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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)


I agree 100%.

On my Renegade play through now and that is not a renegade choice, that is an ASSHOLE choice. I don't think I can do that when the time comes.

However, Mordin dies too if you fake the cure? I thought he lives but then you're forced to kill Wrex ..

Massive Tuchanka spoilers



Yeah, always saw Renegade as - Asshole not evil besides this choice + killing Wrex in Me1.


So what's up with bonus powers in this, I know how you get them, but do they keep across different character saves, just new game+ (if that exists, I assume so) or is it just once per playthrough?

Finished the game with all the bonus powers, started up a new game with a different character and I got the option to pick one when making the character. I don't know if that character will have access to change it once I get to the Normandy though.


I hope you're joking. :p

I meant mod the PC version to let users have longer-hair on their Male Shepherd models.

Of course I was joking :p

Finished the game with all the bonus powers, started up a new game with a different character and I got the option to pick one when making the character. I don't know if that character will have access to change it once I get to the Normandy though.

You can re-assign it at the med bay.

Tried a second play-through with Femshep.

Can't do it. Too weird having that voice say the lines I'm used to coming from a guy. I do wish you could have longer hair for male Shepherd's though. I have medium-long hair, and would love my Shep to as well.

Maybe mod the PC version?

Same here. FemShep always seemed way off. I can't even imagine my Shepard being acted by some goofy looking and goofy sounding woman.


Wow... The scene in your cabin where Liara
asks you how you'd like to be remembered was incredibly touching to me.
I feel like it had a lot to do with the simple music playing over the scene and with the fact that she's my character's love interest. Whatever the case, bravo Bioware.


I FUCKING KNEW YOU WERE SCUM!!! This is why I chose to make Anderson councilor, you dip shit. Did they ever explain why Udina is the councilor at the start and why my choice of Anderson didn't stick? Maybe I just missed it. Anyway, never has a renegade action felt so satisfying as it did putting a bullet through him. I can't believe Ashley would not trust me AGAIN. You're making it really hard for me to romance you, Williams.


It's impossible to take Kai Leng seriously. I guess he's meant to be a badass and shit, but first, those cereal killer comics, and second, the dude is like some lame looking cyber ninja who sends "evil" messages at you. It's just so full of . . . cheese.


Finished the game with all the bonus powers, started up a new game with a different character and I got the option to pick one when making the character. I don't know if that character will have access to change it once I get to the Normandy though.

Cheers, I had assumed it was like ME2, but it was nice to make sure.

I FUCKING KNEW YOU WERE SCUM!!! This is why I chose to make Anderson councilor, you dip shit. Did they ever explain why Udina is the councilor at the start and why my choice of Anderson didn't stick? Maybe I just missed it. Anyway, never has a renegade action felt so satisfying as it did putting a bullet through him. I can't believe Ashley would not trust me AGAIN. You're making it really hard for me to romance you, Williams.

I just did this,
I had my controller down reaching for a drink when the renegade choice came up, I wish I could have pulled that trigger so much, always knew Uldina was scum, at the beginning of ME3 I thought he was becoming an ok guy, I don't feel so bad for treating him like shit in my other play throughs now, at least I know now I can take that shot everytime.
It's impossible to take Kai Leng seriously. I guess he's meant to be a badass and shit, but first, those cereal killer comics, and second, the dude is like some lame looking cyber ninja who sends "evil" messages at you. It's just so full of . . . cheese.

In a world full of guns and FTL travel, there's an Asian Ninja with a sword.


I FUCKING KNEW YOU WERE SCUM!!! This is why I chose to make Anderson councilor, you dip shit. Did they ever explain why Udina is the councilor at the start and why my choice of Anderson didn't stick? Maybe I just missed it. Anyway, never has a renegade action felt so satisfying as it did putting a bullet through him. I can't believe Ashley would not trust me AGAIN. You're making it really hard for me to romance you, Williams.

Yeah they explain the reason.
Anderson wanted to be back in the field so he resigned his post and since Udina was his assistant he was voted in as next in line. Just another way of Bioware ignoring your past choices.


It's impossible to take Kai Leng seriously. I guess he's meant to be a badass and shit, but first, those cereal killer comics, and second, the dude is like some lame looking cyber ninja who sends "evil" messages at you. It's just so full of . . . cheese.

Yeah those comics will be all I can think of when I encounter this guy.


Yeah they explain the reason.
Anderson wanted to be back in the field so he resigned his post and since Udina was his assistant he was voted in as next in line. Just another way of Bioware ignoring your past choices.

Anderson was never a politician, he kind of said that in ME2 that he wasn't fit for the job.


On Thessia:

Javik+Liara did not disappoint. I don't know how it plays out without him, but it seemed like some pretty significant revelations were happening there in the temple. Interesting stuff.


On Thessia:

Javik+Liara did not disappoint. I don't know how it plays out without him, but it seemed like some pretty significant revelations were happening there in the temple. Interesting stuff.

Oh, shit.

Never even thought about taking him along.
Also I wonder how the scene where he and Liara argues aboard the ship afterward works out without the DLC.

Goddamn it Bioware.
The Blasto 6 audio is hilarious

"This one has forgotten whether his pistol is currently equipped with incendiary ammunition. Does the criminal scum consider himself fortunate"

Space Dirty Harry FTW

Oh and, "Badassfully...."
Massive Tuchanka spoilers



Yeah, always saw Renegade as - Asshole not evil besides this choice + killing Wrex in Me1.

This is odd for me, because not only did
female krogan die, but Mordin didn't die
. The only real difference is I didn't tell him about the sabotage, he figured that out himself.

It's crazy how many different outcomes this game gives you depending on who you're playing with, what you did in the past games, etc.
Need some help people

I played ME1 as soldier & ME2 as Adept and I enjoyed it thoroughly from the start. I started ME3 as a Vanguard and I'm not having much fun. I realise im at the beginning but I felt so much better using other classes.

can anyone give me some vanguard tips? What powers should I max out first etc



On Thessia:

Javik+Liara did not disappoint. I don't know how it plays out without him, but it seemed like some pretty significant revelations were happening there in the temple. Interesting stuff.

Oooh, got to do that combo when I play it again.

Shadow Moses said:
Need some help people

I played ME1 as soldier & ME2 as Adept and I enjoyed it thoroughly from the start. I started ME3 as a Vanguard and I'm not having much fun. I realise im at the beginning but I felt so much better using other classes.

can anyone give me some vanguard tips? What powers should I max out first etc


Easy. Charge. Not charging? Charge. Can't charge, take cover, shoot a bit, and charge again.

Vanguards are all about charging.


Need some help people

I played ME1 as soldier & ME2 as Adept and I enjoyed it thoroughly from the start. I started ME3 as a Vanguard and I'm not having much fun. I realise im at the beginning but I felt so much better using other classes.

can anyone give me some vanguard tips? What powers should I max out first etc


Nova and Charge


Need some help people

I played ME1 as soldier & ME2 as Adept and I enjoyed it thoroughly from the start. I started ME3 as a Vanguard and I'm not having much fun. I realise im at the beginning but I felt so much better using other classes.

can anyone give me some vanguard tips? What powers should I max out first etc

It depends on your difficulty level. Maxing out Charge (concentrate on AOE/full shields/Power synergy) and Nova (AoE/half shields/Pierce) is important. Ideally you want your recharge bonus to be above 170%.

Something to consider: The ME3 Adept is probably the most powerful Adept yet. Just carry a pistol and adept everything. Food for thought.
It depends on your difficulty level. Maxing out Charge (concentrate on AOE/full shields/Power synergy) and Nova (AoE/half shields/Pierce) is important. Ideally you want your recharge bonus to be above 170%.

Something to consider: The ME3 Adept is probably the most powerful Adept yet. Just carry a pistol and adept everything. Food for thought.

You think I should just start again with adept cos I'm just 2hrs into the game.

thx for the help
Indeed re:Vanguard. Max out Nova and Charge. Former for crowds, latter for individual/tough enemies. Keep recharge times lower by equipping lighter/fewer weapons. Blasted into the red? Charge in even if not able to kill and if leveled to emphasize shield restoration it will be restored on the spot. Add in armor focused on melee and a shotgun with bayonet and...fun is to be had.
Been enjoying Vanguard so far, turrets and snipers are a pain though.

Any other classes fun this time around?

What 'companion abilities' or w/e it's called is the best? Always been a fan of warp ammo.


If you're playing a Vanguard, all you do is max Charge and Nova, then throw away all your guns until you're at +200% recharge speed and stack your armour with Power Recharge bonuses (Inferno armour works well, if you don't have the piecemeal parts for it). Then you just Charge -> Nova -> Charge -> Nova infinitely. You deal more damage than just about any weapon in the game in a big radius around you, you're constantly invincible except for little half-second windows while the Charge and Nova animations recover into each other, and your barrier regenerates to full in between every brief vulnerable period.

It's awesome, but ridiculously overpowered and it never changes throughout the entire game (at one point I had around 60 unspent skill points, because there was nothing I could put points into that I would ever actually use). If you don't want to spam those two over and over for the entire game, then restarting as another class is going to let you have more fun.


I like how Rihanna makes an appearance in this game.

If you're playing a Vanguard, all you do is max Charge and Nova, then throw away all your guns until you're at +200% recharge speed and stack your armour with Power Recharge bonuses (Inferno armour works well, if you don't have the piecemeal parts for it). Then you just Charge -> Nova -> Charge -> Nova infinitely. You deal more damage than just about any weapon in the game in a big radius around you, you're constantly invincible except for little half-second windows while the Charge and Nova animations recover into each other, and your barrier regenerates to full in between every brief vulnerable period.

It's awesome, but ridiculously overpowered and it never changes throughout the entire game (at one point I had around 60 unspent skill points, because there was nothing I could put points into that I would ever actually use). If you don't want to spam those two over and over for the entire game, then restarting as another class is going to let you have more fun.

Nah, the best dps on Vanguard is Charge > Nova > Nova > Charge > Nova > Nova etc
Question about Miranda, big time spoilers, don't highlight unless you're pretty deep into the game.

I actually just spoiled this for myself so I just want confirmation. I read somewhere that if you break off your romance with her from ME2 she actually dies later in the game, otherwise she survives. Welp, 10 hours or so ago I broke off the romance with her in our first convo not realizing this (damn you Ashley you space racist, I can't quit you!). Is there any other way to make sure she makes it? She was one of my favorite characters from ME2 actually and I'd kinda feel like a jerk if she croaked.


Anderson was never a politician, he kind of said that in ME2 that he wasn't fit for the job.

While that's true, he had Udina as his advisor that would oil the proceedings. Anderson was still the better choice (as presented in ME1 and 2) for the actual decisions. It's a shame that Bioware was always so intent on removing player agency with the Mass Effect games. All of your expectations of tone from ME1 are lost, and then they retcon tons of things between the games, using the books, so that your choices aren't as important.


Been enjoying Vanguard so far, turrets and snipers are a pain though.

Any other classes fun this time around?

What 'companion abilities' or w/e it's called is the best? Always been a fan of warp ammo.

I hear the Engineer class is very fun to use.

I am still waiting for players to record some footage of them playing and to get some build guides up on BSN or here.

I just started my 2nd play through with the Vanguard and enjoy it since it is basically the opposite of my previous Infiltrator play through.


Nah, the best dps on Vanguard is Charge > Nova > Nova > Charge > Nova > Nova etc
Best DPS, but not survivability. You can't link two powers into one another without a little vulnerability period. You take the 50% Nova upgrade, but only use it once. That way the remaining half of your barrier soaks up 90% of the incidental fire you take, and you never die to anything ever unless it cheaps out on you with a one-shot instakill.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
GAH! Really trying to enjoy the heck out of this game (loved ME2) but it's really hard... the small details that made ME2 so good (holstering your weapons and having multiple dialog-options) is completely gone :( The framerate is also all over the place... and my game's crashed like 10 times in Citadel (PS3-version).

I'll definitely keep playing for Tali - hopefully the story picks up.
Question about Miranda, big time spoilers, don't highlight unless you're pretty deep into the game.

I actually just spoiled this for myself so I just want confirmation. I read somewhere that if you break off your romance with her from ME2 she actually dies later in the game, otherwise she survives. Welp, 10 hours or so ago I broke off the romance with her in our first convo not realizing this (damn you Ashley you space racist, I can't quit you!). Is there any other way to make sure she makes it? She was one of my favorite characters from ME2 actually and I'd kinda feel like a jerk if she croaked.

I thought it was if she was loyal, not if she was romanced.

How could you break off a romanace with dat ass? I mean... goddamn.


Wait what? The description of Nova makes it sound like you lose your shields every time you use it.

You can upgrade it to cost 50% shields for less damage. That way you can use it twice before your next charge.

Advantages: higher dps, Nova animation grants invincibility, crowd control.

so just charge an Atlas mech, Nova twice then charge again. Repeat for the win.

God tier.

Best DPS, but not survivability. You can't link two powers into one another without a little vulnerability period. You take the 50% Nova upgrade, but only use it once. That way the remaining half of your barrier soaks up 90% of the incidental fire you take, and you never die to anything ever unless it cheaps out on you with a one-shot instakill.

But it is the BEST survivability. You're invincible during Nova.
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