Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer |OT| Rich, deep online role playing


firebase giant hazard is absolutely fucking atrocious

i've never had so much lag/screentearing in my life. this shit must be in the negative frames per second


I took my Krogan Shaman on Ghost/Rain. It was pretty. I had similar results with my Javelin/Salarian on Giant. It looked quite good. The Javelin is a monster. It finally feels like I'm using the old Widow again. 1 Shot to take out Brutes and Banshees are go down very quickly :x
I don't think the new enemy faction specific challenges are too much of a problem. What they changed is that now you have to completely fill out the smaller challenges within the larger ones, which involves equally contributing across all the enemies.

For example, if you were an infantry killer and avoided bosses, then you shouldn't get the banner for that specific faction.
Just from my solo runs I got a lot more points from Primes and Hunters. I don't know how they calculated the challenges, but they seem out of whack with what actually spawns.

*Acid Rain during extraction on Ghost. Best idea ever or worst?
I'm leaning toward Best. Stay away from extraction until it's time noobs.

**The Acolyte. Try it out.


nah man, you'd do fine on Gold. you outscored me many/most times when we played, and i've cleared countless Gold matches... maybe you've been in really shitty teams when you've tried Gold?

I think I have to disagree. Just played a couple of Silver matches, and all of the available Medi-Gels and Ops Survival Packs weren't enough to keep me alive during the final rounds. Although, the same applied to the team I played with. I did outscore them all, but I didn't outlive them all. But I will try Gold again at some point. =)

On a side note, has anyone else noticed a similar glitch, that all the DLC trophies I've achieved are greyed out in the game menu's extras, and the N7 HQ website lists them as locked? I wonder what's the reason for that.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I'm probably weird, but I feel Gold is easier than Silver.

The tempo is much easier to keep in Gold. Get a good rhythm going and you're fine... In Silver, its too easy to get separated and caught sleeping.


I'm probably weird, but I feel Gold is easier than Silver.

The tempo is much easier to keep in Gold. Get a good rhythm going and you're fine... In Silver, its too easy to get separated and caught sleeping.

no im the same

in gold i'm always on my toes, with silver i have a "meh, it's just silver" mentality and end up dying.
Anyone else think that doing the Husk/abomination challenges are the hardest? Almost done with the rest of the other but haven't even finished the first one those two.


I'm probably weird, but I feel Gold is easier than Silver.

The tempo is much easier to keep in Gold. Get a good rhythm going and you're fine... In Silver, its too easy to get separated and caught sleeping.

On Silver, everything usually goes fine for the first 7-9 rounds, but then shit hits the fan. Especially if the team isn't working together. I don't know about Gold matches, but the Silver ones certainly seem to start on easy, and end on hard. And that's probably why many players, me included, sometimes lull themselves into a false sense of security, and end up getting their asses kicked.


Anyone else think that doing the Husk/abomination challenges are the hardest? Almost done with the rest of the other but haven't even finished the first one those two.

Husk by far, now that they upped the limit it's going to take a long ass time to get these damn husk challenges.


Anyone else think this 1 character a week is a pretty poor way to release all the characters?

Four per week or every other week sounds a lot better. One, especially when the character is just "eh" .. doesn't have the same effect.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Yesterday, i saw someone with the title Biotic God actually showing in a game. For a split second, there was "Biotic God" in light blue letters right under his name when i was near him... first and last time i ever saw this... weird.
I'm probably weird, but I feel Gold is easier than Silver.

The tempo is much easier to keep in Gold. Get a good rhythm going and you're fine... In Silver, its too easy to get separated and caught sleeping.
its not. its your concentration that changes, not the difficulty dropping.


Yesterday, i saw someone with the title Biotic God actually showing in a game. For a split second, there was "Biotic God" in light blue letters right under his name when i was near him... first and last time i ever saw this... weird.
I saw someone with the Sniper Banner. Looked neat.

Checking my Cerberus progress:
I still need to complete the first level of Centurions and Guardians. At the same time I have Phantom Points 3 almost done @_@


why is everyone so happy about the acolyte change? it's still the same damn gun. there's still a delay in between shots which is the same delay that was there with the charge.

are people really that against charging a gun for no more than 2 seconds that they'll throw a parade for the most insignificant change in the history of changes?


On a side note, has anyone else noticed a similar glitch, that all the DLC trophies I've achieved are greyed out in the game menu's extras, and the N7 HQ website lists them as locked? I wonder what's the reason for that.

Same here. 360, uk version of the game.

Anyone else think this 1 character a week is a pretty poor way to release all the characters?

Four per week or every other week sounds a lot better. One, especially when the character is just "eh" .. doesn't have the same effect.

I prefer the once a week drop. If they can keep a steady flow of characters, balance changes and hopefully another patch down the line, the game may get a three months worth of new players. I'd rather they take it slow and watch their steps than throw in twelve characters with new bugs, new overpowered/underpowered abilities (see the two new volus classes) and turn this multiplayer in the usual multiplayer where all people are using the same character and the same gun. The first months were plagued by vanguards and infiltrators, while now you have so much variety in classes and loadouts you hardly see any salarian or spamhard.
A character each week, an event each week and a balance change each week: if they can keep it up, next three months are going to be awesome.

why is everyone so happy about the acolyte change? it's still the same damn gun. there's still a delay in between shots which is the same delay that was there with the charge.

are people really that against charging a gun for no more than 2 seconds that they'll throw a parade for the most insignificant change in the history of changes?

I'm actually not happy about the change. I love the acolyte the way it was: you could run around with the shot charged and heavy melee, which is very handy for me since I try to melee everything when I'm using adepts and vanguards (the animations are so cool): the gun would fire right away, stripping shields and incapacitating the enemy, then you would hand-of-god them to kingdom come. Or you could charge a shot, use the charge skill and the acolyte would fire right before you hit the target: basically the gun had auto-aim on melee and skill launching. And I liked that the gun felt differently than the others, like the Arc pistol. Too bad.


why is everyone so happy about the acolyte change? it's still the same damn gun. there's still a delay in between shots which is the same delay that was there with the charge.

are people really that against charging a gun for no more than 2 seconds that they'll throw a parade for the most insignificant change in the history of changes?

I don't think people realized that.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Tried both the new hazard maps. Really like Ghost. It's tough, but adds a really nice challenge and can make for some intense moments, especially since the acid rain isn't a constant. Late round drone escort, starts to pour, and you think "fuck". The unpredictability is the hook. Giant is a bit disappointing. It looks cool, but it's nowhere near dark enough to impact the map in any real significant way. Basically just as easy as it has always been to spot enemies. I get weird frame drops whenever I look up at the cannons too. Nothing too severe, but noticeable. I would have made the map much darker.

Regardless, like both, and loving what they're doing with the hazards. I guess the Glacier swarm and White snow storm are next.


I don't think people realized that.
I liked the Acolyte before, but I like it even more now. Refire isn't that important to me.

I play my Adepts very aggressively on Gold and I'm far better off with this setup. When refire is important the biggest bonus of all is being able to fire immediately after a reload cancel.
Ive never quite understood the Acolyte pistol. I have no idea how it works but see loads of people carrying it around as a 2nd gun. I got destroyed when i used it as it seemed useless to me.


Ive never quite understood the Acolyte pistol. I have no idea how it works but see loads of people carrying it around as a 2nd gun. I got destroyed when i used it as it seemed useless to me.

It's an amazing weapon for casters, especially Biotics. Pull, Singularity, etc. become much more viable because you're getting shielded enemies as well.

Speaking of, has anyone used Drell adept lately? I'm trying to get back into him but Cluster grenades are SO hard to aim! Trying to hit a Dragoon with a Reave + Cluster combo was one of the most frustrating experiences with this game. I don't know why we would want explosive bouncy balls. Just have them all detonate upon contact, like a Multi-Frag.


Explain why? I honestly dont get the weapon at all.

Phantom's and anyone with shields will drop in 1 shot. Put it on a caster and to be able to remove their defenses instantly and then manipulate them with biotics is ridiculous. Also, using it with a Vanguard is also very effective as you strip defenses and then charge and usually the charge will finish them off. On Gold, I can shoot a Phantom once, strip her barriers, and charge once and she's dead. There isn't many other ways to kill people as quickly.

Hopefully it doesn't get nerfed because they removed the charging up mechanic. I was totally fine with it and it added a bit more of a challenge to use it and to be effective with it, but now it's easier to use.


Speaking of, has anyone used Drell adept lately? I'm trying to get back into him but Cluster grenades are SO hard to aim! Trying to hit a Dragoon with a Reave + Cluster combo was one of the most frustrating experiences with this game. I don't know why we would want explosive bouncy balls. Just have them all detonate upon contact, like a Multi-Frag.

I do. Vanguard and adept. I tried a straight out damage upgrade and I could barely hit anything from afar: this type of choice I can only make with the drell vanguard because you can effectively charge, throw the cluster in a spawn/group/couple of enemies face and annihilate them.
Adept though won't stand a chance in close quarters so the best thing is spec for radius, number (now you get two more) and shrapnel upgrade: the blast radius becomes so big that in places like glacier you can take out two rooms of enemies, if you have the area reave upgrade.
I had the same problem with dragoons but with a shotgun (eviscerator seems to work well against armor)+acolyte loadout I'm doing fine. Also reave usually stuns them much like most of the other units. And of course you can hand-of-god them too ^____^
I like the bouncing thing, it makes them tricky and you can throw them in a room Killing Zoe style.
Hopefully they won't change that into some boring stuff like frag grenades and sticky grenades. Variety is the greatest asset of this multi.
Phantom's and anyone with shields will drop in 1 shot. Put it on a caster and to be able to remove their defenses instantly and then manipulate them with biotics is ridiculous. Also, using it with a Vanguard is also very effective as you strip defenses and then charge and usually the charge will finish them off. On Gold, I can shoot a Phantom once, strip her barriers, and charge once and she's dead. There isn't many other ways to kill people as quickly.

Hopefully it doesn't get nerfed because they removed the charging up mechanic. I was totally fine with it and it added a bit more of a challenge to use it and to be effective with it, but now it's easier to use.

Thanks - so it seems its a good secondary weapon then for Biotics? Does anyone roll with just this?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Thanks - so it seems its a good secondary weapon then for Biotics? Does anyone roll with just this?

I don't think too many characters could ever survive with it as their only weapon - but at X, its so lightweight that you don't even have to think about it.

It has ridiculous shield damage multipliers though. Two shots will strip damn near everything.


I had the same glitch once. The character stats had been reset, and the extra points were gone, when I launched the game the next day.

The points are still here a day later. In fact, after levelling up my adept some more I could spend even more points again. Pretty weird.


Thanks - so it seems its a good secondary weapon then for Biotics? Does anyone roll with just this?

I don't think too many characters could ever survive with it as their only weapon - but at X, its so lightweight that you don't even have to think about it.

It has ridiculous shield damage multipliers though. Two shots will strip damn near everything.

I use it as my only weapon for quite a few classes. Anyone with Pull or Singularity, and someone like the Novaguard or Slayer. Their main weaknesses are stripping shields and after those are gone they can take enemies completely out attacking and decimate them quickly with their powers like Phase Disruptor or Nova or Shockwave or Reave. With them their powers are their primary means of killing, not weapons.


The points are still here a day later. In fact, after levelling up my adept some more I could spend even more points again. Pretty weird.

How did the glitch manifest? In my case it happened when I tried to buy an equipment pack. The purchase failed to process, and the six experience points I had received and spent were given back to me. By repeating that I managed to max out the character (some Krogan class, IIRC).


Really Really Exciting Member!
I got the Harrier yesterday...

It took me literally, what? 3 or 4 months until i got that weapon? When was it released again?

Hopefully it doesn't take me that long to unlock a Volus...


I got the Harrier yesterday...

It took me literally, what? 3 or 4 months until i got that weapon? When was it released again?

Hopefully it doesn't take me that long to unlock a Volus...

I got both of the Volus day one (bought 15 PSPs), but I'm still missing a Harrier. I would have gladly taken the gun instead of one of the butterballs. Perhaps some day... with my luck it'll be nerfed before that.


How did the glitch manifest? In my case it happened when I tried to buy an equipment pack. The purchase failed to process, and the six experience points I had received and spent were given back to me. By repeating that I managed to max out the character (some Krogan class, IIRC).

I honestly have no idea. I got my Volus. Spend the points I had up 'till that point with leaving a few remaining points. I just continued playing normally with other classes (not Volus or Adept class). I then got an adept character unlock in one of my packs I think, causing me to level up. So I went back to spent points on my adepts and when I came to my Volus I suddenly had 30-40 points to spend. This turned to -38 when I spend the points, left and returned to the power screen.

After levelling my adepts up some more, I go back to my volus and I again have 50+ points to spend. It seems it doesn't register I actually purchased powers with my points already and just gives me the max available points for that level to spend all over again when I level up.

It's a shame this didn't happen with my Turian Ghost. :p


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I got the Harrier yesterday...

It took me literally, what? 3 or 4 months until i got that weapon? When was it released again?

Hopefully it doesn't take me that long to unlock a Volus...

I only have a Harrier I. Probably my favorite weapon in the game...

Still haven't got a Typhoon yet either lol

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
I stopped playing when the challenges became biweekly. Bit overwhelmed by all the new stuff. I no longer have a clue what are the top tier classes and weapons but I like it.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I stopped playing when the challenges became biweekly. Bit overwhelmed by all the new stuff. I no longer have a clue what are the top tier classes and weapons but I like it.

By challenges, i guess you mean the Operations with special personal and community objectives? I thought operations were always biweekly?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Jade has to be the hardest map in the game.

Cleaned up gold Cerberus on Rio. I have no idea who I was playing with, but they sounded Russian. Didn't make it to extraction and had to be revived a bazillion times, but it went pretty well otherwise. Twas human engineer, no drone, incendiary rounds, Mattock X, etc. Was all over pretty quickly. The Krogan with Reegar more or less carried the team. Atlus mechs were melting like butter.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I'm currently doing the "Monster" challenge, and i usually don't play the Batarian Soldier or use the Graal Spike Thrower... but man, yesterday on Gold Geth Glacier, i was doing pretty well! Ballistic Blades is better than i thought it was, and so is the Graal shotgun.


I'm currently doing the "Monster" challenge, and i usually don't play the Batarian Soldier or use the Graal Spike Thrower... but man, yesterday on Gold Geth Glacier, i was doing pretty well! Ballistic Blades is better than i thought it was, and so is the Graal shotgun.

It's what I am going for as well. The Batarian Soldier is very powerful and it's blades are mini-nukes and mine do 2,000 damage I believe -- a huge amount of damage.

The Krogan Soldier is also an armored enemies worst nightmare now with Inferno Grenades + Carnage fire explosions plus the residual inferno DoT.

I think it's a fun challenge it just requires a bunch of grinding games after you complete the weapon and power challenges.


Really Really Exciting Member!
It's what I am going for as well. The Batarian Soldier is very powerful and it's blades are mini-nukes and mine do 2,000 damage I believe -- a huge amount of damage.

The Krogan Soldier is also an armored enemies worst nightmare now with Inferno Grenades + Carnage fire explosions plus the residual inferno DoT.

I think it's a fun challenge it just requires a bunch of grinding games after you complete the weapon and power challenges.

Yeah, 200 waves on each characters is going to take a while... i might as well just farm Bronze at this point.
there are just way too many bugs now. i couldnt connect to a game at all. my screen went black twice. my screen froze 3x and when i could finally connect i kept getting placed in a game halfway through and got shot so many times before the game even started.

in the end i just gave up. there are just way too many glitches now.


Really Really Exciting Member!
there are just way too many bugs now. i couldnt connect to a game at all. my screen went black twice. my screen froze 3x and when i could finally connect i kept getting placed in a game halfway through and got shot so many times before the game even started.

in the end i just gave up. there are just way too many glitches now.

Are you sure its the game at all that is making your screen go black or freeze? I never had such a problem. Maybe its your console or PC...

The only new glitch i've seen so far is Banshees going invisible sometimes... at least you can still guess where they are thanks to the UI... :lol
Are you sure its the game at all that is making your screen go black or freeze? I never had such a problem. Maybe its your console or PC...

The only new glitch i've seen so far is Banshees going invisible sometimes... at least you can still guess where they are thanks to the UI... :lol
new glitch. doesnt.happen in borderlands or sleeping dogs and i play those just as often.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Any new universal grinding maps/enemy setups? I noticed they made Firebase White much less grind friendly.


So I tried to get back into this again, seeing as the newest DLC adds a whole bunch of stuff.
Did they just like ... kill the stability of multiplayer or something? Half the matches I play I seem to lose connection before its over. Getting to wave 9-10 and not getting any credits is super lame :/
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