Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer |OT| Rich, deep online role playing


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Just tried human engineer for the first time since the tech explosion tweaks.

Good god.
The only thing I don't really like about these challenges is that a headshot on Platinum is of the same value to a challenge as a headshot on Bronze.

The Husk 1, Husk 2, Husk 3 doesn't make any sense but to have people approach milestones more often. It should require less to meet the challenge on Gold than it should to meet it playing strictly on Bronze, otherwise everyone seems to just be dropping down to Silver or Bronze to complete challenges easy but then they're not really challenging anymore and that defeats the purpose.

Im not that fussed on the challenges - i actually havent even read any yet. to me, im playing the game trying to get the weapons etc and if they pop up they pop up.
Just tried human engineer for the first time since the tech explosion tweaks.

Good god.

What build did you do? i just did the same thing. I put like 0/6/6/6/6 i believe (0 on combat drone) - i use a mattock X with incindiary rounds as well.

Incinerate (Range, 50% damage over 8s, 50% damage to armour) then overload (1 extra target, neural shock, chain overload) can usually clear out a room. Then the mattock to tidy up any loose ends.

I wish i could use the Harrier II i have but it only leaves me with 111% cooldown, the Mattock with 191% and you need it to be high so you can keep using overload.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
What build did you do?


Drone: Detonate, Shields & Damage.
Incinerate: Radius, Recharge, Armour.
Overload: Chain, Recharge, Chain.
Alliance Training: Damage/Capacity, Power Damage, Weapon Weight.

Spec'd mostly for speed versus damage, such as recharge for both incinerate and overload, to get as many tech explosions going in the shortest period of time. Same goes for alliance training, which I focused on weight decreasing and power damage.

Couldn't decide between drone and fitness. The buff of fitness is small, but helps, and I really don't use drone very often. If you get a good rhythm going the fast drone recharge speed makes it viable to slot in between incinerate and overload, so I'm trying to do that. Detonate helps it deal some damage when it dies due to the wind blowing.

I've been using the Raptor X with either cryo or incinerate mods. Raptor X keeps you at 100% cool down, but I might switch to the Mattock like you as I prefer it.

EDIT: That's a full 200% cool down with the Raptor X, not 100%.

EDIT2: Ever since the last patch and the Retaliation DLC I've had more ME3 crashes and server disconnects than the entire time I've owned the fucking game.
i know some ppl like the drone.but it.goes down so quickly in gold. id rather have more health and carry more weight with me and just use my other tech powers..


Really Really Exciting Member!
So I heard in order to get the best results from psp, its best to max out the common items, then uncommon items. Has any one does this?

It doesn't really matter, you always get the same amount of common and uncommon items from PSP. If you do have every uncommon characters and weapons unlocked, you'll just get consumables of rank III instead.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I've ranted about this numerous times before, but this multiplayer mode is far and away the worst netcode/lag multi I've had in any game in my entire life. BioWare's tremendous idiocy in excluding regional filtering and/or server browsing almost kills the game. No, it does kill the game, if I'm not hosting.

Literally. If I'm not hosting, I'm not playing. Because maybe 1/100 games at best I join won't have game ruining lag. I have to host. I have to sit in a fucking cunting lobby waiting/hoping people join, or start the match and hope it fills quickly. And you'd think it would, right? Wrong. That is just another gable. I've sat in open lobbies for ~15 minutes and not have a single person join. I've started rounds and had them become a solo survival fight.

It might be fine for other people around the world in busier countries where the odds of being connected to a local, decent performing match are quite good. But in Australia? Yeah, piss off BioWare. Peer-to-peer gaming is the worst shit to happen to multiplayer and I abhor it. Worst of all, not only are you peer-to-peer multiplaying, but also connecting to EA's shitful servers for dumbass authentication. Unbelievable.

Yes, I mad.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I've ranted about this numerous times before, but this multiplayer mode is far and away the worst netcode/lag multi I've had in any game in my entire life. BioWare's tremendous idiocy in excluding regional filtering and/or server browsing almost kills the game. No, it does kill the game, if I'm not hosting.

Literally. If I'm not hosting, I'm not playing. Because maybe 1/100 games at best I join won't have game ruining lag. I have to host. I have to sit in a fucking cunting lobby waiting/hoping people join, or start the match and hope it fills quickly. And you'd think it would, right? Wrong. That is just another gable. I've sat in open lobbies for ~15 minutes and not have a single person join. I've started rounds and had them become a solo survival fight.

It might be fine for other people around the world in busier countries where the odds of being connected to a local, decent performing match are quite good. But in Australia? Yeah, piss off BioWare. Peer-to-peer gaming is the worst shit to happen to multiplayer and I abhor it. Worst of all, not only are you peer-to-peer multiplaying, but also connecting to EA's shitful servers for dumbass authentication. Unbelievable.

Yes, I mad.

Yeah, when it lags in this game... it lags bad, and in the strangest ways. It's not just a delay in shooting bullets or powers, you can't even climb ladders, take cover or you see your screen going left and right sideways for no reason, even when you don't walk at all.

Thankfully, i always play with people on my friend list, and when these guys make lobbies, there is never any lag. :D


I finally got a Harrier yesterday and then the next SP I got a Harrier II, amazing!

All I really want now is a Prothean Particle Rifle. Even at level 1 is it still a good weapon or does it need to be at high levels for that?


Really Really Exciting Member!
All I really want now is a Prothean Particle Rifle. Even at level 1 is it still a good weapon or does it need to be at high levels for that?

The first time i tried it at rank I, i hated it. It's now at V for me, and when put with a strong class who can take a few hits and with magazine(for a 200 clip) + bullet piercing mods, it's pretty powerful. And with the Turian Infiltrator Tactical Cloak specced for 20% extra Assault rifle damage for 10 secs, it's even better. Just make sure you stop using it before the clip goes down to 0. I'd rather let it recharge quickly than waiting for the reload animation which takes forever.

I'm not 100% sure, but when the Particle Rifle beam grows bigger, it might be doing more damage, but for that to happen, you have to let the beam goes for a few secs without interrupts, so this gun is best used when multiple enemies aren't focusing fire on you.

But firing a huge green laser on a Banshee's head or that big circle on the Ravager's head is priceless. I imagine them going "Oh god it burnssss!" :lol


Same thing happened to me!

That weapon is a game changer.

I actually haven't even used it yet. I am going for shotgun and pistol challenges first, but I'll test it tonight with my Turian Ghost and Demolisher for unlimited ammo. :)

The first time i tried it at rank I, i hated it. It's now at V for me, and when put with a strong class who can take a few hits and with magazine(for a 200 clip) + bullet piercing mods, it's pretty powerful. And with the Turian Infiltrator Tactical Cloak specced for 20% extra Assault rifle damage for 10 secs, it's even better. Just make sure you stop using it before the clip goes down to 0. I'd rather let it recharge quickly than waiting for the reload animation which takes forever.

I'm not 100% sure, but when the Particle Rifle beam grows bigger, it might be doing more damage, but for that to happen, you have to let the beam goes for a few secs without interrupts, so this gun is best used when multiple enemies aren't focusing fire on you.

But firing a huge green laser on a Banshee's head or that big circle on the Ravager's head is priceless. I imagine them going "Oh god it burnssss!" :lol

So the two best mods are extended magazine and armor penetration? Good to know. Hopefully I get it soon. I do have the Collector Sniper Rifle at X which is similar I think. I tried it and it seems very powerful as well. Not sure how it compares to the PPR.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I actually haven't even used it yet. I am going for shotgun and pistol challenges first, but I'll test it tonight with my Turian Ghost and Demolisher for unlimited ammo. :)

So the two best mods are extended magazine and armor penetration? Good to know. Hopefully I get it soon. I do have the Collector Sniper Rifle at X which is similar I think. I tried it and it seems very powerful as well. Not sure how it compares to the PPR.

The magazine mod pratically double its thermal clip, so you can keep burning targets for a longer time before letting it recharge. And i feel the armor pen mod is better than damage one since the damage mod barely makes the Damage bar moves in the stats window. :p


The magazine mod pratically double its thermal clip, so you can keep burning targets for a longer time before letting it recharge. And i feel the armor pen mod is better than damage one since the damage mod barely makes the Damage bar moves in the stats window. :p

If I have to choose between the two I always choose AP as well. More valuable to take down bosses. Also, the new AP high velocity barrel might be worth looking into for this gun too. Adds weight, but bypasses even more armor than any other weapon. There was a big thread on BSN about it too, and most people think the AP high velocity barrel is useless EXCEPT on the PPR, haha.


Really Really Exciting Member!
If I have to choose between the two I always choose AP as well. More valuable to take down bosses. Also, the new AP high velocity barrel might be worth looking into for this gun too. Adds weight, but bypasses even more armor than any other weapon. There was a big thread on BSN about it too, and most people think the AP high velocity barrel is useless EXCEPT on the PPR, haha.

The Particle Rifle is already pretty heavy anyway. And i dont like using powers while im in the middle of burning targets with my huge green laser. It feels like i'm actually doing less damage if i do. I guess that's why weight doesn't matter much with this gun...
ah bioware! another NEW amazing.glitch! thanks so much for.making me waste my level 4 GOLD consumables! this time, i have invisible glitching enemies who you cant see and who.kill you instantly! cheers!


I finally got a Harrier yesterday and then the next SP I got a Harrier II, amazing!

All I really want now is a Prothean Particle Rifle. Even at level 1 is it still a good weapon or does it need to be at high levels for that?

It's ok but it doesn't really shine until at least 5 imo

just make sure you put thermal clip and piercing mod. all the other mods are unnecessary.



Lolwut. It seems my Volus Adept somehow glitched and gave me tons of xp points to spend which I didn't have at lv 14 (even more than the max you can get at lv 20 as you can see). A true biotic god indeed.

I am never, ever gonna promote my adept now.



Lolwut. It seems my Volus Adept somehow glitched and gave me tons of xp points to spend which I didn't have at lv 14 (even more than the max you can get at lv 20 as you can see). A true biotic god indeed.

I am never, ever gonna promote my adept now.

Yeah, it's a glitch going around for some reason. I don't blame you :p


Balance changes, Krogan Shaman, new Hazard Maps:

Krogan Shaman Adept kit now available as a new Rare card

The hazard maps available this week are Firebase Giant and Firebase Ghost

- Bronze Melee medal now requires 10 kills instead of 5
- Silver Melee medal now requires 25 kills instead of 10
- Gold Melee medal now requires 50 kills instead of 15

- Added a Krogan Shaman challenge to Bloodpack Mastery
- Fixed an issue where extracting with the new Retaliation kits was not registering certain challenges
- Challenges that required extraction weren't properly crediting the case where exactly 3 out of 4 players extracted
- The changes below were put in place to fix a bug where some players could no longer progress after unlocking a Gold challenge
- Combat Mastery goal changed from 9 to 12
- Cerberus Mastery goal changed from 17 to 21
- Reaper Mastery goal changed from 15 to 18
- Geth Mastery goal changed from 12 to 18
- Collector Mastery goal changed from 12 to 15

Acolyte Pistol
- Removing charge mechanic - now fires instantly
- Rate of fire is now 40, with a minimum fire time of 1 second
- The overall DPS should be similar, but this fixes an infinite Missile Launcher exploit

Krysae Sniper Rifle
- Can no longer hold the fire button to zoom in the scope - now fires instantly
- This fixes an infinite Missile Launcher exploit

Widow Sniper Rifle
- Damage increased from [867-1083.8] to [997-1246.3]

Krysae Sniper Rifle
- Damage increased from [429-548] to [493.4-616.8]

Kishock Sniper Rifle
- Damage increased from [774.5-968.1] to [890.7-1113.4]
- Percentage of total damage that is done as bleed damage increased from 33% to 40%
- Bleed damage duration reduced from 10 to 5 seconds (the same damage is spread over a shorter duration)

Black Widow Sniper Rifle
- Damage increased from [591.2-739] to [739.0-923.8]

Javelin Sniper Rifle
- Damage increased from [1030.5-1288.1] to [1236.6-1545.8]


Happy about no more charging on the acolyte, and man the kishok has had so many buffs to it. I actually like it so I won't complain.


All awesome except WTF at making those challenges more difficult?! Really?!

I'm glad I got my Death Guard banner already but now Combat Mastery isn't even worth shooting for anymore. 1,000,000 melee damage my ass.


Someone threw up a Platinum solo vid with the exact Turian Ghost build I was going to use to do it.
Thread - Video - Build
Granted it's against Collectors to start, but Sy7ar is quite good and it still took him an hour. That's a long friggin time.

Whaaat?! How come the match includes all the enemy factions?


Lolwut. It seems my Volus Adept somehow glitched and gave me tons of xp points to spend which I didn't have at lv 14 (even more than the max you can get at lv 20 as you can see). A true biotic god indeed.

I am never, ever gonna promote my adept now.

I had the same glitch once. The character stats had been reset, and the extra points were gone, when I launched the game the next day.

Balance changes, Krogan Shaman, new Hazard Maps:

- Combat Mastery goal changed from 9 to 12
- Cerberus Mastery goal changed from 17 to 21
- Reaper Mastery goal changed from 15 to 18
- Geth Mastery goal changed from 12 to 18
- Collector Mastery goal changed from 12 to 15

As the Mastery goals are now harder to achieve, I hope they will be stripped from those who got them the easy way, until they reach the new limit like the rest of us.


Shaman specced explosions can be very deadly. Outscored my entire team combined my first time out with the shammy.

It's a tank-ish front line adept that makes stuff explode.

Haven't played a shockwave character since launch though, but from testing I think I need Radius to set off explosions more reliably. There were a few instances where I Thought it would hit but it missed instead.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
The Black /Widow just got absurd again. Holy fuck.

And thank based god for the acolyte fix...


I haven't played since they added Collectors, so I have no idea how often all four factions co-occur, but all 4 will definitely appear once, with each other.

I think I'll stay clear away from Platinum, as Gold is already too hard for me.
As the Mastery goals are now harder to achieve, I hope they will be stripped from those who got them the easy way, until they reach the new limit like the rest of us.
There was an easy way to get them? I would be pretty mad if they take away the Geth one. Was so close to getting the reaper one too.


I don't think the new enemy faction specific challenges are too much of a problem. What they changed is that now you have to completely fill out the smaller challenges within the larger ones, which involves equally contributing across all the enemies.

For example, if you were an infantry killer and avoided bosses, then you shouldn't get the banner for that specific faction.


I do like the new rain mechanic though, it seems to stop shields(and health?) from regenerating if you're standing underneath it.

I had the strangest first impression on those maps though, the first thing I found myself looking for is rain clipping indoors (lots of games with rain does this), and to my surprise it's been pretty clean so far.

Areas where there's an object or a roof overhead have the rain blocked properly from the looks of it.
I think I'll stay clear away from Platinum, as Gold is already too hard for me.

nah man, you'd do fine on Gold. you outscored me many/most times when we played, and i've cleared countless Gold matches... maybe you've been in really shitty teams when you've tried Gold?

I do like the new rain mechanic though, it seems to stop shields(and health?) from regenerating if you're standing underneath it.

I had the strangest first impression on those maps though, the first thing I found myself looking for is rain clipping indoors (lots of games with rain does this), and to my surprise it's been pretty clean so far.

Areas where there's an object or a roof overhead have the rain blocked properly from the looks of it.

cool. i hate seeing rain clip indoors.. a pet peeve of mine :p breaks immersion like nothing else.
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