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Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer |OT| Rich, deep online role playing


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
How many are in an operation on average? Five? If we assume an operation takes twenty minutes on average.. then that's 928, let's say a thousand operations going on simultaneously for all that time. Is that a lot or very little?

On gold its way more than 5
How many are in an operation on average? Five? If we assume an operation takes twenty minutes on average.. then that's 928, let's say a thousand operations going on simultaneously for all that time. Is that a lot or very little?

I'd say there are 8-10 Phantoms per Gold match, and that's a low estimate. I've seen single waves with 6! I'm a bit rusty on my algebra, so please help me out here if I'm wrong.

10 per game x X games = 1,000,000 Phantoms

X = 100,000 games need to be played this weekend

Now we have to find the amount of games that need to be played during the weekend per hour, by the entire community base:

100,000 games / 72 hours = 1388.9 games per hour

Figuring 4 persons per gold match, we need 5,555.6 people to play these 1388.9 games per hour to hit the 1,000,000 goal.

If you figure the average player will play 4 gold games this weekend, let's do the math (entirely hypothetical at this point)

(5,555.6 people per hour x 72 hours) = 400,003.2 individual gamers needed (if everyone only played 1 game)

Divide that by 4, and you only need 100,000 folks to play 4 gold Cerberus games this weekend to get the goal.

Totally feasible, and will probably overshoot it by quite abit in my estimation. I've got to believe on PC and Xbox alone there are over 100,000 people a night playing multiplayer.
If case you guys forgot, the first N7 challenge was to kill a million Brutes and the community ended up killing THREE MILLION.

I don't think we need to worry about hitting that million mark! ;)


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Just did my first gold run. Two asari adepts, one salarian infiltrator and some human. It was easy.


Bronze only has them on waves 9-11. I think you would expect to see 4-5 in a typical bronze. I think they start in wave 5 on silver, and I think you probably see 10 throughout the match. I'm sure someone has actually tabulated all this somewhere.

Neither Bronze nor Silver have Phantoms during wave 11.
Depending on how much trouble people have with Gold, the community goal may not be reached if everyone spends their time trying to beat a match on Gold (as opposed to playing Cerberus all the time).

I guess I need to get my Salarian Engineer to 20 and try out Gold farming. I wish I had a Carnifex (only have a Phalanx).


Canadians burned my passport
What's better between Reach Shockwave or Detonate Shockwave? Does reach actually extend the range of your shockwave? Or just how wide it is?


What's better between Reach Shockwave or Detonate Shockwave? Does reach actually extend the range of your shockwave? Or just how wide it is?

I don't have any experience playing as a Human Adept (I assume this is for HA), so I can't answer the first question. However, reach increases the distance the shockwave can go.
Really loving the Turian sentinal right now. Dude is a tank and chain overload is fantastic. Going to try engineer next - should I go Salarian or Geth?


Really loving the Turian sentinal right now. Dude is a tank and chain overload is fantastic. Going to try engineer next - should I go Salarian or Geth?
geth is better though the salarian is no slouch. decoy is a great ability, especially on hacking rounds.


What's better between Reach Shockwave or Detonate Shockwave? Does reach actually extend the range of your shockwave? Or just how wide it is?

Both are good. I prefer Reach, but if you don't find the Shockwave's range a problem go for Detonate.

Whatever you do, don't take Radius at rank 4.


The community has to be getting smaller and smaller though.

One can hope that the stats they continue to collect are used to come up with the challenge's kill threshold. I have no idea if they collect the data daily or if they've narrowed things down to just weekends (to cut down on cost and network traffic).


also from the forums-justicar's alliance training rank 5 option for a 15% power damage boost does not work. can't believe how many bugs there are in this game..


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
also from the forums-justicar's alliance training rank 5 option for a 15% power damage boost does not work. can't believe how many bugs there are in this game..

Game freezes on me move than any game in recent memory. More than a Bethesda title.
Gold has so many cursed phantoms. *whew*

But yeah, Geth Engineer is pretty fun, but I put some points in hunter mode rather than fitness since he already seems pretty tough (especially with my turret recharging shields). Worth it?
Depends if the turret is being used for offence or support. Hunter mode is more useful for the infiltrator imo since it has cloak.

If you have the your turret relatively close Hunter mode buffing isn't a bad idea. What I've been doing to moderate success is throwing out the turret w/ flame thrower into the middle of traffic and using chain overload then spraying with my Geth SMG/Phaeston


also from the forums-justicar's alliance training rank 5 option for a 15% power damage boost does not work. can't believe how many bugs there are in this game..

I noticed this before. If you looked at the stats listed for Reave, it was clear that it wasn't receiving the bonus. Honestly though, the fact that the Justicar even has an option for power damage at rank 5 seems like an oversight; all the other bonuses in the tree are for power duration, not damage.

On top of that, even without the damage bonuses, Justicar Reave does more damage than the Drell Reave. It has a base damage of 100, compared to 70 for the Drell. Drell Reave maxes out at 115.5 damage per second with every damage bonus available; Asari Reave maxes out at 130 damage per second with nothing but the rank 6 bonus. And since the Justicar gets all those passive power duration bonuses, her Reave ends up being even better yet.
had the BEST team ever last night, and also the worst lol.

in a silver match on Firebase Giant, me as an Asari Adept with two Drell Adepts and Krogan Vanguard, all level 20. we just WRECKED everything, i don't think anyone ever went down, i know i never revived anyone and i didn't go down myself. it was so awesome, just biotic explosions all over the place. usually i struggle to survive on Silver so it was really fun just feeling overpowered for once. thanks team!

and then i played bronze... i literally had to revive all of the other players 2-3 times just in the first 3 waves. i couldn't believe it, i didn't even have time to fight the enemies because i had to constantly run to revive people. then they'd go down again in 10 seconds and i have to run back. constantly. WTF? and ALL of the 3 other players were like this, like they didn't know how to play at all. it was kinda hilarious. don't they know the game has a cover system?? and that you can RUN away from enemies if they're about to overwhelm you? especially on bronze it's not that hard to stay alive..


Really Really Exciting Member!
Wait the rank 5 power damage justicar choice is bugged? Dammit, another class to reset/promote.

What's the other choice? 25% more headshot damage?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Yeah... its the power damage/headshot thing. The power damage thing never made sense at all imo. Would've made Reave ridiculous...
Doesn't sap away health from synthetics.

If I remember correctly, you can't even detonate it! :(
I just waltzed into a silver match expecting to renovate faces when I noticed a sudden severe lack of blue and irritating noises. :|

"Effective against *Armor!"


It's gotten to the point where I almost just leave when I see a Geth Infiltrator random with a GPS.

They all just run around trying to show off their e-peens, dying all over the map, not reviving teammates, just trying to go buck wild.


How many phantoms are in a Silver match? I kinda don't want to play Gold matches, unless I have a group together. Forget it with randoms.


Doesn't sap away health from synthetics.

If I remember correctly, you can't even detonate it! :(

Huh? No. If you've ever experienced something like that, it was a bug. Reave does full damage against synthetics; exactly the same amount that it does against organics. It can also be used to prime biotic explosions without issue.

My Justicar's Reave does 1170 damage over the course of the duration. Against a Silver Geth Trooper (1238 health), a single Reave and nothing else will leave them with a tiny sliver of health, as you'd expect.
carnifex +4 now. Finally, i really want to get this to +10 and ill be happy.

Also = Reave + Cluster Grenade or whatever the drell has is REALLY good for taking out brutes/phantoms.


Really Really Exciting Member!
What i also like about Reave, is that it ignore the Guardian's shield. If 2 or 3 of them are near each other, my AOE reave will kill them easily without needing to pull shields or aim in the little opening.
Damn, Spectre packs are giving me nothing but Claymore/Revenant upgrades. Hate this randomized shit, at least spread it around before giving out the same cards 4 times in a row.


I wish I got more Widow and Carnifex upgrades...


Huh? No. If you've ever experienced something like that, it was a bug. Reave does full damage against synthetics; exactly the same amount that it does against organics. It can also be used to prime biotic explosions without issue.

My Justicar's Reave does 1170 damage over the course of the duration. Against a Silver Geth Trooper (1238 health), a single Reave and nothing else will leave them with a tiny sliver of health, as you'd expect.
Seriously? Dunno what was up with my Justicar then. Probably a bug, like you suggested.


Unlocked a scorpion today and threw it on a krogan vanguard, it's pretty fun on classes that don't need to worry about weight. Doesn't seem to have enough ammo or do much damage to care about it at rank I, and I doubt it'll get any higher for me.


It's gotten to the point where I almost just leave when I see a Geth Infiltrator random with a GPS.

They all just run around trying to show off their e-peens, dying all over the map, not reviving teammates, just trying to go buck wild.
The weapon mods are useful when judging.
If their GPS has a Smart Choke or Shredder that's a bad sign.
If they're using Clip and Barrel it can go either way.
If they have the Blade Attachment: "Watch out, we got a badass over here."

My Batarian Sentinel uses a Kishok. I call him, Ahab. It's an underwhelming combination, but for some reason I can't stop using it.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
My friend rocks with Kishock. I don't know how he does it but he is usually first/second at the end of the round. He uses it with Salarian infiltrator which makes him very valuable on Gold.


My friend rocks with Kishock. I don't know how he does it but he is usually first/second at the end of the round. He uses it with Salarian infiltrator which makes him very valuable on Gold.

Theoretically, the Kishock is easily the most powerful sniper rifle.* In reality, very few people can hit with the thing. Kudos to your friend for being one of the few.

*Except against Atlases.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Finally got my Krogan Battlemaster. Any advice on which would be better power option, Carnage or Barrier?

Take Barrier, ignore Carnage completely. Take any sort of points that improve health, shield and damage reduction(especially since the Rage points are broken).

Be an invincible tank in Silver!


Finally got my Krogan Battlemaster. Any advice on which would be better power option, Carnage or Barrier?

Somebody may be able to respond with more authority, but I went with six in everything except carnage and carried around a GPS following this build.

Murder Train:
Biotic Charge: Force and Damage (4), Melee Synergy (5), Barrier (6)
Carnage: N/A
Barrier: Barrier Strength (4), Shield Recharge (5), Barrier Strength (6)
Krogan Battlemaster: Damage and Capacity (4), Power Damage (5), Weapon Damage (6)
Rage: Melee Damage (4), Martial Artist (5), Fitness Expert (6)

Basically, your goal is to play conservatively and get your rage on. Then, heavy melee into everything. Keep barrier up forever and if your shield drops, biotic charge to refill it. As long as you don't jump right into a group of people, you'll do well.

Unfortunately, and this really sucks because it's how Krogan are pretty much based around (i do pretty much the same thing with my Sentinel and it rocks), Rage is broken on the Battlemaster.

I don't recommend putting points into carnage as an armor boost, depending on enemy type, and melee is going to output way more damage than you would using those points to boost carnage. In addition, you'll want your cooldown up for for Charge so you can restore your barrier.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Theoretically, the Kishock is easily the most powerful sniper rifle.* In reality, very few people can hit with the thing. Kudos to your friend for being one of the few.

*Except against Atlases.

well, he lives in the same city and I'm hosting usually so he doesn't suffer from lag a lot.
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