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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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Trickster said:
I kept wondering when the hell he would get the damage fixed,
waited in vain...

I figured his alternate costume would have the armor fixed, but it still has the crack wtf :lol
Trickster said:
I kept wondering when the hell he would get the damage fixed,
waited in vain...
Same here. Plus he got short changed on conversation options as well. I am really bitter about how little attention Garrus got.


Killthee said:
You can map two of your powers to the bumpers (tapping them will trigger the power, while holding brings up the wheel), 1 for each squad mate (selecting left or right on the d-pad while aiming at an enemy will trigger the squad power on that enemy), and your class exclusive power which is auto mapped to Y.

Bring up the wheel and press X or B to map your powers to the bumpers and X to map a squad power.
Won't mapping the powers to the bumpers cause issues when trying to use powers in the heat of battle?
Seems silly to map a power to the same buttons as your weapon and action wheel


ExtraKr1spy said:
The Cerberus sidequests where you have to save smuggled items from 3 of those giant robots is bullshit. The bullets and rockets they fire go through the rocks you can take cover behind in the level. Playing on Insanity so I don't expect it to be easy but its annoying going behind a rock just regen health just to get shot or hit by a rocket. Team mates are also fucking useless in that mission.

How are you guys playing above Veteran in your first go through? It defaulted to Normal for me but I turned it up to Veteran, and it didn't let me turn it up higher.

That level is a pain. Does anyone know if saving more crates results in getting a better reward? I only managed to save 9 out of the 20 because those mechs destroy them so fast.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
rhino4evr said:
Won't mapping the powers to the bumpers cause issues when trying to use powers in the heat of battle?
Seems silly to map a power to the same buttons as your weapon and action wheel
Nope, it works great; quick tap to trigger the power, hold to bring up the wheel. It was the same in ME.
Zzoram said:
How are you guys playing above Veteran in your first go through? It defaulted to Normal for me but I turned it up to Veteran, and it didn't let me turn it up higher.

That level is a pain. Does anyone know if saving more crates results in getting a better reward? I only managed to save 9 out of the 20 because those mechs destroy them so fast.

I managed to save 8, I was on veteran. I read that you get more credits the more crates you save, and that apparently to save them all you need to attack all three mechs at the same time, but when I tried that, two of the three kept ignoring me and just shot up crates, so I think IGN just doesn't know WTF it's talking about, which wouldn't be the first time.

Edit: If I change it to hardcore will that negate a "beat the game on Veteran difficulty achievement" or whatever? (assuming there is one?)


MisterAnderson said:
I managed to save 8, I was on veteran. I read that you get more credits the more crates you save, and that apparently to save them all you need to attack all three mechs at the same time, but when I tried that, two of the three kept ignoring me and just shot up crates, so I think IGN just doesn't know WTF it's talking about, which wouldn't be the first time.

I did try to shoot all 3 to get their attention but only the closest would attack me. It seems like they are programmed so that all 3 will never attack you at once.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Zzoram said:
How are you guys playing above Veteran in your first go through? It defaulted to Normal for me but I turned it up to Veteran, and it didn't let me turn it up higher.

That level is a pain. Does anyone know if saving more crates results in getting a better reward? I only managed to save 9 out of the 20 because those mechs destroy them so fast.
Maybe it has to do with having a completed ME game save? I know I had characters available for import and it let me turn it up to Insanity.


Sebulon3k said:
I figured his alternate costume would have the armor fixed, but it still has the crack wtf :lol
yeah that was odd. and i thought if i got the dermal regeneration medical bay it would help him, what a waste of resources.
MisterAnderson said:
I managed to save 8, I was on veteran. I read that you get more credits the more crates you save, and that apparently to save them all you need to attack all three mechs at the same time, but when I tried that, two of the three kept ignoring me and just shot up crates, so I think IGN just doesn't know WTF it's talking about, which wouldn't be the first time.

Edit: If I change it to hardcore will that negate a "beat the game on Veteran difficulty achievement" or whatever? (assuming there is one?)

There isn't one, just Insanity.
soldat7 said:
I'm merely arguing that BioWare should have enhanced the customization and RPG elements of ME1 rather than tossing them away.

I agree, there are definately some things that could've been kept in that will hopefully make it's way back for ME3.

I was thinking for example it would be nice if they kept the light / medium / heavy armor options, especially for squadmates. They could streamline it by removing all the incremental bonuses between phoenix iv to phoenix v or whatever, but give you the choice of equipping armor as well as weapons loadout. It would add another layer and allow you to customize your characters deciding between added damage protection or increased cooldown time for abilities.

They could also keep the same aesthetic for each character (one of the reasons they removed it in the 2nd iirc) by keeping they same "outfit" per character and just adding on to it depending on how heavy the armor is. Just a thought.
MegaKungFuRadio said:
There isn't one, just Insanity.

Ah ok, well that clears that up. Also, when you get to the point at which you can upgrade an ability to be more powerful or be AOE, what is generally better have you guys found? In theory I am thinking AOE would be better, but thinking back to all my fights, I can't ever really recall the enemies grouping up too often. The enemy AI tends to split up pretty often.


Santa May Claus
Can someone who has played through the game with a brand new, default character let me know what
decisions were made with Garrus? Renegade or Paragon?
DennisK4 said:
The only place where ME2 is "dumbed down " from ME is in the loot and stats elements - but thats pretty bad for someone like me who really like those things.

The combat is hugely improved in ME2.

Also, maybe ME2 is somewhat more linear - at least it feels to me like some of the sense of exploration have been lost. Driving the Mako around in that seaside-like level felt great (I forget the name of the planet).
I hate everything you like. The loot system in ME1 was badly broken and not a very good idea for the type of game it was. When I started ME2 and saw the transport had replaced the mako my heart hath lept for joy.

The excess planets in ME were a space explorer's nightmare, endless featureless desert with maybe 1 or 2 prefab buildings if you were lucky. So, every explorable planet is a pallette swap Mars? Fuck it I'll stay on earth.

Driving over mountians with the Mako was never fun, it was occasionally like I was trying to break the game by getting somewhere they didn't want me, only the opposite was the intention.


soldat7 said:
I'm merely arguing that BioWare should have enhanced the customization and RPG elements of ME1 rather than tossing them away.

Sure. If their goal was to satisfy a slight minority of NeoGaf gamers.

However if their goal was to appeal to a broader audience and you know, make more money, then they went in the right direction.

I would love broader RPG customization, but you have to make some sacrifices and these big budget games.
Zzoram said:
How are you guys playing above Veteran in your first go through? It defaulted to Normal for me but I turned it up to Veteran, and it didn't let me turn it up higher.

That level is a pain. Does anyone know if saving more crates results in getting a better reward? I only managed to save 9 out of the 20 because those mechs destroy them so fast.

Don't know how Veteran was unlocked from the get go. I had completed ME1 on hardcore but I wasn't able to import my file immediately(had to rebeat ME1 to get the endgame autosave). My fresh ME2 character also had unlocked so idk how it works.

Maxed out overload from Miranda and Garrus doesn't deplete the robots shield all the way :/ takes 4 shots from the shotty though. I can deplete their shield fast if go with miranda and Garrus for overload and use a shotty but then I'll lack firepower when its time to deplete their armor.


MisterAnderson said:
Ah ok, well that clears that up. Also, when you get to the point at which you can upgrade an ability to be more powerful or be AOE, what is generally better have you guys found? In theory I am thinking AOE would be better, but thinking back to all my fights, I can't ever really recall the enemies grouping up too often. The enemy AI tends to split up pretty often.

For all the different bullet abilities I usually went with squad wide, for Biotics it was a case by case basis. Depends on what situation the ability is used in, Pull I went AoE, Warp I went damage.

I found on Veteran, that AoE didn't really work well because the enemies weren't numerous enough to have been found together often.


Did anyone else notice that the squad selection screen wasn't entirely centered? By that I mean that there seemed to be extra room for two additional characters on the right side? DLC?
MisterAnderson said:
Ah ok, well that clears that up. Also, when you get to the point at which you can upgrade an ability to be more powerful or be AOE, what is generally better have you guys found? In theory I am thinking AOE would be better, but thinking back to all my fights, I can't ever really recall the enemies grouping up too often. The enemy AI tends to split up pretty often.

Yeah I just go with the more powerful version instead of the AoE. Archangel mission is about the only mission I've done where enemies bunched up but that was more because of the environment(tight hallways)


Subete no aware
I'm looking for more Insanity advice.

What crew should I bring with me to
Hawking Eta to get the IFF
. I've read that it's full of Collectors, so I'm thinking of bringing Grunt and Mordin, but if anyone has any better ideas that'd be great.

I'm also not sure what to use for my bonus talent... at this point, I'm just wondering which of the skills are useful now?
With all the hype I tried to play ME1 again. (Gave up my first playthrough)

And damn, now I remember why I stopped playing it in the first place. Prologue is nice and dandy, but the citadel part is so fucking boring. Endless erands without decent rewards. Add a shitty map, slow running speed and the constant feeling of "missing something" if I don't talk to all the NPCs. If I do, I receive another annoying side mission.

Sorry about the rant, but this game just pisses me off. I see the potential, but it seems way too flawed.
Macmanus said:
Sure. If their goal was to satisfy a slight minority of NeoGaf gamers.

However if their goal was to appeal to a broader audience and you know, make more money, then they went in the right direction.

I would love broader RPG customization, but you have to make some sacrifices and these big budget games.

That's fucking bullshit.

The game would've been just as successful if they kept the RPG elements intact. And judging by their own forums, far more than just a slight minority of NeoGaf gamers aren't happy with the direction they took the game.
Red Blaster said:
Pretty annoying how the Normandy always disembarks when you board it. And no cool airlock animation either.

This. Thank god you can skip the cut scene, but it always takes me out of the game when I only went in to change up my armor or something.


So I played through ME1 2.5 times. Each time I'd start a newgame+, I'd delete my oldgame-. I thought everything would carry over into the new, buffer character, but no. you can't even import an ME1 save unless it's beaten the game. PSA. Don't delete your old ME1 saves. Luckily, I was able to find a save just before the final battle, so I got my 57 imported, but not my 60. Oh well.

Anyhow, I'm not sure it imported correctly. I swear I had a clam-bake with Ashley (or Liara, can't remember for this particular save), but ME2 thinks I'm in love with Alenko.

Also, nice avatar, MisterAnderson.

VVV No, it keeps all your games separate. In ME2's importer, you'll get a list of all the available chars. Also, if you have a 60 that's only halfway through the game, you won't be able to import it till you finish.


So if I started a New Game Plus on ME1, does it erase/overwrite that save?

Meaning, I played Paragon on my first ME1 playthrough and Renegade my second playthrough. Do I lose the chance to import my first/Paragon save file?
Trickster said:
Wait what? 50 rounds in your sniper? I still only have 10 and I'm pretty far into the story, haven't found any ammo upgrades for the snipers yet.

So that's where we were having some disconnect, yeah it's called the viper, got it maybe halfway through the game on a loyalty mission...I believe.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Red Blaster said:
Pretty annoying how the Normandy always disembarks when you board it. And no cool airlock animation either.

Yea i thought the same when i wanted to board the normandy and not leave the port.


Okay, finished the game just now at around 35 hours, all loyalty quests done.
Lost my non-party crewmen except for Chakwas, lost Legion as the engineering specialist, Grunt as a team leader and Mordin at the last stand. Final mission was really epic and every character death genuinely hurt, but as others have mentioned before the overall plot suffers from the second-game-in-a-trilogy complex and lacks closure.

Going back to test out some new setups until I nail 100% survival, then it's onwards to new game+.
I love the Assassin's mission where I couldn't help myself but to
Throw the uncooperative merc out the window lol

After I did it Jacob says
"So when do we read him his rights?"
and I was grinning from ear to ear


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Dax01 said:
How much should I upgrade the Normandy? What are, basically, requirements and what aren't? Do I need to get the upgrade med-lab?

-The Shields
-The Armor Plating
-The Weapon (forgot what it's called)

No the med-lab only makes the scars on your face go away.


widgetraf said:
Just started playing last night, got maybe an hour into the game.

I imported my ME1 character and noticed I have my guns from ME1 equipped! Ha! Anything else that carries over?

Also, I'm playing my character (Soldier class) on Insanity. Is this absurd? Should I have started with Hardcore or Normal? I've died a couple of times already in the first mission (after meeting the Illusive Man) but I figure this is just me getting used to the game again and I should stop failing after I get the hang of it.



Macmanus said:
Sure. If their goal was to satisfy a slight minority of NeoGaf gamers.

However if their goal was to appeal to a broader audience and you know, make more money, then they went in the right direction.

I would love broader RPG customization, but you have to make some sacrifices and these big budget games.

What about Modern Warfare? You don't need to dumb down your RPG elements in order to be a mass market success. Well designed customization systems can only help your game.

MisterAnderson said:
This. Thank god you can skip the cut scene, but it always takes me out of the game when I only went in to change up my armor or something.

Like removing your helmet. :lol
Does the game switch your squadmate's positions every time you reload? It is annoying getting used to giving orders with Q and E for particular party members, and then when you die and reload, for some dumb reason the game swaps their positions.

Also nice avatar Spasm


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Zeliard said:
I love the Genophage debates - it's one of the few times that Bioware has been able to truly nail grey morality. Did you do Mordin's loyalty quest? I had to ponder a few things at the end there.
That mission is what prompted the post. It is a good shot at complex morality, but the conversation options felt really limiting. That's what was so frustrating. I couldn't speak about it in the right tone, or express how I felt about it. Shepard just seemed pissed off at Mordin when I really just wanted to have a decent conversation about it.

I can never handle the Genophage debates like I want to. It's the area where I have to compromise my character the most because the options don't fit for him.


firehawk12 said:
What crew should I bring with me to
Hawking Eta to get the IFF
. I've read that it's full of Collectors, so I'm thinking of bringing Grunt and Mordin, but if anyone has any better ideas that'd be great.
I don't actually think there are any Collectors there. What you'll be fighting are Husks and Scions, mostly.
Personally, I took Garrus (for the AP ammo and 'cause he's awesome) and Samara, with my Sentinel. Basic order of operations was to use Area Reave/Warp or a pistol to strip off the Husks' armour, and then hit them with a Throw, which will always kill an unarmoured Husk. The Scions are more bastardly, especially when they pair up on you, but they're entirely Armour so Reave and AP Ammo will still win the day.


MisterAnderson said:
Does the game switch your squadmate's positions every time you reload? It is annoying getting used to giving orders with Q and E for particular party members, and then when you die and reload, for some dumb reason the game swaps their positions.

Also nice avatar Spasm
I think it's based on which squad-mate you choose first. First is left, second is right. Haven't tested that theory out though.


Trickster said:
Sounds like you're more of an oldschool rpg kinda person if you like the combat in DA, yet think the combat in ME2 is bad?
Also, the combat in ME2 is NOT the same as the combat in ME1 :lol

Yah I thought the combat was the best part about Dragon Age (PC version). It required you to pause almost every 3 seconds and issue new commands, and you could setup complicated traps and tactics by controlling each party member individually.

So I guess I need to go back and play ME1 but how is ME2 different? You spam biotics and then just play like any other third person shooter.


Any chance someone could hook me up with a Cerberus code the game comes with? EA/Microsoft flopped it with the review/promo copy of the game. No manual or code in this one, which is strange as usually they come with them.


MisterAnderson said:
This. Thank god you can skip the cut scene, but it always takes me out of the game when I only went in to change up my armor or something.
Same here, I said the exact same thing a few pages back. Makes no sense to disembark right away, and no cool airlock animation indeed :(.
Spasm said:
I think it's based on which squad-mate you choose first. First is left, second is right. Haven't tested that theory out though.

I always choose Miranda first (lol) and she starts out on my left side, with Q being her command button. But when I reload for any reason, she switches to the right.


Subete no aware
Coxswain said:
I don't actually think there are any Collectors there. What you'll be fighting are Husks and Scions, mostly.
Personally, I took Garrus (for the AP ammo and 'cause he's awesome) and Samara, with my Sentinel. Basic order of operations was to use Area Reave/Warp or a pistol to strip off the Husks' armour, and then hit them with a Throw, which will always kill an unarmoured Husk. The Scions are more bastardly, especially when they pair up on you, but they're entirely Armour so Reave and AP Ammo will still win the day.

Hrm, I thought I read that the Harbinger might show up, but I guess that might be end game.

I wonder - is it worth investing in Warp Ammo then? Or is it not as effective on insanity?

Romance spoilers (though everyone probably knows by now:

Whew, waited for the last possible moment to break it off with Miranda and romance Tali instead. All is right in the world. As in, I got Miranda's cutscene, watched it, loaded the save right before it and told her my heart belongs to Tali.

I must have done something wrong with Jack because she wasn't even an option. She stopped talking to me after I did her loyalty mission. Possibly because of Miranda? Yet Tali was fine. I don't know...


hey are there two sex scenes for each romance
I just saw Jack had 2 of them. One of them looked like it was pure sex no emotion. The other was sweet and understanding.
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