Gamer @ Heart
half way through the game, and it hit me that this game is much funnier than the last two even though the premise and tone is darker. I really appreciate that.
I just saw what, for me, was the best moment of the trilogy: [early/half? game spoiler]Scene was perfect, most emotional moment I've had in a game, I think.In Tuchanka, Mordin dying to cure the genophage.
I have to actually give Bioware credit for following through with that, Casey Hudson mentioned their plans to do that a while ago.half way through the game, and it hit me that this game is much funnier than the last two even though the premise and tone is darker. I really appreciate that.
That was the worst, he was the best damn character in the entire series.
Agreed,but it all made so much sense: his role in creating the genophage, that talk about getting old and wanting to fix the wrong things he did, and the scene as a whole, it was perfect.
Wow just finished Tuchanka, that was incredible. Please tell me the game has more high points like this!
My ME2 save isn't working in ME3 on PC. I've got it in the correct folder, but nothing appears when I try to import in game. I know I've cleared the game but nothing I do allows it to appear in the import menu. Any ideas?
just finished this bad boy up a few minutes ago, overall it was amazing
I really enjoyed the trilogy despite it's flaws, so many memorable moments, characters, places. It really is quite an accomplishment, for BioWare to have tied these 3 games together in the way they did.
My ending was really really really disappointing, and glitched a bit I think due to the DLC.I took Javik on the last mission, it seemed like he died trying to make it to the Citadel Beam along with my other squadmate, but after the end game he stepped off the Normandy with 2 others as the only survivors of my crew...?
Wow just finished Tuchanka, that was incredible. Please tell me the game has more high points like this!
what's the best crew for the last mission? I can't decide.
Tuchanka. Great batch of cut scenes and stuff there. Major ending spoiler line for a character dialog,"I would have liked to study the sea shells."
Which save is it/where did it come from? I imported a ME2 save from the xbox 360 to the PC, and nothing would work until I randomly decided to import the autosave (or the other non-numbered save, I forget what it was called). The numbered saves would not show up no matter what I did.
That happened to me, except with. I don't think it's a glitch as much as it is a plot hole.Liara
Oh man,was pretty well done tooThane's death
The saves are all on the PC side. I'm trying to play ME3 on pc too. The folder is in c:users\mikespit1200\documents\bioware\mass effect 3\save. There's a few numbered saves and some auto saves too. I'm not sure if there's a step I'm missing
Expected more of a punch after Rannoch but it was nice, very personal, curious to know what would happen if i had a maleshep with tali
The me2 saves need to be in \documents\bioware\mass effect 2, not 3.
For my game (maleshep, romance with tali)Tali killed herself.
Expected more of a punch after Rannoch but it was nice, very personal, curious to know what would happen if i had a maleshep with tali
OK, so if I click resume I get someone elses Shepard:
If I load my save I get my real Shepard:
What the fuck??
Just tried copying the saves over to ME2 and that didn't work either.
someone's Shepard beats the shit out of yours in the looks department... you should be glad
It's Shepard's turn to shine, and the gang's back in town. At least, that's how I felt.I like this a lot more than ME2, but I'm not sure why. I think it might be just because I like the story better. Or maybe because there is a story. DUNNO
The full path for me is:
users\*whatever name you've used*\My Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 2\Save\Jane_12_Soldier_110710
I don't know if the last folder was something I created while trying to make it work, or if it's supposed to be there. I also have autosave.pcsav in the "save" folder.
Do you still have ME2 installed?
Vega is laughable. Even his name makes me want to laugh out loud. Kaiden 2.0 total.It's Shepard's turn to shine, and the gang's back in town. At least, that's how I felt.
I'm only a little disappointed that there were no new characters besides James. The game feels like it's missing something, like a fresh prespective. James is simply not giving that to me. I like the reunions, since none of the main cast died except for Ashley and the crew from ME2, but the nostalgia is what's driving this game. It's nice, yet discontenting at the same time.
I appreciate that, but feel it's a cop-out because of the exclusion.Javic's being DLC makes him an in-limbo new character.
Quarian question:I'm just at the post citadel attack stuff doing side missions, I'm supposed to go see what's up with them. Will I get Tali on the next mission? If so I'll go now, if not I'll keep doing side missions.
Quarian question:I'm just at the post citadel attack stuff doing side missions, I'm supposed to go see what's up with them. Will I get Tali on the next mission? If so I'll go now, if not I'll keep doing side missions.
I was actually not as annoyed by James as I thought I would be. He's just not properly integrated into the story. The DLC guy has more effect on things than James.
About Tachunka
They gave me that too early. They killed the person I cared most about. I literally can not be any more emotionally invested because I've lost everything. You could kill Jack(my love interest), Garrus, Anderson, and whatever else and it won't be anywhere close. Fuck you Wrex. Fuck you and your baby arms with your chip on your shoulder. The greatest character Bioware has created since Minsc is dead because of you. I'm full on renegade but I paragon prompted hoping to god that I could save him
Also, disappointed that it looks likeisn't a party member. I'm REALLY disappointed in all the party members in 3.Kirrahe
In terms of party quality 2>1>>>>>3
You do know that the Renegade option actually saves him, right?