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Mass Effect 2 |OT2| The Den Of Xenophiles

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Freedom = $1.05 said:
Did they ever fix the out of sync audio on the ps3 version? Man, talk about an immersion killer. Some of the best cutscenes are tarnished by this bug.

Nope, happens a lot. There's a ton of bugs I encountered on the PS3 version and it locked up at least 3 different times on me. Meh.

As for the top 5 characters list:



Really Really Exciting Member!
I've been reading the first ME2 official thread a little, and i just saw people mention how bad stuff will happen if i take too long to do the
suicide mission after my crew got abducted...
Because i've been spending hours doing sidequests now, since i wanted to do everything before beating the game.

Am i screwed or was this all bad info?
Bisnic said:
Am i screwed or was this all bad info?
Have you been doing these missions after they were taken?

If yes-
You're okay, but your crew is not.

If no-
You're fine, don't worry about anything.


Really Really Exciting Member!
So my cook, the 2 funny engineers, the good old doctor, and that cute lady near the galaxy map are already dead because i did sidequests rather than going after them quickly?

Damn. So much for being a pure paragon commander. :( Guess i'll save their ass on my renegade run(lol irony).
everyone, all gone, not comming back.

Well actually only Kelly and about half the crew die if you do 1 mission but less than 5. But since you did say hours, it's safe to assume that everyone is gone.


I learned that the hard way. That playthrough is not going to ME3.

Luckily i'm a fanatic & played through the game like 8,000 times, so i'm covered.


My OCD is starting to exude.

When I created my first character in ME1, I just picked Ruthless Colonist as my pre-service history because it sounded the coolest. Then for my next two characters I selected Ruthless Spacer and War Hero Spacer without considering my previous decisions. Only now did I learn that Spacers get a large paragon bonus and I chose that for my renegade character.

Now I'm paranoid that these choices will actually play some pivotal role in ME3, especially if you are Earth-born, and I'm seriously considering revising my characters' subtle redundancies with complete playthroughs of both games.
AusQB said:
My OCD is starting to exude.

When I created my first character in ME1, I just picked Ruthless Colonist as my pre-service history because it sounded the coolest. Then for my next two characters I selected Ruthless Spacer and War Hero Spacer without considering my previous decisions. Only now did I learn that Spacers get a large paragon bonus and I chose that for my renegade character.

Now I'm paranoid that these choices will actually play some pivotal role in ME3, especially if you are Earth-born, and I'm seriously considering revising my characters' subtle redundancies with complete playthroughs of both games.

Yeah, I've just started replaying my two incomplete ME1 saves just to have different unique Shepards to then take through ME2 so I'll have 3 ready for when ME3 comes out.

I'm starting to think I should just wait for the ME Milk the Trilogy $200 Complete Bundle to come out in 2013.


Fine Ham Abounds said:
I'm starting to think I should just wait for the ME Milk the Trilogy $200 Complete Bundle to come out in 2013.
You'll be waiting a long time for that and frankly I think you won't want to play ME1 as much if you have all three. Get as much out of it as you can now.
Replicant said:
I am not sure if this is considered spoiler or not but I'd spoiler-tagged it just in case:

Upgrade your ship. Specifically asks Jacob, Tali, and I think either Garrus or Legion (can't remember which one) for their upgrades.
2. Keep your team loyal.
That means do their loyalty mission.
3. Keep your paragon OR renegade points high.
That means when there is conflict between 2 or more members, you can choose the paragon or renegade dialogue option.
4. When suicide mission starts, make sure you select the right person for the job.
Read/listen to the mission objective carefully and read the bio of each member to see if they are fit for the job.
5. Unfortunately
Zaeed is necessary in keeping your team alive, esp if you want most of them to be alive. Because he along with Garrus and Grunt have the largest amount of survival points and with them in your last defense party, the rest are guarantee to survive.
6. When the option to
escort your crew member comes, send Mordin Solus to accompany them.

Just wanted to comment on this:

I agree with #1,2,4 & 6. #3 & 5 aren't necessarily true.
I had half paragon/half renegade, so I couldn't help with the conflict. Also, I downloaded the Zaeed DLC after I beat the game. With that in mind, I still beat the game with no fatalities.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I really miss all the great skyboxes from ME1. Where are my huge blue and red suns? The gigantic moons or planets in the sky that take up half the screen?

All the suns in ME2 are as small as our own sun, the moons or planets in the sky aren't as big as they used to be, and for some reason looks worst too. More pixelated, less detailed.

If there is one thing i loved with the barren planets of ME1, it was the awesome skyboxes. I want them back for ME3!


AusQB said:
My OCD is starting to exude.

When I created my first character in ME1, I just picked Ruthless Colonist as my pre-service history because it sounded the coolest. Then for my next two characters I selected Ruthless Spacer and War Hero Spacer without considering my previous decisions. Only now did I learn that Spacers get a large paragon bonus and I chose that for my renegade character.

Now I'm paranoid that these choices will actually play some pivotal role in ME3, especially if you are Earth-born, and I'm seriously considering revising my characters' subtle redundancies with complete playthroughs of both games.

Game OCD is fucked. I could care less in real life, but gaming turns me into "everything must be at a 90 degree angle" anal retentant. Not extacly stacking armor with armor, but placing "trophies" stylishly around my Oblivion/Fallout homes, having even numbers of items when I go out.... it's crazy.

And ya, I did the same thing here. Played 3 different origins. Spacer/War Hero, Ruthless Colonist, And the default Earthborn/Survivor. From Mass Effect 1. Like went back to ME1 & played again to get the bonuses for 2, just for the origin stories.

Ya, i'm a fucking fan/nut. I dunno if I put more time into this, or oblivion, but it might be close.

Only game or series that had more time sunk into it more for me is FF11, and I don't think that should fucking count.


Other than the PS3 demo, I've never played any Mass Effect game before. I'm more into 'sword & sorcery' settings than 'sci-fi space operas', but give me a 3rd person adventure with a decent story and I'm happy. With Skyrim and Uncharted 3 being the only games getting me really excited before the end of the year, I need something that will keep me occupied until November. And with Mass Effect 2 now down to £17.99 on the PS3, I'm thinking there's no need to wait any longer. But I just want to make sure about all the DLC stuff - I plan to get it all, because I'm a sidequest mission whore, but what about the order? From this thread, I see there's the following to play preferably before the end of the game...

Kasumi - Stolen Memory
Zaeed - The Prince of Revenge
Normandy SR-I Crash Site
Firewalker Pack

But the other 2 (Lair of the Shadow Broker and Arrival) should be played after completing the main game.

Is that right?


typo said:
Just wanted to comment on this:

I agree with #1,2,4 & 6. #3 & 5 aren't necessarily true.
I had half paragon/half renegade, so I couldn't help with the conflict. Also, I downloaded the Zaeed DLC after I beat the game. With that in mind, I still beat the game with no fatalities.
I don't know your team selection but IIRC
Miranda won't die if you choose her as 2nd fire arm leader even if she's not loyal. Also, it's likely you have Garrus and Grunt in your party and they + the loyalty of your crew + the right choices you made in task selection = everyone survives.

There is a chart someone posted a few pages ago laying out all the details.


Hyphen said:
Other than the PS3 demo, I've never played any Mass Effect game before. I'm more into 'sword & sorcery' settings than 'sci-fi space operas', but give me a 3rd person adventure with a decent story and I'm happy. With Skyrim and Uncharted 3 being the only games getting me really excited before the end of the year, I need something that will keep me occupied until November. And with Mass Effect 2 now down to £17.99 on the PS3, I'm thinking there's no need to wait any longer. But I just want to make sure about all the DLC stuff - I plan to get it all, because I'm a sidequest mission whore, but what about the order? From this thread, I see there's the following to play preferably before the end of the game...

Kasumi - Stolen Memory
Zaeed - The Prince of Revenge
Normandy SR-I Crash Site
Firewalker Pack

But the other 2 (Lair of the Shadow Broker and Arrival) should be played after completing the main game.

Is that right?

Yep, try to do Kasumi and Zaeed early on in the game. Overlord and Firewalker can be played anytime really, just make sure to play Firewalker before Overlord though.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Beated the game yesterday,
not a single party member died on my 1st attempt, which surprised me after hearing so many people say they lost some of them. Guess i know my team alright. ;) Everyone was loyal, i talked to everyone on the ship until they told me to leave them alone. Ship fully upgraded.

Garrus was leading the 2nd team the first time. Tali was in the vent. Samara was using the big biotic bubble.(almost thought she was going to die near the end when she was very exhausted) Jacob escorted Dr. Chakwas back to the ship. And Miranda lead the other group at the end. Think i didn't miss anything.

Too bad only Dr. Chakwas survived from the crew since i took too long to come save them... seeing Kelly getting killed wasn't nice, especially when i learned later what exactly happened to humans. :( I'll have to do another full run with this paragon Shepard just so everyone stay alive...oh well. The game is fun, i don't mind!

And what a tease at the end with all these Reapers coming at our galaxy. And lol at the giant "Terminator" boss.
Hopefully ME3 wont disappoint.

Started a renegade run and wow, my Shepard is starting to get red eyes. Funny and unexpected.


After having completed Mass Effect 1 I couldn't wait to start Mass Effect 2. I was quite wrong.

The ammo change to weapons.

(Apparently) no mako parts??!?!

The way the planets and everything are set up are different from the first... For instance, the Citadel. When I got there I couldn't wait to walk around and explore again, see if everything was the same from 1. I was sad when I noticed that when I walked through a door and got a prompt to choose where I wanted to head to next instead of just walking out the door. :(

As well as the cutting of the entire inventory system and the way the combat works feels quite different, I'm not too fond of these changes. Then again, it did feel 'nostalgic' (I only had a day inbetween mass effect 1 and 2 :p) to hear about all my old crew members I've grown to love. I just miss alot of the open ended areas and RPG elements I had in my Mass Effect, which is a shame, really. Hope ME3 improves on this, instead of making it a shooter with dialogue options.


Really Really Exciting Member!
MNC said:
After having completed Mass Effect 1 I couldn't wait to start Mass Effect 2. I was quite wrong.

The ammo change to weapons.

(Apparently) no mako parts??!?!

The way the planets and everything are set up are different from the first... For instance, the Citadel. When I got there I couldn't wait to walk around and explore again, see if everything was the same from 1. I was sad when I noticed that when I walked through a door and got a prompt to choose where I wanted to head to next instead of just walking out the door. :(

As well as the cutting of the entire inventory system and the way the combat works feels quite different, I'm not too fond of these changes. Then again, it did feel 'nostalgic' (I only had a day inbetween mass effect 1 and 2 :p) to hear about all my old crew members I've grown to love. I just miss alot of the open ended areas and RPG elements I had in my Mass Effect, which is a shame, really. Hope ME3 improves on this, instead of making it a shooter with dialogue options.

There is more than the Citadel as a city now though. They cut Citadel, but they added the awesome Omega and Illum.

Also sidequests aren't always the same thing, it's not "Barren planet with mountains and 1 cave/building always sharing the same shape" like all the sidequests in ME1 were. They're all unique thankfully, some them are rather short though.

There is a few vehicule missions, but its not pure free exploration like the Mako. :( Pretty linear missions, but at least there is a super speed and jump button and the cannon is much faster. I wish we had the Hammerhead vehicule in ME1, it would have made the barren planets much more fun.

They improved a lot in ME2, but i feel like there is some stuff they should have improved instead of completely removing them. I love the new combat system, so hopefully they'll keep it in ME3. But i want to get back the "get XP for every kills" of ME1, that was fun. Also, more weapons. 7 Heavy ammo weapons are fine, but why only 2 pistols?

Oh yeah, one last thing... make the gatherial of materials at least FUN. Scanning planets is alright for 5 mins, but after 20 planets, its tedious. I was thinking of making my own achievement of "Scanning every planets until depleted", but when i realized there was nearly 100 planets to scan, i gave up. 200000 of each materials was useless near the end and i still had tons of planets left to scan.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Damn... a renegade Shepard can look pretty evil! And i'm only 2 bars into Renegade, does it get worst than that later? Like demon horns or flaming breath or something? :lol

Bisnic said:
Damn... a renegade Shepard can look pretty evil! And i'm only 2 bars into Renegade, does it get worst than that later? Like demon horns or flaming breath or something? :lol


Probably the dumbest feature in the game, and I loved ME2. "durr if you're a jerk you look evil!!!!!11"

Never mind that the "renegade" options often tended to mean "actually interesting writing".


If we really are having a horde mode then I hope Bioware has a new "run and gun" mechanic similar to Uncharted games. Those husks were pretty annoying when you can only shoot them while staying put.

Also, what's the point of cloaking device if you can't sneak behind an enemy and do a one-hit-kill by snapping their neck like Drake can in Uncharted or stabbing their head? I want to be able to sneak in and out like Kasumi but the cooling period for biotics that are applied to Shepard makes this impossible.

While we're at it, I hope the rumor that they've reworked the cover system is true. No more accidentally popping out of the cover because you press forward too long.


Speaking of the morality system in the game, I'm finding a lot of Paragon actions that make absolutely no sense. Why is letting gang members escape justice considered "good" ? There are other instances where this happens, but I don't recall the KOTOR morality system being this bad. Maybe nostalgia is part of it.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I think it looks funny sometimes when my Shepard casually talk to someone with her evil red eyes and disturbing scars and the other guy just don't give a shit. I haven't met Liara yet, and when she will first see me, she won't think i'm some demon and just say "hi" like usual. :lol


I'm getting ready to start my Vanguard run! :)

Any tips, GAF? Like, what powers & weapons should I focus on? I remember in ME1 that I was selling all my weapons & stuff to get the Spectre weapons...is that the case with ME2?

What power(s) should I max out first?

EDIT: Basically I guess what I asking, is what do you wish you would've known to do on your Vanguard run that I should look out for?


Awright so I finally finished up my first playthrough of the game. I did a Paragon Soldier Femshep run and did the (extremely brief and awkward) dirty dirty with Thane. All in all I really liked the game. Very awesome dialogue, I loved most of the characters, I dug the combat system, the little details in the world were pretty awesome, and I didn't mind the overall storyline though most of it is just recruiting people before proceeding along with the story. I think I might've preferred it to the first game honestly. I'm probably in the minority with that here.

Thinking I might do a Renegade MaleShep run next. Not sure what class I should do though. Also, to those who've done it before how "insane" is the insanity difficulty?
Dany M said:
my renegade shepard is not renegade enough, more people need to die...
My last Renegade Shepherd rarely gets blood on his hands. He threatens and then sends his peons to do his dirty work. Weaklings sure do die a lot though.


Dany M said:
my renegade shepard is not renegade enough, more people need to die...

I don't think that's how you become a full renegade. You do it by giving the most sarcastic, douchetastic answers to everyone around you (aka bottom right hand corner choice).

Don't forget to Falcon Punch! whatshername. ;)


Thunder Monkey said:
My last Renegade Shepherd rarely gets blood on his hands. He threatens and then sends his peons to do his dirty work. Weaklings sure do die a lot though.

I'd like specific members of my crew to die, just for funsies when I import to ME3...

Is there a chart or graph somewhere on a way to do that, there has to be one by know right???


Dany M said:
I'd like specific members of my crew to die, just for funsies when I import to ME3...

I'm so tempted to 'romance' Jack so I can get that Paramour trophy then kill her during the suicide mission by giving her task that doesn't suit her skill. But I feel like an asshole for even thinking about it.

Plus, do I really want to give Sheploo some nasty STIs? God knows what she carries.
Dany M said:
I'd like specific members of my crew to die, just for funsies when I import to ME3...

Is there a chart or graph somewhere on a way to do that, there has to be one by know right???
Here's an easy one.

Whoever is sent into the vent at the last if they aren't either loyal or good at techy stuff will die. Also one of the two assist characters will die with a non-loyal Samara or Jack during the bubble. And a non-loyal member during the very last battle.

Now my friend. I have told you the ways to kill at least three of your minions. Let the bloodletting begin!
Dany M said:
I'd like specific members of my crew to die, just for funsies when I import to ME3...

Is there a chart or graph somewhere on a way to do that, there has to be one by know right???

This post
on Bioware's social site has a list of different outcomes.
I tried the space racist route, but Mordin survived holding the line. -_-
On that last battle part.

Non-loyal weak member. Like a Mordin or Tali will bite it.

I've got almost every combo of deaths. In one Mordin is dead, another Tali, another Thane etc. I even have one where me and only one other happened to make it out alive.
Replicant said:
I don't think that's how you become a full renegade. You do it by giving the most sarcastic, douchetastic answers to everyone around you (aka bottom right hand corner choice).
That's what really annoys me in most morality systems. The evil option isn't actually evil, but instead you're just a douche and an asshole. I'd save the galaxy, save all races, defeat the reapers and collectors and put all my heart in it, while doing it, but I'd still be the sarcastic smart ass that points a gun at you, if you don't gtfo, when I'm in a bad mood. That has nothing to do with being "evil" and that's exactly why the renegade transformation in ME2 or even the Kotor games is fucking stupid. At least they fixed it in TOR, where you just pick a side and still can be a good character, even if you're a sith.


brotkasten said:
That's what really annoys me in most morality systems. The evil option isn't actually evil, but instead you're just a douche and an asshole. I'd save the galaxy, save all races, defeat the reapers and collectors and put all my heart in it, while doing it, but I'd still be the sarcastic smart ass that points a gun at you, if you don't gtfo, when I'm in a bad mood. That has nothing to do with being "evil" and that's exactly why the renegade transformation in ME2 or even the Kotor games is fucking stupid. At least they fixed it in TOR, where you just pick a side and still can be a good character, even if you're a sith.

I just think of Renegade as more of an "Anti-hero" or "Rebel" as opposed to "Evil". If we see it in Batman terms, think Catwoman instead of Penguin or Joker, etc. You're not exactly by-the-book and you will offend/anger people along the way. But in the end, you don't exactly go out of your way to be evil.

Whereas Paragon is just like the name implied is more straight and narrow like Batman.

But I agree in general, good/evil scale in this game is messed up. How is it saying certain things boost my paragon/renegade meter? It's like you have to act/speak like a Buddhist Monk to attain true paragon when I don't even feel like it. But if I don't say the appropriate line, I'd get punished because I then don't have either enough Paragon or enough Renegade points.


Paragon and Renegade seemed clearer in Mass Effect where a lot of the Renegade/Paragon choices were about being anti-Alien or pro-Alien.


Doing a play-through now where
I'm trying to kill off everyone except 2 people. Want to see how that will affect Mass Effect 3.


loblaw said:
Doing a play-through now where
I'm trying to kill off everyone except 2 people. Want to see how that will affect Mass Effect 3.

I'm thinking about that but there are so many characters that I like...
Tabris said:
Paragon and Renegade seemed clearer in Mass Effect where a lot of the Renegade/Paragon choices were about being anti-Alien or pro-Alien.
That was pretty much the basis of Mass Effect 1. It's completely gone in 2.
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