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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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rallyart said:
Hello. I'm having the strangest problem when AA is enabled via nHancer (aa 4x multisampling, AA compatibility: 00,000,045: AA & HDR), if I talk to any character in the game my fps drop to 30 and in any other situation, whether it is fight or a giant stage, are stable at 60 fps. Anyone else happens something similar???

My rig:

i7 920 stock
xfx gtx 275 oc
6 GB ram
playing at 1680x1050


sorry about my english but im from chile.

Try a thing called triple buffering.

To do this, use a program called D3DOverrider. It's included with the RivaTuner package. I think what's happening is that you have v-sync on, and anytime the framerate drops below 60 it will half it down to 30. It's a common complaint, but triple buffering can fix it.
Dax01 said:
Either I'm doing something wrong or the game is designed this way, but I'm haven't been able to romance anyone so far. I'm playing as a Femshep and sexed Liara... Is the game designed to not let you romance anyone else if you picked her in ME1?
Is anyone else having this "problem"?
Dax01 said:
Is anyone else having this "problem"?
I dunno, at least to me it seemed like you could be hitting on Jacob right of the bat. Kaiden got turned down right before Ilos in the save I imported but it still got recorded as Shep's love interest.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Dax01 said:
Is anyone else having this "problem"?

No that shouldn't happen. I don't think you can initiate romances until you finish the personal quest of that person.


Revelations said:
When will the Hammerhead DLC be available?

Better yet, how are they going to implement it so that it's useful? When you land on a planet in ME2 during a side mission, you're put on a sectioned-off part so that you can get around it in a decent amount of time by running. I'm not sure what they're going to do with a vehicle to make it add anything meaningful. They'd have to give us new missions in much wider open environments.
Zeliard said:
Better yet, how are they going to implement it so that it's useful? When you land on a planet in ME2 during a side mission, you're put on a sectioned-off part so that you can get around it in a decent amount of time by running. I'm not sure what they're going to do with a vehicle to make it add anything meaningful. They'd have to give us new missions in much wider open environments.

Mass Effect: Racer, calling it first here!:lol

ACE 1991

I (finally) finished mass effect 1 a few hours ago, and immediately after popped in mass effect 2. After playing the two games in quick succession all I can say is holy shit at the difference between the shooting mechanics in 1 and 2. It really is night and day...
Zeliard said:
Better yet, how are they going to implement it so that it's useful? When you land on a planet in ME2 during a side mission, you're put on a sectioned-off part so that you can get around it in a decent amount of time by running. I'm not sure what they're going to do with a vehicle to make it add anything meaningful. They'd have to give us new missions in much wider open environments.

Air strikes!


okay, im only 4 hours in, just recruited my first new crew member...this is...incredible.

This game is so...leeeeagues above all those other usually hyped blockbuster-games, its no contest. There´s....choices everywhere. I constantly feel bad about choosing one thing, when i know that theres several different approaches, all with probably different outcomings. To be honest, I see myself finishing this game 20 times and more, theres just too much to do different.

I decided to go with a new Infiltrator-Shepard for my first run. I´d actually have loved to play with my very first ME1-Shepard, but I created that one after Bruce Willies, both in appearance and behavior and WHAT Bruce Willis would cheat on his girl friend?

oh god, I hardly know what to do when I turn the game on tomorrow morning....
Btw, I just have to get this out there, not to hype the game any further, but because I literally had that thought a few hours before: Mass Effect 2 feels like playing Ocarina of Time for the first time. If that makes sense to any of you.
So, due to the little free presents MS was giving out on the marketplace earlier this week, I was able to sell my Terminus armor on eBay... slimy I know.

It was up for 18 minutes, sold for $10 (buy it now), no questions asked. Capitalism FTW. And besides that, I think it's the best armor/weapon DLC available in the game.
Some asshole on Digg comments just ruined a big plot point in ME2.

I guess that's what I get for going on Digg, right? But please, someone who finished the game, tell me the plot isn't centered around one
, for my sanity's sake.


Castor Krieg said:
Mass Effect: Racer, calling it first here!:lol

You know, some sort of mini (or not so mini)-game like the pod racing from Phantom Menace in Mass Effect would probably be pretty damn cool.

I don't think I'd have faith in Bioware to nail the controls, though. :p


Zeliard said:
You know, some sort of mini (or not so mini)-game like the pod racing from Phantom Menace in Mass Effect would probably be pretty damn cool.

I don't think I'd have faith in Bioware to nail the controls, though. :p

The racing sequences in KOTOR were perfect, though. Worthy of their own game.
Zeliard said:
You know, some sort of mini (or not so mini)-game like the pod racing from Phantom Menace in Mass Effect would probably be pretty damn cool.

I don't think I'd have faith in Bioware to nail the controls, though. :p

I agree 100%. Star Wars:Racer was actually the only "racing" game I ever played, I was shocked how good it was. I would love to have something like that in ME2.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
slasher_thrasher21 said:
I was thinking the same thing. I did all that and you shit on me. Fuck you council! FUCK YOU!

Oh awesome. Is the Turian there? Does he get all up in your grill?

Please say yes.


Has Bioware said anything about user created mods, the only reason I still play DA is because of mods I could easily see myself not playing this game anymore after doing a renegade, but loyal to my crew Shepard.
I have a question that I don't believe was addressed in the OP, if so, I apologize.

I have many saves with many different characters and I forgot all the important decisions I made in ME1 because I played it so long ago and haven't returned to it. Will ME2 summarize or tell me what choices I made on each character so I can decide who to import and play first?
1up just put up their Casey interview

"Last week Bioware's Casey Hudson was kind enough to drop by the studio to chat about Mass Effect 2. We decided to hang onto the episode until the game launched as there are a few bits of information are best heard after you've played through the opening of the game. During the conversation we talk about the process of creating Bioware's first true sequel in a long time, making changes based on consumer feedback, and creating a potentially controversial new DLC network."
Zeouterlimits said:
1up just put up their Casey interview

"Last week Bioware's Casey Hudson was kind enough to drop by the studio to chat about Mass Effect 2. We decided to hang onto the episode until the game launched as there are a few bits of information are best heard after you've played through the opening of the game. During the conversation we talk about the process of creating Bioware's first true sequel in a long time, making changes based on consumer feedback, and creating a potentially controversial new DLC network."

He's on this week's 4 Guys 1UP Podcast too.

oh god, I hardly know what to do when I turn the game on tomorrow morning....
Btw, I just have to get this out there, not to hype the game any further, but because I literally had that thought a few hours before: Mass Effect 2 feels like playing Ocarina of Time for the first time. If that makes sense to any of you.

ACE 1991

theshizzle said:
I have a question that I don't believe was addressed in the OP, if so, I apologize.

I have many saves with many different characters and I forgot all the important decisions I made in ME1 because I played it so long ago and haven't returned to it. Will ME2 summarize or tell me what choices I made on each character so I can decide who to import and play first?

EDIT: I read that wrong. Later on in the game they go over your decisions after choosing your character to import.


theshizzle said:
I have a question that I don't believe was addressed in the OP, if so, I apologize.

I have many saves with many different characters and I forgot all the important decisions I made in ME1 because I played it so long ago and haven't returned to it. Will ME2 summarize or tell me what choices I made on each character so I can decide who to import and play first?
only after you choose the file and load it, it tells you your choices which is dumb! So your going to have to know before hand your choices with each file.

Goodness really ME2, Ocarina of time status, I don't think the game is that much better than ME1 outside of the combat and loyalty missions.
Maybe this was already answered but since I'm avoiding reading too much the thread, cuz spoilers:Having 1000/1000 achivements give you any bonus? I saw some months ago an interview saying so, but since then I didn't heard nothing, so any kickass armor for those who spend hours and hours getting 1000/1000? :lol (I'm 3 achievements away to get the 1000/1000, so I will be one of those in some days, probably)
Relaxed Muscle said:
Maybe this was already answered but since I'm avoiding reading too much the thread, cuz spoilers:Having 1000/1000 achivements give you any bonus? I saw some months ago an interview saying so, but since then I didn't heard nothing, so any kickass armor for those who spend hours and hours getting 1000/1000 (I'm 3 achievements away to get the 1000/1000, so I will be one of those in some days, probably)

I'm pretty sure that the only achievement that does anything is mission accomplished, which gives you a bunch of bonuses when starting a new game. But I still need to get the insanity and incinerate achievements.
Relaxed Muscle said:
Maybe this was already answered but since I'm avoiding reading too much the thread, cuz spoilers:Having 1000/1000 achivements give you any bonus? I saw some months ago an interview saying so, but since then I didn't heard nothing, so any kickass armor for those who spend hours and hours getting 1000/1000? :lol (I'm 3 achievements away to get the 1000/1000, so I will be one of those in some days, probably)
no. And its 1015 not 1000.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Zeliard said:
I miss those guys. :(

These default decisions are pretty lol. It's like a tacit admission by Bioware that the canon Shepard is actually a huge prick.

More people should call shepard out, especially people you cant just shoot. It makes it more fun than having everyone be all bow down to commander christ.

I miss Wrex already. He would call you out.


Loving the game thus far. I'm really impressed with the performance of the 360 version it's much improved over ME1!
Castor Krieg said:
Mass Effect: Racer, calling it first here!:lol

Something in the vein of star wars pod racer in terms of competition, location, etc... Seems like a great fit for something. In the end, let's hope the implementation is well done. I really like Zaeed, but a little surprised/disappointed at how you go about obtaining. Seems like not much thought was put into it. Oh well, he's a fun character to roll with. I really liked the atmosphere of the Normandy Crash Site. Let's hope they continue releasing some cool stuff for ME2. I'd love to spend more time on Illium/Omega. Omega especially was just a really awesome experience.


Screenshot with 24x Edge-detect AA - a little to demanding to be really playable for me but someone with a 58xx should give it a try.
It looks the best of all the ATI options for AA IMO. Nvidia owners will get an even better result with SSAA I am sure.



NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
careksims said:
Oh gotta love
Garrus. Loved his personal mission too. Shep and Garrus = BFF
Best Bromance in the galaxy. Kinda wish they gave him a better skillset though...

Edit: Also, you can't spam shit in this game. I don't know where you guys are getting that from. When a squad member uses an ability, it means that all of their abilities are locked and unusable until the cooldown is complete. That means that you gotta think long and hard before you send out your tech drone (which has a 20+ second cooldown).

I even put off healing quite a bit because of it... Soldiers have it dumbed down and easy, again.
DY_nasty said:
Best Bromance in the galaxy. Kinda wish they gave him a better skillset though...

He has overload and can use Snipers/Assault Rifles. That's enough to make him one of the better characters in the game.


Ducarmel said:
only after you choose the file and load it, it tells you your choices which is dumb! So your going to have to know before hand your choices with each file.

It gives you a chance to look over your choices and decide if that file really is the one you want to commit a playthrough to.

For people like me who have a bunch of different files this can help a lot.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Basileus777 said:
He has overload and can use Snipers/Assault Rifles. That's enough to make him one of the better characters in the game.
Concussive shot is meh. Thats my only complaint really.
HK-47 said:
Oh awesome. Is the Turian there? Does he get all up in your grill?

Please say yes.

Apparently he says "Oh yes... the 'Reapers.'" and even does FUCKING FINGER QUOTES.

because apparently during those two years you were gone, the council sent ships to ilos later and vigil never turned on, and with shepard gone there was really no evidence or witnesses left to show that sovereign was anything more than a big geth ship.


where do you buy weapons? I'm still using the starting weapons, 10 hours in. I've seen very little armor too. am I missing it or did they just remove a bunch of loot options?


Kholdstare101 said:
It gives you a chance to look over your choices and decide if that file really is the one you want to commit a playthrough to.

For people like me who have a bunch of different files this can help a lot.
I just checked the pc version it loads the file first and once you have you cant return to select another file unless you alt tap out and restart the game.
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