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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)


I met him in the docks after doing a mission to repair medi-gel dispensers. I'm about midway through and my last priority mission was
the Tuchunka missions

BTW, I was ready to kill the moron, but then
he redeems himself...kind of . Then a certain ME2 minor quest character arrives just in time and the two might have a happy ending together.

Thanks. I'll keep an eye out for him, maybe he'll appear on my next visit to the Citadel.

I agree with the others about character interaction in this game, it's the best in the series for me but my romance stuff with Ashley has been pretty light so far. Does it get better?
Anyone else like me and checking on every character after every mission on the Normandy AND the Citadel? I love it.

That has been a valuable thing to do in every Mass Effect game. Especially after every "Main Story" mission.

Also, check your crew members out scattered throughout the Citadel and talk to them. Some interesting little characterization points occur. Especially with Joker. :)


Massive massive Tuchanka spoilers+ aftermath of the mission choices.

I cured the genophage + Mordin died singing, but checked youtube, anyone who choose to KILL Mordin+Wrex is a bad person in real life. Holy shit, always saw my renegade choices as a dick to my enemies not betraying closest friends. At that point you might as well rejoin cerebus at the start of the game if you could, or help the reapers kill everyone.

K' Dash

Ok, is anyone having problems with the game? it has glitched on me twice, one the screen stayed black after a cutscene and in the mission
to rescue the turian politician
I defended the airfield there were no more enemies for like 5 minutes I tought I had to look for a switch or something, I loaded a save and did it again and when I killed the last enemy it finally trigered the end of the sub-mission.

I have just started, 7 hours in, I never had this problems in ME or ME2...


How do I increase my readiness rating without playing multiplayer? Do I need more war assets? I'm still at 50% on everything.



Did you
Not cure the Genophage
on Tuchunka?

I did.

I can screenshot my progress if you want.


OOOH, I was going by TMS, not EMS.

My military readiness is at 3570.

EMS is more like 1700. My bar is almost to the 2/3 mark though. Which should I be going with? People are saying 5k will get you the extra clip, but is that military or total readiness?


Okay. Just started the main game. I have two questions, basically. One. What happens if Shepard dies in 2 and you try and play 3 and import your data? Two. What will I have to do to get the galaxy to full readiness? I just finished
so I'm still pretty early on, but I want to know what's up so I don't screw myself over.

1. Can't import a save with dead Shepard.
2. Almost all quests will give you "War Assets"; the more you have, the better an ending you can get. You also have a "readiness" percentage which is controlled by multiplayer; this acts as a multiplier to your war assets. So if you never touch multiplayer, collecting 1000 in war assets will have an effective strength of 500.

How do I increase my readiness rating without playing multiplayer? Do I need more war assets? I'm still at 50% on everything.

See above; that percentage isn't actually a measure of how good an ending you'll get, it's a multiplier to your war assets solely controlled by multiplayer. You cannot raise it at all in singleplayer, to the best of my knowledge.


Ok, is anyone having problems with the game? it has glitched on me twice, one the screen stayed black after a cutscene and in the mission
to rescue the turian politician
I defended the airfield there were no more enemies for like 5 minutes I tought I had to look for a switch or something, I loaded a save and did it again and when I killed the last enemy it finally triggered the end of the sub-mission.

I have just started, 7 hours in, I never had this problems in ME or ME2...
I've had ro restart a mission twice because events wouldn't trigger. 20 hrs in.

Sucks as I never had any glitches in ME1 or ME2 either.
Mass Effect 3 was really great...except for the ending.

'm not one of those who's complaining about Shepard and the love interest not hooking up at the end and having lots of kids or that the endings are necessarily "happy", my problem is that the final segment renders void all the choices I made across three games. All the truces I brokered, all the friendships I made, all the bad guys I took down, and all those choices along the way that were built up as being so important. And what is the final segment? A game show. You want door number 1 or door number 2? So long as I had a war rating high enough, nothing else mattered. It will always come down to the three choices and the same basic endings. There's no epilogue where I get to see the impact of my choies. There's nothing about what happens to all my friends and allies [except for that woefully inadequate bit at the end where the Normandy crashes on some deserted planet, yeah good luck with that shallow gene pool, guys.]. It makes a lot of my choices feel hollow and binary, like I'm just racking up war points instead of actually making any long-term impact on the game universe. And destroying the mass effect relays at the end? Come on, nobody wants that in an awesome scifi universe filled with detailed and complex alien societies.

Plain and simple: Worst ending since Lost.

Bonus ending spoiler:

Where the heck was the Normandy going anyway? And how did Liara get from the beam tower in London to the Normandy? I took her with me on that last run to the beam, there's a flash of light and everyone gets vaporized except Shepard. But somehow Liara is back on the Normady and they're shooting through some mass relay to who knows where. Uh...what?


oh, makes sense

I could never do that.

If you could mean you could never do your spoiler, I felt like I had to. I was a bit worried about the tidbits of backstory and behavior of
Wrex that this might not be the best thing. It seemed like the Krogan were considering becoming a band of warmongers again with Wrex as their warlord. I almost didn't do it and even told Mordin not to go up because it was a trap and that I had decided to not cure it. He flew off the handle and made me realize how foolish I was being, so I said "okay, go up...and goodbye". Made the scene even sadder that I basically felt shame.

Afterwards you get the hint from the female Krogan that she will share power with Wrex and ensure they remain enlightened and not become mad warlords again.


I've had the game crash on me twice and that was via getting an elevator to the docks on the Citadel. After the loading screen, the screen went black and I had to hard reset my console.

No issues apart from that though.



OOOH, I was going by TMS, not EMS.

My military readiness is at 3570.

EMS is more like 1700. My bar is almost to the 2/3 mark though. Which should I be going with? People are saying 5k will get you the extra clip, but is that military or total readiness?

Yeah that's what I figured. And yeah, the extra clip is 4k /5k EMS, not MS.
So a quick mini-review that I think sums up exactly how I feel about Mass Effect 3, no spoilers.

The first 45 mins and the last 5 mins of the game are not very well excecuted. The opening is not well explained unless you really dig around the codex and the internet. They don't say why Shepard is on Earth, or why the Normandy is all different. I just think the opening level could have been handled better. As for the last 5 mins I don't think it is bad, it is just not what I wanted and not what I expected to have happen.

However, every single thing between the 45 minute mark and the 31 hour 55 minute mark of the game is absolutely the best Mass Effect has been to date. It looks fantastic (the lighting engine and sky boxes makes it), it plays great, the dialogue between the crew members is absolutely superb, the places you go and things you do are phenomenal and exciting. There are actually heartbreaking moments during the game where I felt real emotions. It has some truly epic moments in it and well as genuine emotion, except for a few somewhat try hard sequences where you are

There is still nothing quite as enjoyable and engrossing as a Mass Effect game and I still want more games set in the universe.
Sorry in advance, guys, but I can't think of another place on the board to ask this:

Does the PSN version of ME2 still include all the DLC? Lair of the Shadow Broker, Kasumi, Genesis and the Cerberus Network?


Massive massive Tuchanka spoilers+ aftermath of the mission choices.

I cured the genophage + Mordin died singing, but checked youtube, anyone who choose to KILL Mordin+Wrex is a bad person in real life. Holy shit, always saw my renegade choices as a dick to my enemies not betraying closest friends. At that point you might as well rejoin cerebus at the start of the game if you could, or help the reapers kill everyone.

I agree 100%.

On my Renegade play through now and that is not a renegade choice, that is an ASSHOLE choice. I don't think I can do that when the time comes.

However, Mordin dies too if you fake the cure? I thought he lives but then you're forced to kill Wrex ..


But there is a scene where a fully rendered face would be perfect.
On Rannoch after successfully returning it to the Quarians, at the end Tali takes her mask off.
That would have been a perfect time to see her face properly. Can't see why they could'nt be arsed to do a proper job. Lazy I guess.

I don't think anyone would have minded if it was just a drawing or something. Something like that fan drawing of the space waifu.

It's just really lazy--this is something that thousands of people who long to
smell her sweat
have been looking forward to. And they just shop an image off google. Clearly, this is why
is the better option in ME3.


Subete no aware
OOOH, I was going by TMS, not EMS.

My military readiness is at 3570.

EMS is more like 1700. My bar is almost to the 2/3 mark though. Which should I be going with? People are saying 5k will get you the extra clip, but is that military or total readiness?
That's EMS. In the single player game, you can only get ~7000, so you need either to play online or play the iphone game.
4000 is the minimum you need though. 5000 only guarantees you see the "best" end if you choose to do so.


Liaras conversations with
her father
on the Citadel are very entertaining.
Quarter Krogan, headbutting

Shepards "thermal clip"
LOL ... that's too much.


Wow, Benning is a really nice looking mission, even though it takes place in what are technically slums.

Shame it lasts for like 2 seconds and takes place in a tiny area. Isn't this the area that's relevant to some petty side-quest on the Citadel with that guy on the phone? I found nothing on what he was looking for in this area. :\


Shame it lasts for like 2 seconds and takes place in a tiny area. Isn't this the area that's relevant to some petty side-quest on the Citadel with that guy on the phone? I found nothing on what he was looking for in this area. :\

Yeah, me too. I always look around the N7 areas, aswell.
Shame it lasts for like 2 seconds and takes place in a tiny area. Isn't this the area that's relevant to some petty side-quest on the Citadel with that guy on the phone? I found nothing on what he was looking for in this area. :\

About that side-quest:
There should be a dog tag on the ground in Benning.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I'm okay with it. I think they had two choices:
do something pretty and piss off one half and do something ugly and piss off the other half. Frankly, you can't really lose with the pretty part.

They didn't want to model a 3D model for just one picture, so I can't blame them. And the Shopping they did made her look a bit like a very popular fan rendition of her face. And in fairness, the stock model looks a lot like Tali's VA
http://www3.images.coolspotters.com/photos/208673/liz-sroka-profile.jpg. So I'm like "whatever, the
fans can win this one".

I think its just pure laziness. They've had 3 games and countless of artists at their disposal for over 5 years, and the best they can do for
Tali is search online, find a random stock image and photoshop it slightly?


I was exciting to play through this game to see how
looks and you guys spoiled it completely without any spoiler tags or anything.


Shame it lasts for like 2 seconds and takes place in a tiny area. Isn't this the area that's relevant to some petty side-quest on the Citadel with that guy on the phone? I found nothing on what he was looking for in this area. :\

Good thing we can buy the side-quest stuff if we miss them.

Tried a second play-through with Femshep.

Can't do it. Too weird having that voice say the lines I'm used to coming from a guy. I do wish you could have longer hair for male Shepherd's though. I have medium-long hair, and would love my Shep to as well.

Maybe mod the PC version?


So what's up with bonus powers in this, I know how you get them, but do they keep across different character saves, just new game+ (if that exists, I assume so) or is it just once per playthrough?

Sorry in advance, guys, but I can't think of another place on the board to ask this:

Does the PSN version of ME2 still include all the DLC? Lair of the Shadow Broker, Kasumi, Genesis and the Cerberus Network?

The PS3 version has all the DLC besides Arrival, Costume packs and some weapon packs.
So yea, from memory as long as you buy new you get the Cerberus Network pass which nets you the Genesis/Firewalker/Zaeed, and with the game comes Kasumi and Shadow Broker.


Shame it lasts for like 2 seconds and takes place in a tiny area. Isn't this the area that's relevant to some petty side-quest on the Citadel with that guy on the phone? I found nothing on what he was looking for in this area. :\

Yeah, me too. I always look around the N7 areas, aswell.

Always check the Spectre store after finishing a mission, items for sidequests that you missed picking up tend to show up there.
The PS3 version has all the DLC besides Arrival, Costume packs and some weapon packs.
So yea, from memory as long as you buy new you get the Cerberus Network pass which nets you the Genesis/Firewalker/Zaeed, and with the game comes Kasumi and Shadow Broker.

Thanks, Corris. Much appreciated!


Speaking of Arrival, I didn't play that DLC, so no reference to what happened during it in Mass Effect 3's beginning is a bit jarring (I did educate myself on the story of it though, so I wasn't completely in the dark). If I were to start a fresh game with no save, would it cover it in comic form like Genesis? Or how does that work?



Tried a second play-through with Femshep.

Can't do it. Too weird having that voice say the lines I'm used to coming from a guy. I do wish you could have longer hair for male Shepherd's though. I have medium-long hair, and would love my Shep to as well.

Maybe mod the PC version?

Mod the PC version for male voices on Fem Shep?

Come on dude!


Always check the Spectre store after finishing a mission, items for sidequests that you missed picking up tend to show up there.
oh thank god, I was worried I might have missed something like this in a recent mission.

Do the mods/armor pieces you missed there also show up on citadel stores?

Also, I didn't see anyone answer this last time so I'll ask one more time-does the CE alternate appearance pack cover all of the game's squadmates or just Kaidan, Ashley, Liara and Vega?
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