Here, my game of the generation so far:
Now what?
This shit IS subjective and unless you are a reviewer you don´t have to put a score on it.
Shinobi enjoys it - for HIS reasons.
Shinobi enjoys it - for HIS reasons.
I didn't know he hyped Horizon mock reviews too.
Me neither, never played a Prey Game. Just watched some first Gameplay Minutes on Youtube and im definetely giving this game a try. Looks cool.
6.5 should be good, but the skewed scoring system keeps it from being good. that's 3/5, which also should be good.
Getting the game for $12 so why the hell not. Every piece of gameplay footage I've seen looks fun.
From the Playstation Life review. And yet still gets 6.5/10! Despite the admission that its not even 'good'.
The pointlessness of quantified review scores summed up beautifully.
Here, my game of the generation so far:
Now what?
This shit IS subjective and unless you are a reviewer you don´t have to put a score on it.
Shinobi enjoys it - for HIS reasons.
Chris Avellone is a writer on it. That's enough to make me interested in it.
Here, my game of the generation so far:
Now what?
This shit IS subjective and unless you are a reviewer you don´t have to put a score on it.
Shinobi enjoys it - for HIS reasons.
DisHe enjoys his first 3 hours of the game, not the entire experince.
If anything, I want to see his final impressions after finishing the game.
Can we not do this?
It's an absolutely nonsensical argument that has no business being brought up in a rational discussion about a game, and only exists because some think that people that like the game are "wrong".
It's fine, he's just hyped up about the game.And he is repeatedly linking the playstation store page for the game on twitter. I get enjoying a game and wanting people to play it, but he is too insistent on this one.
Here, my game of the generation so far:
Now what?
This shit IS subjective and unless you are a reviewer you don´t have to put a score on it.
Shinobi enjoys it - for HIS reasons.
With my back log growing substantially, there are just more games that I'm willing to play over this based on reviews alone. Just finished Zelda last week and started back up with Horizon. Neir Automata and Persona 5 are going to eat up a lot of my time as well so I'll eventually end up playing this probably when it's at a lower price. Which will most likely happen a lot sooner than expected I bet.
What ? It would be good if it even manages to break a million US+EU. It's not an AAA and is far from having a huge budget. It's a PS3 game.
Cool, Bethesda seems to got it with their last projects.
Has Jim Sterling reviewed it yet? I fully expect him to sandblast it.
Here, my game of the generation so far:
Now what?
This shit IS subjective and unless you are a reviewer you don´t have to put a score on it.
Shinobi enjoys it - for HIS reasons.
Chris Avellone is a writer on it. That's enough to make me interested in it.
And if that's not enough, it's a spiritual sequel to System Shock 2 - one of the best games ever made.
Destiny in no where near the same game as when it launched though. I doubt Mass Effect will change.
Didn't hype the reviews. Said it was reviewing well internally, which clearly turned out to be the case in actual reviews too.
That RPS review, good lord. He went in.
I'm enjoying myself too. Guess I should feel dirty and cheated haha
My Amazon preorder already shipped. This is why I shouldn't preorder games smh.
For a Mass Effect game.
For a Bioware game.
This is the company that has brought us some of the highest rated and best regarded games of all time. Baldur's Gate II, Neverwinter Nights, Knights of the Old Republic, etc. The last Bioware game that got this bad a score was Sonic Chronicles (that rubbish JRPG Sonic game for the DS with the 11th hour music track switch and shambolic controls/combat) so this must be a real stinker.
Just, yowza. What a fall from grace.
You mean like they did with ME3?Destiny is an MMO and constantly gets updates and fixes. I doubt EA will support ME:A as long as activision did on Destiny.
Can't wait for the "they are only trying to validate their purchase" arguments pop up when other people come out positive on the game.
Here, my game of the generation so far:
Now what?...
I never know what to expect from Jim. After Fallout 4's 9.5 I feel like anything can happen.
That's hyperbole, right? With the way the reviews are going to go for it and the revamped systems, it'll easily clear a million in the US - I'm not arguing it's a AAA games, I'm arguing your numbers are whacked.
I sadly expected this on ME ... Hopefully, I get some joy out of the MP with friends
It's fine, he's just hyped up about the game.
I mean really, what's the problem with a die hard fan loving the game, and giving his impression about it. That's never a problem.
Boy, some of you make it like Shinobi was trying to scam you out of your money.
Personally, I'll buy it so I can have my own opinion of the game. I've loved every previous game in the franchise, so they've earned my interest in doing this. The reviews are not low enough for me to skip it entirely. I'll judge the game on its own merits, though, and I'll hold it to the same standards I held the previous ones. I hope I enjoy it, and I refuse to be told I can't like it because I'm blinded by my love for the previous ones.
I blame all of the people that gave DA:I GOTY awards and praised that pile of garbage to no end. A shit-tier CW fanfic romance sim with decades old MMO elements should not EVER be used as a template for future games.
Does Persona 5 count? If not then it's Prey which is May 5.What's the next big AAA release btw ?
Actually the opposite for me. I despised it at release but bought it again when the packs of them + TTK pre-order I think.Destiny was already my favorite game when it launched.
To me all the reworking has made it a worse game.
Anyway - I´m sidetracking.
As it's been said before, reviews are all subjective. How much are you willing to look past the technical issues? How much of an imprint does the new cast make on you? How much do you enjoy the game play? What your time spent with a game or series meant to you is how you will ultimately judge this game. A review "score" is nothing more than a subjective number of someone's opinion. I think most of us are susceptible to it in one way or another.
Technical issues are an exception to this. There is no arguing that poor animation, pop in and poor frame rates are not only a detraction from the game experience but are issues in and of themselves that could (and should) have been corrected before release. And seeing some of these animations boggles my mind in how the devs thought releasing it in this state would be okay.
But the real question is how much do these issues really detract for the experience for you? We do live in a time where 7's are considered average some average and by many people as bad. There is something to be said when a the previous games in a series ranked higher but ultimately it comes down to your investment in the Mass Effect universe, what the world and lore of Mass Effect means to you, that will ultimately determine if it's a 7, 5 or 9 to you. It's what you get out of it.