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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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K.Jack said:
I'll ask again:

When do I gain access to the Normandy Crash Site DLC?

As soon as you download it, and get to the console where you can control your ship, should be able to hit it right away. Should specifically say on the map that its the normady something something or other.


EatChildren said:
10 hours in, just picked up Jack, who I already hate and will blow out of the airlock at any given chance. Also I accidentally sleezed on to Jacob and I dont think I meant to.

I find it funny that there are vehicle controls listed in the key mapping menu for the PC version :p. Its one big Hammerhead cock tease.

Are you kidding me? Jack is cool.. she has an interesting background.. and at least she's human.. I mean really human. I always think it's pretty damn fake when characters in movies/games don't cuss when bad shit happens. I mean, who doesn't cuss sometimes? Especially with all the bad stuff going down.
can anyone tell me if any of the side quests from ME1 will have any impact or any references in ME2? i'm thinking about doing a quick 3rd run through before i start ME2 to be freshed for ME2.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
MMaRsu said:
Are you kidding me? Jack is cool.. she has an interesting background.. and at least she's human.. I mean really human. I always think it's pretty damn fake when characters in movies/games don't cuss when bad shit happens. I mean, who doesn't cuss sometimes? Especially with all the bad stuff going down.

I only just got her so maybe she'll grow one me. But I also hate Miranda. Maybe my Fem Shepard has just grown to be a woman hater after her Asari fling.

macfoshizzle said:
can anyone tell me if any of the side quests from ME1 will have any impact or any references in ME2? i'm thinking about doing a quick 3rd run through before i start ME2 to be freshed for ME2.

They do but most often it's just little things, like bumping into a character you saved / didnt brutally execute, hearing about a quest you completed on the news, or getting an email from them.

I like it though. It feels comfortably subtle.


The first thing I did was go to every available side planet to fully mine them out. I spent at least 3 hours on it, using an average of 40 probes per planet. This was followed by me going to Omega. When I'm done with Omega, I'm going to the side planet anomoly I found, then the Normandy SR1 crash site. That should be it for all the clusters surrounding the starting area. I guess I'm supposed to go through the Mass Relay after that to go back to the Citadel or something.


The Lamonster said:
was that a fun and interesting mission?

I thought it was really well done. There is no combat or anything, just you exploring the wreckage. But I thought it really nailed the sense of sadness and isolation.
Just out of curiousity which characters, are generally considered the best combat wise and why? Obviously it is heavily determined by what class Shepard is, but I can't really get a feel for who I should be bringing on most missions.

How bout storyline wise, I've read that most people love Thane, but I've yet to recruit em.

I'm still very early in the game, just wondering what everyone thinks. Right now my Shep is a vanguard and I'm rolling with Miranda and
for most missions.
macfoshizzle said:
can anyone tell me if any of the side quests from ME1 will have any impact or any references in ME2? i'm thinking about doing a quick 3rd run through before i start ME2 to be freshed for ME2.

If you want a refresher and to take note of perhaps all the things and subtle notions mentioned in the second one, its worth it. Though if you have a damn good memory, might not be nessecary.
Anyone else OCD with the trash compactor and then shooting it out the air lock? I think I did it for 10 minutes last night in an effort to get all the trash out :lol


I actually like Miranda. Jacob on the other hand is as bland and boring as Kaiden was, actually more so because I didn't mind Kaiden. Jacob on the other hand I feel nothing for the character. I feel like the voice acting on him is weak to...he has a boring, droning voice.

zero margin said:
Anyone else OCD with the trash compactor and then shooting it out the air lock? I think I did it for 10 minutes last night in an effort to get all the trash out :lol

Best new feature.


zero margin said:
Anyone else OCD with the trash compactor and then shooting it out the air lock? I think I did it for 10 minutes last night in an effort to get all the trash out :lol

I did it a few times but it didn't seem to have any effect so I left.
Sir Garbageman said:
Just out of curiousity which characters, are generally considered the best combat wise and why? Obviously it is heavily determined by what class Shepard is, but I can't really get a feel for who I should be bringing on most missions.

How bout storyline wise, I've read that most people love Thane, but I've yet to recruit em.

I'm still very early in the game, just wondering what everyone thinks. Right now my Shep is a vanguard and I'm rolling with Miranda and
for most missions.

I used the same until I got Thane and now will probably switch out Miranda for Samara.
zero margin said:
Anyone else OCD with the trash compactor and then shooting it out the air lock? I think I did it for 10 minutes last night in an effort to get all the trash out :lol

WTF? where is this trash compatactor? I'm guessing on the normady? But where lol I've never seen it lol.
zero margin said:
Anyone else OCD with the trash compactor and then shooting it out the air lock? I think I did it for 10 minutes last night in an effort to get all the trash out :lol
oh shit! I didn't know about this. Somewhere on the Normandy I assume?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I think we can all agree Kelly is the best new member of the Normandy. 30 seconds into talking to her is its pretty much "Hey Shepard I'm really happy t- HEY LETS HAVE HOT SEX oh shit I hope I wasnt too flirty!1!! :3".


Cep said:
Anyone have a list of N7 planets? 58hours and I have done almost everything except them.

Your 58 f'n hours already???? Have you beat the game or are you exploring/reading everything you can?

I am 10 hrs, 38 min...still on disk 1. From what I hear, disk 1 you are on for short time, majority of the game is disk 2, then you go back to disk 1 for the ending. Is that right? If so, then me be happy...10 hrs and I am not in the "meat" of the game yet is a good sign. I like longer games, not short ones and I am one of those look in every nook and cranny.

Oh and for the record, I am a PECKER! lol
zero margin said:
I used the same until I got Thane and now will probably switch out Miranda for Samara.
It's annoying that it doesn't tell you what their specialties are.

Who is a pure biotic? Who is a pure tech? etc...
The Lamonster said:
It's annoying that it doesn't tell you what their specialties are.

Who is a pure biotic? Who is a pure tech? etc...

That's true, I don't know either and it seems I guess that you just have to use them to even find out?

The trash compactor is in the same room as Zaeed which is level 4 I believe, bottom.


Wow i got lucky, went to the store to pick up a copy, couldn't find any, then i saw a CE lying around for 60 Euro. Sweet! :D


Miranda is a Sentinel. Jacob is a Vanguard. Zaeed is a Soldier. Mordin is an Engineer.

That's all I have right now, and I made those determinations based on their skills and weapons.


EatChildren said:
I think we can all agree Kelly is the best new member of the Normandy. 30 seconds into talking to her is its pretty much "Hey Shepard I'm really happy t- HEY LETS HAVE HOT SEX oh shit I hope I wasnt too flirty!1!! :3".
Kelly is such a slut.
I want to believe her behaviour is a snarky commentary on the sex-drive of your average male teen gamer, but maybe she's just fanservice, who knows.
thanks guys for the feedback

www.masseffect2faces.com noticed has more entries. keep posting guys!

really like this one.. unique!



MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
Kind of regretting picking Vanguard. I picked it because that's what I was in the last game, but it seems like it plays a lot differently. I remember being able to do pushes and pulls from a fairly moderate distance, but now I feel like I really need to get right up in there if I want to be effective. It's a little hard for me since it's not really my style. Especially with that charge power. It's like hey I know what I'll do, I'll fly really fast right in to the middle of that group of enemies so they can wolfpack my ass when they stand up!

What are all the weapon types available to Vanguards? I can't seem to find the info anywhere on the internet. I know I can use machine pistols, (which I hate), shotguns (which are cool but again you gotta get up in there), some kind of "hand cannon" though I don't know which category that falls in to (which is my favorite weapon so far), and a grenade launcher (which is awesome obviously, but has fallen in to that whole "not a lot of ammo for this thing so I'm going to save it for when I really need it only to eventually forget I even have it"). It looks like there's a blank spot for one more weapon type to fit in, is it going to stay blank or do I get something else?


Just finished my first play-through. Jesus... can we get ME3 like, right now please? That ending was absolutely amazing...


You can pretty much determine their skill set based on the dialogue. For instance they say how Jack is pretty much the strongest biotic ever a few times I believe. That's how I've been determining their combat style.


Dries said:
So the hate is beginning already?

Not hate, just opinions on what some users liked from the first game. For me, I do miss the feeling of finding some great armor, guns etc. I miss the grenades and the way you can upgrade them. I miss the ability to have armor and decide if I want the helmet on or off.

It is just some things from the original that I wish they improved upon instead of removing. I dont think anyone that played the first word disagree that Mass 2 is "light" on the RPG elements or what we have come to know as RPG Elements. Finding items has been a staple since D&D and to have a loot system is what makes for some an RPG. The fact that this is gone for the most part is a bit disapointing.

However, unlike some others, I do like the planet scanning. It did not make sense to me in ME1 that if you are that into the future, why do you have to land on planets to find materials? I mean in parts of ME1, you can just hit "Scan planet" and boom, there you go, you found minerals etc. But on other planets you had to drive around to find them..it just did not make sense to me. Probing like you do now, seems more like it would be based on the time setting of the game.

Ultimately, I agree and side more on the argument that BioWare should of not cut out so much, but refined. Can you imagine the game we have now (ME2) with a streamlined inventory system? Gaining exp. points and earning credits while playing in the game? Being able to equip guns that you find during a mission, to give your party a better chance? All these things would of enhanced the game even more...but even without them, I am enjoying the game alot.


MMaRsu said:
on 360 it takes like 2 minutes or something.

Umm..something is wrong with your game or your drive...no way does it take that long. Did you install it to your HDD? I did not time it, but it is easily within the 30 sec range if not slightly faster.
Just started the game. Incredible intro. Absolutely incredible. I'm impressed with how smoothly they can switch between the pre-rendered video and real-time.

Now, onto the gameplay: please, is there anyway I can change the mouse sensitivity when i'm aiming? Everything else is fine, even zoomed in aiming is fine, but just standard aiming is ugh...

Pezking said:
What? Who says that?

Good to see her again after 2 years! :lol

Also, good job on your own Shepard! :D

Plenty of people earlier in this thread. And thanks, but i've since made a much better Brazilian looking one!


Borgnine said:
Kind of regretting picking Vanguard. I picked it because that's what I was in the last game, but it seems like it plays a lot differently. I remember being able to do pushes and pulls from a fairly moderate distance, but now I feel like I really need to get right up in there if I want to be effective. It's a little hard for me since it's not really my style. Especially with that charge power. It's like hey I know what I'll do, I'll fly really fast right in to the middle of that group of enemies so they can wolfpack my ass when they stand up!

What are all the weapon types available to Vanguards? I can't seem to find the info anywhere on the internet. I know I can use machine pistols, (which I hate), shotguns (which are cool but again you gotta get up in there), some kind of "hand cannon" though I don't know which category that falls in to (which is my favorite weapon so far), and a grenade launcher (which is awesome obviously, but has fallen in to that whole "not a lot of ammo for this thing so I'm going to save it for when I really need it only to eventually forget I even have it"). It looks like there's a blank spot for one more weapon type to fit in, is it going to stay blank or do I get something else?
Submachine gun (aka machine pistol) is pretty much the best weapon in the game and you can unlock assault rifles later on. Charge is good but difficult to use properly on higher difficulties. Shockwave is pretty amazing once upgraded due to the fast recharge time. Shotguns are terrible.


Hawk269 said:
Umm..something is wrong with your game or your drive...no way does it take that long. Did you install it to your HDD? I did not time it, but it is easily within the 30 sec range if not slightly faster.

Uninstalled. Well it's at least a minute or something.. I'll time it tonight..


You know, I too am finding Vanguard to be rather weak this time, and unfitting of my playstyle. Odd, since in the first game, the class was godly and match my style perfectly. Now it feels like I have no badass skills. Once you charge, you're stuck in no man's land to get mowed down.

Ive thought about it, and its not so much a problem with ME2's vanguard as it is a problem with ME2's lack of upgrade slots and abilities. In ME1, my vanguard was lifting and throwing fools around, using warp, and add to that the Shock Trooper specialization, and I was just a badass.

I dont feel like a badass in ME2 yet.
Where do I redeem my pre-order code for armor? Email says that it should be in the main menu but I can't find the field to put the code in. Downloadable Content option only shows me two dlc's I already got.

Edit: It's not a regular Xbox Live code either so I can't redeem it that way.


tehWillis said:
Just finished my first play-through. Jesus... can we get ME3 like, right now please? That ending was absolutely amazing...

Final level is the best :D, I could replay it so many times.

For some reason the main story of this one felt a little flat to me, I learned a lot about my squad but I don't feel like I've made any progress to understanding the Reapers compared to ME1. It's like I'm exactly where I started at the end of ME1, except with 11 guys that are willing to die for me at the drop of a hat.


Is there some kind of upgrade for the Bypass minigame? It's the one part of the game I simply can't stand.

Also, does anyone know if you can sleep around with all your crew members or are you limited to just one, like in the first? Just trying to decide if I should wait and pick one person or not.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
macfoshizzle said:
can anyone tell me if any of the side quests from ME1 will have any impact or any references in ME2? i'm thinking about doing a quick 3rd run through before i start ME2 to be freshed for ME2.

yes, surprisingly high number of side quests.


notworksafe said:
Is there some kind of upgrade for the Bypass minigame? It's the one part of the game I simply can't stand.

You can upgrade the time available and that's it, it's one of the earlier upgrades found.


Zzoram said:
I think the issue is that Bioware doesn't know how to do loot. Dragon Age Origins had tons of loot, but it was basically all awful as well. They also have no idea how to make proper loot tables. You could crack open a hard locked chest in an end game dungeon and find a clay bowl worth 5 coppers.
Exactly, who played Baldur's Gate for it's awesome loot?? Bioware is a not a loot-RPG developer, never has been. What was in ME1 was sadly their best attempt at it if that means anything.
Solo said:
You know, I too am finding Vanguard to be rather weak this time, and unfitting of my playstyle. Odd, since in the first game, the class was godly and match my style perfectly. Now it feels like I have no badass skills. Once you charge, you're stuck in no man's land to get mowed down.
Biotics got toned down. ME1 Vanguard rushs into the thick of things with a shotgun while everyone's locked down and floating from singularity, lift and throw. Universal cooldown means you can't spam attacks like that anymore. Though playing as an adept, having four people caught in one singularity and then using warp for the biotic explosion is pretty badass.


FML I put ME2 on my HDD so I don't have to listen to the DVD drive so with that and the DLC im up to almost 7 gbs on my pathetic 20 GB HDD. I hate MS for being cheap and starting it off with 20. AHH! I have to delete my arcade games just to check out demos -_-
Himuro said:
I find Vanguard still fits my style perfectly.

I didn't like it that much until I started upgrading shockwave and if I had my druthers I would start again with something else (infiltrator) but it's fun enough to finish with.


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
Himuro said:
I find Vanguard still fits my style perfectly.

My style isn't to be a badass, but have full cooperation with my party. So I give each member a role. My guy is the strongest fucker in my party, but he can't do shit unless Miranda bypasses shields and armor with her skills, and Jack helps me when I need some biotic work.

Because I mean, really, if I wanted to be a badass I wouldn't see the point in having squad mates. What are they for then, really? Backup? That's boring. I prefer a team that compliments each other and makes up for each other's weaknesses head to toe.

That said, Sentinel sounds like the best class this go around.

Oh I agree, I'm using my team's powers and everything, but it's kind of like I wish I was the one using their powers and not them. I don't know I guess it's just that Vanguard feels a little sloppy for me. It's like all right charge in, shotgun some fools, oh shit they're up! machine pistol as I'm backing away, oh fuck screen turning red! turn and run and find cover, getting shot in the back!

I think that's the point, I'm sure that sounds very exciting for some people, but again it's just not what I was expecting. I think this is what Solo was talking about with being a badass, it's about feeling in control, but I'm not really feeling that yet.
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