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Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer |OT| Rich, deep online role playing


Really Really Exciting Member!
I wanted at least one new weapon since I hardly have any rares.

It's kind of like how I have rank 5 Asari Justicar when I only have a handful of other rare characters. :p

Welcome to the wonderful world of RNG. Where you can get the same item 6 times and another item, a big fat 0.


Saber VIII!

With the Thermal Scope and High-Velocity Barrel mods it now leaves my Ghost with a -1% cooldown. Can't wait to get this thing to X.

What's the best way to replenish Medi-Gels and Ops Survivals? Jumbo equipment packs? I didn't realize that I blow through them in gold matches.
Veteran & Jumbo Equipment Packs.
Dangit, I'm having a hard time getting into multiplayer. I always get bored with being weak and having shitty weapons, and go back to single player. I guess it will be easier when I finally finish the story.
Dangit, I'm having a hard time getting into multiplayer. I always get bored with being weak and having shitty weapons, and go back to single player. I guess it will be easier when I finally finish the story.

I don't think finishing SP would help with multiplayer. If anything, playing MP will make playing SP so much easier.

Just keep playing bronze matches to start off, and you'll level up and accumulate credits. Use the credits to buy recruit packs first so that you can max out your common weapons and gear. Most of the common weapons are pretty decent at level X for silver matches.
Question on the tactical cloak. When you choose bonus power, does that only apply to powers or can you fire a shot or melee and still stay in cloak? I'm deciding on whether to use it for my melee-ing Drell Assassin.


Question on the tactical cloak. When you choose bonus power, does that only apply to powers or can you fire a shot or melee and still stay in cloak? I'm deciding on whether to use it for my melee-ing Drell Assassin.
Bonus power is only for powers. Melee/shooting would break cloak... so would reviving someone. :)
Keep in mind though that you get 2.5 seconds (or is it 1.5 ??) after breaking cloak that the bonus damage is applied to anything you do. For instance, you can break cloak with a black widow and have the damage bonus apply for all three shots.
Bonus power is only for powers. Melee/shooting would break cloak... so would reviving someone. :)
Keep in mind though that you get 2.5 seconds (or is it 1.5 ??) after breaking cloak that the bonus damage is applied to anything you do. For instance, you can break cloak with a black widow and have the damage bonus apply for all three shots.

Oh does it now? Damn, I should have chosen melee damage for TC.
Can someone explain to me the difference between damage bonuses being additive versus multiplicative?

Take for example overload, which gets a 100% damage bonus against shields as an option at level 6. This is much worse than it seems because it is an additive 100%, and the skill gets an innate 300%, for a total of 400%. If it were multiplicative, you would instead get 300%x2 for 600%. This is why the obtuse, unclear power descriptions in game are a drag, and why I never take the shield damage bonus on overload.
Take for example overload, which gets a 100% damage bonus against shields as an option at level 6. This is much worse than it seems because it is an additive 100%, and the skill gets an innate 300%, for a total of 400%. If it were multiplicative, you would instead get 300%x2 for 600%. This is why the obtuse, unclear power descriptions in game are a drag, and why I never take the shield damage bonus on overload.

Wait, the class builder says Overload's level 6 Increases by 100% (http://narida.pytalhost.com/me3/classes/#Engineer/Geth/BARAA/Eviscerator10AN5AO5/////). According to the builder, evolving it this way doubles the overload shield damage so isn't that a multiplicative bonus?

Wouldn't the "Bonus Damage: +20%" be the additive one since the addition is from the base value?

I'm so confused.


http://blog.bioware.com/2013/01/17/operation-geronimo/ said:
Operation: GERONIMO (Jan 18th-20th)

Event Description: Reaper units are identifying and targeting our team medics. To counter, we are increasing training in battlefield medicine for all N7 soldiers, regardless of specialty. By ensuring each soldier can deliver emergency care, we will confuse and frustrate the Reapers into abandoning their strategy.

Individual Goal: Earn any first aid medal on any map at any difficulty.

Reward: Commendation Pack
It doubles the multiplier.

- Overload has a 3x multiplier against shields. This bonus becomes 6x with evolution 6. It also has an 0.5x multiplier against armor and health of organics (does normal damage to synthetics).

Game Mechanics Clarifications and Information (Updated 8/7)

That's probably as comprehensive a guide as we'll ever get.

Huh, seems you're right, I guess my info was mistaken.

Wait, the class builder says Overload's level 6 Increases by 100% (http://narida.pytalhost.com/me3/classes/#Engineer/Geth/BARAA/Eviscerator10AN5AO5/////). According to the builder, evolving it this way doubles the overload shield damage so isn't that a multiplicative bonus?

Wouldn't the "Bonus Damage: +20%" be the additive one since the addition is from the base value?

I'm so confused.

Sorry for the confusion, I was simply incorrect about how that bonus was applied.


Huh, seems you're right, I guess my info was mistaken.
Sorry for the confusion, I was simply incorrect about how that bonus was applied.
Trying to figure out all the intricacies of ME3MP's systems can get a bit unwieldy. I vaguely remember another thread where someone made the case that it was additive and thus it never made sense to take damage at 6.

Love the new OP. I plan on trolling Reactor Hazard - Collectors - Gold. I'm normally a helpful PUG player, but with the right team possessed abomination and reactor trolling is too much fun to pass up :p


Really Really Exciting Member!
Well, it took longer than i thought to go from Hurricane IX to X, but there it is after all this time!

Nori Chan

Well I just joined into the strangest game.

I joined a collectors silver London game and no enemies were showing on the screen. But I was still taking damage and timer was still going as if there were an objective even though they finished it.

Doesn't hurt that also one of the guys there was floating and looked like Jesus on the cross moving too. So yeah really weird.

Fake edit even when I died and came back to life I didn't see anything.

Nori Chan

crusader 3

Also played a platinum match on white and it was so fun. All the other players were playing as drell assassins and it was fire explosions everywhere. I was a Turian Ghost using a revenant. Got half of the challenge done.


Really Really Exciting Member!
God, I hate you so much.

Here, take that picture and keep it with you until that day eventually happen for you.



Hurrikan sieben.

I finished the objective in the first round of a Gold match. When the match started someone went afk and kept dying. I just stood by them until I git 5.

Side note: Using a Javelin/GI to shoot through an entire map and one-shot everything short of a boss will never get old.


Eagle X. Not bad.

It's actually a decent gun. And I still don't have 1 Crusader, which I'm glad at because I would never use it over the many other better shotguns.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Eagle X. Not bad.

It's actually a decent gun. And I still don't have 1 Crusader, which I'm glad at because I would never use it over the many other better shotguns.

I've only been getting the Hurricane, Cruader and Valiant in the past months...

No seriously, my Valiant and Cruader are at VII and my Hurricane is at X, while i have no Valkyrie and Eagle has been at II since last summer.

Oh well, i guess that means i'm gonna get a lot of Eagles and Valkyries in the following months now that Hurricane is maxed.


Valiant 7 for me on xbox. Was using my Drell Assassin for this challenge, so I was happy to see that. I have a feeling this will be more difficult on pc since I have barely anything unlocked so I need to play bronze, and revives are too scarce there.

Edit: got it almost immediately in the first pc game I jumped into yesterday. Figures.
Got the Hurricane IV.

I got the medal by playing a Gold match. I was using my defensive Justicar; two other Asari's loved just running around and getting downed, and the last guy was a Geth using a Javelin so it was easy for me to go around reviving them.

I have to say, after playing Platinum even Gold is doable now.


Eagle VII. Bleh.

All in all, this was my least favorite weekend mission so far, as it depended far too much on the team mates' actions than your own, ie. easier to get the medal when playing with rookies, or people that don't work as a team. I hated being forced to run across the map to save someone who was soloing. And sometimes I ended up thinking I shouldn't use my rockets, as then the other player might not die and I wouldn't get to revive him/her. I did use them anyway though.
So bored. Random Platinum matches with randoms are always rocket glitching.. No one to play with on PS3. :( Im pretty satisfied with what I unlocked and I am literally bored of playing this game after trying every combination they put in. It would be cool if they had a co op campaign or some kind of co op story mode where you could use your characters... just something more than adding new characters where their powers should be unique rather than reusing abilities...


Finally got that Collector challenge banner; that wraps up all the enemy faction challenges.

Also got a Scorpion II from a PSP I purchased afterwards. Wish it was a Saber IX. :I

Speakin' of the Saber, I've been seeing a lot more people using it lately... It's makin' me feel less unique. Leave my baby alone!


So bored. Random Platinum matches with randoms are always rocket glitching.. No one to play with on PS3. :( Im pretty satisfied with what I unlocked and I am literally bored of playing this game after trying every combination they put in. It would be cool if they had a co op campaign or some kind of co op story mode where you could use your characters... just something more than adding new characters where their powers should be unique rather than reusing abilities...

Well, if you're looking for players to play with, I'm game. I usually play with Ryan though he hasn't been around much lately and I've been busy with another playthrough of ME2. My PSN ID is the same as my GAF tag.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Edmonton had their last Mass Effect 3 meeting. Looks like the Mass Effect 3 support is wrapping up. One final DLC for single player, and at least one DLC expected for multiplayer based on rumours. I thought most of the multi stuff was done at Montreal, but apparently it was done at Edmonton. They more you know.


Ok, a few questions for the experts...

Is there a consistent way of doing the dukes of hazard slide over cover? It seems to happen randomly for me.

So you can shoot the crotch plate off an Atlus. Do I then continue shooting the exposed crotch area for more damage, or is it better to just focus on the cockpit/back exhaust?

I've noticed that some of the banshees are pregnant. Do the bellies take more damage than headshots? Do headshot modifiers apply to the belly?


Ok, a few questions for the experts...

Is there a consistent way of doing the dukes of hazard slide over cover? It seems to happen randomly for me.

So you can shoot the crotch plate off an Atlus. Do I then continue shooting the exposed crotch area for more damage, or is it better to just focus on the cockpit/back exhaust?

I've noticed that some of the banshees are pregnant. Do the bellies take more damage than headshots? Do headshot modifiers apply to the belly?

- Mash A
- I think the exhaust port is the only existing weak point on the Atlas. Could be wrong, though.
- Headshot multipliers, to the extent of my knowledge, are only on the Banshee's head. But the prego belly does seem like a prime target to me


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
- Mash A
- I think the exhaust port is the only existing weak point on the Atlas. Could be wrong, though.
- Headshot multipliers, to the extent of my knowledge, are only on the Banshee's head. But the prego belly does seem like a prime target to me

The Atlas' weakpoint was originally just the cockpit. Since the last patch, its been the cockpit and exhaust port.

Banshee's are only weak at the head I think.


Ok, a few questions for the experts...

Is there a consistent way of doing the dukes of hazard slide over cover? It seems to happen randomly for me.

Hold A and forward to sprint into cover, let go of A, and quickly press A to slide over. There's a tutorial on YouTube if you search for it.

Ein Bear

Have just got into playing this with a friend during my series re-play. Wish I'd tried it sooner, this is the best multiplayer I've played in years - incredibly addictive!

Quick question, but is there a consensus on which one of the packs in the store I should be spending my credits on? So far I've bought one of the dirt cheap ones and saved up for one of the expensive, Premium Spectre packs, but still haven't really unlocked anything good. Should I always be saving up for the Premium, or do the cheaper ones offer better bang for your buck?


Ok, a few questions for the experts...

Is there a consistent way of doing the dukes of hazard slide over cover? It seems to happen randomly for me.

Think of it as a just-frame in any beat em up: run into an obstacle, then release and press again the run/cover button during the crouching animation. Once you get the hang of it you can slide over just by releasing and pressing again even before the crouching animation kicks in.

So you can shoot the crotch plate off an Atlus. Do I then continue shooting the exposed crotch area for more damage, or is it better to just focus on the cockpit/back exhaust?

Cockpit or exhaust. Difference is the cockpit is a bug not a designed weak spot: when you use weapons with many bullets some of them will hit the cockpit with buffed up damage.It's detailed in the bugs list on BSN.

I've noticed that some of the banshees are pregnant. Do the bellies take more damage than headshots? Do headshot modifiers apply to the belly?

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