Red Blaster
Did someone seriously just say scanning was better than the Mako.
Scanning wasn't even gameplay.
Scanning wasn't even gameplay.
Okay, maybe it's rose-tinted glasses or whatever, but each planet surface had small side missions and collectibles to find. There was a reason to explore each map fully if you were a completionist, and often, that involved getting into combat situations.
Some of them give sizeable credit rewards, but I don't know which. Otherwise... I dunno. It just depends what your time is worth to you at that point. I know I redid a mission in order to unlock a Liara power that I'm never going to use. lolAre they worth a sizeable amount of war assets or just a small pittance?
The only significant combat areas where you could use the Mako were the small chain of sidequests where you had to fight off Geth camps, or were part of story missions (and every single story mission with a Mako segment was a straight line, or two straight lines that fork and don't intersect, on Virmire).
Other than that, occasionally there would be like five or six guys standing around near the entrance to a prefab building, there were a handful of areas where you had to fight a couple rocket turrets, and there were Thresher Maws (and every single one of those takes place on literally the same patch of ground, with a different ground texture). I don't think the perception of having options with the Mako matches up to the reality of it.
I wasn't sure how to describe it. You go from large spaces that you could drive around in order to find stuff to checking behind desks for a rifle or a weapon mod.I won't disagree there, I just think calling them small open worlds is going a bit too far.
Fuck it, I'm reloading. I'm too OCD to allow the game to fuck me on these sidequests. It's only, what, 3 hours of gameplay I'll have to do again.
Did someone seriously just say scanning was better than the Mako.
Scanning wasn't even gameplay.
Some of the sidequests will vanish after certain Priority Missions, some will remain because the required star system hasn't opened yet. It's hard to tell which because the game's Journal is so useless.
I was clumsy. I already picked up the needed items to complete the sidequests, now I can't complete them because of the Citadel mission that starts after you finish Tuchanka.
Fuck it, I'm reloading. I'm too OCD to allow the game to fuck me on these sidequests. It's only, what, 3 hours of gameplay I'll have to do again.
I'd take the absense of gameplay over the sheer annoyance of the horrible mako sections. Gotta love that planet loaded with damn near 90 degree hills EVERYWHERE, knowing all that awaits you is the 27th copy-pasted base with 3 hallways to go shoot up.
It's utterly incomprehensible that people are disappointed with the combat in 3 after ME1/2, unless they were just expecting something entirely different. I imagine that people who feel the combat is boring and samey probably play in a very boring and repetitive fashion.
The levels are much larger than in previous games and most tend to offer either verticality or multiple flanking routes, if not both. In many levels you can literally stick your two teammates down at a chokepoint and circle around completely, hitting enemies from behind. That you didn't take advantage of these things is sadly your own fault.
Oh man, 3 hours. I feel for you dude. I try to make a new save every 30 minutes just in case.
Well, you're welcome to your wrong opinion. There problem with the Mako was that there was too much of it but if you didn't do sidequests it wasn't that bad. You had to do quite a bit of scanning to get the best ending in ME2.
Some of the sidequests will vanish after certain Priority Missions, some will remain because the required star system hasn't opened yet. It's hard to tell which because the game's Journal is so useless.
I was clumsy. I already picked up the needed items to complete the sidequests, now I can't complete them because of the Citadel mission that starts after you finish Tuchanka.
Fuck it, I'm reloading. I'm too OCD to allow the game to fuck me on these sidequests. It's only, what, 3 hours of gameplay I'll have to do again.
It took me about 5 hours to get acclimated with this new ME. Believe me, it picks up for the better.I don't know what happened. I loved Mass Effect 1 and 2. This one, only an hour in, pains me. I don't know if my standards have changed or something but the writing and voice acting seem so much worse.And the game feels streamlined into oblivion. I think I need to pop ME2 in again and see how I feel.
Wow, thanks for the heads up. My next mission was to finish Tachanka, so I would have missed out.
Yep, finish any and all sidequests possible before starting Priority missions. I just wasn't sure which ones I could do.
I'm not even sure if I missed an item or if I picked it up because the Journal doesn't FUCKING UPDATE.
Hearing some ME1 battle music a few times was a nice surprise. Speaking of ME1 music, i feel like the music volume is way too low in the Citadel. I can barely hear the good old ME1 Citadel music.
The angle at which I'm shooting at an enemy doesn't somehow make it more fun. This is just a silly comment.
If Mass Effect 3 is cramped, then Mass Effect 1 was a sardine can. Therum, Feros, Noveria, all of Ilos except for one or two rooms, and the Citadel were all rooms with small, linear playspaces connected by narrow hallways. The uncharted worlds were just blank open spaces with barely anything to do, and the prefab buildings were cramped as hell. Virmire was the only place that had some open areas, and even then much of it was corridor -> Small room -> corridor. By the end of just the first act of ME3, betweenandPalaven's moonyou've seen more large and open play spaces than the entireity of ME1.Tuchanka's Cure the Genophage mission
As I said, I replayed it just recently, and the difference between it and ME2 (and now 3) was as stark as ever.It doesn't matter. They've built up this romantic notion of Mass Effect 1 the space opera RPG in their minds and they're not going to let reality stand in their way.![]()
Yes it was. The Presidium was a giant dead white empty box with linear corridors and almost no NPCs in it. The Wards were a small dead dark blue box, also with linear corridors and almost no NPCs in it.And it's not a "romantic notion" that the citadel was an actual place and not just a series of elevator stops in ME1.
As I said, I replayed it just recently, and the difference between it and ME2 (and now 3) was as stark as ever.
And it's not a "romantic notion" that the citadel was an actual place and not just a series of elevator stops in ME1. Or that each of the major main story planets actually featured side-quests that had you visiting optional parts of it. Or that the Mako missions, even if there were maybe too many of them, at least made the setting feel like a universe instead of a mining simulator or reapac man. Or that there were quests that didn't involve shooting waves of enemies. (Generally, there were a lot fewer rooms with waves of enemies)
Yes it was. The Presidium was a giant dead white empty box with linear corridors and almost no NPCs in it. The Wards were a small dead dark blue box, also with linear corridors and almost no NPCs in it.
Compare Dr. Michele's clinic in ME1 (could you even tell that it was a medical clinic if nobody told you it was?) with the Huerta Memorial Hospital in ME3 (particularly after the game's first act is over). See how many places you can stand in the Presidium Commons without hearing background chatter as though people are actually living there, and compare it to the ME1 Presidium. Or go down to the refugee docks and look at how it's actually legitimately crowded in places, and try to find anything even remotely close to that in ME1.
Your imagination may have filled in the blanks in ME1 and created some living, breathing world in your mind, but that's because it was mostly blank. The Presidium in Mass Effect 1 is one of the most dull and lifeless 'major cities' I've ever seen in an RPG.
Maybe it helped that the box was big. But that's not all of it, not by a long shot. There may have been fewer (completely irrelevant) NPCs standing around, but there was something far better: I remember a large number of interesting "microquests" that happened in the presidium area, and they were all resolved through conversation or exploration of the area. That's the big thing I'm missing now.Yes it was. The Presidium was a giant dead white empty box with linear corridors and almost no NPCs in it. The Wards were a small dead dark blue box, also with linear corridors and almost no NPCs in it.
We are having a misunderstanding. I don't really dislike ME3 so far, I'm enjoying it. I just like it a lot less than ME1, and I dislike some parts of it. Anyway, the only console shooter I played is Uncharted (1), to see what the fuzz was about. I don't like playing shooters with a gamepad, and I generally don't like the whole cover "mechanic" trend. (I still don't understand why I need a "mechanic" to get into cover. I also don't get why it has to be on the same button as 15 other entirely distinct actions /grumpyoldgamer)As an RPG, none of the Mass Effect games are anything truly special. As shooters, ME2 is solid and ME3 is quite good. How many console-focused shooters can you name that are more enjoyable? Can't say I've played many that are. Maybe it's because shooters are effectively my second favorite genre after RPGs (despite this gen's best efforts), but I think ME3 is a good game. If you dislike shooters and truly wanted ME3 the RPG, I can somewhat understand the disappointment, though it's still puzzling because when has Mass Effect ever been a real RPG in the classic sense?
Pretty much.Regardless of how sparsely populated it was, ME1's Citadel didn't feel like a fucking shopping mall. I think that was the point he was trying to make.
Seriously Bioware, enough with not explaining things.
why is Udina the Counsellor now? I did everything I could to keep Anderson there in the first two games.
I'm still early in the game.
Also, while looking up the answer to that my google search might have spoiled the game for meit mentioned shooting Udina.
Is that an end game spoiler?
We are having a misunderstanding. I don't really dislike ME3 so far, I'm enjoying it. I just like it a lot less than ME1, and I dislike some parts of it.
I lost out on a few Citadel side quests because I finished Tuchanka first. Damn, shouldn't have done that.
These, in particular:
Benning: Evidence (Oraka's son)
Citadel: Power Grid
Citadel: Barla Von
Citadel: Biotic Amp Interfaces
Do you guys think I should just reload prior to completing Tuchanka? Are the above side quests worth it?
I think I'm going to stop looking at this thread until I finish the game. Seems pretty obvious what is going to happen based on that information, so I feel like I just got spoiled pretty majorly.
I also missed most of these side quests, and considered reloading an earlier save; however, a war is going on in the game universe, so not everyone is going to get what they want.I lost out on a few Citadel side quests because I finished Tuchanka first. Damn, shouldn't have done that.
These, in particular:
Benning: Evidence (Oraka's son)
Citadel: Power Grid
Citadel: Barla Von
Citadel: Biotic Amp Interfaces
Do you guys think I should just reload prior to completing Tuchanka? Are the above side quests worth it?
Probably not; I think I see where you might be going with that, but that's not exactly what happens. But it in general terms you generally want to do side quests ASAP; often times you'll get stuff you can't do yet, but as soon as you can do them do so and turn them in.
Yup, it's common if you have companion powers on auto!Is it just me or does abilities like shared ammo powers between squadmates not always working on Shepard? Like Liara's Warp ammo one.
Is there any downside to not using other characters in missions? I've been using the same team so far and do not want to change them unless I'm missing something.
Seriously Bioware, enough with not explaining things.
why is Udina the Counsellor now? I did everything I could to keep Anderson there in the first two games.
I'm still early in the game.
Also, while looking up the answer to that my google search might have spoiled the game for meit mentioned shooting Udina.
Is that an end game spoiler?
You haven't seen the Roman Polanski threads, have you?thisisneogafdude.gif
I've made a list of the things NeoGaf doesn't defend. Its a small list:
-Child killers/rapists
Yeah, I think that's about it.
Anyway, these final convos with the team near the end here are pretty damn great. This ending must be REALLY bad to fuck this up!
Wow, black crush much? 360 version here, and it's awful. So awful I want to return the game. What a joke.