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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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evlcookie said:
Question about zaeeds loyalty quest.
was the guy mean't to get away or did i just fail?

I played it twice paragon/renegade and...
zaeed killed him when we didnt save the workers red renegade text on all encounters, he got away when I chose to save the workers and chose all blue paragon text options


but ever so delicious
TheVisualizer said:
I played it twice paragon/renegade and...
zaeed killed him when we didnt save the workers red renegade text on all encounters, he got away when I chose to save the workers and chose all blue paragon text options

Ah awesome. thanks :D


neojubei said:
I feel the same way, tried making a male shepard today and just deleted it.

I'm really, REALLY trying to do male Shepard
if only to screw Tali[/b] but it's almost impossible. Female shepard for life, voice actor's a genius. Especially when renegade :)


So far, the game's good.

But the whole (character spoiler)
part was underwhelming.
The twist, that the warden wants to sell you, sucked hard and was so cliché it wasn't even funny. And the areas you explore there are boring as hell too.
Thankfully, the Omega quests were much more fun than that one.


but ever so delicious
Two questions.

How many levels should i gain from doing the
IFF quest and all to the finish. I'm level 22 at the moment, i really wanted to try hit 30 by the time i finish.

And where the fuck is detective anaya? I have to hand something in but i can't find her at all. The quest/mission stats a specific planet, but i can't find a way to get to her, getting to the planet is fine of course.
Crunched said:
I think you're discounting Mordin/Grunt for incinerate. Heavy incinerate deals HUGE damage, and group inferno ammo is absolutely brutal when it comes to stripping armor and health. Used them exclusively for the last section of the game and had no issues playing through on insanity.

One advantage with characters that have shield-boosting abilities is that you can activate said ability when they're close to dying and it's like an instant get of jail free card. Couldn't imagine playing through on insanity again unless I have barrier as my bonus ability. It saved me countless times, absolutely my choice for higher difficulties. On veteran and below, reave is fine since you don't have to worry about dying in a split second. For an adept, anyway.

Surprised at how versatile the sentinel is. My femshep is ripping through dudes pretty handily with her tech armor equipped. Only real drawback is the long recharge tagged onto all her abilities. But tech armor + fortification makes me an absolute death machine.

Tech Armor and Fortification is redundant. I prefer getting Reave so you can skip Warp and use your points to more efficiently. With 51 points to spend, you want to max five abilities (passive class ability, Tech Armor, Overload, loyalty ability are musts) and put one point in another. Since Throw is a pre-requisite for Warp, you can't max Warp without giving up one of the other abilities, so Reave tidies up your options.

With Blood Dragon Armor, max Passive, and max Tech Armor alone your powers gain a 45% bonus, which make your Reave and Overload grossly more powerful than anything your squad can muster by the time you're done upgrading. This combination also covers all your bases, which is key. You still might want Incinerate in your party early on as a permanent regen stopper while you're still getting Reave to the point where it's lethal.
So I'm taking the Female Shepard plunge and giving that a go. Thinking about actually doing an ME1 run because I feel like I'm doing the game a disservice in case I get attached to this character and want to do ME3 with her for the whole experience including decisions made in ME1.

Regardless, I think I made a pretty decent Fem Shepard. I would normally go with brunette but I think blonde ended up looking better with the face I made, as well as have more variety on the ship since there's a brunette Miranda and a red headed Kelly. Also looked better with the green eyes. So far, the voice actor is definitely a lot better. There's just something about playing as male, I just feel like I have an obligation to play one since usually I roleplay myself and male is...well...what I am. Also WTF why did they put Kaiden in Ashley's pink armor?? LOL





Kind of reminds me of Nova from StarCraft Ghost when she's in her armor.


evlcookie said:
Two questions.

How many levels should i gain from doing the
IFF quest and all to the finish. I'm level 22 at the moment, i really wanted to try hit 30 by the time i finish.

I did every quest on every planet and 100%ed the galaxy and only got to level 27.


chespace said:
Alright so I don't really understand how AA and perf. works in the PC version.

I've upgraded to catalyst 10.1 and I still can't get any AA to kick in unless I set it in CCC and rename the .exe to UT3.exe.

Which is a hack and so I understand why my fps goes to shit when I set my edge-detect to 8x.

Has anyone gotten this to work correctly with an ATI card?

Your fps goes to shit because you are using 8x edge-detect filter. I found edge-detect makes the game look and perform much worse for me. Try using the "Box" filter instead. That or change it to 4x Box filter in AA settings and change AA mode to Super-sample AA and the game will look extremely better if your machine can handle it. I got way better performance out of that than I did with edge-detect. If super-sample gives you really bad performance just leave it at 8xAA Box filter / multi-sample.

If you are still getting bad performance I think there might be an issue for SLI users in this game. I don't exactly remember where I seen people talking about it but i'm sure you can find it with a search on google. Hope this helps because I don't really know all that much about this stuff its just that I had messed around with basically every different AA setting I could.


BeeDog said:
So far, the game's good.

But the whole (character spoiler)
part was underwhelming.
The twist, that the warden wants to sell you, sucked hard and was so cliché it wasn't even funny. And the areas you explore there are boring as hell too.
Thankfully, the Omega quests were much more fun than that one.
Yeah, i thought that part could have being written so much better. There was so much more, they could have done with that setting.
mileS said:
Your fps goes to shit because you are using 8x edge-detect filter. I found edge-detect makes the game look and perform much worse for me. Try using the "Box" filter instead. That or change it to 4x Box filter in AA settings and change AA mode to Super-sample AA and the game will look extremely better if your machine can handle it. I got way better performance out of that than I did with edge-detect. If super-sample gives you really bad performance just leave it at 8xAA Box filter / multi-sample.

If you are still getting bad performance I think there might have been an issue with SLI users for this game. I don't exactly remember where I seen people talking about it but i'm sure you can find it with a search on google. Hope this helps because I don't really know all that much about this stuff its just that I had messed around with basically every different AA setting I could.

How do you set the AA mode to "super sample"?



How do people respond to you if your ME1 file saved the Council? I'm considering a Paragon FemShep Sentinel for my Insanity run but I'm wondering if I should follow through by importing a saved Council. I would need to find a save game to download though, I don't want to play ME1 again. I think there was a link to save games somewhere in this thread but GAF hasn't been allowing me to use the Search function lately.


Zzoram said:

How do people respond to you if your ME1 file saved the Council? I'm considering a Paragon FemShep Sentinel for my Insanity run but I'm wondering if I should follow through by importing a saved Council. I would need to find a save game to download though, I don't want to play ME1 again. I think there was a link to save games somewhere in this thread but GAF hasn't been allowing me to use the Search function lately.


If you save the Council
you hear several reports of their ship going around the Universe, meet them at the Citadel and the reporter asks you why you saved them instead of a lot more lives that were fighting the Sovereign


MisterAnderson said:
How do you set the AA mode to "super sample"?
In the ATI CCC under the 3D options there is the AA tab and right beside it is the AAMode tab. If you move the slider all the way over to Quality you'll see that its set to Super-sample AA. Like I said I don't know much about this so I'm not sure how many different ATI cards support SS.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Yesterday I spent all day just chilling, talking with friends in a full party on XBL and later on played about 4 hours of SFIV, just so that I can only focus on Mass Effect 2 this whole weekend - I don't wanna rush it, but I really want to beat it this weekend because starting next Monday, I'll be busy from morning till late at night with papers all week...

Oh, and I waited out of courtesy for my friends to get the hard cover LE guide at their store, but up till yesterday they still didn't even have it in their system so I said screw it and ordered it from a website I usually used yesterday (every now and then, two out the three stores they had ran out of stock, then refilled) and got it this morning...



Only thing I will look at until I beat it is the planets for mineral mining, trying not to spoil myself on anything else till I finish the game - the cover is gorgeous, and I haven't even torn the plastic seal off of it yet...

Props to the GAFfer who gave me the heads-up about the LE guide! And I know you're reading this BioWare, hopefully you give us a full-on artbook like ME1, you know I'm gonna buy it as well!

On to Mass Effect 2!


Shouldn't rush yourself at all, the game is too enjoyable to do like that. I am 20 hours in and I'm a little over half way finished.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Weenerz said:
Shouldn't rush yourself at all, the game is too enjoyable to do like that. I am 20 hours in and I'm a little over half way finished.

Yup, I'm 39 hours in, and I'd guess I'm 2/3rd of the way done - I won't rush, and if I don't beat it by the end of the weekend, so be it, I'll see what playtime I can get in when I get home...


Unconfirmed Member
My final playtime was 51 hours, which really surprised me since I was expecting something around the 25 hours it took me to beat ME1. I took a lot of time reading the codex and scanning planets (and dying a few times on veteran), but I felt the game was quite well paced if you take it slow and explore and listen to all the dialogue options.
chespace said:
Alright so I don't really understand how AA and perf. works in the PC version.

I've upgraded to catalyst 10.1 and I still can't get any AA to kick in unless I set it in CCC and rename the .exe to UT3.exe.

Which is a hack and so I understand why my fps goes to shit when I set my edge-detect to 8x.

Has anyone gotten this to work correctly with an ATI card?
be happy you dont have the steam version, I cant rename it so there is no way to enable it :(


Skilotonn said:
Yesterday I spent all day just chilling, talking with friends in a full party on XBL and later on played about 4 hours of SFIV, just so that I can only focus on Mass Effect 2 this whole weekend - I don't wanna rush it, but I really want to beat it this weekend because starting next Monday, I'll be busy from morning till late at night with papers all week...

Oh, and I waited out of courtesy for my friends to get the hard cover LE guide at their store, but up till yesterday they still didn't even have it in their system so I said screw it and ordered it from a website I usually used yesterday (every now and then, two out the three stores they had ran out of stock, then refilled) and got it this morning...

Only thing I will look at until I beat it is the planets for mineral mining, trying not to spoil myself on anything else till I finish the game - the cover is gorgeous, and I haven't even torn the plastic seal off of it yet...

Props to the GAFfer who gave me the heads-up about the LE guide! And I know you're reading this BioWare, hopefully you give us a full-on artbook like ME1, you know I'm gonna buy it as well!

On to Mass Effect 2!

How is the poster in the LE guide? What is it a picture of?


Junior Member
Chinner said:
lol at femshep fans. crying for attention as always i see.

Y'know, I've come to notice that without fail, any time anyone makes mention of enjoying or preferring Female Shepard, you have to come in and make some snide comment on it... Can't we all just be friends?


Junior Member
Chinner said:
well in this case i'm shepard and the femshep fans are reapers, gotta keep you guys in yo place.

We are eternal. The pinnacle of evolution and existence. Before us, you are nothing. Your extinction is inevitable. We are the end of everything.

thanks, imdb mass effect quotes page!


I'm about 23 hours into the game and enjoying every second of it. I've done 2 loyalty quests so far and there are still a bunch of guys waiting to be recruited. Yeah, I'm taking my time and soaking up everything like a sponge. This game is sooo good.


Junior Member
dejan said:
I'm about 23 hours into the game and enjoying every second of it. I've done 2 loyalty quests so far and there are still a bunch of guys waiting to be recruited. Yeah, I'm taking my time and soaking up everything like a sponge. This game is sooo good.

Same here, just hit the 30 hour mark and still have plenty of recruitment and loyalty missions to go. ME2 is an absolute blast, I'm loving every moment.


Chinner said:
well in this case i'm shepard and the femshep fans are reapers, gotta keep you guys in yo place.

Hopefully it comes up that the Reapers are like super nice in ME3, that oughta teach you.

So yeah, really, I've played through ME1 with both female and male and femshep rocks manshep's socks any day. Only downer as femshep is
the lack of Tali-sex in ME2
, but it's managable. At least we have
super hot Thane!


Strider2K99 said:
I have the most annoying glitch now.

Whenever I'm in a loading screen, I hear a heartbeat sound through the load screen. I must have hit a load screen while seriously injured and then the sound effect just got stuck.

Playing on PC version.

No, that's normal. It does it on the 360 version too.

I'm not sure why.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Enjoying it, but I definitely still prefer the original game at this point. It feels like the Invisible War to the first games Deus Ex, if you know what I mean. Everything feels condensed and simplified.

It's an excellent game, though, just not exactly what I was expecting.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Lime said:
How is the poster in the LE guide? What is it a picture of?

It's a large version of the Craig Mullins art, it's about 4 x 3 game cases large, a bit bigger actually, and very nice...

Here's a pic of it from the official Mass Effect 2 site:



Junior Member
dark10x said:
Enjoying it, but I definitely still prefer the original game at this point. It feels like the Invisible War to the first games Deus Ex, if you know what I mean. Everything feels condensed and simplified.

It's an excellent game, though, just not exactly what I was expecting.

See to me that analogy doesn't really work, because a bunch of the extraneous stuff that was simplified from ME1 was frankly kinda shitty in the original, such as the inventory system, overload of way to many items with I-X ranks of slightly increasing stats, etc. In Invisible War, all the things that got cut out were essential to what made Deus Ex great.

At the same time, I can see where some might think they've gone too far with the streamlining. I think the best option would be to have ME3 fall somewhere between 1 and 2 in that regard. I'd really wouldn't mind just seeing a few more weapon options for each weapon class, along with more modular armor pieces available, the game does seem a bit lacking in that area.
29 hours in - I haven't done any loyalty missions, nor have I recruited everyone. I'm still missing 3 party members. I'm on Illium right now.

Zeliard said:
I can't put into words how much I disagree with this comparison.
Aye. Mass Effect 2 improves upon Mass Effect 1 in every way.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
29 hours in - I haven't done any loyalty missions, nor have I recruited everyone. I'm still missing 3 party members. I'm on Illium right now.
How are you playing it? Im 20 hours in, level 26, have everybody and done their loyalty missions and 100% the galaxy. What are you doing when you are not questing?
does the game support the 360 pad natively on pc or is some workaround required?

i'm playing it with kb and mouse right now, but i'm curious to know if it work (don't have the pad with me atm).


So I beat it last night and, I lost
more then half of my whole team. All I have left is Jacob,Grunt and Thane. -_-


Junior Member
Spider from Mars said:
How are you playing it? Im 20 hours in, level 26, have everybody and done their loyalty missions and 100% the galaxy. What are you doing when you are not questing?

I'm pretty much at the same point as he is with 30 hours on the clock, I've just been taking my sweet time soaking everything in, talking to every character after every mission, fully exploring every system, etc.
dark10x said:
Enjoying it, but I definitely still prefer the original game at this point. It feels like the Invisible War to the first games Deus Ex, if you know what I mean. Everything feels condensed and simplified.

It's an excellent game, though, just not exactly what I was expecting.

That's the best way to describe it. Bioware seems as clueless as Ion Storm was. I guarantee when ME3 is coming out they'll be talking about how they fucked up with 2.


Junior Member
Buttonbasher said:
Some incorrect people, yes.

Heh, I was just messin' with him. :p I do think the Mako was pretty crap in ME1, but I'm a bit disappointed that they just scrapped it, instead of improving it like they did with most other aspects of the game. I'm interested in how the Hammerhead DLC will turn out, but I'm not expecting it to be more than some tacked on side stuff.


I think I can generally agree with the Invisible War statement, but it still has to be noted how good ME2 is - even with the unfortunate direction it took in some areas - compared to how bad Invisible War was.

Wiggum2007 said:
Which some would say is an improvement. ;)
These people are wrong.


Junior Member
Red Blaster said:
My fucking ass it does. For every improvement ME2 has over ME1, there's a step-back in something else.

ME2 is an improvement over 1 in that it has more aliens smoking cigars but a step back in that they can't seem to animate a cigarette-in-mouth correctly.
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