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Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer |OT| Rich, deep online role playing


Really Really Exciting Member!
I've been promoting recently because i messed up the builds of the new characters and im out of respec cards. :( Like the Geth Juggernaut, i build his Shield ability for max defense, but i think i might have to promote to respec the shield to add some extra damage to it... having a defense build shield is pretty pointless against melee enemies like Brutes or Banshees.


It is blue. Not green. Blue. That is the biggest offender. I play because this thing is fun, and having a good looking character is part of fun. Including powers.
Also, i can't take the points from anywhere really. As i extensively explained, i like Ascension Stance at max rank.
If i'd take DC, i might as well max it out right away too, considerably better that way. Doesn't change that it tends to refuse jumping to next enemy (since the thing has apparently a hiddend max transfer range) when detonated or the enemy dies. Hated having to recast it constantly while played a Fury.

EDIT while talking about Dark Channel, did anyone here use it in the single player? I tried it and then i dropped Javik, deciding it was a waste of time power (and Javik lacks anything really useful), inconsistent, low damage output, much better to prime enemies with other powers.

EDIT also, do i really need Dark Channel with the Collector? Dark Sphere has DoT component. Seeker Swarms can slow down enemies (a debuff i've never found very useful in this game, people still go infront of slower enemies, negating the entire point of slowing them...).

Dark Sphere's DoT is kinda negligible, and it goes away shortly after detonating the sphere. It's a decent primer for Seeker Swarm, though.

Besides, the whole point of using DC is that it doesn't add any cool down when used in tandem with Dark Sphere. I'm telling you, the best combo with the Collector is Dark Sphere -> Dark Channel -> Detonate Sphere -> Hit any enemies still kicking with Seeker Swarm for the BE -> Use your weapon.


couldn't make geth on plat. Fuuu--.
I should have bit my tongue and stayed in Rio matches.
Bioware HAS to close those damn containers.

Stopped promoting at 360.
I rarely play with randoms and if they boot me based on a number id rather not play with them anyway.

I rarely see any kicking going on lately (xbox here). Very rarely.
The only reason is usually a random joining a private room or un-cooperative people getting kicked at the end of a match. Me, I do kick people (on gold/plat) when all these criteria are met:
- low n7
- low challenge points
- no consumables
- lvl 1 UR
- character below what I consider appropriate level. Like, any infiltrator above 10 usually does fine, but a human engi below 15? NEVAH.
Granted, if I see someone with a Lone wolf banner and 30k worth of challenge point sporting a lvl 1 fury I'll keep him anyway.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Now that the challenges end, N7 weapons and classes are unattainable?

Why would you say that? N7 classes were never part of the Weekend Operatons and I'm sure there is going to be more Operations in the next weeks/months to allow people to max all their N7 weapons eventually.


I think they are over.

What makes you think that?

I rarely see any kicking going on lately (xbox here). Very rarely.
The only reason is usually a random joining a private room or un-cooperative people getting kicked at the end of a match. Me, I do kick people (on gold/plat) when all these criteria are met:
- low n7
- low challenge points
- no consumables
- lvl 1 UR
- character below what I consider appropriate level. Like, any infiltrator above 10 usually does fine, but a human engi below 15? NEVAH.
Granted, if I see someone with a Lone wolf banner and 30k worth of challenge point sporting a lvl 1 fury I'll keep him anyway.

I use a Harrier I and consistently get top score.
I would have to see a source of this because its the first time i hear about it.

I think people are deriving this assumption by the Hackett text tied to the last op, "finish it." There has been no official word of any kind, to my knowledge. I feel like the timing would be really bizarre, turning off all 'active' support for the game 2 weeks after their dlc release, so I'd expect to see at least a few more operations, and I'd further expect (though this is pure speculation) that they'll just add the promo weapons to the ultra-rare pool whenever they do stop running operations.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
I doubt it's over, they still haven't released most of the banners that leaked a couple of weeks ago.



You could actually read a post before questioning it.

It's a strange criteria. All of your other reasons are not only easily explainable but are also all standalone reasons to doubt the player's ability:

- low n7: lack of experience
- low challenge points: haven't played much since Retaliation, probably rusty
- no consumables: haven't played long enough to accumulate them (lack of experience) OR reckless player that burns through survival packs and medi-gel rapidly
- character below what I consider appropriate level. Like, any infiltrator above 10 usually does fine, but a human engi below 15? NEVAH: Power are seriously underlevelled and a low-level caster is a useless caster.

But the one that I pointed out? The one that you're so quick to leap at my throat for?
- lvl 1 UR: Limited by lack of luck with the RNG.
Seriously, all of your other points address a visible lack of experience EXCEPT this one. I have an almost maxed out manifest, but the highest UR I have is at level IV. If we accept that time spent playing the game is positively correlated with player skill and experience, then a low level UR is NOT an indicator of lack of skill - I have over 300 hours of game time. I have seen people with a quarter of the time I've spent playing running around with a Harrier V - but you can bet your ass I'm outscoring them with my Harrier I.
It'd make more sense if you mentioned it as a level I rare, but you didn't.


I'm having a really bad luck streak with URs.

When the DLC hit I got about 9 URs with about 6.5 million spent.

I've spent about 3+ mill and have gotten 1.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I've got over 200 hours and I still have a Typhoon I

my luck with URs has been just dumb. All my gold weapons are maxed just about but URs show me no love.

(Got a black widow x and don't snipe)


My biggest problem with him is that he's just boring (to me). Probably the biggest reason is shockwave, I just hate the way that power feels.

At first I did too. He's def not a biotic god like some of the others, but I rarely see others using a Shaman. Slap a BPP on him and he's pretty fly for a lizard guy.


It's a strange criteria.
But the one that I pointed out? The one that you're so quick to leap at my throat for?
I see what you did there :)
- lvl 1 UR: Limited by lack of luck with the RNG.
Seriously, all of your other points address a visible lack of experience EXCEPT this one
Ok, I get where you come from but the reason I put the UR lvl 1 in there stems from the fact that there's plenty of rare weapons (and some uncommons) which blatantly outclass most URs at low level. This is a valid point that Dy nasty made a while ago and no one disputed, so I thought it was pretty much the opinion everyone had.
I'm sure a competent, experienced player can do with a wraith I what an uninitiated can't do with an eviscerator X, but if I see a low N7 PLUS low challenge points PLUS no consumables PLUS a lvl 1 UR, my way of looking at a loadout like that equals: either this guy is mimicking a build he saw online and just wants to outscore other players, or he doesn't understand how the weapon works and got baited by the UR classification into thinking he can deploy a PPR I, a CSMG I or LANCER I and rock with it.
I'm sure there's plenty of people who just have a gun or a rifle that just clicks with them, so they stick to it even when there's something with better stats, but the whole discussion was about making a snap judgement about players who join a gold/plat room.
I'm about to cut through my 1'000 hours clocked on this game, and if I'd get a free PSP for every time some guy featuring ONLY COD/MW games in his profile joined with a Destroyer/GI/SI/Geth Soldier/Fury/Valkyrie, trying to missile glitch, shooting only at targets with one slot of health/armour left, or last but not the least hiding in a corner and sniping during an objective wave, by now I would have a maxed out manifest.
I'd rather join a group of "noobs" who come equipped with consumables and high level characters even if we get wiped at the 6th wave, than stick to a bunch of Turian infiltrators with Harriers who will also get wiped at the 6th wave because hey, who needs to use missiles and medigels.
I just got kicked from a game after we bombed out on Wave 6 (Gold).
I was really wanting to discover an effective way to play my Asarii Vanguard and a Batarian Gauntlet. Turns out she sucks.
I probably deserved to get booted.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Krogan Warlord, Cerberus Gold, Firebase Glacier Hazard.

Lagged like shit, yet still the easiest gold match I've ever had. Phantoms are fucking nothing, moreso if you've got a biotic on the team setting shit up for biotic hammer explosions.

In fact there were only two real threats: engineer turrets, because hammering them with lag was a pain in the arse (I've always found turrets are rough to deal with when lagging). And mechs, but only because they can instant kill.

Everything else was pretty much *hammer, hammer, charge biotics, hammer, hammer, charge biotics, etc*. You'd cut through groups of phantoms and dragoons without even knowing what's going on. Nothing but purple explosions.


I see what you did there :)

Ok, I get where you come from but the reason I put the UR lvl 1 in there stems from the fact that there's plenty of rare weapons (and some uncommons) which blatantly outclass most URs at low level. This is a valid point that Dy nasty made a while ago and no one disputed, so I thought it was pretty much the opinion everyone had.
I'm sure a competent, experienced player can do with a wraith I what an uninitiated can't do with an eviscerator X, but if I see a low N7 PLUS low challenge points PLUS no consumables PLUS a lvl 1 UR, my way of looking at a loadout like that equals: either this guy is mimicking a build he saw online and just wants to outscore other players, or he doesn't understand how the weapon works and got baited by the UR classification into thinking he can deploy a PPR I, a CSMG I or LANCER I and rock with it.
I'm sure there's plenty of people who just have a gun or a rifle that just clicks with them, so they stick to it even when there's something with better stats, but the whole discussion was about making a snap judgement about players who join a gold/plat room.
I'm about to cut through my 1'000 hours clocked on this game, and if I'd get a free PSP for every time some guy featuring ONLY COD/MW games in his profile joined with a Destroyer/GI/SI/Geth Soldier/Fury/Valkyrie, trying to missile glitch, shooting only at targets with one slot of health/armour left, or last but not the least hiding in a corner and sniping during an objective wave, by now I would have a maxed out manifest.
I'd rather join a group of "noobs" who come equipped with consumables and high level characters even if we get wiped at the 6th wave, than stick to a bunch of Turian infiltrators with Harriers who will also get wiped at the 6th wave because hey, who needs to use missiles and medigels.

Yeah, I never considered that someone might be imitating a cool build they saw on someone else, which would probably be bad.


Balance changes... lots of them.

March 12, 2013

Commendation Pack Weapons
- The following weapons have been added to the ultra rare pool of cards
- N7 Valkyrie Assault Rifle
- N7 Eagle Pistol
- N7 Crusader Shotgun
- N7 Hurricane SMG
- N7 Valiant Sniper Rifle

Spectre Mastery
- Fixed an issue where medals earned could become stuck on completion

Squad Elite
- Added a new challenge to complete 25 matches on 'unknown enemy'
- Added a new challenge to complete 25 matches on 'unknown map'

Talon Omni-Bow Mechanics
- Base number of arrows fired increased from 3 to 5
- Omni-Bow max charge length decreased from 3 seconds to 0.35 seconds, so holding the heavy melee
button will cause the attack to release almost instantly

Elite Mercenary Passive Power
- Base charge regeneration cooldown decreased from 90 to 60 seconds
- Evolution 5 charge regeneration bonus increased from 50% to 100%

Omni-Bow Mastery Passive Power
- Base Omni-Bow damage bonus increased from 10% to 15%
- Rank 3 Omni-Bow damage bonus increased from 20% to 25%
- Evolution 1 Omni-Bow damage bonus increased from 30% to 35%
- Evolution 3 Omni-Bow killing spree damage bonus decreased from 50% to 25% but duration increased
from 8 seconds to 30 seconds
- Evolution 5 Omni-Bow damage bonus increased from 40% to 50%

Concussive Arrows Power
- Base number of arrows fired increased from 4 to 5 when you have this power active

Armor-Piercing Arrows Power
- Number of charges loaded per grenade increased from 2 to 3, so for each grenade used
you can fire 3 charges of Armor-Piercing arrows before going back to normal arrows
- Base damage reduced from 100 to 75
- Base number of arrows fired increased from 4 to 5 when you have this power active

Ancient Warrior Passive Power (Collector)
- Base Ascension Stance duration increased from 30 to 45 seconds
- Base Ascension Stance damage taken penalty reduced from 20% to 15%
- Evolution 5 Ascension Stance damage taken penalty reduced from 20% to 10%

Repair Matrix Power
- Base duration decreased from 15 to 8 seconds
- Base number of shields restored per second reduced from 150 to 75
- Evolution 1 damage reduction bonus decreased from 10% to 5%
- Evolution 6 damage reduction bonus decreased from 15% to 10%

Alliance Infiltration Unit
- Base melee damage reduced from 400 to 350
- Base heavy melee damage reduced from 750 to 650

Biotic Focus Power
- Evolution 6 damage reduction bonus increased from 15% to 20%
- Evolution 6 melee damage bonus increased from 20% to 30%

Poison Strike Power
- Base poison damage per second increased from 60 to 75

Adas Anti-Synthetic Assault Rifle
- Base damage increased from [161.9-202.4] to [178.1-222.6]

Geth Spitfire Assault Rifle
- Base damage increased from [56.5-70.6] to [62.2-77.8]

Venom Shotgun
- Damage multiplier when fully charged increased from 10% to 25%

Blood Pack Punisher SMG
- Base damage increased from [38.2-47.75] to [40.1-50.1]

Hex Shield Power
- Fixed a bug where enemy Geth Prime siege pulse projectiles could pass through the shield


Those are some good changes. They seriously buffed the Talon, so I'm gonna give him another go. I'm also glad they didn't nerf Repair Matrix into all hell. However, the Spitfire probably needs an even larger buff and...

Commendation Pack Weapons
- The following weapons have been added to the ultra rare pool of cards
- N7 Valkyrie Assault Rifle
- N7 Eagle Pistol
- N7 Crusader Shotgun
- N7 Hurricane SMG
- N7 Valiant Sniper Rifle

This worries me. Are the weekend challenges over?
also they need to increase drop rates for URs. after the recent new kits the drop rate has fallen back to utter shit. level iv consumables all day.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I don't mind the Matrix nerfs much since i mostly use that power for a free revive, but the melee nerfs sucks. I just promoted Infiltrators just so i can make a build around melee dammit. Guess i'll use my new respec card to change that...

Also, i guess Operations are really over if the N7 weapons are now ultra-rares. :(


Those are some good changes. They seriously buffed the Talon, so I'm gonna give him another go. I'm also glad they didn't nerf Repair Matrix into all hell. However, the Spitfire probably needs an even larger buff and...

This worries me. Are the weekend challenges over?

Doubt it, but I'm sure it will end eventually since they can't support it forever. Want to give everyone a chance to get to X, but probably won't be possible if they stop challenges in a couple months.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Doubt it, but I'm sure it will end eventually since they can't support it forever. Want to give everyone a chance to get to X, but probably won't be possible if they stop challenges in a couple months.

Considering my shitty luck with URs, i'd probably have a better chance at getting rank X with all my remaining N7 weapons through operations than from 99k credits packs.


Considering my shitty luck with URs, i'd probably have a better chance at getting rank X with all my remaining N7 weapons through operations than from 99k credits packs.

I think the end of the challenges is near, but I don't think they are done.

Hopefully they have a few more challenges like this last weekend, and maybe offer multiple packs. Who knows maybe they are throwing all the UR's into the mix now. A pack with any UR would be nice.
I wish the arsenal packs actually did what they claim - provide a higher chance at weapons. seriously, its SUCH bullshit. if PSP's give a 1/10 chance, these should be 1/5 for UR weapons.

I hate spending 500K on Arsenal packs and only end up with Level IV consumables.

I got everything maxed out except UR's and the collector character.


Doubt it, but I'm sure it will end eventually since they can't support it forever. Want to give everyone a chance to get to X, but probably won't be possible if they stop challenges in a couple months.

I feel like, since they patched the system to include automatic weekend operations, after a certain point the challenges will become generic, like Halo Weekly/Daily challenges.

I went to the N7 Page and I found that there's only been 35 challenges so, with Lodestar's additional gift pack, a person who's done all of the challenges cannot even max out the original 4 Promotional Weapons, let alone all 5.


Talon Merc doe

I'm super happy about this. I've been running a 6/0/6/6/6 build for the Merc (or whatever it is to spec out of Concussion Arrows) so I don't need to respec him at all to enjoy the perks of the buffs.

Ha! Collector buff!
Even more reason to keep Ancient Warrior maxed out.

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