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Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer |OT| Rich, deep online role playing



Cloak - Damage Bonus (90% total); Recharge Speed

Cloak, spam, shoot, reload, hide, cloak, spam, shoot, reload, hide x forever
Proximity Mine - Damage OR Radius. Either is fine, you really want the next bit in the tree. Its only important if and when you take into account Tech Bursts and the like; Damage Taken (Increase damage dealt from all sources by 20% for 8 seconds); Damage (the recharge option isn't that big of a deal since you'll primarily be using the cloak timer over anything else)

All this is for is finishing off tech setups and softening targets. Its also the main thing keeping Phantoms from crawling into your ass. Just don't use it like an actual mine. Its a shitty ME1 grenade frisbee.

Hunter Mode - Weapon Accuracy OR Power Recharge. Can't go wrong with either; Power Damage; Damage.

You'll be looking at 25% damage bonus from this tree alone. Accuracy helps out a bit too. Tighten dat choke.

Network AI - Weapon damage; Headshot damage (this is big); Weapon Damage

22.5% weapon damage increase. Hit a weakspot while cloaked and it doesn't even matter how far away they are or if only a few pellets connect - they die. Line up eye level shots and with the Shredder Mod on you'll be looking at 3-4 kills per shot if you're hitting groups.

Robot Fitness - First 3.

My Claymore is only VIII. Rocking high caliber barrel V and Shredder Mod V

Hmm I'll have to try this build. Not even sure I have that shotty or those mods.


Played a silver last night with some randoms as my Drell Adept

Was being berated during the match for "doing nothing but reave, scrub" even though I lead all scores by a significant amount (had around 75kish next person was 60ish). As if that weren't enough, I got kicked from the game afterwords! They all 3 voted me out! I really wish EA would find a way to express the fact that individual scores don't matter, it's just if you win or not.


Neo Member
Played a silver last night with some randoms as my Drell Adept

Was being berated during the match for "doing nothing but reave, scrub" even though I lead all scores by a significant amount (had around 75kish next person was 60ish). As if that weren't enough, I got kicked from the game afterwords! They all 3 voted me out! I really wish EA would find a way to express the fact that individual scores don't matter, it's just if you win or not.

I played with a Drell Adept last night carrying a Striker AR and a Javelin... I wish I could have seen him use Reave even once... needless to say he was absolutely horrible, but amazed that he moved so quickly carrying such heavy weapons :(


I played with a Drell Adept last night carrying a Striker AR and a Javelin... I wish I could have seen him use Reave even once... needless to say he was absolutely horrible, but amazed that he moved so quickly carrying such heavy weapons :(

Gross. If you've played enough to have those two guns you would think he'd realize theres absolutely no benefit. At that point he's just a squishy, crappy sniper with 3 grenades.

I really would like to do a 4 person Drell Adept run where everyone just reaves. I feel like it'd be pretty devastating. It sounds implausible but I can hit most anything with 2-3 reaves and it'll be down before it runs out.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Why claymore over Geth Plasma Shotgun?

GPS has issues with travel time and acts wonky sometimes. Even though its lighter, it doesn't have the one shot fuckyocouch ability of the Claymore. Also, its my belief that the Claymore's range is VASTLY underestimated. The choke is completely unnecessary. Barrel + Shredder all day.

Plus people tend to get in the habit of dancing around a lot with the GPS and not remember how squishy Hunter Mode makes you. Once you get the reload tricks down, its gravy.


Neo Member
Gross. If you've played enough to have those two guns you would think he'd realize theres absolutely no benefit. At that point he's just a squishy, crappy sniper with 3 grenades.

I really would like to do a 4 person Drell Adept run where everyone just reaves. I feel like it'd be pretty devastating. It sounds implausible but I can hit most anything with 2-3 reaves and it'll be down before it runs out.

I was playing Justicar and really wanted to just combo explode everything but he apparently couldn't grasp the idea.

So instead I just ran around Reaving everything and topping everyone else's scores without even trying haha. Oh man... the randoms we play with
Goddamn buggy game. Fix this shit Bioware.

no kidding. the other night the bugginess of the single player game pissed me off and i decided to jump into multiplayer again... and get even more bugs.

fucking PATCH the game already. i don't remember the last time i played a game this messed up.

if you're wondering what bugs i'm talking about; i encountered an indestructible turret in single player and couldn't proceed. i tried everything and just could not destroy the fucking turret. at first i didn't realize it was a bug stopping me from proceeding so i went around the level for like 10-20 minutes trying to figure out where to go. pissed me off.

and in the multiplayer i'm getting this weird, highly annoying droning sound that just lasts forever. drives me NUTS. not to mention all the times my reviving doesn't work and our team fails. ARGH. also i couldn't buy any packs for some reason, tried for ages and nothing.. get nothing but errors.

you'd think an "AAA" release would be of higher quality, really. shamefully buggy game at least on PS3.


Canadians burned my passport
It's ridiculous because when I get teleported a mile away, all the other players still see me standing there like a moron getting killed over and over again.
Played a silver last night with some randoms as my Drell Adept

Was being berated during the match for "doing nothing but reave, scrub" even though I lead all scores by a significant amount (had around 75kish next person was 60ish). As if that weren't enough, I got kicked from the game afterwords! They all 3 voted me out! I really wish EA would find a way to express the fact that individual scores don't matter, it's just if you win or not.

i had the opposite. I played a game about an hour ago where i was a drell adept, and i was with 2 x krogan vanguards and a krogan soldier. it was great.

without a mic, there was excellent understanding. i would reave a group, they would bumrush in and wipe EVERYTHING out. Same as an atlus, reave then BOOM. Really good team dynamic.

Also, in a closed room, i would reave then cluster grenade then they would clean up the rest. was a fun game for sure.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Guess i should be glad randoms dont talk at all on PC, except in very rare cases.

Just tried the Geth Plasma SMG, and this thing is nice. Shoots so fast and weight barely nothing, even my "caster" classes can use it with a pistol without losing much cooldown at all with the mod that reduce weight.
I can only win Bronze. How the hell do you win silver or gold?

High level character, good weapons/equipment, good teammates, and good teamwork.

It's really not all that difficult if you've got at least a few of the things I mentioned. Probably the most important is good teammates. If some idiot gets himself killed, it can put a lot of pressure on the rest of the squad.

Gold with Geth on Firebase White camping behind the desks in the corner of the map is the easiest method.
I'd be nice to get past the start menu at this point.

whaaat..? what version?

my PS3 version ALWAYS struggles to load the multiplayer menu... sometimes it can take a minute or two before i can even move in the menu, lol. i can see the menu and all, just can't do anything.

all the bugginess sucks so much, almost ruins the otherwise amazing multiplayer.. such a shame. they didn't think it would be worth it to spend maybe a couple extra weeks polishing simple things like menus and making sure reviving works?


Prodigal Son
I'm sure I could try Gold with my Salarian or Quarian Infiltrator using an N7 Crusader, but I've never attempted it. My successful rounds on Silver with communicative teams were fun though, so maybe I should man up.


When they say "Survive any map/enemy type on Gold", do they mean no dying at all? No Medi-gel? No revives?

That might be kinda tough with randoms.
When they say "Survive any map/enemy type on Gold", do they mean no dying at all? No Medi-gel? No revives?

That might be kinda tough with randoms.

Just saw on the official BioWare forums that any extraction will do (so basically, make sure at least one person survives).
Operation EXORCIST is announced:

Community Goal: Kill 1,000,000 Phantoms
Squad Goal: Survive any map/enemy type on Gold.


Stoked! I'm going to fight the good fight and resist the urge to do Firebase White/Geth.

It would have been hilarious if they said complete any Map/Enemy type on gold EXCEPT for Firebase White/Geth. ;)

only for pc and 360 again... WTF is going on?


I use my level 20 Salarian engineer with a level 1 Carnifex. Spamming energy drain and incinerate on everything. I almost always lead the team and win on bronze (especially against geth). This usually takes 20 minutes and gets me ~18000 credits. I don’t know what else to do. I can’t seem to win on silver. Forget about gold.

Maybe I just need to play with friends / competent people.


I use my level 20 Salarian engineer with a level 1 Carnifex. Spamming energy drain and incinerate on everything. I almost always lead the team and win on bronze (especially against geth). This usually takes 20 minutes and gets me ~18000 credits. I don’t know what else to do. I can’t seem to win on silver. Forget about gold.

Maybe I just need to play with friends / competent people.

Clydefrog, are you on the 360?


Neo Member
Operation EXORCIST is announced:

Community Goal: Kill 1,000,000 Phantoms
Squad Goal: Survive any map/enemy type on Gold.


Stoked! I'm going to fight the good fight and resist the urge to do Firebase White/Geth.

It would have been hilarious if they said complete any Map/Enemy type on gold EXCEPT for Firebase White/Geth. ;)

Do they say no PS3 again? :(

whaaat..? what version?

my PS3 version ALWAYS struggles to load the multiplayer menu... sometimes it can take a minute or two before i can even move in the menu, lol. i can see the menu and all, just can't do anything.

all the bugginess sucks so much, almost ruins the otherwise amazing multiplayer.. such a shame. they didn't think it would be worth it to spend maybe a couple extra weeks polishing simple things like menus and making sure reviving works?

My PS3 multiplayer menu takes forever to load as well!


That operation is kinda nuts

That's 232 phantoms a minute for 72 hours straight!

How many are in an operation on average? Five? If we assume an operation takes twenty minutes on average.. then that's 928, let's say a thousand operations going on simultaneously for all that time. Is that a lot or very little?

Cat Party

I knew they'd make me play gold eventually. I haven't even tried yet, as silver is the perfect mix of difficulty and fun for me. So I guess I'll be trying Gold-Cerberus on FBW this weekend.


How many are in an operation on average? Five? If we assume an operation takes twenty minutes on average.. then that's 928, let's say a thousand operations going on simultaneously for all that time. Is that a lot or very little?

Well I suppose if you do 5 a match (bronze has way less but yeah, gold more) at 20 minutes each = 15 an hour. So 15 x 72 = 1080 an hour on average. So that means to hit 1,000,000 you would have to have 926 matches being played simultaneously for the entire length of the challenge?

Seems like a crapload but I know not what a typical days match load is


Canadians burned my passport
How many are in an operation on average? Five? If we assume an operation takes twenty minutes on average.. then that's 928, let's say a thousand operations going on simultaneously for all that time. Is that a lot or very little?

Maybe five in bronze, but more like thirty in gold.

Cat Party

Bronze only has them on waves 9-11. I think you would expect to see 4-5 in a typical bronze. I think they start in wave 5 on silver, and I think you probably see 10 throughout the match. I'm sure someone has actually tabulated all this somewhere.
I was playing a match and it's literally 6 seconds left on the last round till the game is over and my freaking Xbox just decided to freeze.
Im never going to public chat with players again. I thought i would cos someone asked me to. they were 14yo kids...i cant play like this.

they asked where i live, i said Dubai, they asked "do you speak Indian then?"

Then they were yelling after every kill saying how they are the best etc...not gonna bother.
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