I've gotten to the Cerberus Base mission on my Insanity runthrough, so thought it was high time I finally take the plunge on multiplayer. In a massive change of personal style, I decided to jump in with some randoms (I usually try and stick to friends only).
Only got 3 complete games done, but it was more fun than I thought it would be.
Kinda feel a bit useless as I'm such a low level and haven't got hardly any equipment yet, but that's to be expected. You need to mop and defend for a bit to earn the gear and skills before you can get dirty properly.
Bought mostly recruit packs, and a couple of the next one up (I forget the name). managed to get my M-92, one of the pistols and one of the shotguns (I forget which ones right now) up to level 3, and a bunch of one-use items, so I'm slowly getting to a point where I can be useful.
Actually, I'm being a bit rough on myself there. I've been useful for sure, just not as useful as I can be when I get my characters built up. I did manage a 25 headshots medal and a 50 kills medal in the second match that I was kinda proud of myself for.
Been playing as my Human Female Infiltrator, but I unlocked a Turian Soldier. I need to start playing as an engineer too (still gotta get that 100 overloads achievement, lol).
Anyone got any advice on basic stuff, like how much longer I should pick up recruit packs before starting to save for the next ones, recommended specs for characters, etc.
If anyone wants to play some random enemy on random Bronze with a sad ol' fucker from the UK, I'll be on tonight. My GF is getting the SSX DLC so she'll leave me with the TV pretty early on. I'll probably be on from about 20:30GMT.
GT: MonkeylordUK - Say you're from GAF, as I usually delete/ignore random friends requests.