Anyways, back up to flirt with my assistant. Sheppard's gonna be knockin some space-boots in no time.


Solo said:
And the bolded is what I love and have been robbed of. I wonder what the best class is for ME2, because it sadly isnt vanguard anymore.

Adept for anything under Hardcore, Sentinel / Infiltrator for Insanity is what I've seen so far. But really for insanity it depends on how patient you are going to be when you have to take down everyone's shields.


Solo said:
And the bolded is what I love and have been robbed of. I wonder what the best class is for ME2, because it sadly isnt vanguard anymore.

True, Vanguard is kind of boring to play. I mean I have pull, but that hardly ever works, then I have shockwave which I don't use cause it's not a cool talent, and you have some ammo types.

What else is there?


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
EatChildren said:
I think we can all agree Kelly is the best new member of the Normandy. 30 seconds into talking to her is its pretty much "Hey Shepard I'm really happy t- HEY LETS HAVE HOT SEX oh shit I hope I wasnt too flirty!1!! :3".

God, shove a hydrospanner in my photoreceptor....
Borgnine said:
Oh I agree, I'm using my team's powers and everything, but it's kind of like I wish I was the one using their powers and not them. I don't know I guess it's just that Vanguard feels a little sloppy for me. It's like all right charge in, shotgun some fools, oh shit they're up! machine pistol as I'm backing away, oh fuck screen turning red! turn and run and find cover, getting shot in the back!

I think that's the point, I'm sure that sounds very exciting for some people, but again it's just not what I was expecting. I think this is what Solo was talking about with being a badass, it's about feeling in control, but I'm not really feeling that yet.

Once people realize your NOT supposed to use charge into the middle of a group of enemies to try and kill everyone like they're some sort of god, and start using it more tactfully then the vanguard starts to really shine. I am absolutely loving it and have unlocked Heavy charge so game goes into slow mo once I hit.

Basically you should be charging people in a good flanking position popping maybe 2 people with the shotgun and taking cover in your new position then proceed with the owning. At least thats how I do it.


MMaRsu said:
True, Vanguard is kind of boring to play. I mean I have pull, but that hardly ever works, then I have shockwave which I don't use cause it's not a cool talent, and you have some ammo types.

What else is there?

Shockwave is pretty badass. I switched from solider (ME1) to Vanguard, and don't regret it one bit.
The Vanguard is a poorly designed class. If you are going to make a high risk class, you need to make it high reward as well. Unfortunately, the Vanguard doesn't deal more damage than the soldier or infiltrator to compensate for its risky playstyle. Biotic charge is terrible, and shotguns are the worst weapon in the game. Pull and shockwave don't work on enemies with armor or shields. I played through hardcore with a Vanguard and I ended up playing like a gimped soldier because none of the class abilities are that useful.

The Vanguard should have had warp, biotic charge should be useful for running away from enemies, and the shotgun should have had better range or done more damage to make it worth going close to enemies.


Borgnine said:
Kind of regretting picking Vanguard. I picked it because that's what I was in the last game, but it seems like it plays a lot differently. I remember being able to do pushes and pulls from a fairly moderate distance, but now I feel like I really need to get right up in there if I want to be effective. It's a little hard for me since it's not really my style. Especially with that charge power. It's like hey I know what I'll do, I'll fly really fast right in to the middle of that group of enemies so they can wolfpack my ass when they stand up!

Ditto. I played Vanguard last game and am running him this game as well, but I didn't expect him to be so much about close-range this time around. Charge is also basically useless on higher difficulites, mainly because it does nothing when shields are up (literally, it doesn't even do any damage to the shield, at least on Hardcore). And when the enemy has the red health bar up, you're much better off using something like pull.

I'm definitely going to go with something like Infiltrator next time, especially so I can use the sniper rifle right off the bat. There are so many times during combat where I wish I had a sniper rifle.


MMaRsu said:
True, Vanguard is kind of boring to play. I mean I have pull, but that hardly ever works, then I have shockwave which I don't use cause it's not a cool talent, and you have some ammo types.

What else is there?

Fully upgraded shockwave is awesome.

And how does pull not work? Don't cast it at cover and you are fine. Use it when they peak up, then finish them off when they are helpless.


Shinjitsu said:
Fully upgraded shockwave is awesome.

And how does pull not work? Don't cast it at cover and you are fine. Use it when they peak up, then finish them off when they are helpless.

By the time they have popped out of cover, I use pull they are already back into cover. Lol
Solo said:
And the bolded is what I love and have been robbed of. I wonder what the best class is for ME2, because it sadly isnt vanguard anymore.

It's the soldier, with the infiltrator and sentinel coming up next. The soldier has the most health and does the most weapon damage, and shooting things is the best way to kill things, especially on the higher difficulties.


Looks like Im going Infiltrator for my second playthrough. Thanks guys. With that said, Im only 4 hours into my first playthough, so Ive got a LONG way to go with my old vanguard :lol


MMaRsu said:
By the time they have popped out of cover, I use pull they are already back into cover. Lol

Curve the pull around the cover :lol, Pull is one of the best skills to force people out of cover. The arc on it is perfect for when people are in places you can't reach, compared to something like singularity.
I'm liking the vanguard so far, but I don't use charge that often and mostly focusing on shockwave / pulling enemies from cover.

I feel like the biggest issue with the vanguard is that the shotgun (or the one I have access to anyway) blows. The range is absolutely terrible and you basically have to be right on top of the an enemy to do real damage with it. I find myself using the heavy pistol / machine pistol combo 9 times out of 10.
MMaRsu said:
By the time they have popped out of cover, I use pull they are already back into cover. Lol
Do you guys not know how to angle it? The red square shows who it will hit, but it flies straight out through your reticle.

Aim a little bit above them when they are behind cover and it will go over the cover and then swoop down and get them.

Works for me all the time, I played Vanguard in both games and still dig it here.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Collectors' Edition is in the house today! :D

Along with free hat & 360 lollipops! :lol



And the funny thing is instead of the four copies they were told that they were getting (instead of the 20 they ordered! :lol ), they only got in two! Of course one was mine, since I know those guys personally, but sucks to be those other guys that won't get theirs.

corrosivefrost said:
No. I believe he'd need you to be signed in for it to work... since it was "purchased" on another console.

Your console is the only console that can use that DLC without being connect and signed into LIVE on the "purchasing" ID.

You sure about not being able to use other DLC on another console via account recovery, even if it's free and the other account is online? Admittedly I haven't tried this exact situation out before, but I'd figure that free DLC from another account would work, but you'd have to be connected to Xbox Live because of the DRM.

If not, I guess I've have to hunt for codes... :(
Himuro said:
I rarely charge in.
I take it you're only using pistols then?

Personally, I think Vanguard sucks in ME2. Charge is useless for this type of game. Shotguns are pretty ineffective. Even still, I found the game to be pretty easy on Normal difficulty. Probably switch to Solider for playthrough 2.


Himuro said:
I rarely charge in.

But thats what a vanguard is all about :lol It sounds like you're playing a vanguard like a sentinel or something. You're doing it wrong, so to speak.

For those of us playing ME2 vanguards like we played our ME1 vanguards, you arent the in-control death machine you used to be. In fact you're vulnerable quite often, since charge is underpowered and your shotty sucks, and you dont have lift or throw or warp.
Himuro said:
Shockwave is amazing. Find a bunch of enemies grouped together? Shockwave. Use cyro ammo, and blast em.

And yes I'm using automatic.

I find it pretty strategic since my characters compliment my powers.

oh yeah, yeah don't get me wrong, it's great knocking people off bridges and ledges :lol


Himuro said:
Shockwave is amazing. Find a bunch of enemies grouped together? Shockwave. Use cyro ammo, and blast em

Does Shockwave work on shielded enemies? I tended to only use it on Husks because they were the only ones that I could find grouped together that didn't have any type of resistance.


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
Sounds like leveling up Shokwave is the next step for me. I've unlocked the low level version, it definitely looks cool, but I haven't found it all that useful yet. I can't remember if it knocks people down that are behind cover, but either way if I knock someone down behind cover it doesn't really help since now their entire body is behind cover instead of their head peeking out.
im finding cool down on talents are so small that i would much rather forfeit multiple biotics at once for spamming singularity and pistol whipping people. Archangel bosses were cake while doing this (adept class, 1st run no previous save, veteran)


Not Wario
Himuro said:
But if you charge in you'll get mopped. It's all about balance.

I'm using charge pretty much every fight and loving it. Granted, I'm only playing on Veteran, so maybe that has something to do with it, but with the proper use of your squadmates and the right timing, charge is devastating and even a lifesaver in some instances- got flanked by a heavy up some stairs while distracted by a batch of enemies in front of me one time. Near death, I charged the heavy the up the stairs and was not only able to eliminate the heavy, but also able to survive the ensuing damage thanks to the shield boost provided by charge AND gain a better vantage point on the original group almost instantaneously. The only thing I'd like to see added to charge is the ability to select a specific spot to charge instead of just relying on enemies to use it.

Also, in regards to shockwave and pull- use them for more than just getting a better shooting angle at someone. They're incredibly useful when it comes to setting up situations conducive to a charge approach. Knock everyone down, then charge the furthest enemy back and start mopping them up one by one.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
traveler said:
I'm using charge pretty much every fight and loving it. Granted, I'm only playing on Veteran, so maybe that has something to do with it, but with the proper use of your squadmates and the right timing, charge is devastating and even a lifesaver in some instances- got flanked by a heavy up some stairs while distracted by a batch of enemies in front of me one time. Near death, I charged the heavy the up the stairs and was not only able to eliminate the heavy, but also able to survive the ensuing damage thanks to the shield boost provided by charge AND gain a better vantage point on the original group almost instantaneously. The only thing I'd like to see added to charge is the ability to select a specific spot to charge instead of just relying on enemies to use it.
If you could charge from spot to spot without relying on enemy targets, Charge would be broken. It'd almost be like the immunity loop... The shield boost saves lives.


Santa May Claus
DY_nasty said:
If you could charge from spot to spot without relying on enemy targets, Charge would be broken. It'd almost be like the immunity loop... The shield boost saves lives.

But as it stands, people are saying it's useless. I'd rather the move be broken than completely useless. I want to play my Vanguard on Insanity.
Sebulon3k said:
How is it useful on anything other then Husks :lol?

And that's exactly why biotics (except warp) are useless on hardcore/insanity. And even the husks can be armored there. Biotics essentially become flashy finishing moves on the highest difficulties.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Sebulon3k said:
How is it useful on anything other then Husks :lol?
It still hurts people and the cooldown time on most attacks isn't that bad, but the effects are lul worthy. Sometimes its fun to shockwave an area just to set off environmental effects like exploding boxes, etc.


Not Wario
DY_nasty said:
If you could charge from spot to spot without relying on enemy targets, Charge would be broken. It'd almost be like the immunity loop... The shield boost saves lives.

I can see that. I'd at least like the ability to charge back to allies, though. Would give it some defensive potential without allowing indefinite evasion.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
GuardianE said:
But as it stands, people are saying it's useless. I'd rather the move be broken than completely useless. I want to play my Vanguard on Insanity.
Its possible to play Vanguard on insanity, in a new game+.

But yeah... its rough. Have a level 4 time-slowing charge or its just pointless. An AR helps out too.

Also, Reave is a damned good bonus skill for Vanguards.
I have been playing this game for the last 2 days, clocked in around 15-20 hours, going pretty slow, taking to everybody and all. I got no complains with the storyline or the battlefield.

However the game is barely an RPG, everytime you do a mission you get 1000XP which is pretty dumb because it does not matter how many people you kill or what you do in the mission or how much you explored.

Also the XP needed from Level 1 to Level 2 is the same amount as the XP needed for Level 29 to Level 30. This is such a letdown for me and my buddy who has been playing the same amout as me too. He played through the first one 6 times and though this one beats the first one in terms of story and others, it lacks big time as an RPG. I don't really see the point of levelling up, neither does it feel really rewarding.

It feels like a straight up action game where you can either use guns or powers with some RPG elements. I am not happy with it so far in terms of that :(

Next time Bioware please stick with the basics of RPG, I think the first one is better than this one, except for the framerate issues.
Himuro said:
You can make Garrus a paragon/renegade? I let him kill off the doctor in ME1.

You know how when you talked to Garrus on the Normandy in ME1, he'd go on about how he hated C-Sec regulations, how Spectres don't have to follow the rules, blah blah?

You can choose paragon or renegade options (as well as what you did with Dr. Saleon) to discourage or encourage his "by any means necessary" viewpoint. By the end, he'll thank you for teaching him, that he's going to reapply for Spectre, and either will or will not go back to C-Sec in the meantime.
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