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Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer |OT| Rich, deep online role playing

Or you could just use a claymore and not have to bother with the charging of the gps or speccing for increased geth weapon damage.

If you miss with the claymore (say she's doing a cartwheel), you're screwed though.

GPS can followup with additional shots before the reload, and has the ability to stagger the opponent, and that second shot, while still cloaked, is also super powerful.


First guy in group : "Falcon sucks, I hate that gun"

Then the guy with the Falcon doubles up on his score.

Finally got my Unwavering trophy by going 6/6 Gold on the MP maps. The hardest one for me to get was Reactor, but I wound up in a good Reactor/Cerb group last night and we cleared it without much trouble.


Someone earlier posted a YouTube video with a Turian Soldier and a Tempest X after vouching for the class for several posts, but I can't find it anymore. Anybody have the link?

Cat Party

It's funny how we all have these idea about certain guns or classes being shit on harder challenges, and invariably you run across someone who dominates with these odd set ups at some point.


The Claymore is just nasty.

I only have lvl III due to not playing tons but my goodness. You can shoot across the screen with that thang.

All I want to do is play my Geth Infiltrator from now until forever.

(I still don't have the GPS :( )
I'd do just the opposite, ignore concussive shot, max grenades, adrenaline rush, and any passive damage boosts.

Shields and HP aren't that important as you're not supposed to be getting hit in the first place. :) Falcon with cryo disables entire groups and you're going to be firing from cover.

Only one grenade per crate on gold but you've got 3 close crates and are most likely going to be the only person using grenades.

Back up the falcon with a sidearm of some type. I'd probably go with a carnifex and use it to headshot solo targets and primes.

I usually put some points into concussive shot, just so I can set off tech bursts that are set up by my ammo powers; it's pretty effective in gold being used this way, and the knock down effect is pretty handy too( just avoid amplification when you spec it, it doesn't work right now ).

Right now I'm going 6/6/6/6/0 on my soldier, as I don't find less health to be much more of an issue in gold(I die lightning fast either way), I just make sure I'm hosting so I'm not taking damage late into cover.

GPS( charged ) or Claymore on a human soldier is really effective though, If fully spec'ed for damage both can pass the shield gate in one shot when you activate adrenaline rush.

It's funny how we all have these idea about certain guns or classes being shit on harder challenges, and invariably you run across someone who dominates with these odd set ups at some point.

Some classes take more skill to get the most out of them, but all classes are viable on gold. I usually just play with the Turian or Human soldier on gold and I usually place at the top of the leaderboard at the end, with at least 75 kills. Undoubtedly though, some classes are flat out better than others ( such as the Asari Classes).


Just played a round of geth gold on white. it was beautiful. we got 2 hacking rounds but we stayed winning. so many tech bursts
I put da team on my back!
Someone earlier posted a YouTube video with a Turian Soldier and a Tempest X after vouching for the class for several posts, but I can't find it anymore. Anybody have the link?

I tried the build to a T, watched the vid and copied the strategy exactly on gold.

I got last place by a mile, and was only effective in certain moments; overall the class was 'good' at best, but not awesome, OP-ed or anything like that. I didn't have fun either. I play the multiplayer every night on gold too as an FYI.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Is the "kill 3 millions Phantoms" event still going on, or can i go back to random?

I just checked the top leaderloards again...

#1 is 8015 while #2 is 5401.



It is a million phantoms, but I think three million is also achievable.

Am waiting for the Premium Spectre Packs to be unlock, buying Spectre now and getting
useless random shit is getting out of hand.
It is a million phantoms, but I think three million is also achievable.

Am waiting for the Premium Spectre Packs to be unlock, buying Spectre now and getting
useless random shit is getting out of hand.

I'm getting all my useless gold weapons to X (Arc Pistol, Disciple, Kishock, Hornet, Pulse Rifle...)

Now is the time to get my useful weapons to X ! (I have Widow, but I want Carnifex, Claymore, GPS...)



Played two Gold matches on Cerberus/Dagger and didn't win either.

The first map I join in-progress. We get to wave 6, but I am the last one left alive. Not enough time to complete the capture objective.
The second map we get beacons on wave 10. I'm running around doing my Infiltrator thing. Team dies. I have one last beacon to activate so I use a Cobra to clear out the Phantoms. I should have used two Cobras. I die and the Phantom is just loitering over my body daring me to use one of my Medigels. I do it anyways, take a OHKO and we lose.

Feels bad man.
On the plus side, the second place player was a Tempest Turian Soldier :D

Stopped buying Spectre packs for the week and spent every last credit on Jumbo Equipment Packs. I have a very large stockpile now.


edit 2 : Revenant X. Come on son.
time to build a turian soldier

DY_nasty, loving your geth infiltrator build, though I'm not sure if it's because of my terrible aim or what but I was having trouble landing one hit kills to the head from a distance, so I swapped the shredder with a smart choke. Almost makes playing firebase white geth bearable since I'm not stuck behind a desk the whole time.


I'm pretty sure I have all Uncommon/Gold guns. I'm missing customization options on a few Resurgence characters. My Ultra-Rare list is very small.

I'm hoping for a Hurricane tomorrow. Otherwise I'm out of strange builds to try.

Maybe that Geth Grenadier.


is it just me or do proxy mine debuffs stack when multiple people use them on the same group

holy shit everything is going down in seconds


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
time to build a turian soldier

DY_nasty, loving your geth infiltrator build, though I'm not sure if it's because of my terrible aim or what but I was having trouble landing one hit kills to the head from a distance, so I swapped the shredder with a smart choke. Almost makes playing firebase white geth bearable since I'm not stuck behind a desk the whole time.
I do a lot more close range dancing than I should. Shredder just decimates mobs Ann's especially guardians.


Really Really Exciting Member!
The Scorpion isnt that good for an ultra rare... sure the explosive bullets are nice, but by the time they explode, i could be killed before my target.


The Scorpion isnt that good for an ultra rare... sure the explosive bullets are nice, but by the time they explode, i could be killed before my target.

Fire them at the feet of a moving target. When used as landmines, they arm instantly. This is particularly effective against Geth Hunters - the explosion causes a guaranteed stagger. Also, if your target dies with mines attached, the mines will fly off while remaining active - allowing them to hit something else instead.

Personally, I think the Scorpion is extremely underrated. It shines when used on missions where enemies tend to clump, particularly when combined with ammo powers. Damage is similar to a Carnifex, but you trade the ability to headshot for AoE and stagger capability. Persoally, I like to use it with Disruptor Ammo on my Salarian Engineer, but only when I'm hosting.


I do a lot more close range dancing than I should. Shredder just decimates mobs Ann's especially guardians.
The way Shotgun Infiltrators should be played. I'm a huge fan of Human Shotgun Infiltrator, but Proximity Mine is make it hard to stick with that belief.

I've also been hearing the debuff stacks.


What does everyone thinks the odds are of a Prothean teammate?

Honestly, I just really want to spam Dark Channel with a Reaver at my side.
Laggy games with a 0 fitness Asari Adept is a death sentnce. Can't react to shit.

Respeced my Geth Infiltrator away from sniping to shotgun. This is too grimy. Anything that walks on two legs gets its melon busted in one shot. Using a Claymore VIII with a Geth SMG as backup with ULM and 80% magazine capacity boost. Going around cloaked dropping Phantoms like flies is too fun.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
What does everyone thinks the odds are of a Prothean teammate?

Honestly, I just really want to spam Dark Channel with a Reaver at my side.

None if they care about their universe at all

So Protheans will be out next week.


Because not everyone needs to cloak to survive

That and the credit bonus i imagine, alot of the time you can make it to hacking locations before any enemy's. its even more important to get the objective out the way especially if your playing with morons who are focused on killing as many mobs as they can rather than completing the objective. Whenever a round starts and its not a basic killing round i sprint to the waypoint marker asap regardless of what class i am.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
That and the credit bonus i imagine, alot of the time you can make it to hacking locations before any enemy's. its even more important to get the objective out the way especially if your playing with morons who are focused on killing as many mobs as they can rather than completing the objective. Whenever a round starts and its not a basic killing round i sprint to the waypoint marker asap regardless of what class i am.
as far as hacking goes...

Cloaking is easy.

A team can do anything
3 guys working together can make it work
2 guys who know what they're doing can survive
1 bad dude can do it without cloak

Problem is that too many people think they're bad enough dudes. I saw this one kid try and copy my bubblechokepoint strategy on glacier - IT ONLY WORKS WHEN YOU'RE AWARE OF THE SPAWNS AND SPEC REAVE PROPERLY. *mild rage*
I've gotten to the Cerberus Base mission on my Insanity runthrough, so thought it was high time I finally take the plunge on multiplayer. In a massive change of personal style, I decided to jump in with some randoms (I usually try and stick to friends only).

Only got 3 complete games done, but it was more fun than I thought it would be.

Kinda feel a bit useless as I'm such a low level and haven't got hardly any equipment yet, but that's to be expected. You need to mop and defend for a bit to earn the gear and skills before you can get dirty properly.

Bought mostly recruit packs, and a couple of the next one up (I forget the name). managed to get my M-92, one of the pistols and one of the shotguns (I forget which ones right now) up to level 3, and a bunch of one-use items, so I'm slowly getting to a point where I can be useful.

Actually, I'm being a bit rough on myself there. I've been useful for sure, just not as useful as I can be when I get my characters built up. I did manage a 25 headshots medal and a 50 kills medal in the second match that I was kinda proud of myself for.

Been playing as my Human Female Infiltrator, but I unlocked a Turian Soldier. I need to start playing as an engineer too (still gotta get that 100 overloads achievement, lol).

Anyone got any advice on basic stuff, like how much longer I should pick up recruit packs before starting to save for the next ones, recommended specs for characters, etc.

If anyone wants to play some random enemy on random Bronze with a sad ol' fucker from the UK, I'll be on tonight. My GF is getting the SSX DLC so she'll leave me with the TV pretty early on. I'll probably be on from about 20:30GMT.

GT: MonkeylordUK - Say you're from GAF, as I usually delete/ignore random friends requests.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I'd say, stick to recruit packs until you get enough weapon mods and consumables, then switch to veterans for some uncommon weapons/classes and when you feel you're powerful enough, switch to silver/gold and get the spectre packs.
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