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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)


Junior Member
Just got a question regarding continuity.

I'm playing ME3 and finished the early
mars mission
. Although i'm not lost, it does feel like i've missed a huge chunk somewhere. Introducing all these characters as if i'm supposed to know them, Shepard being detained, Ashley back with him. Last I remember she was on a colony somewhere. Is the DLC for ME2 a bridge between both games? I always thought it might have been some random unrelated fluff like most DLC.

Then again, the last time I played ME2 was a little after launch in early 2010 so I could just be forgetting things.
Just got a question regarding continuity.

I'm playing ME3 and finished the early
mars mission
. Although i'm not lost, it does feel like i've missed a huge chunk somewhere. Introducing all these characters as if i'm supposed to know them, Shepard being detained, Ashley back with him. Last I remember she was on a colony somewhere. Is the DLC for ME2 a bridge between both games? I always thought it might have been some random unrelated fluff like most DLC.

Then again, the last time I played ME2 was a little after launch in early 2010 so I could just be forgetting things.

The Arrival DLC explains why Shepherd is on Earth and had his ship taken away. As for Ashely,
She was on a covert mission to investigate Shepherd in ME2, and after that was done, who knows... the only important point is that she was promotion to Lt. Commander and stationed at Earth


I hear the Engineer class is very fun to use.

I am still waiting for players to record some footage of them playing and to get some build guides up on BSN or here.

I just started my 2nd play through with the Vanguard and enjoy it since it is basically the opposite of my previous Infiltrator play through.
Are you on insanity?
I really want to try (large end-game spoilers, do not highlight)
I am still not going to spoil details, but... I want to try the last fight area with a Vanguard. My Infiltrator was running around like crazy because of all the stupid banshees. Banshees HATE vanguards. I want to try it, but I really don't feel like replaying the game.

Two questions. How do you upgrade single player weapons beyond level 10? Did anyone else comes up way short of 5k enemies killed?
Just got a question regarding continuity.

I'm playing ME3 and finished the early
mars mission
. Although i'm not lost, it does feel like i've missed a huge chunk somewhere. Introducing all these characters as if i'm supposed to know them, Shepard being detained, Ashley back with him. Last I remember she was on a colony somewhere. Is the DLC for ME2 a bridge between both games? I always thought it might have been some random unrelated fluff like most DLC.

Then again, the last time I played ME2 was a little after launch in early 2010 so I could just be forgetting things.
Arrival shows why Shepherd was on trial, but not much else. I think a comic explains James Vega's backstory, but I didn't bother reading it. Liara being
the Shadow Broker
is also shown in Lair of the Shadow Broker.


Best DPS, but not survivability. You can't link two powers into one another without a little vulnerability period. You take the 50% Nova upgrade, but only use it once. That way the remaining half of your barrier soaks up 90% of the incidental fire you take, and you never die to anything ever unless it cheaps out on you with a one-shot instakill.

It has excellent survivability even on Insanity. You just have to be smart with it. If you get the level 6 Charge upgrade that gives you a full shield, and you have your Charge down to 3 seconds, you can practically remain invincible.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
God, this game is depressing. Civilizations destroyed in an instant, teammates dying, planets lost...FUCK
Yes! If there's one thing this game's doing right, it's showing a really depressing situation.


It has excellent survivability even on Insanity. You just have to be smart with it. If you get the level 6 Charge upgrade that gives you a full shield, and you have your Charge down to 3 seconds, you can practically remain invincible.

I did the
mission without being hit once. It was funny.


It has excellent survivability even on Insanity. You just have to be smart with it. If you get the level 6 Charge upgrade that gives you a full shield, and you have your Charge down to 3 seconds, you can practically remain invincible.

Practically, but not entirely. It's not possible to chain Charge and Nova (in any combination) without taking fire during the recovery animations. If you Nova twice, then the damage you take from that fire is applied directly to your health, and won't regenerate. If you Nova once, that damage is soaked up by your Barrier, which you regenerate immediately.

You could survive doing it, but only if you take the time to play like an ME2 Vanguard, Charging around the outskirts of a fight and picking off the stragglers. If you Nova only once before Charging, you aim your Charges for the center of the biggest cluster of enemies you can find (which will outdamage a double-Nova anyway since you don't have to worry about being 'smart' and Charging to places where you won't die), you stand right in the middle of an open battlefield being shot at by everything, and you will still never ever actually die.


Nope. You can do all of them.

You can but I think one can be skipped. That happened to me. I had three missions on Tuchanka, one of which after completion led to another mission (
the bomb
), but then I think I did them out of order or something because I was suddenly just left with the Priority mission, and it had skipped one.


Practically, but not entirely. It's not possible to chain Charge and Nova (in any combination) without taking fire during the recovery animations. If you Nova twice, then the damage you take from that fire is applied directly to your health, and won't regenerate. If you Nova once, that damage is soaked up by your Barrier, which you regenerate immediately.

You could survive doing it, but only if you take the time to play like an ME2 Vanguard, Charging around the outskirts of a fight and picking off the stragglers. If you Nova only once before Charging, you aim your Charges for the center of the biggest cluster of enemies you can find (which will outdamage a double-Nova anyway since you don't have to worry about being 'smart' and Charging to places where you won't die), you stand right in the middle of an open battlefield being shot at by everything, and you will still never ever actually die.

So how is it that I can double Nova Atlas Mechs and lose zero health?


Practically, but not entirely. It's not possible to chain Charge and Nova (in any combination) without taking fire during the recovery animations. If you Nova twice, then the damage you take from that fire is applied directly to your health, and won't regenerate. If you Nova once, that damage is soaked up by your Barrier, which you regenerate immediately.

You could survive doing it, but only if you take the time to play like an ME2 Vanguard, Charging around the outskirts of a fight and picking off the stragglers. If you Nova only once before Charging, you aim your Charges for the center of the biggest cluster of enemies you can find (which will outdamage a double-Nova anyway since you don't have to worry about being 'smart' and Charging to places where you won't die), you stand right in the middle of an open battlefield being shot at by everything, and you will still never ever actually die.

Charging gives you a free full shield, so it's just a matter of timing it properly. Nova is what you have to be smart with, since it saps your shield. But again, since Charge recharges so damn quickly (if you do it right), and Nova uses up shield strength, they make for a hell of a 1-2 punch.

That's why I said you have to be smart, i.e. tactical. Obviously don't use Nova when you're going to be in a position where you're cut down in the few seconds before Charge is back or before you can get to cover. They're both very effective together because they feed off each other.



So if I want to import my Shepherd I'm not allowed to experience a sense of level-up progression in my RPG?

Is this fucking real life?

Uh? there is level up progression. It's called 30-60. 30 levels. The same as ME2. I don't even think it's possible to get to level 60 without starting out at level 30 (though I could be wrong)


Having played a good intro portion and having just finished

I can say Im definitely loving it so far. The demo portion of the game bored the fuck out of me and it kept reminding me of the bad running animations and whatnot, but getting to the next game portion; theres so much more interaction, the combat has been tightened, the engine has been polished up quitely (The lighting is so much better) Skyboxes are looking neat, and there are so much items/addons to pick up during the missions. The citadel is also much more livelier. I cant wait to play on.

Err... Is Udina always in the Council? I put Anderson on it in ME1.


Still not through Act 1 yet. Want to get every piece of random dialog I can find. Feel like I'm making slow progress but man this game is good.

I'm thinking about it even when I'm not playing. Not just ME3 either but all of them. Freaking love this series goddamn.
Uh? there is level up progression. It's called 30-60. 30 levels. The same as ME2. I don't even think it's possible to get to level 60 without starting out at level 30 (though I could be wrong)

I didn't like it either but it worked out alright I guess. I started at 30 and finished at 56 after doing just about everything.

So if I play it like this I'm not gonna feel horrifically over-powered?


Subete no aware
All I need now is 5000 kills... what a horrible achievement. Considering I got just over a thousand from single player, that's another two or three playthroughs or a butt load of multiplayer.

OCD compells me. :(


I quite liked that I can import my war-hardened Shepard. And it's not that it is a lot easier because of that. Plus you still have 30 levels to go and harder difficulties if you feel too powerful (I did not).


The progression for an import character goes badass -> real badass instead of chump -> badass.

Eh I disagree, you still feel quite powerful even at lower levels now due to the increased speed in, well, everything. Movement, shooting, biotic recharging are all 10x quicker than in the previous games, so Shep just feels a lot more capable.
SHIT! Made a horrible decision but I need to know:

I told Legion to upload the Reaper code and Tali killed herself, is there any way to have both Legion and Tali live? Or must they die? First moment that genuinely upset me. Now, if they kill Miranda/Ash, I will destroy someone.


Also random question, are your squadmates's power recharge times affected by weight? I'm assuming no since there isn't a bar on their loadout screen.


So if I play it like this I'm not gonna feel horrifically over-powered?

I played the first 6-8 hours on normal as an Infiltrator and I was horribly overpowered but I think that's because the Infiltrator class in this is so overpowered. It's this game's Vanguard and Sentinel class I guess :p

But I bumped it up a notch and I had some pretty decent challenge for most of the game.


Oops Coxswain, nevermind. Read your earlier post and totally misread what you were saying. I actually agree with you that Charge --> Nova --> Charge ---> Nova is probably more ideal than sticking a double Nova in there in most situations.

My bad. :p


So if I play it like this I'm not gonna feel horrifically over-powered?

If you play on normal you probably will. I'm about 16 hours in and no fights take me more than about 30 seconds to destroy everything. I blame that more on 1.5s recharge Overload/Throw and the beastly Mattock V rifle though.



So if I want to import my Shepherd I'm not allowed to experience a sense of level-up progression in my RPG?

Is this fucking real life?

I had the exact same concerns, but don't worry about it, there is still lots of leveling room. It hasn't negatively imapacted the feeling of progression.
SHIT! Made a horrible decision but I need to know:

I told Legion to upload the Reaper code and Tali killed herself, is there any way to have both Legion and Tali live? Or must they die? First moment that genuinely upset me. Now, if they kill Miranda/Ash, I will destroy someone.
You cannot save both, but if you did the correct things in ME2 and 3 you can have peace between the Geth and Quarians.




SHIT! Made a horrible decision but I need to know:

I told Legion to upload the Reaper code and Tali killed herself, is there any way to have both Legion and Tali live? Or must they die? First moment that genuinely upset me. Now, if they kill Miranda/Ash, I will destroy someone.

Legion dies in both scenarios.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Tuchanka in the genophage mission
was a really cool place. Cooler than what i expected after what we saw in ME2.

Also i love the dragon age armor, looks great.

I wish the Mass Effect 2 DLC armor (Blood Dragon, Cerberus, etc) wasn't so expensive. It feels like there's not enough credits in the game to really experiment.


I wish the Mass Effect 2 DLC armor (Blood Dragon, Cerberus, etc) wasn't so expensive. It feels like there's not enough credits in the game to really experiment.

What exactly are you buying? The only thing that was bank emptying was the Spectre weapons at 250,000 a piece. I ended having a bit over 400,000 at the end of the game.
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