Not shocked by this.
Game always looked passable, it looked like it was half a generation behind on almost everything, not to mention the story sounds to be horrid.
I don't know DAI gets so much shit. The MMO quests are bad yes but other than that I was fine with it?
Yakuza has terrible animations and little variety
Earliest is Korea (I think), and that's not until another 40 minutes.
You must not go into many Inquisition threads. It gets heavily shat on on the regular, as it should. That game sucks.
MGS4 is bad and GAF should feel bad for liking it
This is just not true though
I wish BW would go back to linear character focusted stories tho. That's what they're best at.
Interesting I must be missing out on a ton of 7s then. Guess I got to pay more attention.
It doesn't though, it has alot of good things about it.You must not go into many Inquisition threads. It gets heavily shat on on the regular, as it should. That game sucks.
Nope, it's an incredible game and well deserving of the two GOTY's gaf gave it.MGS4 is bad and GAF should feel bad for liking it
Yeah, that seems likelyI honestly don't believe that internal reviews and mock reviews were positive about this game. The game is clearly flawed in its presentation, its writing, its quest design, its amount of bugs, its subpar animations. Any playtest, focus group, executives, even other developers, would notice how unfinished the game was.
EA and Bioware were clearly aware of the game's flaws, they just decided that enough was enough and released it.
I honestly don't believe that internal reviews and mock reviews were positive about this game. The game is clearly flawed in its presentation, its writing, its quest design, its amount of bugs, its subpar animations. Any playtest, focus group, executives, even other developers, would notice how unfinished the game was.
EA and Bioware were clearly aware of the game's flaws, they just decided that enough was enough and released it.
That's how I see it. Will be playing tonight when it unlocks.
I honestly don't believe that internal reviews and mock reviews were positive about this game. The game is clearly flawed in its presentation, its writing, its quest design, its amount of bugs, its subpar animations. Any playtest, focus group, executives, even other developers, would notice how unfinished the game was.
EA and Bioware were clearly aware of the game's flaws, they just decided that enough was enough and released it.
You must not go into many Inquisition threads. It gets heavily shat on on the regular, as it should. That game sucks.
I honestly don't believe that internal reviews and mock reviews were positive about this game. The game is clearly flawed in its presentation, its writing, its quest design, its amount of bugs, its subpar animations. Any playtest, focus group, executives, even other developers, would notice how unfinished the game was.
EA and Bioware were clearly aware of the game's flaws, they just decided that enough was enough and released it.
I am straight up dying at this Cora romance scene. I haven't laughed this hard in weeks.
I am straight up dying at this Cora romance scene. I haven't laughed this hard in weeks.
Cora might have a better ass than Miranda.
Is the video out?
75 on metacritic? Ouch. I'm not one to take those scores as gospel, but that's the same score as Atelier Firis, another RPG that came out this month. For comparisons sake, Andromeda took 5 years to make at a massive budget, and Firis took 1 year at a shoestring budget. Not saying Andromeda is a bad game, but LOL at them having 5x the time and money and only making a game roughly equivalent in quality.
if they were positive the review embargo would have been up well ahead of time not a day beforeI honestly don't believe that internal reviews and mock reviews were positive about this game. The game is clearly flawed in its presentation, its writing, its quest design, its amount of bugs, its subpar animations. Any playtest, focus group, executives, even other developers, would notice how unfinished the game was.
EA and Bioware were clearly aware of the game's flaws, they just decided that enough was enough and released it. Mock reviews would've pointed out how mediocre and flawed the game appeared, so I don't believe the information that insiders were fed and were repeating when we heard that mock reviews were positive.
I need to know are there any scenes with the good doctor? I need to see whether this game fulfills my quota of Asari ass and tits.
I honestly don't believe that internal reviews and mock reviews were positive about this game. The game is clearly flawed in its presentation, its writing, its quest design, its amount of bugs, its subpar animations. Any playtest, focus group, executives, even other developers, would notice how unfinished the game was.
EA and Bioware were clearly aware of the game's flaws, they just decided that enough was enough and released it. Mock reviews would've pointed out how mediocre and flawed the game appeared, so I don't believe the information that insiders were fed and were repeating when we heard that mock reviews were positive.
I guess it's better to release a flawed blockbuster game than to waste more time trying to patch it up?
The decision making process for these big, flawed game releases has always fascinated me from a production standpoint.
Agreed, but I'm not a huge fan of open world in general. Modern BioWare's forte is a 40 hour hub-based action RPG with high character reactivity. They are trying to do this 100 hour open world 4-5 year dev time game cycle and their studios are not equipped to handle it. It's no coincidence that the best DAI content is Trespasser, which isn't open world and focuses on story.
Didn't people figure that EA were almost sending this out to die, or just said enough is enough, by releasing it at the end of their fiscal year? not saying that blame doesn't fall on BioWare but I suppose the writing is/was on the wall.
Are you not a true gamer?Is this game really the hill some people want to die on.
It's assumed that the game is going to do well financially right?
Marauder Shields warned us.May space Jesus save us all.
Yeah I dumped like 102 hours into the main game and really enjoyed it. Never got around to the DLC though.
It reviewed very well (89 metacritic), one a bunch of game of the year reviews, was 4th in GAF's game of the year thread etc.
People like to post that it just had a honeymoon period and most turned on it. That's just not true. Plenty of us who loved it still think highly of it, we just aren't posting about it anymore, unlike the negative nancies always posting about games they hate. Most people who love games are mostly talking about what they're playing and loving currently, not past games they loved or hated. The negative types seem to continually rant and raves about their dislikes.
I think with DA:I it draws a lot of their ire as it (and DA2 before it) took a game that these hardcore types loved in DA:O and made it a lot more mainstream, narrative focused etc. which is something those people hate about industry trends. DA:I gets more hate than DA2 as it was we'll reviewed, sold a ton etc.
In any case, review threads on here are just for the lolz at this point to see how much people on both sides overreact regardless of where games score. I'm at a point that I know my tastes and don't need reviews or random forum folk impressions to make good purchasing decisions. My tastes also skew far more mainstream than the vocal minority on GAF so it's a bad fit for informing my purchases anyway.
Agreed, but I'm not a huge fan of open world in general. Modern BioWare's forte is a 40 hour hub-based action RPG with high character reactivity. They are trying to do this 100 hour open world 4-5 year dev time game cycle and their studios are not equipped to handle it. It's no coincidence that the best DAI content is Trespasser, which isn't open world and focuses on story.
You must not go into many Inquisition threads. It gets heavily shat on on the regular, as it should. That game sucks.
RPG Game of the Year: Dragon Age: Inquisition = 803 points, 22 honorable mentions
Multiplatform Game of the Year: Dragon Age: Inquisition
Widespread Appeal Award
The top 20 games ranked by number of appearances in ballots. (### = number of appearances)
6. Dragon Age: Inquisition (277)
Passion Award
The top 20 games ranked by quantity of rank 1s awarded in ballots. (### = number of rank 1s awarded)
2. Dragon Age: Inquisition (103)
High Quality Award
The top 20 games with at least 10 appearances, ranked by Average Points per Appearance (### = Average points per vote)
2. Dragon Age: Inquisition (2.898917)
I don't know DAI gets so much shit. The MMO quests are bad yes but other than that I was fine with it?
I am straight up dying at this Cora romance scene. I haven't laughed this hard in weeks.
That's really a worthless comparison.