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Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer |OT| Rich, deep online role playing


I never know how powerful biotic explosions were on Atluses until I saw one of the asari knock it down 3 bars of its health with one boom.

An overlooked benefit of those biotic explosions, particularly on crowded gold waves is that those explosions are PBAoE on the target. I'll spam warp/throw on an Atlas and end up killing every phantom/nemesis/guardian that is backed up behind it in the chokepoint with the splash off the Atlas.


An overlooked benefit of those biotic explosions, particularly on crowded gold waves is that those explosions are PBAoE on the target. I'll spam warp/throw on an Atlas and end up killing every phantom/nemesis/guardian that is backed up behind it in the chokepoint with the splash off the Atlas.
Yeah, when I was playing the demo I massively undervalued the need for throw on gold. I hadn't realized a warped Atlas is basically a walking bomb machine.

I have a respec card now. It seems too rare to use. Fairly certain I'm going to go full non-tech armor on my Turian Sentinel. I really like that class for some reason and the pisol/overload version can top pub gold matches.

I managed to get a drell adept from a recruit box today, hell yeah.
Fun class. Pull/Reave bomb everything.
Fun class. Pull/Reave bomb everything.

This might be my favorite class right now. From the super quick biotic explosions to Reave's sustained damage to his mobility to CLUSTER GRENADES... he's definitely an underrated class to take into Silver/Gold (just give him Disruption Ammo if you do).

I also think that Cluster Grenades detonate biotic explosions as well... or at least it makes the noise when I Reave a big enemy then throw 'nades at it.
Started playing the multi last night and quite enjoyed it, not without issues tho of course.

First off I couldn't get my starter pack and it kept asking me to phone support, on the 10th attempt it went through, had an issue with some guy bugging out so the enemies couldn't kill him and all I could do was spectate, after 2 minutes I realised it was going nowhere so quit out.

Also completed a whole bronze mission, got the money and the levels, went to spend the credits and buy a veteran pack and realised it had deleted all the stuff I had earned from the last match so I was back down to 8k credits :(

All that and I was still loving it, I got the Quarian infiltrator so i've been using that and I got some kind of assault rifle that fires grenades, my sniper rifle is extremly weak tho, only 1 hit kills if I get bang on head shots or if I cloak and fire.
Got two veteran packs : a Turian Sentinelle and a Quarian inflitrator.

Two class I dont play... Meh...

Where's the trade button ? Where are TF2 features when we need them ?


I wish Biotic explosions/tech bursts were easier to distinguish, because my screen is just full of explosions all the time from overload. It's a lot of fun spamming chain overload. Being able to lock down 3 enemies at a time is a big help on Gold. It's also pretty hax that you can overload -> heavy melee ad infinitum to completely lockdown the non-super units. I've been having better luck with veteran packs than I have with spectre. My latest spectre pack unlocked the Hornet and a +2 Katana upgrade, but I hate SMGs and never use them.
Speaking of biotic explosions, they really need to stop allowing shittier powers to override higher level ones.

For example, I hit something with a level 6 warp specced to increase explosion damage, and follow it up with a level 6 throw. One-shots weaker enemies, and is pretty awesome.

Until you fire a warp and someone else hits it with a level 2 piece of shit. So not only does the explosion do far far less damage, I don't even get credit for it after having set up the combo in the first place and the game completely forgets about my level 6 warp of doom. Very frustrating and just bad design.


GAF, I'm part of the problem. I bought a Spectre pack last night, and got nothing useful from it. Some medigel packs (ok, that's useful) and attachments for weapons I don't even use.




Really Really Exciting Member!
Since i've beaten the game, i started multiplayer yesterday.. Adept again since i liked them in single player...but NO THROW for adepts in multiplayer? How can i do my awesome combo of Singularity + Throw now? Bah!

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Tried Quarian Infiltrator because people here noted they were awesome for Gold level matches and didn't really like it. You have invisibility and the move that zaps shields, but that move becomes worthless against husks, etc. I was having fun playing a salarian tech though.

God Tier
Salarian Infiltrators
Asari Adepts

Great Tier
Salarian Engineers
Human Vanguards
Drell Adepts
Human Engineers
Human Infiltrators

Good Tier
Turian Sentinels
Quarian Infiltrators
Turian Soldiers
Krogan Soldier (never seen this played actually lol)

So So Tier
Asari Vanguard
Quarian Engineer
Human Adepts
Human Sentinels
Krogan Sentinels
Human Soldiers
Drell Vanguard (never seen this played actually lol)

For gold games at least, I find you need at least 1 person that can easily pull off biotic explosions and another that can strip shields (least against Cerberus or geth, don't know anyone who would willing play a gold reaper game :p)
Is there like a tier of classes / race combos yet? Any class with overload is kind of OP atm.

I'd be interested in contributing to this:

Suggestions -

A tier:

Asari Adept
Drell Adept
Human Vanguard
Salarian Infiltrator

B Tier:

Turian Sentinel
Quarian Infiltrator

C Tier:

Drell Vanguard
Krogan Soldier

D Tier:

Human Adept
Human Soldier

No F tier, because honestly all the classes can be somewhat productive regardless of build.

My personal rankings are only for class/race combos that I've put in extensive time with and are independent of equipment... any ranking system has to take that into account. A Carnifex or Black Widow can elevate any class into "top" tier just on their strength.

In any case, there are my early suggestions... feel free to break it down.

Edit: I've bolded classes that coincided with razgriz's list above.
Tried Quarian Infiltrator because people here noted they were awesome for Gold level matches and didn't really like it. You have invisibility and the move that zaps shields, but that move becomes worthless against husks, etc. I was having fun playing a salarian tech though.

Seems like it would Clean up the Geth, do okay against cerebus, and be shitty against reapers.

God Tier
Salarian Infiltrators
Asari Adepts

Great Tier
Salarian Engineers
Human Vanguards
Drell Adepts
Human Engineers
Human Infiltrators

Good Tier
Turian Sentinels
Quarian Infiltrators
Turian Soldiers
Krogan Soldier (never seen this played actually lol)

So So Tier
Asari Vanguard
Quarian Engineer
Human Adepts
Human Sentinels
Krogan Sentinels
Human Soldiers
Drell Vanguard (never seen this played actually lol)

For gold games at least, I find you need at least 1 person that can easily pull off biotic explosions and another that can strip shields (least against Cerberus or geth, don't know anyone who would willing play a gold reaper game :p)
Quarian Engineer is godlike IMO
You know what really sucks? Getting to the 9th wave and the host DCing and not getting any of the xp or money from the match, terrible terrible terrible....
I promoted my Drell Adept yesterday so I could start over and spend my points better. I have not barely touched any other classes since unlocking it. Pull and reave are just so much fun to use together. I just wish I had better luck with the spectre boxes. I have not gotten a single ultra-rare yet and they are all I buy. I desperately want the AR that is above the Falcon.


How should I spec my salarian infiltrator next time around? Able to use 1 ability without decloaking? How should I spec energy drain? I went with damage for the cloak and energy drain this time.
Quarian Engineer is godlike IMO

Really, how's the turret? I personally feel that an engineer without Overload, Energy Drain or Sabotage wouldn't be that useful in higher level games.

Quarian Infiltrator is awesome! Especially against the Geth. Can wreak havoc!

Quarian infiltrators were in the god/great tier rank for me before the nerf to sabotage, its still useful, but isnt much of a CC anymore :/ That and sabotage only shines against geth (I admit hacking a turret is awesome tho lol)
So how would you guys suggest I develop a Drell Adept? I'm looking to move away from Engineer for a while...

Max Reave, Pull and Cluster Grenade

Reave: Radius, Recharge Speed, Damage & Duration (mostly for damage protection bonus)
Pull: Radius, Expose, Duration & Combo
Cluster Grenade: Damage & Force, Max Grenades, Shrapnel

Now, it's up to you whether or not to max Assassin or put a few points into Fitness; I went with 5 ranks in Assassin and 3 in Fitness (he is extremely squishy).

Give your drell one light weapon to minimize cooldown, then pull/reave as much as you can. Use grenades periodically (don't spam them unless it's an emergency), and make sure to hit ammo boxes continuously throughout the rounds. In a normal Silver/Gold match, you can use approximately 1.5-2 grenades per round and have at least 2 for the next round with a continuous cycle of use -> ammo -> use -> ammo. If the waves are manageable though, don't use grenades for the sake of using it. And don't forget to use your thermal clips! These are LIFESAVING in critical situations and give you a full supply of grenades... with proper cycling to ammo boxes, you can throw upwards of 7-9 grenades in a very short amount of time using only one thermal clip. In other words, this technique is extremely handy in crowded extraction points (like Firebase Giant).

Tip: I try to stay out of cover and just strafe when I'm using Pull/Reave... it's much faster and less awkward to aim, and easier to run away if need be. Obviously this is a long range class so try to *never* engage at close/mid range.... if enemies close, RUN!

Tip 2: Before using a grenade, try to Reave them first. Grenades can detonate, and the damage is very significant when used together. Also, aim for your target's feet.


Quarian infiltrators were in the god/great tier rank for me before the nerf to sabotage, its still useful, but isnt much of a CC anymore :/ That and sabotage only shines against geth (I admit hacking a turret is awesome tho lol)

Yeah the new sabotage makes Salarian Infiltrator vastly superior if you're after cloak/sniping. It's easier for them to take out rocket troopers too since they can energy drain then snipe.

On a semi-related note, sniping phantoms in the head feels so fucking good man.
How should I spec my salarian infiltrator next time around? Able to use 1 ability without decloaking? How should I spec energy drain? I went with damage for the cloak and energy drain this time.

Energy Drain is god like. (we use FGC terms in this bitch)

It obviously does wonders against shielded opponents, and it stuns your opponent to boot. Not to mention when you drain an enemies shield you gain momentary defense boost as well.

I would max out Energy Drain for sure.


Energy Drain is god like. (we use FGC terms in this bitch)

It obviously does wonders against shielded opponents, and it stuns your opponent to boot. Not to mention when you drain an enemies shield you gain momentary defense boost as well.

I would max out Energy Drain for sure.

Specing tac cloak for using 1 power gives you almost invincibility too. I'll just wait until I have partial shields, cloak, then energy drain someone with shields to fully recharge mine then snipe them lol
Quarian Infiltrator is awesome! Especially against the Geth. Can wreak havoc!

I'm level 20 with my human female adept. Time to reroll: Turian Sentinell or Quarian Infiltrator... I want to play vanguard but human vanguard, even if the helmet looks badass, isn't as appealing as a Drell or an Asari. So I'll wait.

Quarian Infiltrator it will be then. I'll give it a shot.
I want to play vanguard but human vanguard, even if the helmet looks badass, isn't as appealing as a Drell or an Asari. So I'll wait.

Don't discount the Human Vanguard... focusing solely on Charge/Nova, it's probably the most unique style of gameplay that multiplayer has to offer (besides being incredibly powerful).


Last I checked, the Krogan Soldier doesn't use it's own shields to power a skill, and actually has a skill to give it increased shields.

Not exactly as high risk there, and with far less reward.
Having an ability that brings you up to 100% shields, gets you in and out of combat instantly, and AoE knockdown is not high risk. The Vanguard is an incredibly safe class if you're not spamming Biotic Charge into Nova every chance you get.

If you run in to punch people as the Krogan Soldier, you have no escape mechanism or free 100% shields; you either punch everything to death or go down trying. That's pretty high risk/high reward to me.
Don't discount the Human Vanguard... focusing solely on Charge/Nova, it's probably the most unique style of gameplay that multiplayer has to offer (besides being incredibly powerful).

Asari / Drell adepts don't have nova ?

Also : bringing down a fully shielded Centurion down, with a Grab, is the best feeling ever
Having an ability that brings you up to 100% shields, and gets you in and out of combat instantly is not high risk.

If you run in to punch people as the Krogan Solider, you have no escape mechanism or free 100% shields; you either punch everything to death or go down trying.

You're not weighing the high risk/high reward ratio properly. Let's break down the class/skills:

High Risk: Requires target, cannot Charge to empty space. Cannot Charge targets in full cover (even with crosshairs highlighted).
High Reward: Full shield recharge, ability to hit multiple enemies

High Risk: Uses own shields to power skill, will drain to zero shields
High Reward: Hits in radius around player (no aim needed), no limit to targets hit, knocks down unshielded enemies. Using Nova with even 5% shields knocks down enemies.

Combo together: With light weapon, combo of Charge/Nova can be used in perpetuation, and with proper use is able to clear large groups of enemies extremely quickly. Also shield recharge allows Vanguard to solo large enemies like Atlas, Brute and Geth Prime; very high reward. Also, both Charge and Nova stagger Guardians fully, exposing them to head and body shots from your weapon.

Vanguard: In order to use Charge/Nova at max efficiency, forgo using Shockwave, it's only (medium) ranged skill. (It also shares a timer with Charge, which is several orders of magnitude more important than Shockwave).

Now let's do the Krogan...

Low Risk: Can be used at long range
Medium Reward: Powerful, but slow recharge

Low/Medium Risk: Massive damage reduction percentages, while also giving ability to increase Carnage damage while active. Must purge shields to get melee damage bonus
Low/Medium Reward: Huge damage reduction, but not directly offensive skill.

Inferno Grenade:
Low Risk: Can be used at range, requires cycling at ammo boxes to use effectively
Low/Medium Reward: Ineffective against shields, requires careful aim to use effectively

Soldier: The appeal of the class is the melee cycle, which requires it to kill enemies in order to Rage for increased melee damage and more damage reduction. While the risk of maintaining melee range is definitely high, it has lower reward because you literally can't use it in as wide a variety of situations as the Vanguard. Also, forget trying to solo big enemies.. to keep Rage active you need to kill enemies with it, and that's not a guarantee when trying to take down the big enemies. Add to that the class has two long range skills that help keep it out of danger, thus allowing it to maintain a low risk (and much lower reward) profile.
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