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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)


Finished a set of side missions tonight. I really liked
Samara's mission
. The whole "I am no one's slave." got to me a bit.

Also I am full in on the Quarian War. Gonna try and stop that shit.


Is there a way to increase "galactic readiness" without playing multiplayer? Will skipping multiplayer prevent me from getting a good ending?

Can anybody tell me the requirements for different endings without revealing any spoilers?

I played a couple of multiplayer matches and found it to be boring. I like this series for the story, world, etc - all of the RPG stuff. The shooting is fine, but it's kind of just something you do between talky bits.

You don't have to play the multiplayer or the ios game to get the good ending. Just do a lot of the side missions and you should be fine. Don't pay attention to the galactic readiness rating, what you need to worry about is filling that bar.


You don't have to play the multiplayer or the ios game to get the good ending. Just do a lot of the side missions and you should be fine. Don't pay attention to the galactic readiness rating, what you need to worry about is filling that bar.

Save imported from ME1 and doing everything I was able to do in ME3 got me a total readiness score of roughly 7000. I don't know how to get the 8000 or 10000 I heard mentioned for endings.

Also holy shit at that picture you linked lol.


I am so glad I took Javik to Thessia. He adds some pretty interesting details about the ME universe as a whole. Whoever compared him to Kasumi or Zaeed in terms of importance and relevance is just crazy.


Junior Member
Where you are now. Once you go into the mission, that's it.

I just finished Thessia. Are you locked-in as soon as you start Horizon?

Anyway, I thought the Thessia mission was sort of a weak point in the story in terms of the characters.
The revelations were cool. It's apparent that the Asari are dominant because the Prothians saw the most potential in them. Strange that the Reapers saw the most potential in the humans instead. Other than that though, the character's reactions and expectations just felt off.

Did Shepard & co. really believe they were going to find the catalyst itself on Thessia? Most importantly, while Shepard & Co. are all down in the dumps about losing the data, Traynor was the ONLY one on the Normandy with the wherewithal to at least try to track Kai Leng's ship. That should've been Shepard's first thought after he flew off.


tagged by Blackace
Just finished the
Geth consensus mission and am about to do the Reaper base mission.
Holy fucking shit this game is fucking incredible. The best missions in the series and the hype train is not stopping anywhere. How far through am I? At about 6400 or so War Asset score right now.

In fact, I'm willing to say, as far as a 3rd person shooter goes, the level design may even be better than Gears 3. Its just so much more fun, though, with all the movement and controls jankiness aside.


Junior Member
I just spoke to Joker and it feels like the fall of Thessia has Shepard more shaken than ANYTHING in the series up to this point, including all her origin stuff, and the fall of Earth. I know that's the home planet of the blue space chicks, but c'mon.
So I think I'm near the end
priority: earth
. What's an estimate to how much hours of game left? It's getting a bit late, so I either finish it tonight or tomorrow.
This is where I'm at as well. Also wondering if i've missed the chance to finish my only remaining sidequest
cerberus ciphers from the turian in the embassies

No the assault on the
Cerberus Headquarters
is the beginning of the end game. You can still do side stuff post-Horizon mission.


I just spoke to Joker and it feels like the fall of Thessia has Shepard more shaken than ANYTHING in the series up to this point, including all her origin stuff, and the fall of Earth. I know that's the home planet of the blue space chicks, but c'mon.

It's because he feels
directly responsible for the fall of an entire civilization since he was sent in to get the artifact and make everything right. I also think that in other games they didn't spend enough time showing the side effects of all the shit that Shepards been through, so it was good that they brought him down a bit to show more of his human side.


Junior Member
It's because he feels
directly responsible for the fall of an entire civilization since he was sent in to get the artifact and make everything right. I also think that in other games they didn't spend enough time showing the side effects of all the shit that Shepards been through, so it was good that they brought him down a bit to show more of his human side.

But even if they'd gotten
the artifact it wouldn't have immediately stopped the Reapers there or saved the planet. It would still be getting wiped for the time being.
Reposting my query since it got buried:

Okay so I could use some information to help me with this decision. I'm fairly early on, on the Citadel.

I just encountered Miranda. I romanced her in ME2 and romanced Ash in ME1. Can someone tell me without spoiling anything, if by "leading Miranda on" so to speak, would that ruin my chances with Ashley? Alternatively, would ending things right then with Miranda lock me out of any content or anything? I tried both options just to see Miranda's immediate reaction, and by telling her that I want her in my life I was able to converse with her about her sister/Cerberus etc. (which makes it seem like something will happen regarding that later on in the game), but by saying that we needed to focus on work she just left without a word.

Also, new question regarding the Chakram launcher I keep seeing people talk about in this thread. I have the demo and loaded it up for the (shitty looking) armor, didn't realize if you beat the demo you get the gun though. If I play through the demo now will the gun appear in my inventory or did I have to do it before I started my playthrough?


I'm currently installing both disks, already downloaded From Ashes. For an $80 CE, I'm incredibly disappointed; the Alan Wake CE blows the ME3 CE by leaps and bounds (which I bought for 30 bucks). The packaging is pretty crappy so yeah, the CE's packaging sucks.

I've been close to having a heart attack what with taking out the disks out of the case; that thing is a royal pain in the ass. I keep thinking I'm going to break the poor disks; the thought of having to do it 4 times makes me cringe. Anybody have any tips for how to take the damn disks out without destroying them? The buttons in the middle of the disks are incredibly hard to press down on.


So I'm on my second play through (insanity) and twice I've had my data corrupted and all my trophy progress lost.

Ps3 players beware - skipping through dialog too fast seems to put the game on its ass and runs the risk of this happening.

So anyway, whats the best special ability for infiltrator? Marksman seems like it would be pretty amazing since you can use it during stealth and presumably stack the damage bonuses.
So am I the only one whose Shepard looks like Sam Gideon from Vanquish in this game? White suit with blue-green-turquoise, WHATEVER color that is, accents on it. SO badass.

Oh, and multiplayer is pretty gotdamn fun. WHO WOULDA THUNK? I actually played MP for like 4 hours today. Pretty crazy considering I wanted nothing to do with it prior to release.
Reposting my query since it got buried:

Also, new question regarding the Chakram launcher I keep seeing people talk about in this thread. I have the demo and loaded it up for the (shitty looking) armor, didn't realize if you beat the demo you get the gun though. If I play through the demo now will the gun appear in my inventory or did I have to do it before I started my playthrough?

I would guess it would appear. But I don't really know. Worth a shot, you don't have to actually play the whole demo of KoA again, just get to the end of the tutorial then let it idle for 45 minutes.


I have a question. For the love of God, don't spoil anything.

Right now I'm at a point where I have to attack something
Attack the Illusive Man base

Am I close to the final? Just a yes and or no for answer.

That's right where I'm at, too.

If it's the point of no return, I only have 3000 EMS so I'm assuming I won't get the extra ending thingie.


But even if they'd gotten
the artifact it wouldn't have immediately stopped the Reapers there or saved the planet. It would still be getting wiped for the time being.

It would at least have been 'worth it'. As it was, the sacrifice was for nothing.


Just finished the Priority: Rannoch mission. That was a sweet little ending.

I both allowed the code to be uploaded and rallied the troops. I also had the option to warn the troops, which I assume would have done something similar. Now the Geth and Quarians are all buddy-buddy. Legion's sacrifice was very well-done, especially his departing Quarian greeting.
Subtle and effective.

And some nice scenes between
Shep and Tali, which I assume only happen if you're romancin' dem hips.

I also had a Renegade action come up during
the Reaper talk, and Shep had the Reaper attacked again via orbital strike for the finish. Just straight overkill, haha.


I know i should bring Javik to
Thessia, but is Liara also a necessity with him? Since...well... its her homeworld.

Anyway, why should i bring him? I know he got unique dialogues in here, but so is everyone else in every other missions. Do we learn much more on
over there or something? Extra cutscenes?

I'm still kicking myself for not taking him with me. I took him with me on every important mission and knowing I was going to see some historical shit...eh, maybe I'll see the cutscenes on Youtube someday.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Just finished a crazy session that lasted 8 hours! Finished off Rannoch and went scanning all over the place 100%, got most of the side missions done. I'm at 37 hours and I'm guessing I'm nearing the end at this point.



That said the game gives you a warning before you go in, so I wouldn't worry about missing anything.

I only have like three things to find in the universe and I wasn't able to find them and no side missions....there's really nothinng to do except fly around and try to 100% the last few galaxies.

Well fuck. This game is short.


Wow. The ending stuff in Tuchanka... That was absolutely amazing. Absolutely one of the best parts of the series so far. And Mordin is the best character.


Is is just me or is the soldier shit this time around? Why the hell did they take away the invincibility power, grrr...

I'm relying almost soley on concussion. Don't both with slowing down time anymore.


That's right where I'm at, too.

If it's the point of no return, I only have 3000 EMS so I'm assuming I won't get the extra ending thingie.

Hmm. I'm at 3012 after Rannoch. Dunno how much there's left, but I'm curious if it'll be possible to break 4000 by the end. I've done most of the fetch quests though I think I missed several by doing Tuchanka too early.


In a vacuum ME3 is a good game, but when something is built on investment it needs to deliver on it as well. ME3 is one of the most dissapointing games I have ever played and not based on any high expectaions, but just in comparison to the previous games. While combat is slightlty improved in ME3, just about everything else was done better in ME2, including both the gameplay and story. In general the the game just seems rushed:

- only one hub world

- very few paragon/renegade choices

- talking to Hacket/Anderson after every mission and having them say the same basic thing makes the game seem repetitive in a way the first 2 never did

- Graphics: the darkest I have ever seen, everything is just a black smudge even with brightness at its highest setting, no filmgrain

- no holstering weapon, giving limitited FOV and breaking immersion, unexpected because it seemed like such a trademark feature of the original games

- story: no spoilers but there is just a lack of consistency and respect for things established in the first 2 games

- slow motion sequences (just terrible)

- eavesdropping: this was in ME2 to small some degree, but here it is everywhere. Every conversation you overhear=fetch quest. Conversations that you overhear the next part of every time you visit an area is just such a jarring design choice.

- world design: I have been to 3 different gameplay worlds in a row which all have the same external environment (snowy mountains)

- loading times in armor custimization screen are ludicrous

-universe map: limited interaction, no sidequests (now you just discover items for fetch quests)

- N7 missions: are the multiplayer maps (so these are basically what Bioware is counting as sidequests).

- Importer won't recognize my ME2 saves that were carried over from ME1 (and I always use default Shep so it isn't that) but will recognize saves that started from scratch in ME2

- ending


so how much % of the game is left after Rannoch missions, ballpark?

One more priority quest, then apparently the next quest is the final.

Funny how a lot of us are playing at the same speed.

Hmm. I'm at 3012 after Rannoch. Dunno how much there's left, but I'm curious if it'll be possible to break 4000 by the end. I've done most of the fetch quests though I think I missed several by doing Tuchanka too early.

I've been hearing hearsay online that 4000 is possible, but really difficult, especially for Paragon? I don't know. I think at this point you're on the same boat as I am and haven't got much left to bring that score up.

I'm seriously considering looking into that bin editor.


In a vacuum ME3 is a good game, but when something is built on investment it needs to deliver on it as well. ME3 is one of the most dissapointing games I have ever played and not based on any high expectaions, but just in comparison to the previous games. While combat is slightlty improved in ME3, just about everything else was done better in ME2, including both the gameplay and story. In general the the game just seems rushed:

- only one hub world

- very few paragon/renegade choices

- Graphics: the darkest I have ever seen, everything is just a black smudge even with brightness at its highest setting, no filmgrain

- story: no spoilers but there is just a lack of consistency and respect for things established in the first 2 games

- slow motion sequences (just terrible)

- ending

I prefer the way paragon and renagade choices were done in this game to ME2-we don't really need one for every conversation.

The paired down conversation choices and "auto dialogue" are another issue I had at the beginning. It gets a lot better later on but there are still times I would've liked to use a different tone or response.

I don't mind the lack of film grain and the contrast is definitely an issue but you needs new TV if the entire game is a "black smudge." Environments are colorful and the art style and lighting do wonders to the overall look. I think there was only 1 or 2 stages with piss filters.

I'm also in slight disagreement with the lack of story consistency, examples? I'm starting the final mission now.

Agreed on the slow motion parts in missions being retarded.

If I had to stop playing now, ME3 would be my favorite our of the 3 games. Let's see what happens now.
One more priority quest, then apparently the next quest is the final.

Funny how a lot of us are playing at the same speed.
Wow I'm sad..I thought there was a lot more. In the Coalesced.bin file I used to alter some war asset military values (I want the best ending) it has a big list of all the military/intel/artifact assets and the Rannoch stuff is only halfway so I figured there was a lot more to go. Either the rest of the list is very short quests and scanning planet quests or these last two priority quests are really jam-packed with stuff.

Roughly 25%. You still have a couple long missions before the point of no return.
Well that sounds good then. I'll be happy if there's still a quarter left.
In general the the game just seems rushed:
- only one hub world

which has a proper cause for being the only big hub world, unlike the 'hey, let's visit this planet to go to a store in the back' ME2 planets.

and it is meant to be the only place you need to feel a connection to (ending), plus moving team members wouldn't quite as possible with multiple hubs.

The citadel as the central hub is actually one of the few things that does make sense in both sets of narrative (story and player). Repurposing planet scanning as fetch quests however, is a bit lame. There is only one 'real' mission on the citadel, and that is
the Hanar agent
, which makes the place seem empty, but the list of 'missions' is quite large.

My God that ending. What were they thinking?

*looks at avatar
*looks at quote
I'm seriously considering looking into that bin editor.

Just do it. If you're really late in the game it's not too late to change it, just put the last few war assets at very high values, like in the thousands...3000, 4000, and it'll be like you had readiness at ~100% the whole time instead of only 50.

It's not like we're cheating, we just don't feel like playing the multi-player right now. Personally I'll play it after the campaign but I want the best ending the first time through.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
In a vacuum ME3 is a good game, but when something is built on investment it needs to deliver on it as well. ME3 is one of the most dissapointing games I have ever played and not based on any high expectaions, but just in comparison to the previous games. While combat is slightlty improved in ME3, just about everything else was done better in ME2, including both the gameplay and story. In general the the game just seems rushed:

- only one hub world

- very few paragon/renegade choices

- talking to Hacket/Anderson after every mission and having them say the same basic thing makes the game seem repetitive in a way the first 2 never did

- Graphics: the darkest I have ever seen, everything is just a black smudge even with brightness at its highest setting, no filmgrain

- no holstering weapon, giving limitited FOV and breaking immersion, unexpected because it seemed like such a trademark feature of the original games

- story: no spoilers but there is just a lack of consistency and respect for things established in the first 2 games

- slow motion sequences (just terrible)

- eavesdropping: this was in ME2 to small some degree, but here it is everywhere. Every conversation you overhear=fetch quest. Conversations that you overhear the next part of every time you visit an area is just such a jarring design choice.

- world design: I have been to 3 different gameplay worlds in a row which all have the same external environment (snowy mountains)

- loading times in armor custimization screen are ludicrous

-universe map: limited interaction, no sidequests (now you just discover items for fetch quests)

- N7 missions: are the multiplayer maps (so these are basically what Bioware is counting as sidequests).

- Importer won't recognize my ME2 saves that were carried over from ME1 (and I always use default Shep so it isn't that) but will recognize saves that started from scratch in ME2

- ending
You also forgot that there are

  • No conversations between the henchmen during missions
  • No real long conversation wheels
  • Nothing new is learned about your party members
  • ie: Who is James? We never talk to him like we would have in ME1 or 2.


You also forgot that there are

  • No conversations between the henchmen during missions
  • No real long conversation wheels
  • Nothing new is learned about your party members
  • ie: Who is James? We never talk to him like we would have in ME1 or 2.

Conversations seem to me more like a different style than the previous games, though I do find the system inferior and hope the next game is less pared down.

- J - D -

To say that nothing new is learned about your party members isn't true. Granted, there aren't any earth-shattering revelations, but there are small details that further deepen what we know about returning party members. Aside from James, the new squad mates have a great deal to say and to inform us about themselves, particularly J

ME3 also gives us a lot of updates on former squad mates. Wrex, Grunt, Samara, Jacob, etc, there's something new about each of them.
Also I'm sure it's been addressed. But what the hell is going on with the Quest log? It's absolutely terrible. Doesn't show you what step you are on, doesn't show if you are done with it (need to return), when I open it it takes me to the middle, not categorized into Misc./Important quests. ME2's was perfect, why couldnt they salvage it??


Conversations seem to me more like a different style than the previous games, though I do find the system inferior and hope the next game is less pared down.

I'm sure it could be argued (probably by someone from Bioware) that this more loose structure was used to capture the desperation and improvised nature of the war effort but it just seems like a very obvious development time saver to me.

Also saying the graphics are a black smudge may be a bit much of an exaggeration on my part, but the contrast is awful.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I'm sure it could be argued (probably by someone from Bioware) that this more loose structure was used to capture the desperation and improvised nature of the war effort but it just seems like a very obvious development time saver to me.

The game has almost as much dialog as ME1 and 2 COMBINED, that is blatantly not true.

Yeah, they did scale down the dialog trees. You aren't going to get 5 options that lead into multiple options a lot like the previous games, but instead everyone on the normady has quips to say after literally every single mission, on top of moving around the ship and talking to other people. There's a ton of detail put into everyone, much more than ever before.
In a vacuum ME3 is a good game, but when something is built on investment it needs to deliver on it as well. ME3 is one of the most dissapointing games I have ever played and not based on any high expectaions, but just in comparison to the previous games. While combat is slightlty improved in ME3, just about everything else was done better in ME2, including both the gameplay and story. In general the the game just seems rushed:

- only one hub world

- very few paragon/renegade choices

- talking to Hacket/Anderson after every mission and having them say the same basic thing makes the game seem repetitive in a way the first 2 never did

- Graphics: the darkest I have ever seen, everything is just a black smudge even with brightness at its highest setting, no filmgrain

- no holstering weapon, giving limitited FOV and breaking immersion, unexpected because it seemed like such a trademark feature of the original games

- story: no spoilers but there is just a lack of consistency and respect for things established in the first 2 games

- slow motion sequences (just terrible)

- eavesdropping: this was in ME2 to small some degree, but here it is everywhere. Every conversation you overhear=fetch quest. Conversations that you overhear the next part of every time you visit an area is just such a jarring design choice.

- world design: I have been to 3 different gameplay worlds in a row which all have the same external environment (snowy mountains)

- loading times in armor custimization screen are ludicrous

-universe map: limited interaction, no sidequests (now you just discover items for fetch quests)

- N7 missions: are the multiplayer maps (so these are basically what Bioware is counting as sidequests).

- Importer won't recognize my ME2 saves that were carried over from ME1 (and I always use default Shep so it isn't that) but will recognize saves that started from scratch in ME2

- ending

I'm glad there are more people like you. I'm baffled at how some people are praising this game so high & over the previous two games. Outside the slightly better combat, the game is just flat out inferior than them.
Graphics, controls, levels, rpg elements, side missions, dialogue & story.


Just finish the game. Been staying away from all ME3 info so I can fully enjoy the last of the trilogy. Really love the first 20 hours. Thought it was GOTY. It started going downhill when I realized many of characters in previous games don't come along instead they have all these lame excuses. What's more important then the whole universal on the brink of destruction. Being the last of the trilogy, every living past characters should be available as squadmates. And, at the end, I felt like playing "horde mode". Waves and waves of the same enemies. Then, comes the pathetic endings. Way to end a once promising trilogy.
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