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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)


I wish the Mass Effect 2 DLC armor (Blood Dragon, Cerberus, etc) wasn't so expensive. It feels like there's not enough credits in the game to really experiment.

Some of the fetch quests can give you some good money. One of them netted me 20k credits, which is more than what the Alliance tends to give you after a full mission.
I think I recall someone mentioning that you can edit the config files in the pc version to unlock some of the dlc weapons. Can anyone confirm this/know how to do it?

Yay, another weapon I'll never see in my game.

Fuck you Bioware.

Sustained dps probably doesn't matter for sniper rifles, though. They're all pure burst damage.

True in most cases but I'm playing adept so I only bring 1 gun. If it's going to be a sniper rifle, I need to bring the most versatile of the bunch. Personal preference of course (usually use the Mattock or Phalanx)

The Indra is also a very interesting sniper rifle. I got it through that Alienware promo that was going on during launch. Fully auto, 25 round clip, relatively low recoil; couldn't get a headshot for the life of me lol


So how is it that I can double Nova Atlas Mechs and lose zero health?

Atlas mechs are trivially easy to Charge/Nova to death. They fire discrete, powerful shots every couple of seconds; the odds that they happen to hit you with those attacks during your brief window of vulnerability are pretty low, even if you're not making any special effort to time your Novas to be invincible during their attacks.

If you double-Nova out in the open during a big fight where there are 5-10 enemies spread out beyond the range of a single Nova, shooting at you with automatic, rapid-fire weapons from all directions, double-Nova will not keep you alive for long. Using single, 50% strength Novas is almost guaranteed to keep you alive through every fight in the game except those where you face enemies in positions that you can't Charge to (barring situations like the bug where Charge won't work for a second or two, having a Banshee or occasionally even an Atlas do their one-shot instakill on you, etc).


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
On Thessia:

Javik+Liara did not disappoint. I don't know how it plays out without him, but it seemed like some pretty significant revelations were happening there in the temple. Interesting stuff.
I liked this a lot, too.

. . . or maybe it's the Prothean standing here.

I don't even know how it would have gone on without him.
DLC is so dumb.

And is there a way to
defeat Leng in this section or what?
I feel like I'm marathoning through a sci-fi TV drama with the world's largest budget. The way the missions are structured, with the debriefings and the conversations with the cast after every one for closure, feels episodic, and then its on to the next crazy thing.


I was listening to the soundtrack and one thing I noticed is how hollywood this soundtrack is. After playing the game, it's obvious they were trying to go with high production values but, in some instances it was more Star Trek or Transformers in terms of production value:story/content


Atlas mechs are trivially easy to Charge/Nova to death. They fire discrete, powerful shots every couple of seconds; the odds that they happen to hit you with those attacks during your brief window of vulnerability are pretty low, even if you're not making any special effort to time your Novas to be invincible during their attacks.

If you double-Nova out in the open during a big fight where there are 5-10 enemies spread out beyond the range of a single Nova, shooting at you with automatic, rapid-fire weapons from all directions, double-Nova will not keep you alive for long. Using single, 50% strength Novas is almost guaranteed to keep you alive through every fight in the game except those where you face enemies in positions that you can't Charge to (barring situations like the bug where Charge won't work for a second or two, having a Banshee or occasionally even an Atlas do their one-shot instakill on you, etc).

That makes sense. :)


check out my new Swatch
You cannot save both, but if you did the correct things in ME2 and 3 you can have peace between the Geth and Quarians.

I just finished this part and

I choose to upload the code, I thought Tali was implying that she could radio in a get the fleet was going to pull back. It sucks that their entire fleet was destroyed because of a few incompetent admirals that didn't know when to quit.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Also i love the dragon age armor, looks great.
Oh God, I remember having this in ME2! I'm wondering how though :p Was it available for download?


"I'm not the one who broke up your relationship."

"Really. Was it someone else that pinned me to the wall with her mouth?"

lmao. Random chatter is still great in this game.


Garrus and Joker telling jokes in the cockpit. :lol


I'd seriously consider Garrus one of my favourite characters of this entire generation. The guy has swag.
Don't want this game to end. :( Would someone tell me how far through the game I am please?

Just got told by the Asari councilor to go to her homeworld for something to help understand to the cruicble
Is it just me, or is the reputation system not balanced properly for save imports? I imported a level 30 save with a maxed out paragon meter, but it seems that in most situations where paragon and renegade dialog options should be available, they aren't there.
edit: Actually, it might just be that I'm not supposed to get paragon/renegade options in these situations. One example... (ME2 character spoilers)
Zaeed is killed while trying to capture Din Korlack, the Volus ambassador. I've seen a video where there are charm and intimidate options that convince the ambassador to give you a bombing fleet as well as the location of a Turian colony targeted by Cerberus, but these options aren't available to me. Maybe Zaeed needs to survive in order to have these options?


Garrus and Joker telling jokes in the cockpit. :lol


I'd seriously consider Garrus one of my favorite characters of this entire generation. The guy has swag.
It's really awesome how the characters sorta hang out together. I was surprised to find Garrus and Liara in the space bar chillin'. I thought they had glitched out of the game.


Just beat it and all I can really say is that Bioware's descent into utter mediocrity is complete.

That your opinion about the ending or the whole game? Please specify, because if it's the game, I'm fine with that but all this negative talk about the ending has me very worried.


So I'll spend the whole time on the Citadel and not progress any further... this ending talk is worrisome. Love this game so far.
How can an ending reflect so poorly on a whole game? Don't spoil me, but it's not possible in my thoughts.


Just beat it and all I can really say is that Bioware's descent into utter mediocrity is complete.

Yeah we need clarification because as big of a Bioware and ME2 hater as I am ME3 would have been my favorite in the series if not for the ending. Now it's just tied with ME1. But the rest of the game was pretty great as a whole.


This ending must be something else, I'm quite enjoying this game so far.

Heh yeah can't wait to see what this ending is all about.

As far as the game itself, the combat is 10x more interesting than in the previous games, and it's also much more enjoyable than most shooters I've played this gen. Nearly all console-based shooters I've played, frankly. They've made more than just a competent shooter - it's an impressive one.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Are people saying that the ending is good or bad? I've read NOTHING about it.


Hmm, getting stuck on the Citadel mission "automated turret schematics".

Found the schematics on
, but can't find who to hand them in to. Looked online for a video guide, but where it shows a
C-Sec officer on the promenade area of the presidium, I only see two doctors talking...

Anyone else get that?

EDIT: Ignore. Found the wiki entry and it seems you get the mission way before you can actually turn it in.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
That your opinion about the ending or the whole game? Please specify, because if it's the game, I'm fine with that but all this negative talk about the ending has me very worried.

The ending was horrible, but I didn't like much of anything about the game.

* The story was stupid and lazy. This isn't the spoiler thread so I'll avoid specifics.
* The missions were soul crushingly dull. Walk down hallway filled with chest high walls fighting the same boring enemies over and over.
* The "side missions" were a joke. They slap you in a multiplayer map and make you fight waves of enemies. So lazy and shit.

There are tons of small nitpicks I could go on about but those are the biggies. The story being the biggest offender.


From what I have played so far the writing and story is tons better than in ME2.
Character chats and interactions alone are lightyears ahead of both other games.
Hmm, getting stuck on the Citadel mission "automated turret schematics".

Found the schematics on
, but can't find who to hand them in to. Looked online for a video guide, but where it shows a
C-Sec officer on the promenade area of the presidium, I only see two doctors talking...

Anyone else get that?

You can't complete that mission yet. After the next main story event, you'll be able to finish that sidequest.


I think the game is better in every way compared to ME1/ME2. Story, Combat, Character Customization, Dialogue, Choices, Consequences, Set pieces, etc. I haven't beat it yet(I am right at the point of no return), but if I don't like the ending, I would still take the 40 hours of time I played already over ME1/ME2 easily. Just about every main mission in ME3 tops anything in the previous games.


It's really awesome how the characters sorta hang out together. I was surprised to find Garrus and Liara in the space bar chillin'. I thought they had glitched out of the game.

Garrus + anyone seems to be gold. I just came across him and Vega trading shit/war-stories, that got a good laugh out of me.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I just had a great moment with Garrus on the Citadel, mid-game spoilers:
Having a shooting contest and intentionally missing, to have him say "I'm Garrus Vakarian and THIS IS MY FAVORITE SPOT ON THE CITADEL" was so damn perfect.
Garrus is amazing in this game.

To me, this game has been leaps and bounds better than ME1 and 2 in every area. Writing, characters, squad interaction, actual combat...everything has been constantly surprising and engaging.


Romance question ugh think I fucked myself.

Made out with Cortez on the citadel and after seeing Tali again in my quarters she seemed cold/not happy about cortez. I haven't done the missions on her home world yet...am I stuck with Cortez? It was just a drunken makeout I need my me1 squad in bed like I need them on missions!


It's utterly incomprehensible that people are disappointed with the combat in 3 after ME1/2, unless they were just expecting something entirely different. I imagine that people who feel the combat is boring and samey probably play in a very boring and repetitive fashion.

The levels are much larger than in previous games and most tend to offer either verticality or multiple flanking routes, if not both. In many levels you can literally stick your two teammates down at a chokepoint and circle around completely, hitting enemies from behind. That you didn't take advantage of these things is sadly your own fault.


The characters are great, but everything else sucks.

Control, story, ending.

Somehow I still can't believe how awful this game was. I had so high hopes, there were so many great things in this game, so much humor, love, emotions. I hoped it would be a great game, but i feel so stupid now, after completing it.


The characters are great, but everything else sucks.

Control, story, ending.

Somehow I still can't believe how awful this game was. I had so high hopes, there were so many great things in this game, so much humor, love, emotions. I hoped it would be a great game, but i feel so stupid now, after completing it.

I don't see how the last 5% of the game makes the other 95% awful.


Passing metallic gas
Games SERIOUSLY need to stop with this YOURE GETTING SHOT OMG SCREEN IS RED U KNOW U HURT ???!!!11one!!. I fucking cant stand this nonsense anymore. The amount of times i could have easily gotten through a scenario if only my screen didnt have red feces smeared across it are really piling up.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Although I managed to hold myself spoiler free, I log in to WoW and boom - got the ending spoiled. Fuck my life.

Loving everything about this game so far much more than I did in 2. Comes close to feeling like 1 in terms of story and character.

All this complaining about the ending or what have you is over the top. I wish some of you had something more constructive to contribute rather than sound like a broken record.

Thank god I stayed in the dark. I think I benefited the most as I wasn't too excited about another sequel so soon. Thus far, this game plays incredibly well sans import glitch debacle.

This is literally what everyone says before they see the ending.
I don't see how the last 5% of the game makes the other 95% awful.

There's no exploration, character development has no impact on how anything plays out, level design is 100% linear, the only hub in the game is terrible, etc..

It's a competent shooter but it sucks ass as a RPG.

The only reason I cared to suffer through the dumbed down gameplay was to see the conclusion and get all the answers, and that was an utter waste.


I'd be in the dick
"I'm Garrus Vakarian and this is my favorite spot on the Citadel!"

I love all the in jokes they threw in. I'm completely enamored with this game. I've put over 25 hours in and I haven't even
met with the Quarians
yet. I daresay that this might be my favorite game ever. The character interaction with the crew is absolutely perfect, the combat is tight, great customization, and the side missions are actually really fun. All of the priority missions have been great so far and have really put the scope of the conflict into perspective. The war asset system is also incredibly addicting.

I'm also shocked at how many little things from previous games get brought up in here. Minor sidequests from ME2 lead into minor ones here. DLC and other choices have big consequences and the cameos so far have been really well done and haven't seemed forced. Simply incredible.
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