Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer |OT| Rich, deep online role playing


Whoa. Turian Havoc from Vet pack.

Builds and tips?

It's up to you whether you want any points in Cryo Blast (as Cryo explosions are now viable), but make sure you put 6 points in Havoc Strike and Stim Packs.

If you accidentally Havoc Strike into a sticky situation, just use the Stim Packs and bail out, as your jetpacks make you pretty much one of the most mobile classes in the game.


Are the Volus helpful on Gold (or even Silver)? Considering all the things you can do, I would think they'd be great support characters. The shield boost and stealth camo are life savors.

But how much do they really help? My Volus Adept seems to do considerable amounts of damage with the Biotic orbs alone, so I guess I could hold my own if I wanted to.


Are the Volus helpful on Gold (or even Silver)? Considering all the things you can do, I would think they'd be great support characters. The shield boost and stealth camo are life savors.

But how much do they really help? My Volus Adept seems to do considerable amounts of damage with the Biotic orbs alone, so I guess I could hold my own if I wanted to.

Haven't tried my Volus on gold but you are pretty much invincible on silver. Orbs are weak on their own but good for detonations and debuff.
Are the Volus helpful on Gold (or even Silver)? Considering all the things you can do, I would think they'd be great support characters. The shield boost and stealth camo are life savors.

But how much do they really help? My Volus Adept seems to do considerable amounts of damage with the Biotic orbs alone, so I guess I could hold my own if I wanted to.
they own on gold. for the adept use a hurricane with warp ammo mods. for the engineer put 0 points into proxy mine and max everything else. i use a reeger with him. set up choke points with the recon mine and follow the big guys to heal them and rescusitate fallen allies


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
lol silver Collectors on Sur'Kesh, trying to hold the hacking point at the top of the staircase you spawn at. nope.avi


So I just realized an impossibly awesome combo with the Paladin.

Fire Shield + Snap Freeze = Fire Explosion (from Paladin's body) + Incinerate = Cryo Explosion.

Three powers, two tech explosions. My god.
So I just realized an impossibly awesome combo with the Paladin.

Fire Shield + Snap Freeze = Fire Explosion (from Paladin's body) + Incinerate = Cryo Explosion.

Three powers, two tech explosions. My god.

i dont get what you are saying.,

Are you leading in with a shield smash THEN snap freezing?

i still have my paladin as a pre-patch build so zero on incinerate and cryo shield at full. is it worth changing the specs to include incinerate now?


Bronze/Silver seems to be a great way to unlock lots of the challenges like melee and grenades (respawn quicker) and killing grunts, etc.

I think I'm going to take my Blood Pack on Silver and wreck shit, haha. I want the Monster title. :)


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Lost connection to EA servers, guuuuuuh. Was having an excellent bunch of rounds with a good group of people too.

Also, N7 Demolisher is hilarious, and simply magnificent fun to play. You really do make it rain.

Nori Chan

Lost connection to EA servers, guuuuuuh. Was having an excellent bunch of rounds with a good group of people too.

Also, N7 Demolisher is hilarious, and simply magnificent fun to play. You really do make it rain.
It's the only class that makes me Happy I have 250 thermal packs


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Yes. Chaining explosions together is what most of the fuss is about. The human engineer gets ridiculous. Incinerate w/ radius + continuous burn > Chain Overload > *burst* > Incinerate > *explosion* > Chain Overload > *burst* and so on

damage output goes through the roof
i dont get what you are saying.,

Are you leading in with a shield smash THEN snap freezing?

i still have my paladin as a pre-patch build so zero on incinerate and cryo shield at full. is it worth changing the specs to include incinerate now?


And don't sleep on Proxy Mines. They trigger all tech bursts/explosions and their debuff stacks. You're looking at 40% damage increases on top of the shit you just set off (and I almost always roll with Cryo rounds). I don't even see a point in putting anything in Volus fitness. Shield Boost gives you 3 seconds of invulnerability any time you need it, cloak at will, melee shield at will - your survivability is guaranteed as long as you don't throw yourself into a fight. TBH, I don't even spec either mine for damage really. The debuffs and range of explosions (and potential tech burst/explosions resulting from daisy chaining) are just too much to pass up if you know how to work choke points and have the timing down on enemy movement and habits.
Yes. Chaining explosions together is what most of the fuss is about. The human engineer gets ridiculous. Incinerate w/ radius + continuous burn > Chain Overload > *burst* > Incinerate > *explosion* > Chain Overload > *burst* and so on

damage output goes through the roof


Did you use both chain overloads or just one?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant

Did you use both chain overloads or just one?


The outright damage Overload isn't nearly as useful anymore because their are so many ways to take outshields now. Hell, I actually opt for Neural Shock now too - it'll stop any biological short of a Phantom cold (Dragoons included).


Gold Member
Just got the Volus Adept today...he's not that bad (I suck with the adept class), but he can't go into cover? Everything I try to, he doesn't do anything.


Just got the Volus Adept today...he's not that bad (I suck with the adept class), but he can't go into cover? Everything I try to, he doesn't do anything.

He's too short, doesn't need to take cover and he wouldn't be able to shoot over the cover if he did that


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
He's too short, doesn't need to take cover and he wouldn't be able to shoot over the cover if he did that

Its the best part about him imo

you're always at cover level when you move around and because you can move forward and back you're able to create angels you otherwise wouldn't have. when you sprint with him, you're low and fast as shit... love the little guy


Gold Member
Its the best part about him imo

you're always at cover level when you move around and because you can move forward and back you're able to create angels you otherwise wouldn't have. when you sprint with him, you're low and fast as shit... love the little guy

Maybe I'm having bad luck. Even when I get as close as I can get to a wall, enemies are hitting me. Playing on Silver. Any tips with weapon build? Using a the phaeston X and the carnifex XI.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Maybe I'm having bad luck. Even when I get as close as I can get to a wall, enemies are hitting me. Playing on Silver. Any tips with weapon build? Using a the phaeston X and the carnifex XI.

First off, if you have your cooldown at 180% or worse with him, you're doing it wrong.

With a class like his, you don't even fire your weapon to kill really - you fire it to induce elemental effects in order to set off tech bursts and explosions. You should be spamming your powers at all times and if you're ever in a pinch, then shield boost should always be readily available.

Also, very few classes should ever roll out with 2 weapons.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
any tips on a human engineer build? im assuming zero into.combat drone? what guns are the best to use with him?

combat drone is the most surprisingly effective lil dude in the game. suicide det> rockets, close range shock. incinerate can be specced for damage since radius isn't as necessary as it used to be (the tracking/homing is much better), continuous burn, armor damage. chain overload with neural shock or recharge speed (both are fine). speccing for overload damage just isn't as practical as it used to be either.

its expendable fast, and blocks enemy progress - and everything it does can trigger an explosion

the fitness tree is almost always completely useless.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
gonna try it without combat drone...i dont use it. lets see this class became a lot better with fire explosions..trying it with a mattock x

it costs like 2 seconds and its a mobile decoy. if you're using incendiary rounds - every rocket it fires that connects with the enemy you're shooting will cause an explosion.

points in fitness will never make up for a player's inability to get out of harm's way. (unless you're a krogan, batarian, or have a truly shitty skill like hawk missile launcher)


Gold Member
First off, if you have your cooldown at 180% or worse with him, you're doing it wrong.

With a class like his, you don't even fire your weapon to kill really - you fire it to induce elemental effects in order to set off tech bursts and explosions. You should be spamming your powers at all times and if you're ever in a pinch, then shield boost should always be readily available.

Also, very few classes should ever roll out with 2 weapons.

Thanks for the tips. I will go down to one weapon and mess with ammo mods and with my powers.
it costs like 2 seconds and its a mobile decoy. if you're using incendiary rounds - every rocket it fires that connects with the enemy you're shooting will cause an explosion.

points in fitness will never make up for a player's inability to get out of harm's way. (unless you're a krogan, batarian, or have a truly shitty skill like hawk missile launcher)
some extra health helps. also i just finished a gold run with the human engineer. fire explosions everywhere!


i dont get what you are saying.,

Are you leading in with a shield smash THEN snap freezing?

i still have my paladin as a pre-patch build so zero on incinerate and cryo shield at full. is it worth changing the specs to include incinerate now?

In truth, I'm not sure. There's a few things I have yet to have considered:

Cryo Shield Melee + Snap Freeze MAY set up a Cryo Explosion. If it doesn't, you can always reverse the combo to Cryo Shield + Incinerate + Snap Freeze.

Also, I'm not sure if this is a bug, but Energy Drain doesn't seem to detonate any explosions. It was annoying me.

I would say, before you respec, test Cryo Shield + Snap Freeze, Cryo Shield + Energy Drain, and Snap Freeze + Energy Drain.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
In truth, I'm not sure. There's a few things I have yet to have considered:

Cryo Shield Melee + Snap Freeze MAY set up a Cryo Explosion. If it doesn't, you can always reverse the combo to Cryo Shield + Incinerate + Snap Freeze.

Also, I'm not sure if this is a bug, but Energy Drain doesn't seem to detonate any explosions. It was annoying me.

I would say, before you respec, test Cryo Shield + Snap Freeze, Cryo Shield + Energy Drain, and Snap Freeze + Energy Drain.

Energy Drain seemed weird to me too. Not sure if it only detonates on kill still or if its on your character.


I'd say it's worth respeccing. With Energy Drain still being wonky on him I only put 3 points into it. Snap freeze to Incinerate always causes a Cryo explosion so I think it's worth speccing into. Think I'm 3/6/6/5/6.


yeah DY is right. i didn't use combat drone myself on this build because i just wanted to test it out but it helps so much with fire explosions

i really hope they don't nerf fire explosions or change it back to the way it used to be. never thought i'd have so much fun using a basic human class


yeah DY is right. i didn't use combat drone myself on this build because i just wanted to test it out but it helps so much with fire explosions

i really hope they don't nerf fire explosions or change it back to the way it used to be. never thought i'd have so much fun using a basic human class

I don't think they would. This game is so much harder.
yeah DY is right. i didn't use combat drone myself on this build because i just wanted to test it out but it helps so much with fire explosions

i really hope they don't nerf fire explosions or change it back to the way it used to be. never thought i'd have so much fun using a basic human class

Does it help a lot with Gold? For silver its fine but i thought in Gold it goes down pretty quickly.

I much prefer Turrets to drones for some reason - if it was the Geth healing turret id defn be down for it..


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
There's still something "off" about the Quarian F Engineer's Flamethrower.

I'm glad they buffed the fuck out of the Rockets on 6. It has a really big radius and because the Turret placement is so lenient you can throw it on some unreachable higher ground and have it rain down rockets on the entire map. On Jade, Dagger, Ghost, White, and Conder its great - if you can bounce it off certain walls and place it just right, you can have constant fire coming down on enemies for 2-3 rounds at a time without even having to worry about placing another turret.

Still, I hope they up the rate of fire, add a stagger, or increase the damage of its normal firing though.

*another note: never get the 100% damage increase vs armor for that turret.


I think they need to buff the turrets damage, it seems so inferior to the combat drone and it's also stationary. Just make it have a cast time and make it do a lot more damage since it's supposed to be their class defining skill.
For Paladin, I dropped the 6 points from fire/cryo shield and stuck them into Incinerate. Works really well, and you still have great survivability.

Still wield the N7 Pirahana with +Accuracy grip and the the new shot penetration muzzle. Secondary is a SMG with super light materials. Chews through everything once you get the rythymn down; always try for fire explosions, since cryo explosions don't do much damage(i think? Might be the bug people keep mentioning)

The new tech explosions really breathed life into Sentinel/Engi classes, even if they're really buggy still. I don't see them nerfing them anytime soon, Biotics still do more damage, since you can pick up abilities to boost biotic explosions, and they're much more reliable.


Gah. Paladin is the only melee-centric class I really like on Gold. Krogans and Shadows can get their shots in, but the Paladin thrives in cc/melee. I need 6 ED, 6 Snap and 6 Fitness. Maybe I'll throw 3 pity points at incinerate, but I'd rather just get extra explosions from an ammo power.

Human is great, but I also really like the Geth Engineer for cc tech bursts/explosions. You're very fragile, but with a big shotgun and the turret you can get in close and wreck everything.


Oh man, Turian Soldier with Locust is just slaughter. Shoot the head for 3x damage multiplier, Marksmen for that reload and even more accurate shots. Non stop pain.


Gah. Paladin is the only melee-centric class I really like on Gold. Krogans and Shadows can get their shots in, but the Paladin thrives in cc/melee. I need 6 ED, 6 Snap and 6 Fitness. Maybe I'll throw 3 pity points at incinerate, but I'd rather just get extra explosions from an ammo power.

Human is great, but I also really like the Geth Engineer for cc tech bursts/explosions. You're very fragile, but with a big shotgun and the turret you can get in close and wreck everything.

So I just realized an impossibly awesome combo with the Paladin.

Fire Shield + Snap Freeze = Fire Explosion (from Paladin's body) + Incinerate = Cryo Explosion.

Three powers, two tech explosions. My god.



Got an Adept Volus and Turian Ghost today (and the Typhoon & N7 shadow as a bonus, sah-weet). Good times.

Anyone got any tips on how to spec the Ghost?
Got an Adept Volus and Turian Ghost today (and the Typhoon & N7 shadow as a bonus, sah-weet). Good times.

Anyone got any tips on how to spec the Ghost?

Skip overload and spec for damage on everything else. Use a good AR (I roll with the Harrier, so if you do, stay near ammo crates) and use cloak + stim packs. If you find yourself in an especially tight spot and need a boss to die extra quickly, do cloak + stim pack + thermal clip pack for ridiculous DPS. Use equipment that gives you extra grenades (stim packs on the ghost).


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Skip overload and spec for damage on everything else. Use a good AR (I roll with the Harrier, so if you do, stay near ammo crates) and use cloak + stim packs. If you find yourself in an especially tight spot and need a boss to die extra quickly, do cloak + stim pack + thermal clip pack for ridiculous DPS. Use equipment that gives you extra grenades (stim packs on the ghost).

Skip overload!???

Overload is what makes him nasty. Chain Overload/Neural Shock/Chain Overload coming out of a cloak or first thing after decloaking and reloadcancelling with) is the best shit ever. You're either making part of a mob go limp, setting off someone else's tech burst/explosion, or simply taking advantage of the decloak damage boost to get that extra bit of damage in before you unload with a Harrier.

Classes with excellent survivability tools such as cloak, amazing mobility, stim packs, have those things for a reason - to let you know that you don't need to put anything more than 6 points total into the fitness tree because you've got much better ways to deal with enemies than to take bullets with your face.

Hell, you don't even really *need* stim packs until you hit gold. I'd take the duration over the extra stim every single day now that grenade drops in ammo boxes have increased since the patch. The Grenade Capacity Mod isn't really what you need either since you'll be doing the bulk of damage through your AR anyways - Warfighter Package is the thing you gotta be going for. AR damage + 2 extra stims is more than enough.

Now the Turian Havok... he's got some issues. Yeah, you've got a nice tech "charge" but the massive invuln just isn't really enough and there aren't enough stims in the world to make it safe.


yeah skip Fitness.

just carry grenade capacity and incendiary ammo. With overload you'll be setting off fire explosions, and if you have a good AR like Particle Rifle or Harrier, you'll do insane damage with it.

I don't use Warfighter, because 15% damage isn't even that much. I'd rather have the extra stimpacks and not need them, then need them and not have them.

then again, most of my builds are solo builds. even when playing with teammates i don't depend on them much because they're all awful so maybe grenade capacity V is overkill


Skipping overload doesn't make any sense to me either.

Your GT is Xevren11?

I think I just played with you on Vancouver. There was a pink Krogan and a grey Krogan -- I was the grey one and joined late.

Have you been mostly sticking with Silver matches?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
yeah skip Fitness.

just carry grenade capacity and incendiary ammo. With overload you'll be setting off fire explosions, and if you have a good AR like Particle Rifle or Harrier, you'll do insane damage with it.

I don't use Warfighter, because 15% damage isn't even that much. I'd rather have the extra stimpacks and not need them, then need them and not have them.

then again, most of my builds are solo builds. even when playing with teammates i don't depend on them much because they're all awful so maybe grenade capacity V is overkill

I'm not much of a solo player. That's an important note - solo builds... I'm not the guy for that.


Skip overload!???

Overload is what makes him nasty. Chain Overload/Neural Shock/Chain Overload coming out of a cloak or first thing after decloaking and reloadcancelling with) is the best shit ever. You're either making part of a mob go limp, setting off someone else's tech burst/explosion, or simply taking advantage of the decloak damage boost to get that extra bit of damage in before you unload with a Harrier.

Classes with excellent survivability tools such as cloak, amazing mobility, stim packs, have those things for a reason - to let you know that you don't need to put anything more than 6 points total into the fitness tree because you've got much better ways to deal with enemies than to take bullets with your face.

Hell, you don't even really *need* stim packs until you hit gold. I'd take the duration over the extra stim every single day now that grenade drops in ammo boxes have increased since the patch. The Grenade Capacity Mod isn't really what you need either since you'll be doing the bulk of damage through your AR anyways - Warfighter Package is the thing you gotta be going for. AR damage + 2 extra stims is more than enough.

Now the Turian Havok... he's got some issues. Yeah, you've got a nice tech "charge" but the massive invuln just isn't really enough and there aren't enough stims in the world to make it safe.

Any suggestions on how to spec the Turian Ghost?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
The question I have is, do the effects of stim packs stack the same way the thermal clip pack effects stack?

Not really.

The biggest thing is that stim packs don't reload your weapon or even boost your cooldown. They just give you a massive instant shield boost and buff your weapon (or melee if you specced for that). The cumulative stacks from Decloak, Turian passives, and Stims is pretty damned huge though.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Any suggestions on how to spec the Turian Ghost?


Cloak > Damage, Recharge, AR damage*
Overload > Chain, Neural OR Recharge (can't go wrong with either. Neural Shock is very underrated though), Chain (don't bother with the shield damage increase... you'll do more damage with your weapon in the time it takes for you to raise and lower your arm)
Stim Packs > damage, duration, weapon damage. 2000 shields is already a big deal - and with cloak you'll be in and out too much to be worrying about taking a massive barrage
Turian Dude > weapon damage, headshots, weapon damage

*now with cloak, you don't have put that into AR damage. You can opt for bonus power and potentially go for more tech bursts and take advantage of turian stability perks by using a weapon like the Hurricane..

but that's my build at least. Every Stim Pack/decloak is a guaranteed boss kill.

The reason why I give zero fucks about fitness is because of the Cyclonic Mod equipment. Throw one on, and continue to patiently avoid fights you can't win, section off your enemy, bail the fuck out when its time to bail the fuck out, and you'll always be fine. The vast majority of deaths come from people thinking that they can take more punishment they were ever meant to. Just fall back - the flanking fuckyou attacks arent even that common.
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