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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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Durante said:
I just started the game a while ago (damn the EU launch date lockout!). I'm happy to report it works very well in 3D, it's one of the most immersive games I've ever played.

One question: With the "Biotic Mastery" skill I gain a percentage bonus on Renegade/Paragon points. Does this also apply to points gained in the future or is it a one-time bonus? If the latter, am I correct in assuming that it makes more sense to invest in this skill only later in the game? Thanks for the help, I need to get an answer on this before deciding my spec.

Oh, and the Blood Dragon Armor is ridiculous :lol

Whatever your point total is, it will give you a bonus of whatever percentage you've purchased up to, but it's not permanent. If you retrain, they will go away, but they will come back when you purchase those skills again.


Yes! My game arrived today even though I used super saver delivery. :D

Now I just have to wait for my armour code...
Has anyone else that used Amazon UK received their code yet?


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Solo said:
ME2 is a bit of an odd duck. It is, in most of the important ways, LEAGUES ahead of ME1. But in some other ways, namely a few it has no reason AT ALL to be, its dumbed down and inferior to ME1.

Im only 6 hours into the game, but I already have the feeling that Im going to end up liking it about as much, not more, not less, than the first game. Each have their own skillset, and I believe that ME3 could be the perfect title for me if they refine all that they've done right in ME2, while bringing back/beefing up a bit of the skill/levelling up depth and exploration from ME1.

SOOOOOO glad its almost the weekend. Ive only been able to play 2 hours each day so far, and Im really looking forward to having a day to sink 10 hours into it.
I agree. I feel like the game didn't end up improving on Mass Effect 1. It just changed the positives and negatives around.

I don't have confidence that ME3 will be better. The game show a lack of thoughtful design in the kind of way that feels like it'd be persistent, but manifested in different ways. I think it's a case of too many cooks in the kitchen. A lot of elements feel like they've been dumbed down by committee, without enough focus to feel... I dunno, whole or something. I think what the games end up lacking comes out of the process of making it.

One improvement I've been noticing, that is very important to me, is the improvement in conversation options. It isn't a huge improvement, but I haven't run into anything too offensive. In the first game I felt like I was constantly compromising the character I wanted to create, and it was very frustrating to me. Especially during the end-game. I'm still doing it in ME2, but it I feel like I can get closer to what I want, so it's less distracting and frustrating.

edit: Yeah, my entire Sunday is going to be gone. I've already resigned to that fact. :lol

Game is too hard to walk away from.

edit2: I think the worst conversations in both games are the Genophage convos. I can never say what I want to. I've never been able to express how I feel about the genophage to these people in my computer, and that frustrates me. I want my resignation to the necessary horribleness to be known, but I don't want to force myself into a moral position on it! It's too complex of an issue, and I can't possibly fully understand it from my human perspective.
chandoog said:
Seems like everyone loves using that one eyed visor thing on their Shepards :p
Because its weird to wear a helmet when everyone else doesn't. It gives you a nice stat bonus and doesn't fully cover the characters face. I would have it on my character too, except the female Sheppard's hair gets in the way and makes it look really weird.


Lostconfused said:
Because its weird to wear a helmet when everyone else doesn't. It gives you a nice stat bonus and doesn't fully cover the characters face. I would have it on my character too, except the female Sheppard's hair gets in the way and makes it look really weird.

Ya that's my rationale for using the headset too. Well that, and I can pretend my Shephard is Vegeta :lol
whatevermort said:
You could just rub them out in photoshop pretty easily. I can't run photoshop on this computer, so I can't do it. Perhaps somebody else could help? (I would also like this as wallpaper.)
I replaced the Illiam screenshot with a photoshopped one for wallpapery goodness.

BenjaminBirdie said:
Wait, that thing gives you a scope on everything?
No, it gives you a 10% bonus to headshot damage.

Zzoram said:
Ya that's my rationale for using the headset too. Well that, and I can pretend my Shephard is Vegeta :lol
In before 9000
I don't see why everyone thinks biotics are worse now. I thought they were terrible in the first game, completely outclassed by tech attacks. With the rock/paper/scissors combat introduced in Mass Effect 2, biotics at least have a raison d'etre. Combo attacks galore.
chandoog said:
Well .. how ever easy you guys found Saren .. based on my experience the ME2 end-fight was way easier ..

The final boss for this game is a joke, at least on normal -- can't imagine him being much harder on insane.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
sub_zer0 said:
3) Disappointed that Bioware still havent manged to nail down the sidequest exploration aspect in ME series. After the first few sectors of scanning; it is already starting to feel chorish.

I've come to like the probing/side quest finding more by realising if the moment you click on a planet you dont get the "Anomoly Detected" message from EDI there are no sidequests to be found, thus all probing on the planet is only done for resources.

So you dont need to randomly probe planets for sidquest. You'll know immediately if there's a location to land before you start probing, and find that location is easy as pie.
corrosivefrost said:
The final boss for this game is a joke, at least on normal -- can't imagine him being much harder on insane.

Yeah, common enemies get way more of a boost in difficulty than bosses. They just become annoying bullet sponges. Common enemies go from having just a health bar allowing you to do whatever the hell you want to them to have a protective shield, barrier, or armor that you have to get rid of first. Swarms of husk and varren with an armor bar over their health doesn't always feel fair.
MegaKungFuRadio said:
I don't see why everyone thinks biotics are worse now. I thought they were terrible in the first game, completely outclassed by tech attacks. With the rock/paper/scissors combat introduced in Mass Effect 2, biotics at least have a raison d'etre. Combo attacks galore.

People think biotics are worse? The combat is improved 100 times over the first one. This is coming from someone who loved the combat in the first game, and who is playing Mass Effect 2 back to back from ME1 (it was my 2nd ME1 playthrough).

At first I was very put off by the limited skillset per character. But I love how streamlined it makes squad commands. If I'm facing an enemy with armor, and I have Miranda in my party, all I need to do is aim at that enemy and press Q (or E, depending on which "slot" she is) and she will auto use warp. If an enemy is shielded, she will auto use overload. PS: I turn off squad power auto-usage, that shit is for wimps. The streamlined combat makes things constantly fast paced while still feeling like an RPG.

I also much prefer the quicker power recharge rates (better be quicker seeing that there are less skills to use), it keeps things fast paced and the power combos make thing a lot more varied and tactical. I think it's a huge improvement, biotics included.

One thing though, do you not get XP for killing enemies? If I'm not mistaken you only get XP now for completing missions/assignments?


MegaKungFuRadio said:
Whatever your point total is, it will give you a bonus of whatever percentage you've purchased up to, but it's not permanent.
I'm still not completely certain on my main issue.
Say I have 100 renegade points. When I purchase level 1 of the skill I'll effectively have 110. Now, if I get another 10 points in the game afterwards, will I now effectively have 120 or 121 points? I assume (and hope) 121.

MegaKungFuRadio said:
If you retrain, they will go away, but they will come back when you purchase those skills again.
I didn't even know you can retrain :lol
That makes the question above less of an issue.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Lostconfused said:
Because its weird to wear a helmet when everyone else doesn't. It gives you a nice stat bonus and doesn't fully cover the characters face. I would have it on my character too, except the female Sheppard's hair gets in the way and makes it look really weird.

My femshep has been wearing her helmet on since the start of the first game. I feel so naked without it. :S


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
MisterAnderson said:
People think biotics are worse? The combat is improved 100 times over the first one. This is coming from someone who loved the combat in the first game, and who is playing Mass Effect 2 back to back from ME1 (it was my 2nd ME1 playthrough).

At first I was very put off by the limited skillset per character. But I love how streamlined it makes squad commands. If I'm facing an enemy with armor, and I have Miranda in my party, all I need to do is aim at that enemy and press Q (or E, depending on which "slot" she is) and she will auto use warp. If an enemy is shielded, she will auto use overload. PS: I turn off squad power auto-usage, that shit is for wimps. The streamlined combat makes things constantly fast paced while still feeling like an RPG.

I also much prefer the quicker power recharge rates (better be quicker seeing that there are less skills to use), it keeps things fast paced and the power combos make thing a lot more varied and tactical. I think it's a huge improvement, biotics included.

One thing though, do you not get XP for killing enemies? If I'm not mistaken you only get XP now for completing missions/assignments?
I agree, but I just wish they didn't have to make it so much like Gears. The Brothers in Arms elements are awesome, but I'd prefer it if controlling the character felt looser. The sprinting is HORRIBLE. Whoever came up with the limited-turning-while-sprinting thing for games like this was an idiot. I'm convinced. It feels so wrong on a mouse.
Durante said:
I'm still not completely certain on my main issue.
Say I have 100 renegade points. When I purchase level 1 of the skill I'll effectively have 110. Now, if I get another 10 points in the game afterwards, will I now effectively have 120 or 121 points? I assume (and hope) 121.

I didn't even know you can retrain :lol
That makes the question above less of an issue.

The bonus is constant. Not a one time deal.
BobsRevenge said:
I agree, but I just wish they didn't have to make it so much like Gears. The Brothers in Arms elements are awesome, but I'd prefer it if controlling the character felt looser. The sprinting is HORRIBLE. Whoever came up with the limited-turning-while-sprinting thing for games like this was an idiot. I'm convinced. It feels so wrong on a mouse.

The sprinting (in combat mode) does feel a bit out of place. I honestly only use it to run straight though, so I don't find it to bother me that much. At least when your gun is holstered and you sprint it allows you to turn much more freely. Honestly, I think my biggest complaint with the combat is that the gun sounds are much worse in my opinion from the guns in ME1. In ME1 they packed a punch. The guns in ME2 sound like cheesy laser guns. When I first grabbed that pistol after Miranda woke me up and I shot it for the first time, I was in shock for a few seconds at what I was hearing. I've gotten used to them now, but I really wonder why the hell they decided to pussify the gun sounds.



MegaKungFuRadio said:
The bonus is constant. Not a one time deal.
Thanks, just what I wanted to hear.

BobsRevenge said:
The sprinting is HORRIBLE. Whoever came up with the limited-turning-while-sprinting thing for games like this was an idiot. I'm convinced. It feels so wrong on a mouse.
Agreed. In fact, most of the controls were a lot better in ME1. I hate "do everything" buttons, like space bar has become in ME2.


MegaKungFuRadio said:
It may seem smaller because it wastes less of your time (scanning aside), but there is actually more content. You could do everything there is to do in Mass Effect in less than 35 hours. Less than 20 if you skip all the dialogue with X. I'm already at 40 hours in Mass Effect 2, though a few of those have been scanning while posting. I'm probably near the end, but that's already 10 hours more than it took me to finish the first game, without the 30 cookie cutter side missions.

EDIT: Unless you meant a different sort of smaller, in which case, ignore all that.
I meant when you touched down on planets and space station.

As for the length of the game my first play through I did everything in 31 hour yes I scanned every planet and did the anomalies, and I think i did every side quest I cant find anything else to do on the citadel, iliam, chochanka, or in omega.

Second play through I did it 21 hours and payed more attention to tali and her quest. skipped the side quest but that is probably another hour or 2 I probably could of cut down on the mining since I had more resources then I needed.


Sol.. said:
loot systems are a game in itself. It's more about the rush of getting cool shit and developing strategy from it. I agree that the equipment menus sucked. It was horrible. But it's not like they couldn't have easily streamlined it. The way it is now I'm kinda just playin' the game. I don't feel like my people are getting powerful. I actually could care less about their development which is just sad for a RPG. There aren't really many interesting weapons or armor either. The diversity is just down and out. Thats why I want my loot back.
While ME2's equipment diversity isn't quite what it could/should be, I think it's a lot better than ME1's. Every gun in the first game handled exactly like every other gun in its category, and the only improvements that ever happened amounted to generic damage boosts, which were tied directly to your character's level, so there was no surprise, and were doled out according to random probability, giving the player no choice or involvement with the entire process - and even then, it only lasted until about halfway through the game when you got the Rich achievement, at which point you more or less stop advancing altogether, aside from a different set of slightly stronger Spectre gear. Mods gave you, at best, a gimmick weapon equivalent to ME2's Heavy Weapons (ie: High Explosive Sniper Rifle), a flat bonus to damage that outclassed every other option available, or some silly little effect that was so minor as to be pretty much negligible.

In contrast, ME2 starts right off the bat by giving every class one completely new weapon type, plus half a dozen or so Heavy Weapons that are all completely unique (save the Particle Beam which is just an amped up AR). But more importantly, they didn't make each weapon in a particular category a linear upgrade over the previous one. The Pistol you begin the game with is a viable alternative to the Hand Cannon. The starting Sniper Rifle is a good deal more powerful per-shot than the semi-automatic one. The Geth Assault Rifle is stronger on Shields and Barriers, and Weaker on Armour compared to the Battle Rifle that it replaces. They didn't pull it off perfectly (I can't see a reason to go back to the original Machine Pistol after getting the Tempest, or the original Assault Rifle compared to the Battle Rifle, and the upgraded AR/SR/SG you can get are pretty definitively better than at least one of the weapons in their class), but it creates a whole hell of a lot more equipment diversity than the first game had, in my opinion. Plus it's supplemented by upgrades that are largely player-driven, so you advance mostly at your own pace, along upgrade paths that you choose, rather than relying entirely on your character level and a random number generator to do the work for you.

It's not where it could be, but the core idea is a lot stronger than ME1's. Even if it's not quite got the diversity and depth that I'd want it to, a basic-but-thoughtfully-designed system is infinitely preferable to me over the alternative, which would be taking the cumbersome, slapdash system from the first game and trying to retrofit depth onto a fundamentally flawed idea.


Shinjitsu said:
People need to go back and PLAY Mass Effect One, the loot sucked, if you think the loot In 2 is worse, really, theres something wrong with you. The loot in ME1 Didn't do shit but slow you down, I played on PC and 360 versions, the inventory was fucking MESS on both. People looking at this shit with nostalgia should go back and play it. it added NOTHING to the game other than tedium.
Absolutely agreed. The only upside to that disaster of an inventory system were the awesome armor designs.

Bioware just can't get their inventory systems right. Even Dragon Age is annoying about it, although that has as much to do with crappy itemization as anything else.


The only good thing I like about the new inventory and loot system is that you have what you carry with off the ship. Its brilliant and makes you think what you want to go on a mission with and your stuck with the weapons you have for the mission, it sucked how there were inventory boxes in the middle of missions, it broke immersion and took away what ever punishment you got for equipping the wrong weapon for the mission. Beside that I wish there was more loot and more apparent variety in the types of damage the weapons did including the armor.


is there no voice over in the codex anymore? I could have sworn the original game featured full voice read info

if there isn't then that's a strange omission I really enjoyed thAt in the first game


No numbers here, but Gamasutra's "Sailing the World" shows Mass Effect at the top of PC and 360 sales in North America for the week.


Interesting to note that it says "Mass Effect" (not 2) is #3 on the Xbox. Thought it might be a typo since they list ME2's different versions separately on the PC, but it says Microsoft is the publisher.

rhino4evr said:
is there no voice over in the codex anymore? I could have sworn the original game featured full voice read info

if there isn't then that's a strange omission I really enjoyed thAt in the first game

It's just like the first one. Fully voiced for the Primary ones, no voice for the Secondary ones.

Piper Az

rhino4evr said:
is there no voice over in the codex anymore? I could have sworn the original game featured full voice read info

if there isn't then that's a strange omission I really enjoyed thAt in the first game

There still is in ME2. Nothing for sub-category subjects though like ME.
Ducarmel said:
The only good thing I like about the new inventory and loot system is that you have what you carry with off the ship. Its brilliant and makes you think what you want to go on a mission with and your stuck with the weapons you have for the mission, it sucked how there were inventory boxes in the middle of missions, it broke immersion and took away what ever punishment you got for equipping the wrong weapon for the mission. Beside that I wish there was more loot and more apparent variety in the types of damage the weapons did including the armor.

The inventory/equip system in ME1 was a nightmare for me because I'm OCD about always being well prepared, so basically EVERY time I encountered a new enemy type (organic/synthetic) I'd HAVE to pause and switch out my ammo/armor mods for me and my party members. Granted the game didn't force me to do this, but the fact that they allowed it was pretty stupid. Once a battle begins it's illogical to think that you'd have time to switch out different ammo mods and armor mods. Overall, it would just completely break the flow of the game for me.

I much prefer the rock/paper/scissorish type combat style they went with and the fact that you can only swap out gear if you're around a weapons cache. And also, the TOTAL lack of inventory (I was worried when I heard they got rid of it...but damn is it a relief to never have to worry about clearing shit out of your inventory or equip shit every 2 minutes)


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Elevators in Mass Effect 1 broke the immersion for me. 60 second elevator rides? This is supposed to be THE FUTURE.

And I don't really mind the lack of Dragon Age-esque banter during missions. ME is a different kettle of fish compared to DA. You spend a lot more time with team members in DA than you do in ME2.
Mass Effect 2 barely even makes pretenses of keeping immersion. ME was much more immersive for me. ME2 feels more addictive. This is another area where there was a shift towards something that isn't really better or worse, just different. The structure of the games to keep you playing, I suppose. ME2 feels more obviously structured and... Skinnerian I guess.


I'm into the second disc now and I'm really impressed with Bioware's work. It really is a wonderful shooter/RPG hybrid with a style all its own. Everything is so streamlined (combat, rpg, character, equipment, dialogue, research, maps) that you move quickly through it all but there is sufficient detail and choice to keep it satisfying.

They striped it down to the bone but left all the meat, no fat. Even great RPG's can feel ponderous at times and the original Mass Effect is a perfect example. I'm glad they decided to go this route and give them top marks for doing as well as they did.

Love it or hate it, quibble about whatever you want, the genres NEEDED this, both the shooter and the RPG. It's a wonderful new option.


GAF parliamentarian
It's strange. Despite being bigger, and having more crew interaction, the Normandy feels worse due to a lack of music.
My biggest problem with the inventory/lewt system is the fact that there is no real scavenging except for ammo which is a pain (and illogical...they retrofitted every single weapon in the galaxy in 2 years time?...not to mention you should still be able to fire it when you are out of clips it just has to cool down naturally like in the first game.)

Also merchants/stores are completely worthless to me now. Instead of returning to the them to actually go shopping I'll just buy all their stuff and never return. (Unless they get restocks of better stuff, I haven't checked.)

I also really really miss armor. While it is true that gun updates in ME1 only really updated stats and not how the gun behaved making the mods more important strategically, I really liked having my squad wearing matching armor.


BobsRevenge said:
Mass Effect 2 barely even makes pretenses of keeping immersion. ME was much more immersive for me. ME2 feels more addictive. This is another area where there was a shift towards something that isn't really better or worse, just different. The structure of the games to keep you playing, I suppose. ME2 feels more obviously structured and... Skinnerian I guess.

While I thought Mass Effect was relatively immersive, I don't think it compares to Mass Effect 2 simply because of the characters. There are a lot of things that can create immersion, and to me, character depth is a main contributor. I can't feel like I'm in another world if every person just says cliched, boring things. When I feel like even the secondary characters have personality, then I can truly get immersed. Taking out boring filler like exploring planets helped for me, because exploration can only help immersion if there are sufficient rewards for doing so.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Dyno said:
Love it or hate it, quibble about whatever you want, the genres NEEDED this, both the shooter and the RPG. It's a wonderful new option.
Gears of War with talking and friends, and all the complications that can come of that.

It works, but I'm unimpressed.


I don't see how Mass Effect 2 is like Gears of War in any way that Mass Effect 1 wasn't, other than "Mass Effect 1 was a really shitty Gears of War, and Mass Effect 2 is Gears of War".


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
ianp622 said:
While I thought Mass Effect was relatively immersive, I don't think it compares to Mass Effect 2 simply because of the characters. There are a lot of things that can create immersion, and to me, character depth is a main contributor. I can't feel like I'm in another world if every person just says cliched, boring things. When I feel like even the secondary characters have personality, then I can truly get immersed. Taking out boring filler like exploring planets helped for me, because exploration can only help immersion if there are sufficient rewards for doing so.
Scanning planets is hardly a good replacement. It's pretty much the only thing they could've done that would be more boring. :lol :lol

But this conversation has already happened before, so we might as well not go into it again. :D

I'm not sure what to think about the characters though. They tend to be more deep, which is great. But less utilized. At least, so far. I'm about 7 hours in, so I'm sure they have a lot of room to grow. Also have some more dudes to find.

But I'm using ME1 guys for my squad most of the time. I feel like I trust them more.

edit: I also think there are too many potential squad-mates. I honestly don't feel like I need any more after Jack and Grunt. I haven't felt at all motivated to pick up the others yet. I would've been happy with just the ME1 characters, Jacob, whats-her-face, and Mordin. :lol
Trickster said:
AR, I can't see how snipers can be useful without the slowdown bonus you get as an infiltrator

Shooting people in the head from a long distance is pretty useful. :lol Seriously though I took sniper rifles as a vanguard and I don't regret it at allll.
Coxswain said:
I don't see how Mass Effect 2 is like Gears of War in any way that Mass Effect 1 wasn't, other than "Mass Effect 1 was a really shitty Gears of War, and Mass Effect 2 is Gears of War".

Shooting's way better, cover's way better. To really see the combat shine, though, play on Hardcore. Rather than just scaling damage and health to be more unfair, it adds another layer of strategy beyond point and shoot.


kai3345 said:
Yes, the elevators were great. much better than some shitty loading screen

I agree. I can't stand the loading screens.

Ducarmel said:
The only good thing I like about the new inventory and loot system is that you have what you carry with off the ship. Its brilliant and makes you think what you want to go on a mission with and your stuck with the weapons you have for the mission, it sucked how there were inventory boxes in the middle of missions, it broke immersion and took away what ever punishment you got for equipping the wrong weapon for the mission. Beside that I wish there was more loot and more apparent variety in the types of damage the weapons did including the armor.

Am I missing something here? Prior to the 'combat' zones, you generally do get the chance to re-outfit your weapons. You don't have to put much thought into your initial load-out coming off the Normandy in many cases. Plus you can pick new team members as well, half-way into most levels. That is the very definition of 'breaking immersion.'
I understand why they have ammo for the heavy weapons, but I honestly don't even get why they bothered adding ammo to the regular weapons. Personally I rarely run out of ammo to begin with, so I'm guessing they just wanted to have the player to have to think about their clips and reload, etc.

I think what would have been better is, take away the ammo and keep the overheating system from the first game, but keep the "thermal clips" concept intact by having the player collect spare thermal clips. If the player overheats, they could choose to either wait for the gun to cool off, or eject the thermal clip and replace it with a spare one allowing them to get back to shooting quicker than if they were to wait for the gun to cool off. Granted for all I know, they might have tested something like this out and figured that the way it is now tested better. Just an idea, who knows if it would suck or be good?

MegaKungFuRadio said:
Shooting's way better, cover's way better. To really see the combat shine, though, play on Hardcore. Rather than just scaling damage and health to be more unfair, it adds another layer of strategy beyond point and shoot.

I'm starting to regret choosing Veteran instead of Hardcore. I'm not finding much difficulty in Veteran, granted I'm not exactly breezing through and never dying, but still, it could be a tad harder. I know I could change it, but I feel like I should stick to whatever difficulty I picked from the start to keep things consistent? I don't know


zero margin said:
Shooting people in the head from a long distance is pretty useful. :lol Seriously though I took sniper rifles as a vanguard and I don't regret it at allll.
Is this a scripted upgrade you can take at some point? I just opened up the second group of quests to find team mates...


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Affeinvasion said:
Also merchants/stores are completely worthless to me now. Instead of returning to the them to actually go shopping I'll just buy all their stuff and never return. (Unless they get restocks of better stuff, I haven't checked.)

They were more worthless in the original. I'd visit stores maybe twice throughout the whole game, as I either always had better equipment on me or would find it dropped.

The only significant store visits in the first I can think of were for the Medigel and Grenade capacity upgrades, and to aquire Spectre gear. The latter could be bought on your own ship anyway.

At least the stores in Mass Effect 2 offer actual worthwhile upgrades. Nearly everything you can buy is unique and worth investing in, whether it be a new chunk of armor, a researchable upgrade, or random crap for your captain's cabin.

And people are seriously complaining that this is too much like Gears of War. There's enough in ME2 to criticise in a valued way. No need to scrape the barrel and make shit up.
MisterAnderson said:
I understand why they have ammo for the heavy weapons, but I honestly don't even get why they bothered adding ammo to the regular weapons. Personally I rarely run out of ammo to begin with, so I'm guessing they just wanted to have the player to have to think about their clips and reload, etc.

I think what would have been better is, take away the ammo and keep the overheating system from the first game, but keep the "thermal clips" concept intact by having the player collect spare thermal clips. If the player overheats, they could choose to either wait for the gun to cool off, or eject the thermal clip and replace it with a spare one allowing them to get back to shooting quicker than if they were to wait for the gun to cool off. Granted for all I know, they might have tested something like this out and figured that the way it is now tested better. Just an idea, who knows if it would suck or be good?

I run out of ammo constantly. I end up having to use the hand cannon or shotgun because I'm out of sniper/AR ammo... :(
Oh, is the very last teammate you acquire impossible to miss? Got them all but with one empty slot and all I seem to have left is a few loyalty missions, the citadel stuff and then the omega 4 relay which I'm guessing locks you in till the last mission.
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