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Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer |OT| Rich, deep online role playing


Take Barrier, ignore Carnage completely. Take any sort of points that improve health, shield and damage reduction(especially since the Rage points are broken).

Be an invincible tank in Silver!

Thanks for the tip. I was about to select Carnage, because of Barrier's power speed penalty.

Now I've got all the characters I wanted the most, including Geth Engineer and Batarian Sentinel. Didn't like playing with the latter that much though. Turian & Krogan sentinels seemed more fun. Overload and Incinerate just feel more effective than Submission Net. Plus, the Batarian's melee strike is painfully slow. Other players often managed to kill the enemy I was about to melee during the pre-strike animation.

Somebody may be able to respond with more authority, but I went with six in everything except carnage and carried around a GPS following this build.

Murder Train:
Biotic Charge: Force and Damage (4), Melee Synergy (5), Barrier (6)
Carnage: N/A
Barrier: Barrier Strength (4), Shield Recharge (5), Barrier Strength (6)
Krogan Battlemaster: Damage and Capacity (4), Power Damage (5), Weapon Damage (6)
Rage: Melee Damage (4), Martial Artist (5), Fitness Expert (6)

Basically, your goal is to play conservatively and get your rage on. Then, heavy melee into everything. Keep barrier up forever and if your shield drops, biotic charge to refill it. As long as you don't jump right into a group of people, you'll do well.

Unfortunately, and this really sucks because it's how Krogan are pretty much based around (i do pretty much the same thing with my Sentinel and it rocks), Rage is broken on the Battlemaster.

I don't recommend putting points into carnage as an armor boost, depending on enemy type, and melee is going to output way more damage than you would using those points to boost carnage. In addition, you'll want your cooldown up for for Charge so you can restore your barrier.

Thanks. Will bear those in mind. =)


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Seriously? Dunno what was up with my Justicar then. Probably a bug, like you suggested.
If it a bug, its fucked me over for my last 3 games vs Geth

And why does everyone hate on the Shredder?! :(


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Shockwave is great for easy biotic explosions if you're working together with someone. My Drell Adept reaves a group, vanguard friend shockwaves it, BOOM. Biotic Explosions for everyone.

if you are a vanguard, you should be novaing to set off the explosions.


Thanks for the tip. I was about to select Carnage, because of Barrier's power speed penalty.

Now I've got all the characters I wanted the most, including Geth Engineer and Batarian Sentinel. Didn't like playing with the latter that much though. Turian & Krogan sentinels seemed more fun. Overload and Incinerate just feel more effective than Submission Net. Plus, the Batarian's melee strike is painfully slow. Other players often managed to kill the enemy I was about to melee during the pre-strike animation.


Thanks. Will bear those in mind. =)

No problem!

Just be careful with the Heavy Melee on Krogan. You're gonna want to use it, as when you get everything maxed out it will 1-2 shot most enemies (save your big baddies). However, you travel deceptively far, so missing kinda sucks (I believe with Rage working properly and the boost from having previously killed something with heavy melee it does a few thousand damage). I always go back a step to line up and then proceed with the killing.


There's some pretty serious DR applied when a Batarian is in the heavy melee animation, so it can actually save your life in some instances even if you use it without actually attacking anything.


If a player named "Uchiya" who is n7 ~2440 joins your gold game kick him for somebody else, he is an AFKer.

The AFK bullshit is getting ridiculous. I got stuck in too many games last night with people that just went away after ready'ing up.


Really? It's very rare for me.

Must be a console thing. :lol

It rarely happens to me as well (I play on the 360). I started playing GGW a while ago and there were many AFKers, not so much now.

I don't know what to do guys, save up credits and wait for PSPacks or just buy Spectre Packs? :\


I've never had it happen on 360.

They should just implement a score threshold where it rewards you no credits if you don't pass it or something.


I'm on the 360, and it's happened to me numerous times.

Wish there was a way to kick folks out in the middle of the game.


I'm on the 360, and it's happened to me numerous times.

Wish there was a way to kick folks out in the middle of the game.

same, happened to me a bunch of times. on GGW gold run once it was the guy playing the salarian engineer i was hella pissed.


AFKers happened twice to me on Silver (PS3). Fucking fuckers just stayed in the corner idly doing nothing.

On that note, is there such thing as White Geth Gold faux-pass? I'm asking because for the first time ever, I finally did a WGG last night and it was an all-around successful mission. No one got killed at all and the mission went without a glitch.

The thing was, after the session, I got the boot. I don't get it. I don't think I did anything offensive that I can think of. I wasn't idling and even though I came last, my score was only 2000 points behind the guy before me.

Is it because I sabotaged some of the Geths to fight each other? I played as Quarian Infiltrator and find that sabotaging the Geths worked to our advantage because while they fight each other, we can bombard them with our powers/guns.

Is it my low N7 level? I'm only level 172 at the moment but it's not like I suck at the game. I scored a few kills despite me sitting behind from the action because the table at the front has been taken by the other 3 players.

Is it maybe because I inadvertently took some of their intended kill? I don't even know how anyone can tell who shoot what first in that mess. I thought the idea is to survive first, who cares about kill points. It's not like I took the top spot or anything like that.

The only thing I can think of is that may pissed them off was when it's time for hacking mission, I chose to stay behind in the room while the other 2 went off (cloaked) to do it. I thought by doing that I'll divert the attention of the Geths to the room since we're not cloaked while they are. On a hindsight, that may not be such a good idea? Maybe I and the other guy left in the room was lucky that we didn't even die. Should we all go together during hacking mission?


don't think about it too much, people in pubs are just fucking idiots. Saw 2 people with an N7 rank 500+ trying to kick someone who was rank 17&level 17 in a bronze game.

also, you should be staying in the room to make the geth come to you rather than the infiltrator. Always great when a hacking objective comes up and everybody starts running towards the objective (and naturally the ones that can't cloak get gangbanged by pyros and hunters.


don't think about it too much, people in pubs are just fucking idiots. Saw 2 people with an N7 rank 500+ trying to kick someone who was rank 17&level 17 in a bronze game.

also, you should be staying in the room to make the geth come to you rather than the infiltrator. Always great when a hacking objective comes up and everybody starts running towards the objective (and naturally the ones that can't cloak get gangbanged by pyros and hunters.

I think all of us were Infiltrators, IIRC. A Salarian, 2 Quarians (myself included), and one Geth. I stayed in the room because during the 1st hacking mission only one guy actually left to activate the buttons so I thought that's the correct strategy during the 2nd hacking mission.


*Yeah, only one Infiltrator should take care of beacons.

It's definitely best if you stay in the room, but other than that definitely don't take kicks personally.

Regarding hacks: I actually prefer everyone in the circle. Every zone except the LZ is easily reached when played properly.

Geth Gold White (semi-advanced) tips:
When an objective wave starts one person should be in the room on the stairs. That blocks the enemy spawn. This means the whole team can run to that capture point or the one on the ladder without getting shot.
This same room is also the best place to camp during the extract waves.

I spent every credit I had saved on Jumbo Equipment Packs. These things are great. To hell with Spectre Packs.


Oh yeah, what do people normally do during extraction wave on WGG? Staying on that room near the stairs? I thought we'd still be camping away from the LZ but in my game, everyone was turning on their cloak and went for a mad dash for the LZ. I don't get it. I thought it'll be better to draw enemies away from the LZ until say, 45 seconds to extraction.


Oh yeah, what do people normally do during extraction wave on WGG? Staying on that room near the stairs? I thought we'd still be camping away from the LZ but in my game, everyone was turning on their cloak and went for a mad dash for the LZ. I don't get it. I thought it'll be better to draw enemies away from the LZ until say, 45 seconds to extraction.

You can do it either way. Both are really easy. The easier method is either holding the stairwell, LZ, and ladder for a bit before going to LZ or holding the desk room and then leaving through the back.

Going straight to the LZ isn't bad either though because there is a lot of cover there.


From my experience it goes:
90% of the time they camp the same spot (head to LZ between 20 and 40 seconds left)
9% of the time the team will head to the LZ
1% of the time the team is elite and camps the stairwell. When the whole team is there the enemy only spawn below. If the team is grinding XP they will use 3 rockets here for Killstreaks.
The game must really want me to use the Claymore. Over about 10 spectre packs I've gotten the Claymore itself and now it's at level 5. On top of that I got the damage boost mod up to level 5 as well

I can one shot dudes from mid-range :O


The game must really want me to use the Claymore. Over about 10 spectre packs I've gotten the Claymore itself and now it's at level 5. On top of that I got the damage boost mod up to level 5 as well

I can one shot dudes from mid-range :O

Claymore is awesome with human soldier. :p Got mine up to level 10 just tonight.


Oh yeah, what do people normally do during extraction wave on WGG? Staying on that room near the stairs? I thought we'd still be camping away from the LZ but in my game, everyone was turning on their cloak and went for a mad dash for the LZ. I don't get it. I thought it'll be better to draw enemies away from the LZ until say, 45 seconds to extraction.

I played with a group of guys a while ago, they were friends and I joined as random. All lvl 18/19. Cerberus, Firebase Dagger.
They equipped armor piercing ammo and until wave 10 they took out each Atlas just with rifle shots. Then it was time for the extraction and they all got there: soon enough an army of Atlas mech swarmed in and they started spamming missile launchers like crazy. I've never seen so many killstreaks in two months of playing...


If you're using decoy I don't see any point in staying away from the LZ during extraction vs. geth. Just use the same tactics you used the last 10 rounds but just setup behind the lander.

I prefer to do it that way, so if somebody does get knocked down they're right there already.

It is only with Reapers that I stay away from the LZ. :)


No problem!

Just be careful with the Heavy Melee on Krogan. You're gonna want to use it, as when you get everything maxed out it will 1-2 shot most enemies (save your big baddies). However, you travel deceptively far, so missing kinda sucks (I believe with Rage working properly and the boost from having previously killed something with heavy melee it does a few thousand damage). I always go back a step to line up and then proceed with the killing.

Thanks again for the tips. =) Will try the Krogan tonight, as I couldn't do it yesterday because the EA servers once again disconnected me continuously. And once again I lost points/money for equipment packs I never recieved. I've been in contact with EA's customer service, but so far they've done nothing to remedy that.

From my limited experience, this is in many ways the most poorly executed MP mode I've played so far, compared to the likes of Resistance series, Killzone 2, WipEout HD, which not even once disconnected me during a match. Shame really, as I enjoy playing it, but all the problems, including the horrendously long loading times, make it an infuriating experience at times.

The AFK bullshit is getting ridiculous. I got stuck in too many games last night with people that just went away after ready'ing up.

I've had to quit a match a few times, because I couldn't move my character when it started. Has that happened to anyone else (on PS3)? What makes it even more annoying is that you lose all the equipment you had selected for the match.


If you're using decoy I don't see any point in staying away from the LZ during extraction vs. geth. Just use the same tactics you used the last 10 rounds but just setup behind the lander.

I prefer to do it that way, so if somebody does get knocked down they're right there already.

It is only with Reapers that I stay away from the LZ. :)

I used to do this on Firebase White, except I put the decoy down at the ladder's base near the entrance to keep the enemies away from the LZ. Sounds like a boring extraction wave but it gets the job done. All the teammates need to do is watch the ladder closest to the LZ and the walkway

*Edit: Now I stay inside the camp room and make a dash to the LZ since it seems everyone mutually agrees to do the same. I occasionally see an infiltrator near the LZ, is it to push the spawn into the base and stairs? That's my guess.

Attention Spectres: Operation EXORCIST (and all N7 Operations moving forward) is now open to PlayStation players! Head to the BioWare Blog for all the details - http://bit.ly/JrhMob

MAJOR OPERATIONS UPDATE: Good news Spectres! Starting with Operation EXORCIST, N7 Weekend Challenges will extend to the PlayStation 3 platform. Operation EXORCIST begins today, April 27th at 6:00PM PST until April 30th at 5:00PM PST, on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. Please remember to set the “Upload Gameplay Feedback” setting to “On” in the online options to be able to participate in this N7 Operation.

Source: http://blog.bioware.com/2012/04/27/priority-update-operation-exorcist/


Really Really Exciting Member!
Took them long enough. Wonder what happened with Sony.

Now, go get your Hurricane I PS3 players!


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
The hurricane isn't even that bad after the latest buff.

Throw on a stabilization mod and its actually legit.


Really Really Exciting Member!
The hurricane isn't even that bad after the latest buff.

Throw on a stabilization mod and its actually legit.

Yeah, but even then... if i want a fast weapon, i would probably use an assault rifle instead, especially with the broken SMG mod for reduced weight.


Had a really good time playing 2 sessions of White Geth Gold with a bunch of randoms. Managed to activate all of the beacons by myself too.

But if I want that victory pack I guess I better go back to Cerberus silver games now.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Yeah, but even then... if i want a fast weapon, i would probably use an assault rifle instead, especially with the broken SMG mod for reduced weight.

Its still moderately light weight compared to what its counterpart would be in the Revenant.

Its not unusable anymore... Its a Tempest on Meth. I'm sure that if you ever got an upgraded one (lol), you could lay fire.

Edit: Did the Talon get nerfed? My baby has been showing me NO love for a while now.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Its still moderately light weight compared to what its counterpart would be in the Revenant.

Its not unusable anymore... Its a Tempest on Meth. I'm sure that if you ever got an upgraded one (lol), you could lay fire.

Since Bioware seems to do these events like almost once a month... that might take a while.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Just make the leap.

Hell, I think I honestly do better on Gold now. I have zero respect for anything shooting me on Silver or Bronze and it leads to me doing a lot of dumb shit that would never even cross my mind on Gold.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I read that a single bullet from the hurricane does as much damage as a mattock shot, should try it on a turian soldier sometime.

It spits crack man... that recoil buff it got has made all the difference. I can reave a group around an Atlas, run up, drop the bubble, SPLOSIONS, then dust it off with one heat sink'd clip.

Its pretty ridiculous. It hits surprisingly hard and with ammo mods and debuffs to enemies it may as well be a flamethrower.
I read that a single bullet from the hurricane does as much damage as a mattock shot, should try it on a turian soldier sometime.

That sound stupid and it doesn't make any logical sens but keep us informed : if it's true, it might be fun.

Also : Finaly PS3 getting N7 Week Ends but I don't understand this " Squad Goal: Survive until extraction on any map and any enemy on Gold difficulty." does it mean ayou should get a full extraction on Gold ? Or a full extraction with no death in the last wave ?


Really Really Exciting Member!
I read that a single bullet from the hurricane does as much damage as a mattock shot, should try it on a turian soldier sometime.

Ooh, i love the Mattock on my Justicar. Might as well try the Hurricane again and see how it is after buffs.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Ooh, i love the Mattock on my Justicar. Might as well try the Hurricane again and see how it is after buffs.
It works hand in hand with the damage spec'd bubble.

I fear no Banshee. No Brute. No Phantom.

Come at me.


Nice to see the PS3 finally getting to join in. More dead Phantoms.
Yeah, but even then... if i want a fast weapon, i would probably use an assault rifle instead, especially with the broken SMG mod for reduced weight.
The Tempest is my assault rifle of choice on a Turian Soldier.
I want to try the Hurricane next week. Will settle for a Valiant II. I am not picky.

Good timing: Marksman DPS info.
Important Note: The only rifles that can land as many shots as the Tempest near max DPS are the GPR and Phaeston.


I read that a single bullet from the hurricane does as much damage as a mattock shot, should try it on a turian soldier sometime.

It's true. Essentially, each bullet hits as hard as a Mattock, and it fires those bullets as fast as a Phaeston. However, keep in mind that this is for Hurricanes and Mattocks of the same ranks. In many cases, what you'll actually have available is a Hurricane I and a Mattock X. Even a Hurricane I can hit like a truck, though.

...Or in my case, no Hurricane and an Eagle II. Everyone liked to complain about the Hurricane, but the Eagle has always been the true turkey of the bunch. Even before all the Hurricane buffs the Eagle was much, much worse.
Just gonna throw my gt in here Hellraizer N7, woukd like to play some gold/silver with gaffers.

Played a lot on silver and just had a few gold games yesterday. No chance with randoms except one match where apparently I was thrown in the mix with experienced gold players so I just followed how they played and it went good that one time.
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