of which--what's with "we'll bang OK". can't seem to find what that refers to--just the pic of creepy maleshep face or is there more?
edit: beat of which--what's with "we'll bang OK". can't seem to find what that refers to--just the pic of creepy maleshep face or is there more?
In other media with little interactive aspects, sure. But the core of any game is a core set of mechanisms and rules, meaning that the body always has to come first. Any fiction 'surrounding' that body is really just an excuse, like Spacewar! having two 'spaceships' shooting at each other.
While this is not an excuse or anything, and certainly not something that should have happened for a story driven series, from the design process it probably does make sense to put beginning and end after creating the body of the game.
I told you guys that "I Was Lost With You" is the best track.
Watched Smudboy's latest video the other evening. Have to say the guy does a phenomenal job in spelling out the flaws in the final moments of the game.
To think he got a 90 minute video without getting into Indoctrination theory bits and pieces and examining the whole segment from a purely plot/story telling/character analysis standpoint is amazing.
He summed up the end quite well too IMO, stating that he has no intention of playing these games again, and I feel the same. I couldn't convince myself to bother to play through ME1 and ME2 nevermind ME3 again knowing that my decisions and actions ultimately mean nothing in the context of how the series resolves itself. Not accounting for how the end of ME3 ruins the reapers as antagonists.
I thought he was always overreacting in the way he hated on ME2 but on this one, i thought he was even to soft, sure he ripped the whole plot a new one, but i expected worse.
And i'm also on the same page. I used to adore the ME universe, bought every book and comic. I just don't give a fuck anymore now, i tried a 2nd playtrough, but i can't be bothered anymore.
I used to defend bioware, hell i even enjoyed Dragon Age 2 quitte a bit, but i'm very, very hesitant buying any of their products in the future.
In game design there's a strong argument to be made to do the beginning last, because you have a clear idea of what you should build up towards mechanically. World 1-1 of Super Mario Bros 1 was the last level they made, because by then they knew exactly what a player needs to 'know' to finish the game, and how to teach them this.What's weird is that it seems like usually people make stuff in chronological order: beginning -> middle -> end. So then the end usually ends up being underwhelming/short, while the beginning is either boring due to its tutorial nature, and the middle is the good part.
This always surprises me; you'd think you'd want to get the beginning and end done first (assuming your technology is ready to go), and then make the middle be as good as it can be with the remaining time. It is, after all, the last thing your players experience.
Of course most people don't even finish games....
Yes it has been used previously, I think mostly for pirating gamers, but the other guy asked why it was introduced in this discussion, which I think was due to the take back effort, be it a figure of speech or not.No, critics have pulled this shit before Mass Effect. I can't say precisely where from memory, but I have seen this use of 'entitlement' before. Just not so often or collectively.
Erm, what? My background is academia, I have no affiliation to any large entertainment game company. As a gamer I'm also of the passive consumerist sort, I don't think I (should) have an active part in the end product; if a game sucks it sucks and I move on to another one.Referring to the 'take back' effort (I will admit I do think this goes a bit far, but then we also need some vehicle of social action to make this point clear to EA / Bioware, so it's that or nothing) as 'entitlement' is only a scarecrow-tactic. It's using a collective effort as an automatic form "injust resistance", which of course is merely faulty reasoning.
I do have to say that knowing your background, makes your view on ME3's story highly suspect to me. Are you sure you're looking at this from a player perspective of story?
Missed this post.
Yes it has been used previously, I think mostly for pirating gamers, but the other guy asked why it was introduced in this discussion, which I think was due to the take back effort, be it a figure of speech or not.
speaking of which--what's with "we'll bang OK". can't seem to find what that refers to--just the pic of creepy maleshep face or is there more?
Shepard wasn't indoctrinated. The Indoctrination Theory takes bits of information out of context and is seeing things that aren't really there or simply a part of game design. At some point, Shepard was suppose to be indoctrinated in ME3, but it was cut out from the game.
Could there bits that were left over? Sure. But he wasn't and the space brat even points it out in the ending when he tells Shepard only someone who hasn't been indoctrinated can control them.
BioWare said they cut out the indoctrinated gameplay bit (where you didn't have control of yourself) because it was too hard to do. Not sure that means they cut out Shepard being indoctrinated during the game though.
BioWare said they cut out the indoctrinated gameplay bit (where you didn't have control of yourself) because it was too hard to do. Not sure that means they cut out Shepard being indoctrinated during the game though.
After looking at stuff about the IT for the past couple days im pretty sure thats what they ultimately wanted to do, just pulled it off extremely poorly. The addition of the grass and trees from the "dream" sequences after the explosion pretty much sold me. For something so barely noticeable (honestly I didn't see it on my play through) it had to have been put there with purpose.
Bioware, this is your fanbase. You can get away with whatever you want.
Then that scene with Illusive Man with grayed out options, even when I had Paragon maxed out...apparently Paragon was 99.9% only, and to get 100% Paragon I had to import a save to unlock that last option(?).
I doubt it's true. If they planned on it but couldn't put it in entirely for whatever reason, they wouldn't leave the whole ending part of the IT and have it be the ending. It makes no sense and even the writers aren't that stupid.
Game assets are constantly being reused. Those plants being there means nothing.
At least IT makes sense--or I haven't seen convincing anti-IT arguments yet.
It seems the general atmosphere here is IT hostile. Why? (serious question).
This is my favorite writeup thingy on the ending I've seen thus far.After watching a couple of very lengthy vids I think I'm an IT convert. The trees, the change in the eyes for two but not all 3 options, the fact only 1 option (destroy) ends up in Sheppard surviving.
This is my favorite writeup thingy on the ending I've seen thus far.
Doesn't really offer an explanation, but I prefer it to what we got.
The thing is that the lead writers decided that Technological Singularity was the problem the Catalyst was made to solve. Within the theory, technological entities (AIs, robots, etc) will eventually surpass biological ones and become the only beings in the universe: In the game it assumes that synthetic life will kill all organic life. So to stop that, the Catalyst devised a terrible plan.Remember that he claims synthetics and organics can't live together. Even though I just spent 3 games working toward (and achieving) just that. I'd rather such a glaring error be the god-child lying, as opposed to incompetent writing.
So, I just finished this not 20 minutes ago. Did I miss a dialogue tree or something because after the child told me I had 3 choices I walked to the light and got the “green”, Edi and Joker are **** buddies, it's cool to **** robots now, ending.
Was the lack of choice at the end what all the fuss was about? I was expecting the ****tiest of all ****ty endings. What I saw was a videogame quality ending, nothing more nothing less. This is what caused a ****storm?
Was the lack of choice at the end what all the fuss was about? I was expecting the shittiest of all shitty endings. What I saw was a videogame quality ending, nothing more nothing less. This is what caused a shitstorm?
Edit: Oh, right. Sorry, I avoided the spoiler thread until I finished the game. All the endings are the same?
So, I just finished this not 20 minutes ago. Did I miss a dialogue tree or something because after the child told me I had 3 choices I walked to the light and got the green, Edi and Joker are fuck buddies, it's cool to fuck robots now, ending.
Was the lack of choice at the end what all the fuss was about? I was expecting the shittiest of all shitty endings. What I saw was a videogame quality ending, nothing more nothing less. This is what caused a shitstorm?
Edit: Oh, right. Sorry, I avoided the spoiler thread until I finished the game. All the endings are the same?
The ending is fine if you don't look into it, but once you start doing research, you'll start to notice the massive plot holes, laziness between the endings since all are almost the same, and Bioware being fucking assholes by determining your ending on multiplayer and social gaming in a single-player RPG.
This is probably a worn out question right now, but could anyone explain the controversial ending to someone who's never played the games before? I wanna know what all the huzz is about.
This is probably a worn out question right now, but could anyone explain the controversial ending to someone who's never played the games before? I wanna know what all the huzz is about.
This is probably a worn out question right now, but could anyone explain the controversial ending to someone who's never played the games before? I wanna know what all the huzz is about.
-- Won't happen. They've double-downed on the "artistic integrity" excuse for their shitbag ending. So we'll get a longer cutscene and additional space magic.YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO COMPLETELY CHANGE THE CRUCIBLE WITH THE IT!!!! Resume from where you wake up, crawl into the beam and take another crack at not writing a shit-bag ending.
I doubt it's true. If they planned on it but couldn't put it in entirely for whatever reason, they wouldn't leave the whole ending part of the IT and have it be the ending. It makes no sense and even the writers aren't that stupid.
Game assets are constantly being reused. Those plants being there means nothing.
in a vaccumWhere exactly is the conversation with the Star child? To me it looks like it is outside in space on the side of the Citadel or something.
Indoctrination Theory seems to make the most sense to me.
And back in the day, my friends and I all walked out of Reloaded thinking it was a Matrix-inside-another-Matrix too.
Whenever I see that, I just have to reiterate that it's offensive. ME3 is nowhere near that film.Just imagine you've been watching Star Wars for 3 movies, and then at the very end of if it becomes 2001: A Space Odyssey.
A vacuum wouldn't have air though. I think they're within a Mass field that can house a vaccum
It's kind of entertaining seeing you rage and rage so much about IT and rant about how stupid it is. The IT is most certainly wrong, but your incessant whining about it is endearingly childish.
It's kind of entertaining seeing you rage and rage so much about IT and rant about how stupid it is. The IT is most certainly wrong, but your incessant whining about it is endearingly childish.
This is so awesome. All dwarfs will die just kills it.
On my 4th run through of this bitch. On tuchunka. I love how this game plays but man when the big decisions come around now I just spin the control stick. The decision wheel is like wheel of fortune. Never know what I'm gonna get. IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT BIOWARE. lol Jk