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Mass Effect: Andromeda | Review Thread

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Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
I don't get why they hired the Halo 4 writer as the lead writer, considering his only work ever within video game writing was only Halo 4 and nothing else. How can you enter such a prominent position when you don't have the CV for it? Why put the writing aspect of the reboot of a huge franchise into the hands of someone so inexperienced with video game writing? Seems irresponsible by whoever vouched for him.

I guess he was cheap? And had experience writing an awkward 4th entry in a franchise developed by a different studio? He ticks all the boxes.


I don't get why they hired the Halo 4 writer as the lead writer, considering his only work ever within video game writing was only Halo 4 and nothing else. How can you enter such a prominent position when you don't have the CV for it? Why put the writing aspect of the reboot of a huge franchise into the hands of someone so inexperienced with video game writing? Seems irresponsible by whoever vouched for him.

That's because they had nobody else. It seems like nobody wanted to touch this for multiple reasons.

They need a new writing staff and jettison a lot of the old guard.
Who wrote this game? Sounds like it might be their worst written game ever. That RPS review was brutal haha. Makes this sound like a really dull experience
At least those who only spent $30 will feel okay about this. Anyone spending $60+ for this is about to get hustled.

Will wait for the 50% off sale 2 months from now.


That's because they had nobody else. It seems like nobody wanted to touch this for multiple reasons.

They need a new writing staff and jettison a lot of the old guard.

Funny thing
The writers of mass effect 1 already left long ago
Probably the same for 2


It's not a space opera but I think Horizon Zero Dawn is one of the best sci-fi games of all time. It'll scratch a lot of sci-fi itches.

It's up next for me after Nier, which is shaping up as something special for Sci-Fi too.

As I said in another topic, though, I really wanted ME to scratch my heavy-RPG itch with deep dialogue choices, narrative and an awesome supporting cast. Nier is still action/adventure first, RPG lite second. There's no real roleplaying involved in it.

I can put up with jank and bugs if there is a gem underneath, not something that seems written by patching together complete mediocrity and generic lines/characters.


That's because they had nobody else. It seems like nobody wanted to touch this for multiple reasons.

They need a new writing staff and jettison a lot of the old guard.

At the very least, Mac Walters needs to be relieved of his creative director position. He clearly is not suited for big picture planning or writing.


Fuck. My copy shipped already. FUCK!!!



Fuck you EA/Bioware,way to make a great franchise shit.
CDPR should release Cyberpunk 2077 this year,show these fools how its done.


Who wrote this game? Sounds like it might be their worst written game ever. That RPS review was brutal haha. Makes this sound like a really dull experience

Yeah, but the RPS writer also questioned why the franchise didn't have more imaginative aliens, like "Giant Jellyfish that think in light patterns" - or Hanar, as they're called in the franchise.

And, without irony, referred to the writing as "turgid and sophomoric prose". I'm not saying the game is good - I haven't played it yet, so I can't - but I can say that review was terrible.


Fuck you EA/Bioware,way to make a great franchise shit.
CDPR should release Cyberpunk 2077 this year,show these fools how its done.

Yeah, about that... Welcome to 2020.

Maybe by then patches, DLC and other tweaks will have bumped up ME:A a bit. If EA doesn't totally leave it to die now (besides some generic MP DLC of course).


Yeah, but the RPS writer also questioned why the franchise didn't have more imaginative aliens, like "Giant Jellyfish that think in light patterns" - or Hanar, as they're called in the franchise.

And, without irony, referred to the writing as "turgid and sophomoric prose". I'm not saying the game is good - I haven't played it yet, so I can't - but I can say that review was terrible.

The RPS review is written by John Walker, who... needs a good editor, shall we say?

Unfortunately, iirc, he is the editor of RPS, so. *shrugs*


I have been pleased with my time with it on Origin Access. So I will buy, but I can definitely see what can disapoint Mass Effect fans (which I am too, but I can easily dissociate Andromeda as it's "own thing")
And, without irony, referred to the writing as "turgid and sophomoric prose". I'm not saying the game is good - I haven't played it yet, so I can't - but I can say that review was terrible.

I don't see anything wrong with slamming the writing in a game if you think it's terrible. RPS isn't an outlet that holds back.


The failure of this project points to a systemic and structural flaw with management, so I am definitely not blaming one single individual, but how the hell does Mac Walters get promoted to creative director after ME3 and put in (creative) charge of a 5-year long project that ends up being roasted for its high-school writing and ultimately a huge blemish on an otherwise well-established brand? Not saying this is his fault at all, I'm just stunned at the writing when looking at Giant Bomb's Quick Look and I wonder if the premises of this 'universe reboot' are fundamentally unsound and unable to be written in an interesting way.

E92 M3

As I said earlier, I'm not shocked with their writer being thrown one from Halo 4. I could have wrote a better story lol.


Wait so from the Gamespot review vid there's only 4 planets you visit and a jungle (+ the tutorial planet I imagine) and one of them is Eos. Fuck me this is really disappointing.

I'm not sure the solid combat can overcome all the other major flaws.
I'm enjoying it so far and 75 sounds about right. Good but not great and launching right after Zelda and Horizon didn't do it any favors. Still, definitely don't regret buying it.


I don't get why they hired the Halo 4 writer as the lead writer, considering his only work ever within video game writing was only Halo 4 and nothing else. How can you enter such a prominent position when you don't have the CV for it? Why put the writing aspect of the reboot of a huge franchise into the hands of someone so inexperienced with video game writing? Seems irresponsible by whoever vouched for him.

I'm struggling to think of a less attractive job for a talented young video game writer than an original creator's sloppy seconds that has to be designed to appeal to the widest possible audience. Any sane person would just work on their own independent game in 2017.


It's okay, from what I gather. Servicable, better than other ME games, but that doesn't say much, does it?

It's like the least important thing for me to be improved. I mean, I can play through euro-jank like Risen/Gothic and so on where combat is ass. Even the original Nier had rough combat. Don't get me wrong the Platinum combat in Automata has elevated it greatly, but I'd rather see combat improve along with everything else. ME is all about roleplaying, decision making and the journey with companions. Screw the damn serviceable combat, it comes second.

ME combat was fine anyway. ME2 is one of the best games of last gen and it's combat was serviceable, it's not that that left it like this http://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-360/mass-effect-2


96 based on... 98 reviews.

edit: I mean...



Jeez Bioware, 70~75 isn't objectively a terrible place to sit, but it's a big fall from where you were.

Incoming HD Re-Remaster for 1~3 on XB1 and PS4?
It's not a space opera but I think Horizon Zero Dawn is one of the best sci-fi games of all time. It'll scratch a lot of sci-fi itches.

It was too short and rather easy for me. 60 hours for the platinum. And it doesn't have any replayability, I feel like I've seen and done everything. I want more.

Even though the ME trilogy aren't open world, they could give me the urge to replay right away after I finished my first playthrough. I couldn't feel it in Horizon.


I think that's the lowest score I've seen GameSpot give to a AAA game that wasn't a technical disaster.

Good thing I was gonna wait for a sale anyway, I guess.


About what I expected from the trial. It's not terrible, but I didn't feel anything that was excelling the title to even be on par with mass Effect 3.


RIP sorry. Wait, fuck I can't cancel my order either. Ugh.

Yea he needs to go.

Rip. I think I have 24 hours to get a refund. I'll see if I can get it cheaper I bought the deluxe version too lol.

On the plus side maybe this'll get EA to shelve ME (like they should've after 3) and focus on Dragon Age and their new IP.

I'm stunned as to why he was put in charge after ME3. That really didn't make any sense.


It was too short and rather easy for me. 60 hours for the platinum. And it doesn't have any replayability, I feel like I've seen and done everything. I want more.

Even though the ME trilogy aren't open world, they could give me the urge to replay right away after I finished my first playthrough. I couldn't feel it in Horizon.

60 hours is too short?, jeez.....


The failure of this project points to a systemic and structural flaw with management, so I am definitely not blaming one single individual, but how the hell does Mac Walters get promoted to creative director after ME3 and put in (creative) charge of a 5-year long project that ends up being roasted for its high-school writing and ultimately a huge blemish on an otherwise well-established brand? Not saying this is his fault at all, I'm just stunned at the writing when looking at Giant Bomb's Quick Look and I wonder if the premises of this 'universe reboot' are fundamentally unsound and unable to be written in an interesting way.

One of the most baffling things about the project. I figure it was due to his veteran status through out the development of the series. He was there from the beginning.
I'm just confused to how the main Bioware team were happy to let a B-tier studio handle their IP? And how EA were happy with their biggest sci-fi RPG to be handled so poorly.

5 years development time for this to be the result is a poor show. The tepid marketing makes sense now.


Fucks sake one of my favourite series bites the dust. Put my faith in this lot....and paid 54.99 on PSN....Im EU so its not out til Thursday, I put a ticket in with support but those cunts take days to reply.

Definitely want to play it but not for 55 quid...hope I can get funds back :(

Yes, silly me, never preorder etc etc


The failure of this project points to a systemic and structural flaw with management, so I am definitely not blaming one single individual, but how the hell does Mac Walters get promoted to creative director after ME3 and put in (creative) charge of a 5-year long project that ends up being roasted for its high-school writing and ultimately a huge blemish on an otherwise well-established brand? Not saying this is his fault at all, I'm just stunned at the writing when looking at Giant Bomb's Quick Look and I wonder if the premises of this 'universe reboot' are fundamentally unsound and unable to be written in an interesting way.

I think it's an example of how Bioware's management has completely gone to shit. It seems like it was clear after the original trilogy that Walters wasn't a particularly good writer, or possibly even a competent one, and yet he ended up in an even more powerful position just out of seniority. EA/Bioware need to take a hard look at the failings of this project and the people involved in. Walters wasn't restrained that much in this game and he still struck out.


Oh god.

I love this franchise, but fuck if I was not too excited seeing all the release trailers and videos. 6 from Game spot and 7's from IGN who is being favored with all this advance coverage is disappointing. I could look past the shitty animations, though they do suck, but the writing is the biggest sticking point for me. What a letdown.

Fuck, was one of my most anticipated games of the year.
That´s all very disappointing, but not entirely surprising.

The most disappointing part of ME3 was the super bad DLC - especially considering how great the DLC for ME2 was.

I remember being worried once I read that the DLC team would lead the development on Andromeda.

This makes me question EA´s and Bioware´s expectations for the game given that they deliberately brought in the C-Team for this direct-to-video (GB quote) sequel to a beloved franchise.

ME was always beloved, but never a super hot seller AFAIK.

Bioware is apparently all in on their take on Destiny and not really that concerned with Mass Effect.

Weren't you very positive of what you saw of the game a few months back?
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