EA servers continue to suck so bad. Just got disconnected from a game with 20 seconds left for the shuttle, losing everything. I tend to have lots of connection issues late at night too.
Aw man that is horrible =\
So I started buying the cheaper packs so I could get every weapon and mod to max level faster and I got a missing character on a Veteran pack.
I spent millions of credits on PSP's and got nothing, yesterday out of the blue I get a Vorcha Soldier :lol
Congratz i suppose. Hyped for the next DLC reveal at comic con.
I want to use the Reegar. It would probably be pretty effective.I'm replaying the singleplayer and dammit, I miss the Harrier too. Wish they were included in the SP.
The Harrier is a great weapon.
I don't like bigger maps anymore because it means I can't use my Harrier as much.
The Harrier is a great weapon.
I don't like bigger maps anymore because it means I can't use my Harrier as much.
pps The Talon is also a great weapon. Cerberus knows their stuff.
Do you have better luck with ultra rares once you have unlocked most(all?) gold weapons and characters? Or am i just unlucky? I buy like one or two PSPs everyday, yet i probably get like 1 ultra rare a week. Oh, and i still havent seen any ammo power IV since they introduced it. I dont have the Javelin or Harrier, and every other ultra rares are either I, II or III.
I also find the drop rate to be better on the weekends too, which I can't stand. Kids have time on the weekend, the adults have stuff to do and people to see.
1-2 PSPs sounds like either you're not on too often, or you're doing majority silver runs. Mindlog and I probably buy anywhere from 5-8 PSPs per day, which sounds like it is a week's worth for you. I once went 3 weeks without getting any UR drops, and that is averaging 30 PSPs per week. I also find the drop rate to be better on the weekends too, which I can't stand. Kids have time on the weekend, the adults have stuff to do and people to see.
I usually play 1 gold and 1 silver match, which is enough to buy a PSP and go play something else... than maybe another 1 gold and 1 silver before going to bed for a 2nd PSP.
Maybe i should just play gold matchs rather than always doing 1 gold/1 silver, but i like silver sometimes just to relax and not worry about dying.
But 8 PSPs? That's a little less than 800k credits a day. That's like 10-11 gold matchs. You sure like playing this game huh.
I sure do haha. I also average 13 minutes with my group per playthrough (we wipe on wave 10) doing Random map vs cerberus or reaper. So, that's 4 matches per hour. I game it up for about 2 hours a night, sometimes longer if I'm on business travel - which is every damn week.
That's actually a lot more than me. Granted my credit supply is supplemented with other people playing on my machine. I average 20 minutes on pubs, but speed-farming is similarly close to 13.I sure do haha. I also average 13 minutes with my group per playthrough (we wipe on wave 10) doing Random map vs cerberus or reaper. So, that's 4 matches per hour. I game it up for about 2 hours a night, sometimes longer if I'm on business travel - which is every damn week.
That's actually a lot more than me. Granted my credit supply is supplemented with other people playing on my machine. I average 20 minutes on pubs, but speed-farming is similarly close to 13.
I bought 5 PSPs and 2 Spectre Packs for 3 URs this week. I won't be buying more just in case the DLC hits next week. I'm aiming to make 1 million credits (~5 hours) before next Tuesday to add to my credit stashwhich is currently at six million.
Don't want to ruin my luck, but I haven't run into a single person using the rocket glitch. I have run into a few extremely good players trying to use the Striker as a Krysae alternative.
Every time I get frustrated with this game I get around 60k credits to buy the spectre packs and get something special. Just unlocked the asari justicar so I have something new to toy with.
But last game was crazy. This Krogan vanguard was bullrushing and biotic charging through everything. He was taking full armored geth pyros down to 1 bar in one krogan charge/swipe (on silver) and when things got hairy on wave 10 he was surrounded by 2 pyros, a prime shooting from about 10 feet away and a couple of other minor geth around him and he was able to take shot/flame after shot/flame without dying. Meanwhile my shields get obliterated in a few bullets or 1 missile. We lost but I honestly thought this guy was hacking with how many hits he was taking. Or he paid/got lucky for some god tier armor powerup, which is kind of why I hate this F2P-like loot system.
you're gonna have some fun with that justicar though. here's 2 good buildsEvery time I get frustrated with this game I get around 60k credits to buy the spectre packs and get something special. Just unlocked the asari justicar so I have something new to toy with.
But last game was crazy. This Krogan vanguard was bullrushing and biotic charging through everything. He was taking full armored geth pyros down to 1 bar in one krogan charge/swipe (on silver) and when things got hairy on wave 10 he was surrounded by 2 pyros, a prime shooting from about 10 feet away and a couple of other minor geth around him and he was able to take shot/flame after shot/flame without dying. Meanwhile my shields get obliterated in a few bullets or 1 missile. We lost but I honestly thought this guy was hacking with how many hits he was taking. Or he paid/got lucky for some god tier armor powerup, which is kind of why I hate this F2P-like loot system.
I usually go with the offensive bubble below, or you can try stardusk's build above. I believe that gives up to 80% damage reduction and 30% faster shield recharge to anyone is inside the bubble.
Bubble 6-Radius, Enemy Weakness (though the DR evolution works well too), Warp Effect
Reave 6-Radius, Damage Reduction, Damage&Duration (while the armor/barrier evolution seems useful, the extra damage and extra duration is close to the bonus on the other evolution and kills other enemies faster, plus gives even more DR)
Pull 3, because lifting one enemy then hitting him with reave causes all enemies surrounding to get reave'd too. You can go to 4 for area pull if you have trouble though.
(last 2 ranks are tweakable depending on how you like to play, just be aware of the bolded)
Justicar 5 -Duration & Capacity, Headshots (power damage evolution is bugged and does not work)
Fitness 6-Whatever points you have left in the bottom row, I go with all 6 ranks because the offensive bubble is fun to use in close-quarters combat
As far as weapons, pick whatever gives you as close to 200% cooldown as possible. You can get the assault rifle weight bonus for justicar rank 6 if you want to use a mattock at 200% or a revenant and harrier at roughly 170-180%, or you can use those 6 points towards something else and use a pistol (carnifex, paladin, talon) or an SMG. I usually roll with a hurricane because it does as much damage per bullet as a mattock and is full auto
Anyway, you'll want to reave everything in sight, use pull when you run into a group of enemies and want to hit all of them with a reave and explosion damage, and shoot shields. Reave stacks for however long your duration is, which is another reason to take the damage&duration evolution. You can set up the bubble at choke points and reave enemies that walk in, or reave an enemy, run up and throw a bubble on top of them for the first biotic explosion, then reave them again while they're in the bubble for the second one.
Just be aware that the damage reduction from Reave doesn't work when used on Geth.
You can try a defensive bubble build which makes her survive much better on gold or you can go offensive/warp bubble if you're comfortable with the low shields/health.
A good defensive build I use is StarDusk's: http://youtu.be/_p78AjwHygM
I personally go with 4 in Asari Justicar and an AoE Pull for that one.
The offensive build does sound intriguing but I've already fucked up my ranks since I'm level 12 already. How do you reset powers without restarting at level 1 again? I think Bisnic said something about getting a tool in the random packs that lets you do it? I'm pretty much screwed if that's the case.
Well at least i got all my rare weapons to X now. Now the question is... save credits, or try to unlock more gear and character appearances? I probably wont be able to resist wasting them anyway, especially with so many Ultra rare ranks left.
Yes, there is a silver card that can allow you to reset your powers, if you do not want to wait until lvl 20 just to get back to lvl 1 again. You could just spam Veteran packs if you prefer.
Just be glad its not gold anymore.![]()
The fighting is fiercest when it's your home at stake! Mass Effect 3™: Earth adds mods, gear, and new maps for Rio, Vancouver, and London. It features 3 new weapons: Piranha assault shotgun, Acolyte pistol, and Typhoon light machine gun. Six new human N7 classes are also available: Destroyer, Paladin, Demolisher, Slayer, Shadow, and Fury!
The hell is a N7 class by the way?
I've spent close to 100k credits in the last 12 hours on those 20k packs and didn't get it (got a quarian infiltrator though!) so since my asari is almost 20 now I figure I'll just start over the old fashioned way.
Also it looks like the 360 is getting that Earth pack a week from today. The kotaku article didn't have any details listed but it said it's most likely the pack that was leaked on reddit a while ago. Here's what that leak said.
The hell is a N7 class by the way?
Also it looks like the 360 is getting that Earth pack a week from today. The kotaku article didn't have any details listed but it said it's most likely the pack that was leaked on reddit a while ago. Here's what that leak said.
Operation BROADSIDE puts our reinforcements to work by coordinating large-scale attacks against the Reapers on multiple fronts. The objectives vary from planet to planet and theater to theater, but the common goal is to develop a sustainable fighting method with a minimal loss of life.
Squad Goal: Extract at least one squad member against Reapers on Gold difficulty
Allied Goal: Extract 400,000 squads against Reapers on Gold difficulty
Special Circumstance: None
Squad Goal Success: All squad members awarded a Commendation Pack
Allied Goal Success: All players awarded a Victory Pack. Medi-gel cap increases from 5 units to 6.
Operation Broadside begins at 10am PST Friday July 13 and ends at 10am PST Sunday July 15.
Both goals with Reapers Gold? This is going to be fun.
nicht schlecht!
I'm still waiting for the Protheans, though (one for each class, please!!)
One Prothean for each class? That hardly makes sense. Why would Biotic Specialists be Infiltrators or Engineers? It would be Prothean Adept and Vanguard.
That's some nice incentive.
Just means you get a new human character for each class.
You got male or female quarian infiltrator? The male one can be pretty good with their arc grenade and whatever that scan is called. Helps a lot for other players to see where that sneaky Phantom is hiding and to make stronger enemies a little weaker.
I've spent close to 100k credits in the last 12 hours on those 20k packs and didn't get it (got a quarian infiltrator though!) so since my asari is almost 20 now I figure I'll just start over the old fashioned way.
Also it looks like the 360 is getting that Earth pack a week from today. The kotaku article didn't have any details listed but it said it's most likely the pack that was leaked on reddit a while ago. Here's what that leak said.
The hell is a N7 class by the way?
What's the best map for Reapers on Gold?
I should probably add that the article just said the 360 is getting it. There was no mention or indication of PC/PS3 getting it the same day too, though they could I guess. I don't know how this has worked in the past this will be my first new pack since I just jumped in recently.