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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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revolverjgw said:
Overall, they probably funneled their effort in the right direction, as I did enjoy ME2 more. It's probably too much to ask for a game with this scope to have the kind of exterior and interior exploration my ideal space-opera RPG would have. It would have to be in development for 7 years.
Speaking of funneling effort in the right direction, I understand that some people enjoy reading all the planet description and all the other smaller detail stuff, but I would prefer to have less of that stuff if they could have a bit more party banter and interaction between squad members. Not sure how expensive it is to have the writers write a few more lines for each characters and have the VAs record that extra dialog.

T Ghost

kitzkozan said:
It's all a matter of perspective. :lol

The rpg element of the first game didn't spice up anything for me,on the contrary.If you decided to accept them and think that they were hiding the flaws: goof for you.

Granted,enemy AI is not on par with Gears of War where enemies can throw grenade at you or will eventually rush and flank you after a while.That's more or less a given since this is what Epic games does for a living: shooters.

Would having more "rpg elements" change anything to the enemy AI? Nope,and they wouldn't add anything substantial either.If the aiming and shooting has been improved,they can move on to enemy AI for the third game.

I see your point but i still agree with Ysidhimi. I found in ME1 that approaching combat with an action RPG mentality made not only the battles easier but also the gameplay way more enjoyable that treating the game as a shooter. By action RPG approach I mean managing your posse's weapons, ammo, armor, augmentations, powers, etc.

As much as it's true that shooting controls were improved a lot in ME2, also a lot of this strategic elements of combat were removed from ME2. And the shooting didn't improve enough for the trade off to be positive for those who liked the strategic combat elements on ME1.

For those who didn't like them, I understand that the trade off was a positive one though.


Doytch said:
Ditto. I died like three fucking times: twice I took the wrong turn on the second floor, since the first time I just turned and automagically got a death animation for whatever reason. The second time I saw the collector but it was too late, only then figuring to go the other way. It's a good idea, but feel flat hard.

First time I hear that you can even die there. I thought the segment worked perfect.
Oh my gah.



Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Red Blaster said:
My fucking ass it does. For every improvement ME2 has over ME1, there's a step-back in something else.


No empty planets! Oh, but have fun scanning for hours.
No more simon says to unlock stuff! Oh, but have fun playing Memory instead!
No more thousands of pieces of useless gear! Here's three fucking choices instead!
A whole universe to explore! But only a couple of actual cities!
Fuck you free commerce, mine for your weapons!
No more overheating after 2 shots! Enjoy reloading instead!
I <3 Memes said:
Just finished the game. Anyone here who thinks that ME1 was better overall than ME2 is crazy. Sure there are a few things that ME1 did better, but not much. In the end the RPG upgrade system was really the same. Gunplay and powers are far better. I much prefer the planet scan/fully fleshed out ground missions to ME1's barren planets and structures that were all the same.

The RPG system isn't even close to being the same. It really is a completely different game in that respect - a worse one.

Gunplay and powers better? I don't even know how you qualify that. The cover system is clunkier, thermal clip ammo system is a nuisance, thrown grenades and all their unique effects were removed, power-focused classes get screwed with global cooldowns and biotic blocking shields/armor, companions have far fewer abilities to use, AI is still horrible, and they even removed crouching for better accuracy.


kylej said:

Boy the decision to let Archangel
shoot Sidnois or not
is one of the toughest I've faced. Kinda wish I would've let him
take Sidonis out
now that I think about it.
Just out of curiosity what made that decision difficult? Based on the story the decision was quite easy for me personally.
. The cover system is clunkier

The cover system is clunkier? Than ME1? Did we play the same game? Have you gone back to it since ME2? I don't think we can even have an intelligent conversation on this topic.

thermal clip ammo system is a nuisance

Less of a nuisance than cooldowns? I suppose this is subjective, but really? Cooldowns?

thrown grenades and all their unique effects were removed

I'll take Heavy weapons, which have better effects and serve exactly the same purpose.

The RPG system isn't even close to being the same. It really is a completely different game in that respect - a worse one.

Considering only this aspect, and not considering the package as a whole (which is nonsensical IMO), I agree.
I <3 Memes said:
Still I prefer the better designed levels in ME2 to the barren rocky terrain surface and cookie cutter indoor areas found on those planets in ME1, so if less planets to land on to fight is the price to pay for that then I'm ok with it.

Even though I enjoyed a lot of the side missions in ME1, I did burn myself out on them. But don't you think ME2 should have had at least two or three main missions set outdoors on detailed and fleshed-out alien planets? There's small bits of actual exploration, like that cool wreckage site with the feral wackos, but even then that area is just a very small path you can't veer off of. Where's the exploration and sense of mystery? I miss actually having to interact with and experience the surface of planets like Novera and Virmire. And to a lesser extent, the side mission excursions. ME2 felt like a basic squad-based shooter set in warehouses of waist-high boxes, except you arrive at these killing arenas by clicking on a map.

Whoever said it was like Deus Ex- Invisible War is kind of right. That's what the settlement areas feel like, there's no sense of "being there" when the huuuuuuge Citadel is just a tiny series of hallways. Of course this game is a lot better than DX-IW, but it shares some of the same disappointing corner cutting.

(even the ammo system is exactly like Invisible War's :lol )


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Chinner said:
i don't care about your sarcasm, but reloading is a billion times better and more fun than overheating.

No way, not even close. If anything, the actual mechanic was a wash, but I hated scrounging around for ammo after every fight, having random piles of it laying about in absurd places and these alien insect creatures dropping the "universal" clips.

On the other hand, the people complaining that the RPG stuff was too toned down, I do disagree with that. Your choices in ME2 had immediate and permanent consequences.


Just finished the game, everyone made it out alive...

Amazing amazing game. Excellent ending. I absolutely love this universe.

Now to play as a rogue chick (only got 900 gs on my first playthrough)


I just finished the game. Lost
, but I'm okay with that choice. I want to pick up ME1 again & do a proper import of my character.


Subete no aware
As someone who has finished the game twice (same decisions unfortunately), I will say that I'm not at all surprised that the backlash has started.

I don't think this is as shit as GTA4, which people declared to be THE BEST GAME EVAR (OSCAR WORTHY) before coming back to reality, but there are a lot of small problems that just make the game less than perfect.

I just wonder what they'll end up doing for ME3. At this point, they might as well drop all pretense of designing an RPG and just make it a shooter with a great story. That way, they can focus on designing levels that are more interesting than just a series of crates that you can take cover behind strewn across several long corridors that are punctuated by arenas. They can go for the set pieces that CoD and Gears are famous for.


Has anyone
managed to fit in two loyalty quests - for me it'd be Tali and Legion - before the crew abduction? I'm stuck right before the IFF mission and I can't seem to activate Tali's loyalty quest. I've finished every single assignment - stupid decision in retrospect. Thanks!


Confidence Man said:
The RPG system isn't even close to being the same. It really is a completely different game in that respect - a worse one.

Gunplay and powers better? I don't even know how you qualify that. The cover system is clunkier, thermal clip ammo system is a nuisance, thrown grenades and all their unique effects were removed, power-focused classes get screwed with global cooldowns and biotic blocking shields/armor, companions have far fewer abilities to use, AI is still horrible, and they even removed crouching for better accuracy.
The only thing I agree with here is the global cooldown issue. I think it's a cool concept, but really cuts an adept's usefulness on higher difficulties. I wouldn't have a problem with it if recharging didn't take quite so long, even if times were cut just a bit more by upgrading passive abilities. I spent a whole lot of time just waiting around to recharge on insanity.
firehawk12 said:
As someone who has finished the game twice (same decisions unfortunately), I will say that I'm not at all surprised that the backlash has started.

I don't think this is as shit as GTA4, which people declared to be THE BEST GAME EVAR (OSCAR WORTHY) before coming back to reality, but there are a lot of small problems that just make the game less than perfect.

I just wonder what they'll end up doing for ME3. At this point, they might as well drop all pretense of designing an RPG and just make it a shooter with a great story. That way, they can focus on designing levels that are more interesting than just a series of crates that you can take cover behind strewn across several long corridors that are punctuated by arenas. They can go for the set pieces that CoD and Gears are famous for.
Pretense of an RPG? Whaaa? Surely you can't deny that, despite the reduction in stat building, the combat still changes dramatically depending on what choices you make about your abilities. It's still there, there's just less of it. Not to mention the dialogue system and moral alignment.
Confidence Man said:
Gunplay and powers better? I don't even know how you qualify that.

I don't know how you can fail to qualify the first one. The gunplay in the first game serves two masters badly: TPS aiming with stat-based dicerolls. That means that the gun combat has a fundamental disconnect with your actual aiming. In ME2 you have a variety of different guns that are sidegrades to one another, each with their own tactical benefits; they all rely on your actual aim to hit (which eliminates the disconnect between firing and hitting that's quite prevalent in ME1) and they have a set of distinct possible "ammo" upgrades available to further distinguish their effects. In ME2 I constantly changed guns and ammo powers based on my tactical situation and found a satisfying depth in terms of shooting people that was almost entirely lacking in ME1, where there was absolutely no reason to ever switch guns and I relied almost entirely on powers to mix things up.

On the second issue, it's not so much that powers-using classes got screwed, IMO, just that the Vanguard design is fucking shitty. There are lots of powers in the game that bust defenses and classes that have access to those now have good tactical reasons to switch up which powers they use, but Vs have three different powers that all only work against red so they rock at killing Husks and suck against everything else. My wife's on her second playthrough with a Sentinel and she's totally set.

ME2 does carry over the ME1 problem that it's like 10x more fun in the second half when you've unlocked upgrades and powers, though.


T Ghost said:
You REALLY didn't understood a word of what I posted.

1st - I didn't decide anything and I didn't say I didn't like the game.

2nd - I wrote that I tought that the "smoking man" is a very cheesy and clichéd character

3rd - I asked if the cheesyness and clichedness of the characters and the dumbed down gameplay gets better with the more you play for people who didn't like this elements at first.

4th - if you liked the game from the get go, I don't want, asked or need your input anymore, I already had it dozens of pages ago. But you are still free and welcomed to express yourself at any time you want.

Good comeback man...lol...love it when people take a well written comment and reply with a few words....

Well..to your original post, yes it does get better. I felt the same way you did at first, but after about 10 hours or so, I was really loving it. If it were up to me, I would of maintained some of the more basic RPG elements. Like...

1. Ability to buy/sell resources
2. Ability to buy/sell weopons (more on the selling).
3. Loot..they did not have to go ME1 levels, but 20 diff. armors would of been nice, with the ability to add the upgrades (which you can do in ME2). I guess just more variety.
4. More control of assigning points to your character...ie...more specialtys
5. Exp. points as you play..this "LEVEL COMPLETE"..."STAGE COMPLETE" is SO OUT OF PLACE.
6. Ability to change up gear during a level and even level up during a level.

Like I said, they dont have to go ME1 levels of RPG's stats, armors, bullet types..but if they could of found a happy medium it would of been better for me...but in the end, ME2 is one of the best games i have played and while I miss alot of stuff...even the MAKO...ME2 is still great.

For me, if I had to choose which one was better..I think I would lean towards ME1 as of right now. If they can blend what they did in ME1 & ME2 for the final chapter, then they wil have the game of the "ALL TIME".


ili0926 said:
Has anyone
managed to fit in two loyalty quests - for me it'd be Tali and Legion - before the crew abduction? I'm stuck right before the IFF mission and I can't seem to activate Tali's loyalty quest. I've finished every single assignment - stupid decision in retrospect. Thanks!
Yeah, I did everything before the end. at least all the loyalty stuff.


eznark said:
Yeah, I did everything before the end. at least all the loyalty stuff.

So you
finished all the loyalty quests before the IFF mission? Because I don't want any of my crew dying =(. If I can fit in both Tali and Legion's loyalty quests between the IFF and finale then that'd be awesome, but if I can't then...goddamn.


WanderingWind said:

No empty planets! Oh, but have fun scanning for hours.
No more simon says to unlock stuff! Oh, but have fun playing Memory instead!
No more thousands of pieces of useless gear! Here's three fucking choices instead!
A whole universe to explore! But only a couple of actual cities!
Fuck you free commerce, mine for your weapons!
No more overheating after 2 shots! Enjoy reloading instead!

lol..good one....like I just said....and it seems you agree....they need to balance ME1 and ME2 when they make ME3. Instead of thousands of pieces of useless gear, and 3 choices in ME2, how about let's say 100 pieces of gear. Not too over the top like ME1, more variety than ME2.


Ok this is pissing me off on insanity
how are you supposed to kill the final boss as a vanguard I can whittle down his health but I get overwhelmed so easily.


ili0926 said:
So you
finished all the loyalty quests before the IFF mission? Because I don't want any of my crew dying =(. If I can fit in both Tali and Legion's loyalty quests between the IFF and finale then that'd be awesome, but if I can't then...goddamn.
I pretty much did the loyalty quests as soon as I could because I didn't trust bioware to put an obvious "this is your last chance" failsafe in there.

I think though that you will be fine, because there is an opportunity to do stuff before going to the omega relay. I'm pretty sure, but again I pretty much saved the entire story missions for the end of the game.

I think the Illusive Man is a pretty dope character, but that could be because I read Ascension and he is a bit more fleshed out in that book.


Raxus said:
Ok this is pissing me off on insanity
how are you supposed to kill the final boss as a vanguard I can whittle down his health but I get overwhelmed so easily.
Use the Cain as often as possible. Two hits and he's already half dead. Harbingers drop heavy weapon ammo.

I didn't worry about the Collector troops myself. Let my teammates handle them. Any stragglers were killed when the reaper shot his mouth off. Once or twice a harbinger got too close for comfort, so I had to take him out myself, but that actually provided the benefit of the aforementioned heavy weapon ammo.
gregor7777 said:
The cover system is clunkier? Than ME1? Did we play the same game? Have you gone back to it since ME2? I don't think we can even have an intelligent conversation on this topic.

Snap-to cover was perfectly serviceable, there was no need to add a button/key press to enter cover. Many times I find the command doesn't take, and I stand there mashing the key while watching that red health bar deplete. On top of that you have the added frames of animation which, while making it look nicer, it just doesn't feel as quick.

Less of a nuisance than cooldowns? I suppose this is subjective, but really? Cooldowns?

Again, the cooldown system was perfectly serviceable. You were never stuck not being able to use your primary weapon unless it was hit with a sabotage, and you didn't have to run around to pick up ammo. Granted this will depend on the difficulty you're playing on, but even on Hardcore I found my soldier running out of AR ammo more times than I'd like.

I'll take Heavy weapons, which have better effects and serve exactly the same purpose.

But you can't change them on the fly, as you could with grenade mods, and you don't have as many kinds of effects (no chemical/poison HW that I know of). You could lay traps with them since they were timed, hit enemies behind cover, and they didn't take up a huge swath of your upper-back, which is probably the thing I find most offensive about them.
charlequin said:
I don't know how you can fail to qualify the first one. The gunplay in the first game serves two masters badly: TPS aiming with stat-based dicerolls. That means that the gun combat has a fundamental disconnect with your actual aiming. In ME2 you have a variety of different guns that are sidegrades to one another, each with their own tactical benefits; they all rely on your actual aim to hit (which eliminates the disconnect between firing and hitting that's quite prevalent in ME1) and they have a set of distinct possible "ammo" upgrades available to further distinguish their effects. In ME2 I constantly changed guns and ammo powers based on my tactical situation and found a satisfying depth in terms of shooting people that was almost entirely lacking in ME1, where there was absolutely no reason to ever switch guns and I relied almost entirely on powers to mix things up.

I really didn't feel that disconnect at all. I thought it felt pretty much like any TPS right from the start. It certainly wasn't anywhere near something like Fallout 3.

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
I judge whether a game is "dumbed down" or not by its actual depth, not its surface complexity. By that standard ME2 comes out well in comparison to ME1. I can understand missing the general approach ME1 took, but I definitely can't understand preferring ME1's actual execution to ME2's.

Anyways, now that Bioware has some game balance and solid combat fundamentals in place, I'd expect them to start adding back more involved stat stuff back in for ME3.


Confidence Man said:
I really didn't feel that disconnect at all. I thought it felt pretty much like any TPS right from the start. It certainly wasn't anywhere near something like Fallout 3.
When I shoot a sniper rifle point blank at a krogan in front of me, and have the bullet hit the wall twenty feet to my left, there's a disconnect.


eznark said:
I pretty much did the loyalty quests as soon as I could because I didn't trust bioware to put an obvious "this is your last chance" failsafe in there.

I think though that you will be fine, because there is an opportunity to do stuff before going to the omega relay. I'm pretty sure, but again I pretty much saved the entire story missions for the end of the game.

I think the Illusive Man is a pretty dope character, but that could be because I read Ascension and he is a bit more fleshed out in that book.

I read somewhere you only
have one mission to complete -- Legion's loyalty quest -- before the abduction. Fuck me. Guess I'll have to reload an old save =S


MasterTeacher said:
Who is the guy who that does all Codex voice overs? His voice sounds so familiar and I can't put my finger on it.

It sounds familiar because he did the ones in ME1 as well...

lol..sorry..just being a smartass. Not sure who it is...I do notice that his voice is much more pronounced in ME1 when it is a codex from ME1 while playing ME2. they did not re-record old codex's from ME1, but when you hear a ME2 codex, it it really not as strong. Weird.


Subete no aware
ili0926 said:
I read somewhere you only
have one mission to complete -- Legion's loyalty quest -- before the abduction. Fuck me. Guess I'll have to reload an old save =S

I've read that it can glitch and some people have managed to get two missions done before seeing that event. But that just seems to be heresay at the moment.
Hawk269 said:
It sounds familiar because he did the ones in ME1 as well...

lol..sorry..just being a smartass. Not sure who it is...I do notice that his voice is much more pronounced in ME1 when it is a codex from ME1 while playing ME2. they did not re-record old codex's from ME1, but when you hear a ME2 codex, it it really not as strong. Weird.

LOL I never played ME1 but his voice in on A&E.. and some crime shows.
The RPG system isn't even close to being the same. It really is a completely different game in that respect - a worse one.

How is it different? ME1 had incremental improvements in between 4 major unlocks. ME2 simply rolls all of the minor incremental improvements into 4 levels, with the 4th level being a "master" unlock allowing the power to be taken in 1 of 2 different directions. Every level unlock certainly feels more powerful than the one before. The only thing eliminated in ME2 are the incremental upgrades to the powers.

Gunplay and powers better? I don't even know how you qualify that.

Well I know how to qualify it so let my do it for you. Simply put the gunplay in ME1 was probably the worst in all of gaming. Not sure how you could miss seeing that. I mean it was the worst in all of gaming. Please name a game with worse gunplay than ME1. The guns in ME1 dont look or feel at all like they are firing projectiles, they look like they are firing an animation. The only weapon in ME1 that behaved like it should have was the sniper rifle.

The cover system is clunkier

: |

The cover system in ME1 was the worst in all of gaming. I do love ME1 and I don't mean to sound too harsh against the people who made the game, but I have no idea how any human being could possibly think a cover system that works by sucking you against any wall you walk next to was a good idea. Let alone an entire company of people who didn't realize that they were making the worst cover system ever. I would rather have had no cover system rather then have the one that was in ME1.

thermal clip ammo system is a nuisance

Overheating weapons is a nuisance. They are both nuisances but I prefer ME2 system. Essentially they both serve the same purpose. What makes ME2 system better, IMO, is that it doesn't force you to switch weapons or stop fighting and do nothing until the weapon cools down. Overheating weapons wasn't a huge problem for me like ME1's worst cover system ever, I just feel life ME2's solution is more elegant and doesn't bog the combat the way ME1's system does.

thrown grenades and all their unique effects

They were never thrown. It was always called a grenade launcher, just without any launcher you could see. The new heavy weapons are obviously more enjoyable. I doubt anyone agrees with you that ME1's "frisbee throwing" was better.

Also, by my count there are 5 different heavy weapons. I may have missed one though. One of them is a nuke. A freaking nuke man. How do they not have unique effects now?

power-focused classes get screwed with global cooldowns and biotic blocking shields/armor

Global cooldowns are a bit of a pain in the beginning of the game, but after upgrades you can use a biotic ability and have it ready to use again a second later. Toward the end of the game using throw against weaker enemies felt like cheating. Throw - enemy flies off in to the distance, throw - enemy flies off into the distance, throw - enemy flies off into the distance. It happens as fast as you just read it.

There are counters to biotic shields. That's just game balance.

companions have far fewer abilities to use

Only by 1 or 2. And since you can now bind your sqadmates abilities to your real-time attack menu the game would be far too unbalanced if your squad mates had more abilities. How balanced could a game by if you had access to every single ability and power in the game at once?

You could have done that before in ME1 but only if you paused the action to choose which ability you wanted your teammate to use. If you wanted to go that far in order to have every ability in the game available to you then I guess you could have. It's overpowering enough as it is though for you to be able to press 1 on your keyboard to use Jakob's pull then hit 2 on your keyboard to use your own throw.

AI is still horrible

AI isn't the best around but it is far better than ME1. As soon as I walked in a room in ME1 I knew exactly what all of the enemies were going to do. How could you like that more than ME2's AI?

Best new trick is that they love to use heavy weapons on you every time you pop up from cover so that enemies with lighter weapons can get closer to you.

It's still not perfect, but the only RPG around that does gunplay/combat better is Stalker.

they even removed crouching for better accuracy.

I'm not sure why this matters. Wouldn't have bother me if they would have left it, but I don't miss it. Enemies seem more aggressive now so maybe I wouldn't be so pleased with crouching when I got caught in a crouch by a rushing enemy.
Ysiadmihi said:
What makes ME2 good though? Outside of the characters and story I was completely unimpressed.

Without the Mako and most of the RPG elements it was just a mediocre shooter with awful squad AI and boring, repetitive minigames.

Thank god the Mako is gone. Those parts of the first game sucked.

And how is this just a mediocre shooter? I would say it controls as tight and fluid as Gears of War2, GRAW2, and Socom Confrontation if not better then these games. What third person games are better shooters this gen?


Subete no aware
No_Style said:
There's backlash? I see some criticisms, but it's hardly backlash.

Yeah, I guess it's not total backlash, but the new game smell has worn off.

When I was new to GAF, I was surprised that people could hate Super Mario Galaxy, but then someone explained the backlash timeline to me and it all made sense.

Hell, with this game, I'm a victim of it myself. I loved this game when I was first playing it - I even excused some of the bugs and poor design that comes out when you play the game on Insanity - but now on my second playthrough, all the small problems with the gameplay and the writing seem to stand out.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
BrassMonkey1010 said:
Thank god the Mako is gone. Those parts of the first game sucked.

And how is this just a mediocre shooter? I would say it controls as tight and fluid as Gears of War2, GRAW2, and Socom Confrontation if not better then these games. What third person games are better shooters this gen?

Whoa, let's not get crazy now. The shooting and cover system were servicable in ME2. Nowhere as good as a dedicated shooter though. Just fine for an RPG, though.
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