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Mass Effect 3 Spoiler Thread |OT2| Taste the Rainbow

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I like how not playing Arrival delays the Reapers by one month but playing Arrival delays the Reapers by 6...and there is absolutely no difference.

Say, if by some wacky event you guys suddenly gets the position as the lead writer for Mass Effect 3, how would you guys write the circumstances of the Reapers' defeat? I am interested in hearing various ideas that all of you might have. Your own version of the Crucible, if you will.
I like how not playing Arrival delays the Reapers by one month but playing Arrival delays the Reapers by 6...and there is absolutely no difference.

No one even bothered to prepare for anything in that extra time either. Those millions of Batarians died so everyone could give Shepard another "you have no proof!" speech.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Say, if by some wacky event you guys suddenly gets the position as the lead writer for Mass Effect 3, how would you guys write the circumstances of the Reapers' defeat? I am interested in hearing various ideas that all of you might have. Your own version of the Crucible, if you will.
Are you scouting for ideas to add to the EC, do you work for BioWare? :p

  1. The Crucible wouldn't be in my version, especially since it's so poorly explained.
  2. There would be no vent kid in space and no focus on technological singularity. In fact, there would be no vent kid.

  1. The Reaper's purpose would have been more sinister. Their origins would have been explored.
  2. It would be told that they were actually created by and are an ancient civilization that wanted to become a hybrid organic/synthetic entity.
  3. The reason Reapers attack new species is for increasing their numbers, and upgrading their bodies. The reaped have to "pass the test" (reach the Citadel through a relay) so that the Reapers know the organic beings are intelligent. This is done so that their 50,000-year cycle is kept secret and so that new creatures are given a chance to evolve. They're looking for evolved creatures (and I would have to think about this a bit more).

  1. In order to defeat them, Shepard uses the Geth to gain insights into the Reapers.
  2. Data such as weaknesses, entry points, etc would have been gained after a Reaper is captured. We go inside it in order to learn/use their communication links and alter them.
  3. Basically, we'd get to know how they communicate and go from there.
  4. We'd be doing something similar to the Prothean scientists who altered the Keepers but using it directly on the Reapers.
  5. Ideally, the previously heretical Geth would be used to reverse engineer indoctrination, and use it against the Reapers themselves.
  6. This modification would also use husks and other indoctrinated species against the reapers. So we'd use the Reaper's army against them -- if you decide to use it. It would be a nice ethical question/decision to pose the user.
  7. The reverse engineered indoctrination would also engender a vaccine, so that Reapers wouldn't be able to indoctrinate anymore.
  8. Eventually, the Geth would help you get to the far reaches of space, at least virtually, and destroy some of the Reaper units that have not yet reached any of the home worlds. They would basically be shut down/explode/be used against other reapers.

So that would be my plan, I guess.

I'm not sure what kind of endings I would put. I actually feel that the ends shouldn't be like Deus Ex at all. I would be perfectly fine with one ending that ranges from good (success) to bad (failure).

Actually, one other thing I would add is some kind of extra history on the Reapers, and the previous cycles. It would be nice to know some of their past failures and stuff.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
No one even bothered to prepare for anything in that extra time either. Those millions of Batarians died so everyone could give Shepard another "you have no proof!" speech.

Of course when they got here they didnt go straight for the citadel to control the relays even though that was apparently extremely easy to do. Nope they decide to simultaneously attack every homeworld in the galaxy.
Started playing ME2 again, this time on PS3 with all the DLC, and damn, that opening where Normandy gets blown up is still so good compared to the lukewarm attack on Earth from ME3.
We should try to piece together the whys.

Sovereign attempted to capture the Citadel.
The Citadel no longer emits signals to the reapers, because the Keepers were altered by the Protheans.
Sovereign was probably a scout.
If it captured the Citadel it would call the other Reapers?
The emitter in Arrival is like a backup/alternate.


What's this?
Say, if by some wacky event you guys suddenly gets the position as the lead writer for Mass Effect 3, how would you guys write the circumstances of the Reapers' defeat? I am interested in hearing various ideas that all of you might have. Your own version of the Crucible, if you will.

Download Reaper schematics from the Collector Base in ME2. You know, the place actually building one of them. Use it to find a weakness in them that could be exploited with an appropriate weapon. A weapon that could even the odds a bit, not an insta-win deus ex machina that no one has the slightest clue what it does, I should add.

"Hey, setting up plot points to bring them in later? What's that?" cries Mac Walters. "And why do that when I disregard them and write new stuff at the last minute?"

Have the Reapers defeated through the giant fucking fleet you've gathered over the course of the game and the weapon you've developed.

Another way to achieve victory would be to blow the Sol relay, destroying Earth completely but killing almost all Reapers. Consider that the worst 'victory' ending.

Does anyone find funny that this was handwaved away in the game as impractical? If I were another race, I'd definitely be looking hard at that option.

In terms of basic endings, I'd go with these as the outcomes of the battle for Earth:

1. Flawless victory! Best ending, available if you put a load of effort in and make the right choices. The combined fleets defeat the Reapers, Earth is saved. Shepard lives and goes and dances with Ewoks and sees the force ghosts of Mordin, Legion, and the person you killed at Virmire as John Williams' score plays*.
*Or rather, M4 Part 2 because that would make an awesome best ending song.
2. Victory. Shepard dies, and many ships in the fleet are destroyed but the Reapers are defeated and most of Earth is saved.
3. Pyrrhic victory. The combined fleets make a valiant stand but prove unable to defeat the Reapers. Shepard dies blowing up the Sol relay, and Earth is destroyed. The Reapers having all come to Earth are wiped out, but at great cost...
4. Worst ending. The backup plan to destroy the Sol relay is foiled by the Reapers and the fleets are wiped out. The choices you made over the trilogy come back to bite you and no one lifts a finger to help Earth out, instead focusing on their own problems. The damage inflicted on the Reapers leaves them unable to solve the dark energy plot, setting them back several cycles. The cycle continues. Cue some new species finding Liara's beacon post-credits.
5. Humanity sacrificed. Shepard allows humanity to be harvested by the Reapers to solve the original dark energy plot thing. Depending on alignment you can save the other races, or let them be taken out. The cycle is stopped.

Epilogue is then modified by numerous other factors as appropriate such as alliances, alignment, your LI, curing the genophage. Lots of differentiation to give players a reasonably unique aftermath. A few examples:

A pro-humanity player could result in humans dominating the galaxy similar to the Prothean empire. Species could be wiped out. A pro-alien player could lead to a new council being formed that isn't so biased against many of the species. Whatever, there are many ways this could go.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
A visit to the Bioware Social Network is unexpectedly refreshing. That motivational/demotivational thread is just gold mine.

This one especially gets a good laugh from me:



Download Reaper schematics from the Collector Base in ME2. You know, the place actually building one of them. Use it to find a weakness in them that could be exploited with an appropriate weapon. A weapon that could even the odds a bit, not an insta-win deus ex machina that no one has the slightest clue what it does, I should add.

"Hey, setting up plot points to bring them in later? What's that?" cries Mac Walters. "And why do that when I disregard them and write new stuff at the last minute?"

Have the Reapers defeated through the giant fucking fleet you've gathered over the course of the game and the weapon you've developed.

Another way to achieve victory would be to blow the Sol relay, destroying Earth completely but killing almost all Reapers. Consider that the worst 'victory' ending.

Does anyone find funny that this was handwaved away in the game as impractical? If I were another race, I'd definitely be looking hard at that option.

In terms of basic endings, I'd go with these as the outcomes of the battle for Earth:

1. Flawless victory! Best ending, available if you put a load of effort in and make the right choices. The combined fleets defeat the Reapers, Earth is saved. Shepard lives and goes and dances with Ewoks and sees the force ghosts of Mordin, Legion, and the person you killed at Virmire as John Williams' score plays*.
*Or rather, M4 Part 2 because that would make an awesome best ending song.
2. Victory. Shepard dies, and many ships in the fleet are destroyed but the Reapers are defeated and most of Earth is saved.
3. Pyrrhic victory. The combined fleets make a valiant stand but prove unable to defeat the Reapers. Shepard dies blowing up the Sol relay, and Earth is destroyed. The Reapers having all come to Earth are wiped out, but at great cost...
4. Worst ending. The backup plan to destroy the Sol relay is foiled by the Reapers and the fleets are wiped out. The choices you made over the trilogy come back to bite you and no one lifts a finger to help Earth out, instead focusing on their own problems. The damage inflicted on the Reapers leaves them unable to solve the dark energy plot, setting them back several cycles. The cycle continues. Cue some new species finding Liara's beacon post-credits.
5. Humanity sacrificed. Shepard allows humanity to be harvested by the Reapers to solve the original dark energy plot thing. Depending on alignment you can save the other races, or let them be taken out. The cycle is stopped.

Epilogue is then modified by numerous other factors as appropriate such as alliances, alignment, your LI, curing the genophage. Lots of differentiation to give players a reasonably unique aftermath. A few examples:

A pro-humanity player could result in humans dominating the galaxy similar to the Prothean empire. Species could be wiped out. A pro-alien player could lead to a new council being formed that isn't so biased against many of the species. Whatever, there are many ways this could go.
All of those are great suggestions but it'd require Bioware to actually pull their fingers out of their collective asses and do proper job of making a game. Why would they do that when they can fart RGB ending and leave the rest to fans' speculation?


Just beaten this thing with the "Green" ending. I get that the ending is shit, but I thought it was pretty well done (specially before knowing that there was no difference between the end choices) and didn't mind it all that much. I imagine most people had the same feeling with ME3's ending that I had during The Arrival on ME2: "this game is not making any sense and it's dragging me and my beloved character along and turning itself and us into something monstrous". I got that same feeling when Shepard thought it was perfectly fine to massacre the entire Batarian cluster, so I was pretty well trained to not give a fuck about the franchise by ME3. It didn't help, either, that the rest of the game was mediocre, contradictive and overriding of my choices almost every chance it got, so by the time it was over, I was content with a pretty cutscene and the cool credits tune.

I also enjoyed the mildly surreal tone of the whole thing. Now this has nothing to do with Mass Effect, I just like when people in movies/games show up from nowhere (Anderson, The Illusive Man) and start talking weird stuff with overly dramatic music just moments after you entered a stream of neon lights reminiscent of 2001: A Space Oddssey.

To me, the ending's as shitty as the game that preceded it. At least my good friend Garrus managed to teleport himself into the Noa's Arc with robo-Joker and now-impregnable-EDI and all of them (I imagine they're accompanied by Liara and the gang) live happily ever after. I'm glad that I got to take down the Quarians for good, and that the new world will be bred without them.
Say, if by some wacky event you guys suddenly gets the position as the lead writer for Mass Effect 3, how would you guys write the circumstances of the Reapers' defeat? I am interested in hearing various ideas that all of you might have. Your own version of the Crucible, if you will.

I think the tricky thing is having a weapon that can defeat the reapers without it being a massive arse-pull; i.e. have it based on concepts already raised by the series. Finding the schematics to a prothean superweapon on Mars, despite anything cool you do with it later, is an arse-pull.

Given that in ME1 we established that the protheans can build small mass relays (and that the allied forces have access to Ilos, even if the VI there is non-functional presumably a hand-built prototype relay is easier to reverse-engineer than the full-size reaper-built ones) and that in ME2 we established that dark energy is a huge thing (srsly, I'm playing through ME2 atm and if I'd taken a shot every time someone mentioned or alluded to dark energy I'd be on the floor by now) that can fuck stars over, I think combining the two would work. A pair of mini-relays, one at Haestrom (guarded by allied geth and/or quarians) and one at Earth or wherever (slung on the Destiny Ascension, guarded by the rest of the multi-species fleet) that would draw dark energy from the dying star, throw it across space and sling it at a reaper. Give it a bit of a charge-up time to determine how many of the reapers surrounding Earth it can take out before getting overwhelmed, dependent on your EMS, and boom: you've got your super-weapon, no arse-pulls required.

Have the purpose of the reapers be to prevent the build-up of dark energy -- like Drew Karpywhatist intended, I think? -- because it's unimaginably destructive to the fabric of the universe and even letting a sentient species get to the point of experimenting with it is dangerous to the future ability of the galaxy to support life and you've got your post-ME3 setup, where the Spectres are retasked to hunt down anyone experimenting with dark energy, the scattered remains of the batarian race are building their own dark energy superweapon to get their revenge on the galaxy that abandoned them, whatever.

edit: Ever since we were simultaneously disappointed by the ending my other half and I have been throwing around ideas for a better Mass Effect 3, challenging ourselves to see just how late in the game we can chop Bioware out and still come up with an internally-consistent explanation, story, and ending. My favourite of what we've been throwing around involved the Crucible plans being a Harbinger plant. Harbinger, being an old and experienced reaper, is far, far better at organic mind manipulation than other reapers; it considers, for example, Sovereign's indoctrination of Saren to be the fumbling of an amateur. For many cycles it has been planting the idea for the Crucible, a super-weapon that can kill all reapers in one shot, in the minds of organics. Harby has been doing this because it is convinced the reapers have been indoctrinated by the Citadel AI, which it believes was left behind by whoever created the first reapers to control the cycles and control them. Harbinger seized Sovereign's failure as an opportunity to test its theory without interference from the other reapers, and built its own reaper out of humans far away from the Citadel AI. Even though it was killed by Shepard, Harbinger became convinced that what it saw of its developing consciousness was sufficiently different to that of a normal reaper that it's theory has to be right: the reapers are slaves. It decides to put its Crucible plan into action and nudges Liara in the right direction before the start of ME3, leading her to discover the plans on Mars.

The real purpose of the Crucible is to break open the locks on the Citadel AI and let Harbinger in to the low-level Citadel systems, which it plans to use to a) interrogate and erase the AI and b) free the reapers from their indoctrination. The Crucible didn't work properly, however, and Harbinger realises this at the same time that the star child manifestation of the Citadel AI is feeding Shepard a load of bullshit. So as the star kid is finishing off its speech, Harbinger reaches into Shepard's mind and speaks directly to her.


Deciding that it's now or never, Harbinger breaks ranks with the other reapers and flies directly towards the Citadel. Shep turns around and sees it come to bear directly outside the chamber.



A reaper shuttle lands in the chamber, and Edi is escorted out by several husks. They are holding her but not harming her.


Then you have a choice:

1) believe Harbinger and have Edi give it access, in which case a non-destructive energy beam is spread around the galaxy by the relays, releasing the reapers from their bindings; some carry on reaping as it's all they have known; a few defend the organics from the aggressive reapers; others, including Harby who ultimately doesn't give a shit about organics and doesn't bother to stick around and defend us, set off immediately for dark space; and some, overwhelmed with the pain of the dead species inside them, simply fly into the nearest star to die. This ending is kind of bloody as many reapers don't stop their assault.

2) believe the star kid. You get the same endings we already have.

3) choose to believe neither of them, have Edi take over the Crucible systems and fire a non-destructive energy beam that simply shuts down the reapers. Whether she survives this is dependent on your alignment, and whether you have high enough EMS for the Normandy to survive the whole battle (although if it doesn't then you could have Edi transfer herself into the Citadel, surviving but forever mourning Joker).

Sequel ideas: who or what created the reapers? The allied species undergo a technological renaissance as they reverse engineer dead reapers (using remote drones to go inside the reapers as the dangers of indoctrination are now well understood), and prepare themselves for the possibility that there may be something worse than the reapers on its way in to the galaxy.


Really Really Exciting Member!
No one even bothered to prepare for anything in that extra time either. Those millions of Batarians died so everyone could give Shepard another "you have no proof!" speech.

In the opening cutscene where Hackett talks, dont we see a big army of spaceships surrounding Earth? Even though it seems the Reapers totally destroyed them offscreen before landing on the planet.


For all the people writing fanfic, just imagine a chunk of that having to be cut from the game due to production issues and you'll find what it's like to be a videogame writer. :-/

Anyway, I actually think the indoctrination idea is brilliant. Regardless of whether it was their intention or not, if properly executed in the game (it wasn't) it would have made for an awesome ending, similar to Bioshock's twist but even better.


Nah, the other places survived too, but what the ending implies is they are mostly stranded by the relays exploding. Which would likely mean lots of death, especially around Earth.

Though Bioware has now said the relays can and will be repaired. So everything will get back to somewhat normal, except your Normandy crew are stuck on some undiscovered planet forever.

That's bullshit. I just beat the game last night... And at first I wasn't that pissed. But after reading that every single ending was the same regardless of path or choice- I see the outrage (that, and the convenient character added at the very end to explain plot... Always a lazy mechanism for storytelling.) If they start nit-picking at the ending, they might as well scrap the whole thing.

By the way, since I never touched multiplayer- Does having your readiness above 50% change anything?

Sotha Sil

A visit to the Bioware Social Network is unexpectedly refreshing. That motivational/demotivational thread is just gold mine.

This one especially gets a good laugh from me:

Good one!

"What's with the tears, Cortez? Is it something I said? Oh, the armor... I keep forgetting about this dead, collected husband of yours."


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
well, I have to say that "Cure the Genophage" mission was fuckawesome. THIS STUFF I EXPECT FROM BIOWARE, not some lame shit I have been dealing so far.


Did I miss the ending hate train? Just finished last night...ouch.

Yep, it went on for about three weeks and then the rage died because no one could be assed to talk about it any more. You're free to say why you disliked it so we can all agree with your points and have a good time though.


Yep, it went on for about three weeks and then the rage died because no one could be assed to talk about it any more. You're free to say why you disliked it so we can all agree with your points and have a good time though.

Damn LTTP as always.

No reason to dig into the ending, but I hated just about every part past walking up the ramp.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Casey Hudson was doing the rounds before ME3 came out and he emphasized in every podcast he was on that there's no "canon" in Mass Effect, or whatever happens in your game is canon.

Well, there is still some "canon" stuff like Sovereign being defeated, Shepard dying and getting resurrected by Cerberus and Collectors being wiped.

But stuff like "Shepard survived in one ending because of the player actions" will never be considered canon, yeah.
Say, if by some wacky event you guys suddenly gets the position as the lead writer for Mass Effect 3, how would you guys write the circumstances of the Reapers' defeat? I am interested in hearing various ideas that all of you might have. Your own version of the Crucible, if you will.

without redesigning the entire game:

Anderson states the obvious need-to-know info that the walls are changing, that the Citadel is reforming. During the TIM encounter there is now a wall behind them and the encounter is interrupted by the room changing, the walls opening up behind TIM and Anderson revealing a cuttlefish Human reaper being build. It would be in a much later stage then the one found in the Collector and Cerberus base.

This reaper then represent Option number 3, while TIM has to fight indoctrination and realizes he can't control the reapers, but Shepard can. He won't go out of character by killing himself or even allowing some sense of conversion, as the reapers have sufficient control over him to stop him from doing so. His fate is one of being controlled, which I think is a fitting end for him. Anderson will still plead to destroy the reapers, while the reaper construct will offer the third possibility of synthesis, which was something the reapers were never able to accomplish due to some kind of limitation on them. (have to invent some reason why the Crucible would be able to do so, but it should be nonsense like 'it changed me'. Go die in a fucking fire, vent kid).

If you side with TIM, the reaper will try to attack shep using TIM, but you will be able to stop it by either a challenge or just the control option itself.
Same happens with destroy, but TIM can't be backed down, as the idea of destroying the reapers was never his idea.
In synthesis, Anderson will revolt against the idea, as it makes his resistance moot and trusting the reapers seems like a very bad idea. Talking him down or killing your oldest friend at this point would be a sensible, though Machiavellian, ending, I think.

Hopelessness should be the collective theme running through all of them. All of them are desperate. TIM for control, Anderson for the survival of Earth, the Reapers themselves (!) for a continued solution to the problem that made them. Turning this game long theme into a catalyst (haha) at the end, would likely have worked, without having to redesign the entire game or its premise.

either way, I would use established elements, and not introduce a nonsense character. Before or during the moments of his choice, Shepard may see some hallucinations of vent kid, just to drive the point of loss and sacrifice (in particular with synthesis) home, but that would be all.

oh, and TIM is not able to control Anderson and Shep. He just has some other reason not to kill him, like an upgraded kinetic barrier, much like Kai Leng's. Seriously, you don't give your lackey the best you've got unless you're just testing it. THAT is what TIM has done all three games long.

Yes, it's more cliché, so what?


I was wondering if someone could help me in Mass Effect 2 (didnt feel like digging up or even finding that thread) anyways,

So ive gotten pretty far into the game (i think) and now im stuck, i dont know what to do next. Ive been using a guide to help me through this game, just telling me whats next because honestly they dont give you much to go on. So anyways, i just finished recruiting the Assassin and now I am suppose to talk to the illusive man but nothing triggers. The assistant doesnt mention it, when i go to the Comm room there is no one there and just the EDI thing or whatever its called is there. I have talked to all of my squad members and triggered there side missions but said no to all of them because im focused on the main story now. But here are the two possibilities that i have come up with that i have to do:

Do i have to recruit the master thief? there was no mention in any of the guides i have been looking at to recruit him which is weird, or
Do i have to do some side missions in order to get the scene to trigger?

Ive gotten lost a few times in this game and its all because ive missed something stupid or i had to talk to someone first in order to trigger a scene.



I heard on a podcast that there's an epic battle between the Protheans and the Reapers.

I tried searching on Youtube for a video of it, but I found nothing.



Really Really Exciting Member!
I heard on a podcast that there's an epic battle between the Protheans and the Reapers.

I tried searching on Youtube for a video of it, but I found nothing.


Well... i think Javik talked about it once, back when it happened 50000 years ago...but an actual cutscene with a battle? No such thing.


Well... i think Javik talked about it once, back when it happened 50000 years ago...but an actual cutscene with a battle? No such thing.

Isn't there a very short cut scene with the Reapers attacking a Prothean city in the same mash-up as the new version of the Cipher scene? That's not quite a space battle, but I've seen it.


I was wondering if someone could help me in Mass Effect 2 (didnt feel like digging up or even finding that thread) anyways,

So ive gotten pretty far into the game (i think) and now im stuck, i dont know what to do next. Ive been using a guide to help me through this game, just telling me whats next because honestly they dont give you much to go on. So anyways, i just finished recruiting the Assassin and now I am suppose to talk to the illusive man but nothing triggers. The assistant doesnt mention it, when i go to the Comm room there is no one there and just the EDI thing or whatever its called is there. I have talked to all of my squad members and triggered there side missions but said no to all of them because im focused on the main story now. But here are the two possibilities that i have come up with that i have to do:

Do i have to recruit the master thief? there was no mention in any of the guides i have been looking at to recruit him which is weird, or
Do i have to do some side missions in order to get the scene to trigger?

Ive gotten lost a few times in this game and its all because ive missed something stupid or i had to talk to someone first in order to trigger a scene.

What happens when you try to open the galaxy map? If it doesn't let you use it and Joker tells you to go to the comm room, you have to go to the room inbetween Mordin and Jacob's room and activate the table. If the game lets you enter the map, you have to do missions until Joker tells you to go to the comm room.

I think you need to complete 5 recruitment, loyalty(the character side missions you mentioned) or N7 missions after Horizon to trigger the next main story mission.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Unlike the previous threads were people were telling others to extrapolate on the ending, here we were just going about it in a hypothetical.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I'm not a fanfic writer. I haven't lost myself to insanity yet.

However, for PinkCrayon:

Shepard's injured body is seen walking into the beam and vanish. Having seen this, his brofriend Garrus runs towards the beam. He doesn't care how many husks appear or how many marauders shield him from it. He will make it!

Running down the slope, Garrus feels his arm pulled. It's Liara; she's crying. Garrus looks and finds Shepard's body. He didn't vanish into the beam, it was someone else. Shepard is dead.

To Be Continued.

I figure one DLC idea may be about the dormant relays, that gets activated by the reapers. I would imagine that not everyone would always just activate them and not ask questions about why and how. I might be amusing if a new system was opened and it's basically a reversed trap: anything that comes out of the relay gets shot to hell, including the imminent Reaper fleet.

Might be fun if the local species did it because they did listen to Prothean warnings they found earlier in their existence. Just to contrast the Council's incompetence in all this. I mean: you would think that losing the batarians would spark a "oh shit, we better get this in gear" attitude, but nooo.

alternative ending: full molyneux mode: no solution to the reapers, but rather the ultimate discovery of the catalyst is that the Citadel can now be used as a mass relay without another node at the other end. The combined fleets would just be there to buy other ships time to get through before Shepard blows up the citadel and all reapers nearby, since the Arrival made exploding mass relays kind of suck if you happen to right near them.
Without the Citadel, the mass relay network becomes inert, and it remains unclear how many reapers remain behind in the original galaxy, as the survivors drop out of the corridor in another galaxy...

(and no, I did not just plagiarize Armageddon by Michael Bay)

but then, the whole 'go back to erf' ruins everything anyway. The game never suggests that Earth is even important. You don't go back for stealth missions, even though you can happily scan Palaven and Thessia after the fall, and the entire design of the game revolves around the Citadel, not some backwater planet.
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