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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I dont see how anybody could say Mass Effect 2 isnt an RPG. It might not be a RPG in the way you'd like it to be, but its still an RPG. The game isn't linear and is loaded with choice/consiquence based gameplay, from quest outcomes and conversations, to party formations, upgrades, and character growth.

That makes it an RPG. You decide how you want to play.

Oh, and I wish my main menu would stop telling me "New Content is Available" whenever I connect to the Cerberus network. I've got the Normandy Crash Site and Zaeed stuff.


Man, the enemy variety in Mass Effect 2 is fantastic - maybe the best I've ever experienced in a game. You're taking down a gang of Vorcha and Krogan one minute, Asari biotics the next. Charging packs of Varren, Geth and other inorganics, Krogan clans, Humans, Collectors. And the biggest enemies evoke a real sense of dread when they appear.
Praetorians are the stuff of nightmares.

Van Owen

I really can't help but be disappointed with the loot aspect of the game. Only two pistols and two sub machine guns? That just blows. And while I love the customizable armor stuff, there is still far too few pieces to really differentiate your character from someone else. There's what, maybe 2 or 3 options for each piece? And honestly, they're all superficial since they add like 5% health or 10% speed which in the end is meaningless.

While Bioware did a good job of cutting down on time in menus with their significantly decreased item selection, instead you're spending time in the stupid scanning game to actually upgrade the small selection of weapons you do have. I'd rather spend time min-maxing a bunch if different looking unique weapons than mine minerals.

And while the N7 missions are good, you can hardly call them quests. There's really no unique characters, dialog, or stories in them, it's just "this base is overrun" or "some mechs are out of control" followed up with some combat. At least in Mass Effect 1 you were interacting with characters like the Asari ambassador who shows up in Thane's recruitment mission instead of just reading emails like in ME2. But at least the environments are somewhat varied.

Overall, the game is a big improvement and probably one of the best of the year, but they need to find a balance between the first two games for Mass Effect 3, imo.

and yeah, that climax with the skull boss was pretty stupid.


EatChildren said:
Oh, and I wish my main menu would stop telling me "New Content is Available" whenever I connect to the Cerberus network. I've got the Normandy Crash Site and Zaeed stuff.

No kidding. "zOMG New Stuffz!" flies through my head every time I see that. Playing with my emotions, Bioware. :(
hateradio said:
I have to agree it's ... where's the RPG? Even though I haven't finished it, I've pretty much felt this way from the first few hours. The level-up system is irrelevant, especially since you only get a fixed XP rate after missions, and random bits of XP from side-quests-- side-quests being the only RPG part of this game I believe, imo.

I still don't get the "this is not an rpg" argument.

You are building a character from scratch or using a character already that has already made choices that define the very world you are involved in during the sequel. You're capable of changing through many classes, upgrading weapons, buying weapons, and buying armor. The whole game is about shaping the galaxy and your character as you see fit. All you are doing is roleplaying the entire time and your decision making will transfer over to Mass Effect 3.

Even going by traditional definitions this is a roleplaying game. Classes, Party system, customization, skill trees, experience, quests...what the fuck mayne.

Now if you want to call this action role playing, or third person shooter roleplaying, or any other random title you want to give it then that's fine but there are plenty of roleplaying elements here. Not every game with roleplaying elements is an RPG, but ME2 does enough to earn the title. Army of Two has decision making and customization for example but is clearly a shooter.

ME2 clearly isn't your typical top down D&D structured role playing game, but it doesn't have to use those mechanics to be classified as one.


Strider2K99 said:
I was wondering how close I am to the end.

I just recruited Tali, still have Thane and Samara to recruit, and I just got a call from Illusive Man for a mission to
investigate a Collector ship that was shot down by a Turian patrol or something like that.

I've put about 20 hours into it. Any idea how far I am as far as main story goes?

So yeah.. started up a game on Insanity with Infiltrator aaaand

holy fuck is the combat better. Yes, it can be VERY challenging and sometimes cheap (low ammo + rocketeers in the distance = ughh). Also, your partner AI kind of breaks with the hardest difficulty setting on. BUT, the combat is so much more rewarding. Vanguard is such a fucking useless class in this game whereas Infiltrator fits this style of shooting perfectly.

Quick dumb question: Does doing Renegade shit to your party members make them hate you? I'm playing as Renegade but being stupid nice to my fellow comrades so that in the end, none of them are disloyal.


Those who don't want to call this Mass Effect an RPG are just too much stuck with the old traditional ways that has defined RPG's since many years (mostly Japanese ones)

ME primary focus has always been about great storytelling, great characters and an amazingly well done and really immersive Sci-fi world, everything else was secondary even in the first one.

The shooter aspect makes the game quite unique, and i can understand how it can be confusing for some people, but that's mostly because we are in the 'shooter generation'.

Some complain about the lack of character stats customization, but I don't really see a big difference, you have less points to spend, but in the end if feels exactly the same.
The armor customization for me is way better than in the first one (No more shitty Scorpion armor all the time while waiting for Colossus to come :D )

Actually, were I Bioware, I would'nt even have made possible to manage party members stats, the characters are so well made that they mostly feel 'real' in some way so controlling the way they evolve doesn't really make sense anymore, because in the end your role in the game is to play the character of Shepard. (well the AI is still too weak to do this but we're close :p )


Himuro said:
Well, I think many game genres divurge, but yes, horror games often tend to be off shoots of action adventure. And yes, I'd say ME2 plays more like an action adventure than rpg. The lack of loot, customization, and more just really make it feel that way to me. When I play an rpg, I know I'm playing an rpg. It's my favorite genre, after all. I didn't get that feeling at all with ME2, unless I was in a level up screen and as I said before, other genres use leveling up these days.

Other genres do use leveling up, and the same goes for classes, currency, main story/side story splits (naturally), and maybe even dialogue trees (? I wouldn't really know.)

But if a game has all of that, I'd say the it is marinated all the way through with RPGness. I'd also say that if you can't taste it, that might be because you play too many RPGs to notice it. Are equipment and dice rolls really the mandatory elements of RPGs?

Van Owen

Also, I have another question. Is there really any benefit to using one weapon over another? They all hold different amounts of ammo and have different rates of fire, so is it really just a preference thing? Some of the descriptions make it sound like some weapons are replacements for others, but it still confuses me. Would I be dumb to like the first pistol more than the hand cannon since it hold more ammo and has a larger clip? Like, I have no idea whether or nor the DLC weapons are statistically better than the regular ones. :lol

I got a bigger sense of accomplishment in ME1 getting the elite spectre weapons than I did get getting upgrade pistol lvl 4 in ME2...


mjemirzian said:
The main story takes about 5 hours, the other 15-20 hours are recruiting, loyalty, and side quests. As far as the main story goes, that's the last one before the final mission.

similar to ME1. you could just go tot he main planets and finish it very quickly. the main stuff is there but it's really learning about your teammates and the world that makes it great.
DevelopmentArrested said:
So yeah.. started up a game on Insanity with Infiltrator aaaand

holy fuck is the combat better. Yes, it can be VERY challenging and sometimes cheap (low ammo + rocketeers in the distance = ughh). Also, your partner AI kind of breaks with the hardest difficulty setting on. BUT, the combat is so much more rewarding. Vanguard is such a fucking useless class in this game whereas Infiltrator fits this style of shooting perfectly.

Quick dumb question: Does doing Renegade shit to your party members make them hate you? I'm playing as Renegade but being stupid nice to my fellow comrades so that in the end, none of them are disloyal.

I don't get the people hating on Vanguards, I love tearing it up with my Vanguard and have never really found much difficulty with playing as one and I'm playing on hardcore. I think I'm going to play Infiltrator next, though.


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
I went with a Sentinel, The class seems to be a hell of allot better than the first game.
Tech armor, Warp and Overload are a brutal combo.


Himuro said:
No, dice rolls are not my definition of an rpg. But when a game gets this neutered it no longer feels like one.

agree, RPG is roleplay. the combat can be anything. it doesn't have to be dice rolls.
I was wondering if anyone could help me out here with a face. I really like the bottom right face in http://i48.tinypic.com/vdkeoz.jpg but I'm not as pro as some of you guys with the face creation. If anyone wouldn't mind taking this challenge on, I'd be incredibly grateful. Otherwise, wish me luck on attempting it.


Dark FaZe said:
I still don't get the "this is not an rpg" argument.

You are building a character from scratch or using a character already that has already made choices that define the very world you are involved in during the sequel. You're capable of changing through many classes, upgrading weapons, buying weapons, and buying armor. The whole game is about shaping the galaxy and your character as you see fit. All you are doing is roleplaying the entire time and your decision making will transfer over to Mass Effect 3.

Even going by traditional definitions this is a roleplaying game. Classes, Party system, customization, skill trees, experience, quests...what the fuck mayne.

Now if you want to call this action role playing, or third person shooter roleplaying, or any other random title you want to give it then that's fine but there are plenty of roleplaying elements here. Not every game with roleplaying elements is an RPG, but ME2 does enough to earn the title. Army of Two has decision making and customization for example but is clearly a shooter.

ME2 clearly isn't your typical top down D&D structured role playing game, but it doesn't have to use those mechanics to be classified as one.

Totally took the words right out of my... fingers? o_O;

Pretty much ends that conversation, IMO. Just because it's leaner in the RPG mechanics department doesn't mean that they aren't there. ME1 was definitely more deeply entrenched into "legacy" RPG mechanics (Massive amounts of item management, ass-loads of side quests, random loot drops, very heavy amounts of skill customization and huge point systems for them, heavy emphasis on exploration etc.), this much is certain.

To be honest I think that fact helps ME1. Being the first part of a trilogy it had introduce a universe, the power players and organizations there in, familiarize the player with the tech driving the weapons and transportation systems as well as lay a strong foundation of fiction for the two games that would follow it. "Legacy" RPG elements lend themselves extremely well to these needs. ME2 would feel like a slow plod, in my opinion, if it's story was told using the game design present in ME1. The story of ME2 has a sense of urgency, and the game play and system refinements help that urgency always feel apparent. Unless of course you spend a couple hours scanning planets...Then you may as well just hand humanity over to
the armada of Reapers seen in the closing cut scene

Also, in the end a lot of this debate has to do with feel and perspective. I have an embarrassing amount experience in Pen and Paper RPGs, so to me RPG means character interaction and development. Someone who's never played Dungeons and Dragons or the like may view the mechanics typical of RPG video games as the hallmarks of what defines an RPG. No one is necessarily right or wrong here, it's just differing perspectives.

Sorry for the random tangent. I've been at awake far too long with far too much Red Bull.


tehWillis said:
Totally took the words right out of my... fingers? o_O;

Pretty much ends that conversation, IMO. Just because it's leaner in the RPG mechanics department doesn't mean that they aren't there. ME1 was definitely more deeply entrenched into "legacy" RPG mechanics (Massive amounts of item management, ass-loads of side quests, random loot drops, very heavy amounts of skill customization and huge point systems for them, heavy emphasis on exploration etc.), this much is certain.

To be honest I think that fact helps ME1. Being the first part of a trilogy it had introduce a universe, the power players and organizations there in, familiarize the player with the tech driving the weapons and transportation systems as well as lay a strong foundation of fiction for the two games that would follow it. "Legacy" RPG elements lend themselves extremely well to these needs. ME2 would feel like a slow plod, in my opinion, if it's story was told using the game design present in ME1. The story of ME2 has a sense of urgency, and the game play and system refinements help that urgency always feel apparent. Unless of course you spend a couple hours scanning planets...Then you may as well just hand humanity over to
the armada of Reapers seen in the closing cut scene

Also, in the end a lot of this debate has to do with feel and perspective. I have an embarrassing amount experience in Pen and Paper RPGs, so to me RPG means character interaction and development. Someone who's never played Dungeons and Dragons or the like may view the mechanics typical of RPG video games as the hallmarks of what defines an RPG. No one is necessarily right or wrong here, it's just differing perspectives.

Sorry for the random tangent. I've been at awake far too long with far too much Red Bull.

i hope ME3 doesn't even have leveling up or armor changes, i wanna see meltdowns!!!! :D

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Need some quick help:

Anyone know where I can get a new Assault Rifle? I've been stuck with the same Assault Rifle that they give you in the beginning of the game and it's pissing me off. I want a better one. :(

(Lvl 19 Soldier, btw)


FromTheFuture said:
I was wondering if anyone could help me out here with a face. I really like the bottom right face in http://tinypic.com/r/vdkeoz/6 but I'm not as pro as some of you guys with the face creation. If anyone wouldn't mind taking this challenge on, I'd be incredibly grateful. Otherwise, wish me luck on attempting it.

Go to:http://www.masseffect2faces.com/

Once there filter the gender and rating. Then it's the 7th from the top. Just copy the code to the character creator and viola. :D


Domino Theory said:
Need some quick help:

Anyone know where I can get a new Assault Rifle? I've been stuck with the same Assault Rifle that they give you in the beginning of the game and it's pissing me off. I want a better one. :(

(Lvl 19 Soldier, btw)

The only other one I've found was
during Garrus' recruitment. It's laying there on a couch in the room he snipes from.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community

So the whole game is about recruiting the team?

I just got done with Horizon. Does this mean all I have to do is to pickup for guys and head towards the end?


Van Owen

Domino Theory said:
Need some quick help:

Anyone know where I can get a new Assault Rifle? I've been stuck with the same Assault Rifle that they give you in the beginning of the game and it's pissing me off. I want a better one. :(

(Lvl 19 Soldier, btw)

There's only two main ones in the game. You get a third at a certain point if ARs are one of your specializations, and possibly a fourth on harder difficulties.

But yeah, the second one is on the Archangel mission upstairs on the couch.

Bitmap Frogs said:

So the whole game is about recruiting the team?

I just got done with Horizon. Does this mean all I have to do is to pickup for guys and head towards the end?


The meat of the game is recruiting people, and then doing their individual quests. With a few non skippable story missions thrown in at various points.


Bitmap Frogs said:

So the whole game is about recruiting the team?

I just got done with Horizon. Does this mean all I have to do is to pickup for guys and head towards the end?


well, recrutiing the team also includes what's going on with the main story. they're well integrated compared to the first game. which is why it's great


FromTheFuture said:
Yeah, I found it there, but that code is a fake. It's just some incredibly messed up character put there to fool people like you and me.

Well thats extremely lame. In that case I'm sorry I couldn't help you out and good luck recreating that Shepard! :D

Van Owen

FromTheFuture said:
Yeah, I found it there, but that code is a fake. It's just some incredibly messed up character put there to fool people like you and me.

I made a character that is somewhat similar. I can give you the code if you want to use it as a base and do some tweaking.



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Every video and screenshot I see of a Shepard that isn't mine seems so wrong, especially hearing Hale's voice come out of somebody elses mouth.

BioWare should be commended for making a custom character seem so integral and imporant to the game's universe, the way we made it. Especially as an import. My Shepard is the hero of both games. All yours are fakes!
Van Owen said:
I made a character that is somewhat similar. I can give you the code if you want to use it as a base and do some tweaking.

Sure. It's worth a shot. Thanks.

Also, where did you get the eye lashes? I don't see them anywhere.


EatChildren said:
Every video and screenshot I see of a Shepard that isn't mine seems so wrong, especially hearing Hale's voice come out of somebody elses mouth.

So true. I'm currently pulling a 16 hour shift at work and have been trying to avoid going nuts by watching ME2 playthroughs on YouTube. But seeing some elses Shepard is too annoying so I gave up on it. :lol


some of those other male Shephards are just odd looking. most female ones look similar tho. everyone uses the same hairdo :lol


LiK said:
some of those other male Shephards are just odd looking. most female ones look similar tho. everyone uses the same hairdo :lol

Which makes my FemShep's up-do all the more awesome. :lol
Trouble said:
Holy crap I've been playing for 27.5 hours and I just now discovered that
there's a bathroom in Shepard's cabin!
I noticed this, after i finished the Game.

Man, i've nothing to do after the Main Story, finished alle sidequest, had all dialoges. I hope there will be a DLC.

btw. Suicide Mission Spoiler:
Mordin died :( The pressure to lead the second team was too hard for him :/


Will drop pants for Sony.
LiK said:
ME3 needs better hairdos for female Shep! i see that they improved with the hair for the NPCs.

Yea I agree and also gender specific clothes/uniform. Maybe a bikini unlockable costume. :D


Hypertrooper said:
I noticed this, after i finished the Game.

Man, i've nothing to do after the Main Story, finished alle sidequest, had all dialoges. I hope there will be a DLC.

btw. Suicide Mission Spoiler:
Mordin died :( The pressure to lead the second team was too hard for him :/

but he held the line


start over so it doesnt happen


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Just did Samara's loyalty mission and, much like Mordin, was surprised with the depth to the character added.

ME2 does a good job of making even the most boring, plain characters at least have something going on. Good job BioWare.


A Good Citizen
My Shepard:

ID code if you want (I recommend changing the eyes, when I was making my character in the creation screen they looked like normal green eyes but in a lot of areas the lighting makes them look like bright green skittles)


I hate to say it, but the more I play this game the more disappointed I become. I keep hoping more depth is going to magically arrive and it just doesn't :(


So how far along am I?

I haven't gone trough the Omega 4 relay and I'm about to go look for the "FF" (Friend Foe) device.
Can anyone tell me what goes to NG+? Level, and skills, but what about armor pieces, credits, minerals, and weapons? Which ones get transffered as well?

Also, if you can continue after the final mission, what save will the game take as a start of NG+? The one you kept playing, or only the one directly after you beat the main plot?
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