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Mass Effect: Andromeda | Review Thread

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Mass Effect is one of my favourite franchises and seeing it go down like this hurts.

Still going to try it, but will wait for it to drop in price.


Not surprising since the game was developed by bw montreal, the devs behind the omega dlc and by far the worst dlc in the original trilogy. Edmonton was only partly involved and casey hudson the man behond the original trilogy left early in the process. You cannot just build a new team and expect them to produce a game as good as ME1

I am glad that it did not score less than 70 on metacritic and I will buy it anyways. Given how much I loved the trilogy I cannot ignore a new mass effect game even though it scores low. Furthermore, while the writing probably sucks the combat may be really good since montreal contributed to the awesome combat system in ME3.


Wow, they went all out on the animation for one sex scene and then another is just hugging in zero G and then you get sex sounds with a view of a space hatch.
I realise this reflects poorly on my maturity, but I kinda want MEA to be BioWare's biggest launch just to see the reactions that would produce

Honestly the launch doesn't matter that much in the big picture. A strong IP like this won't crumble overnight. The stench of this game will carry over to the next release just like Watch Dogs and AC Unity did...if there is a next one.


Biggest disappointment of the year so far, and for sure it will end as my personal biggest disappointment of 2017 unless persona 5 is as bad as this, which seems unlikely.

Way to throw an ip to the trash EA, thankfully I cancelled my preorder and got horizon and nier instead.


Biggest disappointment of the year so far, and for sure it will end as my personal biggest disappointment of 2017 unless persona 5 is as bad as this, which seems unlikely.

Way to throw an ip to the trash EA, thankfully I cancelled my preorder and got horizon and nier instead.

Can you be disappointed in something if you don't play it? :ponder:


Honestly the launch doesn't matter. The stench of this game will carry over to the next release just like Watch Dogs did...if there is a next one.

It'll launch okay, ME is a big enough name more casual gamers will pick it up without bothering to read reviews. However, if some of the stuff I'm reading is true even they'll end up disappointed if they liked the other ME games. I'd expect some trade ins. Not on the scale of No Man's Sky but some people gonna be disappointed.

Did WD2 suffer from WD1?

What are the sales for it? The stink from WD1 was insane.


I love Pokken!
Going by reviews and comments here seems like the game really is DAI in space.

Which is fine by me since i liked DAI and I considered that as the worst case scenario.
It is interesting that Horizon, probably rightfully, was receiving a lot more caution when it came to the plot and writing, and yet that game has received general critical praise for those aspects. While Bioware seems to have dropped the ball on that aspect here. Very disappointing given they have near two decades of lineage making rpgs.


Can you be disappointed in something if you don't play it? :ponder:

What's your deal man? You attacked us in the trial thread nonstop, turns out our complaints were well founded in the game having tons of flaws and you just... Come in here to attack people some more? Are you just combative or do you just only attack people over Mass effect?


Can you be disappointed in something if you don't play it? :ponder:

Well I've seen plenty of coverage and read a lot of reviews and opinions from other players regarding the game, that's enough to convince me it is not good also I will probably pick it up later on but not at $60. Sry, and yes you can be disappointed by anything.
It has some rough edges, for sure, but it’s undeniably Mass Effect in a new universe with all that it entails. I think this game might be a victim of huge expectations (or timing) and looking at the previous entries with rose-tinted glasses.
I read that almost none of the choices you make in Andromeda has pretty much zero consequences. Very weak if true.

Not surprising. Dragon age Inquisition kinda set the precedent that they only want, or expect, you to play this one time. Aiming closer to Telltale than past Bioware. I mean, Renegade/Paragon wasn't perfect, but at least it felt like they were trying.


Wow I actually overshot the meta prediction on this.

The hours after the first 3 must be REALLY bad.

I don't think they are really bad it's just that reviews in general are tougher, you don't need to be horrible to get 75, just not exciting enough this gen.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
What's your deal man? You attacked us in the trial thread nonstop, turns out our complaints were well founded in the game having tons of flaws and you just... Come in here to attack people some more? Are you just combative or do you just only attack people over Mass effect?

I don't think that's an attack though, It's a valid question IMO.

There are just as many positive reviews as negative, so to say you're dissappointed in the game means you've chosen to take a side, this makes sense if you've played it and do so, but if you haven't then you're in the middle and probably owe it to yourself to play the game to decide where you stand.


I'll probably end up eating crow, but I don't think it will impact sales (that) much.
Not for this particular game, no.

However, what tends to happen with videogames is it will reflect in the sales for the next game in the series. Which is too bad sometimes when a fantastic game has low sales due to its mediocre predecessor.
EA games typically go on sale quite early right? I bought Titanfall 2 for like $30ish less than a month after release. And I recall Mirror's Edge Catalyst was quite cheap soon after release as well. I'd shell out $30 for Andromeda I guess.


It has some rough edges, for sure, but it's undeniably Mass Effect in a new universe with all that it entails. I think this game might be a victim of huge expectations (or timing) and looking at the previous entries with rose-tinted glasses.

I don't think that clunky and awkward writing coupled with subpar visual presentation and shoddy quest design are a result of huge expectations. The game speaks for itself.

I don't think that's an attack though, It's a valid question IMO.

There are just as many positive reviews as negative, so to say you're dissappointed in the game means you've chosen to take a side, this makes sense if you've played it and do so, but if you haven't then you're in the middle and probably owe it to yourself to play the game to decide where you stand.

It's not a valid question when it's premise is that reviews and impressions are useless in getting an understanding of a game.


So... Am I the only one that can't take USGamer seriously anymore?

ME: Andromeda 6/10
Horizon 5/10


I mean, if Horizon is a 5, then ME should a 3 at best. No way it's "better" than Horizon.

I'm noting the reviewers are different. I know that the person reviewing Horizon did not get on with it whatsoever, so I'm sure their 5/10 is valid. I would assume the same of Kat reviewing ME:A.

What we don't know - did the person reviewing Horizon feel it was a 6, or did Kat feel Horizon was a 5?

Without that, you cannot say that ME is "one point better than Horizon". Every review is isolated, and not comparable in some set in stone benchmark of goodness.
Honestly the launch doesn't matter that much in the big picture. A strong IP like this won't crumble overnight. The stench of this game will carry over to the next release just like Watch Dogs and AC Unity did...if there is a next one.

Oh definitely. Weak games in a series always hurt the follow up more.

I'm just saying the reactions would amuse me


I don't think that's an attack though, It's a valid question IMO.

There are just as many positive reviews as negative, so to say you're dissappointed in the game means you've chosen to take a side, this makes sense if you've played it and do so, but if you haven't then you're in the middle and probably owe it to yourself to play the game to decide where you stand.

The complaints are pretty standard across the board it seems but we also have access to a 10 hour trial with myself and many others confirming the issues though. Hell we even have actual cutscenes of the game being posted online...

It's really safe to say what the issues are and based off that user in the other thread it's clear what his or her intentions were when posting.
Not for this particular game, no.

However, what tends to happen with videogames is it will reflect in the sales for the next game in the series. Which is too bad sometimes when a fantastic game has low sales due to its mediocre predecessor.

When pewdiepie makes a video on it!

Most of the internet listens.


My favourite franchise (not my favourite games ever - but favourite franchise).

So I'm disappointed to see it score so low and read the impressions. I'm still getting it day 1 (I've even booked the day off work) but my hype to play it has gone well down.

Such a shame - hope EA take note how badly the meta has fallen...


Neo Member
Oh boy, I was really hoping that Andromeda would do justice to the ME trilogy and stay in the 90s meta, I was so wrong :(
Not exactly surprised considering the last previews, but well, that's sad.


Not for this particular game, no.

However, what tends to happen with videogames is it will reflect in the sales for the next game in the series. Which is too bad sometimes when a fantastic game has low sales due to its mediocre predecessor.
I was thinking the ME3 outrage already did that for MEA, but now MEA is rated mediocre so I don't know anymore lol.


Yeaaah, I'll wait til it hits £15-20, and gets a few updates along the way. The exploration gameplay video sold me on the game, but like many other games today, it's just not worth picking up at launch for a high price - when you can get a cheaper and more polished product a few months into its tenure.


I really love the Mass Effect franchise and some of these reviews are disappointing for sure but I enjoyed my time with the trial and I look forward to playing again in a few hours.


I don't think that's an attack though, It's a valid question IMO.

There are just as many positive reviews as negative, so to say you're dissappointed in the game means you've chosen to take a side, this makes sense if you've played it and do so, but if you haven't then you're in the middle and probably owe it to yourself to play the game to decide where you stand.

No, you really don't.

It's the same with every consumer purchase: not going to risk my money when half the feedback I see is negative. Then I'll just go spend my money elsewhere.


Gold Member
"Mass Effect: Andromeda will have 'meaningful' sidequests akin to The Witcher, says game producer".

This is just laughable.
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