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Mass Effect |OT| Alien love in an elevator

SuperEnemyCrab said:
I <3 Tali. I wonder if she's cute under that mask??

She's only got 3 fingers and webbed feet. I imagine she looks like this under her suit.

If you stare at her mask, you can kinda see her eyes; they look exactly like a Zora's.

Anyway, I've beaten the game three times now, and I have yet to
fight Saren twice. I always let him shoot himself. It's way more satisfying, and it should remain the canon version of the ending.

Also, regarding Wrex and the "impossible situation",
I finally checked out the scene by letting him die with the renegade option, and wow, it's fucked up. If you signal Ashley to shoot him, Shephard just goes "Heh." Then Wrex says, "You bastard," right before his brains explode. What's more fucked up is that Ashley walks over and puts a few more slugs into his corpse.
It put a tear in my eye, and I just couldn't continue so I re-loaded.


Toonami 99 said:
I said Ashley was just a friend, (Lie). That suck that you cant court her now she must have been secretly listening. Anyway shes a rasist basket case anyway. :lol
Xenophobia abounds in the Mass Effect universe. Basket Case? how? I never got in depth in her conversations


Beat it last night. Unlike KOTOR I & II and Jade Empire, the ending was epic and wonderful.

A couple characters: Male Shepard, Liara, and Kaidan were flat. Saren was a wonderful villain though, and I liked Ashley, Wrex, and Garrus (who was a nice twist on the usual Wrex-like character as he seemed pretty intelligent yet went best with the renegade comments). Good story that really takes off on Virmire. Would like to see a better integration of the entire team though. Only used Liara once, and stuck with Ashley/Tali for the most part.

Incredible soundtrack too. Whatever that credits song was, I must have it. Such a great game.


Dark FaZe said:
I agree. Male Shepard needs a TON of work.

They just need to get another voice actor. I initially played the game with a female shepard and loved the dialog. Playing as a male is not as much fun because there is a large gap between the two.


Toonami 99 said:
Anyway shes a rasist basket case anyway. :lol

Ash isn't as bad as all that.

Insofar as basket case, I'm not seeing it. Nothing crazy about her.

Insofar as racist, well, yeah, she's slightly xenophobic. Look how she reacts to the Terra Firma political group, though. I suppose that's not a defense, is it? (I'm not racist, I don't like the Klan!)

She's like Pressley and some of the others in the Systems Alliance that don't trust say, Turians very much, and she's got valid reasons. It hasn't been that long since the First Contact War.
Toonami 99 said:
Anyway shes a rasist basket case anyway. :lol

She didn't seem racist when she was lying down with my black Shepard that one night...

But yeah she does have good reason for disliking Turians or aliens in general.


Yeah, Ashley is that "I'm not a racist, but..." kind of a racist.

A conversation between Ash and tali went something like this:

Ashley: I've heard that your race wears those suits because you're partly synthetic.
Tali: Living on the flotilla has destroyed our immune system. The suit protects us from disease in the outside world.
Ashley: It makes you look a bit like the geth... Just saying...
Uncle said:
Yeah, Ashley is that "I'm not a racist, but..." kind of a racist.

A conversation between Ash and tali went something like this:

Ashley: I've heard that your race wears those suits because you're partly synthetic.
Tali: Living on the flotilla has destroyed our immune system. The suit protects us from disease in the outside world.
Ashley: It makes you look a bit like the geth... Just saying...

:lol I love Ashley. Screw the haters.

Wrex is still the best character in the game, though.


I'm currently 11 hours in and I love it! I posted earlier about absolutely hating KOTOR and a couple of you guys responded saying you like ME but didn't like KOTOR. So I kept at it and now that I'm doing tons of side missions I've leveled up pretty well and enjoying the combat. What I didn't like about KOTOR wasn't that I had to stop to give commands, it was that nothing was real-time. I had to watch a set of queued attacks and that was aweful for me. I love ME's battle system, so much so that this will literally be the first RPG I ever play through (if you don't count Mario and Luigi's Superstar game). The story is totally engorssing so far. I've been playing pretty straight edge but I just reached
Noveria. I was really being respectful of people being that I'm a Spectre, but when I landed there and those people were nasty to me I turned into an asshole. She's like "give me your credentials." Right away I was like "I rank higher than you." I wanted so bad to have Wrex lift all of them so I could push them right off of the spacedock. Bitches.


newsguy said:
I've been playing pretty straight edge but I just reached
Noveria. I was really being respectful of people being that I'm a Spectre, but when I landed there and those people were nasty to me I turned into an asshole. She's like "give me your credentials." Right away I was like "I rank higher than you." I wanted so bad to have Wrex lift all of them so I could push them right off of the spacedock. Bitches.
Yeah, I couldn't play the paragon in that scene either :lol
You touch my gun and you die!
what's this i keep hearing about the
quests? i played through once already and never encountered the start of this. how did i miss it?


SeaOfMadness said:
what's this i keep hearing about the
quests? i played through once already and never encountered the start of this. how did i miss it?

At the very beginning in the citadel there's a computer terminal you can hack. It starts there, IIRC.
Uncle said:
At the very beginning in the citadel there's a computer terminal you can hack. It starts there, IIRC.

right that's the first part of the series "missing marines" right? but i did that one and never saw mention of the next one for the rest of my playthrough. maybe i did it too late.. just before
? how/when do you get the next assignment?
As I am playing through I noticed they sprinkled some really good side quests in there. I don't like using spoiler tags but that
hold the line against the Rachni mission
in the
Styx Theta nebula
was really good.


SeaOfMadness said:
right that's the first part of the series "missing marines" right? but i did that one and never saw mention of the next one for the rest of my playthrough. maybe i did it too late.. just before
? how/when do you get the next assignment?

Actually I think I got it wrong. The terminal in the beginning might just lead to
a geth trap beacon
. I can't remember where you get it from but it begins when
you find a beacon in a trasher maws nest with dead soldiers around it, you inspect the bodies and go back to admiral Kahoku (he's in the citadel tower), then later in the game he get's in contact and tells you about cerberus. I don't know if you can get to the trail via other quests since they are mentioned in some other questline as well.
Uncle said:
Actually I think I got it wrong. The terminal in the beginning might just lead to
a geth trap beacon
. I can't remember where you get it from but it begins when
you find a beacon in a trasher maws nest with dead soldiers around it, you inspect the bodies and go back to admiral Kahoku (he's in the citadel tower), then later in the game he get's in contact and tells you about cerberus. I don't know if you can get to the trail via other quests since they are mentioned in some other questline as well.

Yup, "Missing Marines" is the start of the Cerberus questline. I'm not sure why the other poster near got the rest of it.


Anerythristic said:
As I am playing through I noticed they sprinkled some really good side quests in there. I don't like using spoiler tags but that
hold the line against the Rachni mission
in the
Styx Theta nebula
was really good.

I don't think I did that. I have to keep an eye out for on my next play through. Where does it start?
Vyse The Legend said:
Yup, "Missing Marines" is the start of the Cerberus questline. I'm not sure why the other poster near got the rest of it.

yeah i finished missing marines, then went back and talked to the admiral, but i don't recall him ever contacting me again about any further quests in this line. oh well. i guess i'll look more closely next time i play through.


SeaOfMadness said:
yeah i finished missing marines, then went back and talked to the admiral, but i don't recall him ever contacting me again about any further quests in this line. oh well. i guess i'll look more closely next time i play through.

He contacts you when you look at the star / planet chart. Similiar to how you get other side quests.


Naeblish said:
Wrex made me laugh out loud.

"Great, now you have bugs singing songs about you. :lol "

You should warn Fist: I will kill him.

MaizeRage25 said:
I can't even find the Styx Theta Nebula on my galaxy map, does it show up later or am I retarded?



I finished the game on Friday night and I think EDGE got it right...I'd give it a "7" as well. Its not that I don't love whats there (because I do), it's because I feel that there is so much missing...

Granted, I realize that this game was always meant to be a trilogy but they didn't have to be so obvious about it. Only a 1/3 of the galaxy is presently visible and most of what you can do on these planets is repetitive...right down to the geometry of the explorable caves. Is it really too much to ask for more than 3 types of interiors on the explorable planets???

It also was a let down to find that collecting shit got you nothing! What the hell is the point of collecting 20 heavy metals if it doesn't do something to the ship/stats/plot? Wouldn't it have been nice to see your ship upgraded because of the collecting of materials or perhaps open up other planets to explore??? Why did I scan all the keepers if it doesn't help in forwarding the plot? In the end, you do it to "clear" your assignments but it really kinda sucks that it completing them does essentially nothing.

It also feels like those planets are there simply to extend the game as the story feels like I'm at the half-way point. If this were KOTOR, i'd be discovering the big plot twist at this point and I'd still have a hell of a lot more to see and do. I really loved the story and charecters but damn if we couldn't do anything with them! Why didn't we visit the Quarian Flotilla? Why couldn't I find the Genophage cure?

What ME does well...very well. The thread has more than enough praise so I won't bother regurgitating them as they've been well covered (and with good reason!) I'm looking forward to the next part even though I wasn't ecstatic with this one and perhaps that one will have more of what I expected.



Any advice on who to keep in my party from the start? I remember from KOTOR that certain characters get neglected and you end up with pretty much the same group once you unlock the characters. Wrex is in for sure and so far the girl from Eden Prime is too(just because there's an obvious love connection there). But I like the Quarian chick more... anyway, which characters did you feel have the most fleshed out story and are worth keeping?


Uncle said:
Tali is worthwhile, you bastard! She's the only one with AI hack, isn't she (assuming you aren't playing an engineer)?
shepard as a soldier with tali and a good biotic is a great combo


TTG said:
Any advice on who to keep in my party from the start? I remember from KOTOR that certain characters get neglected and you end up with pretty much the same group once you unlock the characters. Wrex is in for sure and so far the girl from Eden Prime is too(just because there's an obvious love connection there). But I like the Quarian chick more... anyway, which characters did you feel have the most fleshed out story and are worth keeping?

AFAIK, you don't have to do missions with Ashley or Liara for the romance to happen, so don't worry about that.


Subete no aware
Really, all the story stuff happens on the Normandy... and on their specific sidequests. Otherwise, you can take whoever you want.
There is only one story moment in the game that depends on your characters:
When you first go to the citadel, if you have Kaidan and Ashley and go to the Upper Ward, there will be a place that you can observe the city. Depending on whether you're male or female, Kaiden or Ashley will flirt with you while the other character comments on what happens.

I wish there were more moments like that, but I haven't found them.
Is there any advantage/disadvantage to starting your new game (in a harder difficulty) as a new character, rather than just using your old char again?

Also, when I started my new game with my level 50 Shep, I didn't see any option to change the difficulty before the game started - when can I change it and still get credit for hardcore/insanity completion?

Sorry if this has been asked, I didn't see anything...
SnakeswithLasers said:
Also, when I started my new game with my level 50 Shep, I didn't see any option to change the difficulty before the game started - when can I change it and still get credit for hardcore/insanity completion?

Sorry if this has been asked, I didn't see anything...

You can change the difficulty in the gameplay option. You have until the end of Eden Prime to change the difficulty, if you are going for the achievements.


Vyse The Legend said:
You can change the difficulty in the gameplay option. You have until the end of Eden Prime to change the difficulty, if you are going for the achievements.

Oh nice. I was going to go for Hardened difficulty on my 2nd playthrough, but when I started a new game with my character I noticed it was set to normal even though I set Hardened in the options screen. Good to see I have till the end of Eden Prime to change this. I will do this on my 3rd playthrough. :D
3rdman said:
It also was a let down to find that collecting shit got you nothing! What the hell is the point of collecting 20 heavy metals if it doesn't do something to the ship/stats/plot? Wouldn't it have been nice to see your ship upgraded because of the collecting of materials or perhaps open up other planets to explore??? Why did I scan all the keepers if it doesn't help in forwarding the plot? In the end, you do it to "clear" your assignments but it really kinda sucks that it completing them does essentially nothing.

Anerythristic said:
As I am playing through I noticed they sprinkled some really good side quests in there. I don't like using spoiler tags but that
hold the line against the Rachni mission
in the
Styx Theta nebula
was really good.

I would have preferred
pretty much that same mission except backed up in the caves and with dozens among dozens of high leveled husks just rushing at you from all sides =)


Did anyone get the "impossible situation" ending where
Shepard kills Wrex? I think there are 3 outcomes. Ashley pegs Wrex, Shepard knocks Wrex out and pumps him full of lead or everyone lives happily ever after. I only saw the last two
GilloD said:
Did anyone get the "impossible situation" ending where
Shepard kills Wrex? I think there are 3 outcomes. Ashley pegs Wrex, Shepard knocks Wrex out and pumps him full of lead or everyone lives happily ever after. I only saw the last two

Yeah, I commented on this earlier.

Also, regarding Wrex and the "impossible situation",
I finally checked out the scene by letting him die with the renegade option, and wow, it's fucked up. If you signal Ashley to shoot him, Shephard just goes "Heh." Then Wrex says, "You bastard," right before his brains explode. What's more fucked up is that Ashley walks over and puts a few more slugs into his corpse.
It put a tear in my eye, and I just couldn't continue so I re-loaded.


3rdman said:
I finished the game on Friday night and I think EDGE got it right...I'd give it a "7" as well. Its not that I don't love whats there (because I do), it's because I feel that there is so much missing...

Granted, I realize that this game was always meant to be a trilogy but they didn't have to be so obvious about it. Only a 1/3 of the galaxy is presently visible and most of what you can do on these planets is repetitive...right down to the geometry of the explorable caves. Is it really too much to ask for more than 3 types of interiors on the explorable planets???

It also was a let down to find that collecting shit got you nothing! What the hell is the point of collecting 20 heavy metals if it doesn't do something to the ship/stats/plot? Wouldn't it have been nice to see your ship upgraded because of the collecting of materials or perhaps open up other planets to explore??? Why did I scan all the keepers if it doesn't help in forwarding the plot? In the end, you do it to "clear" your assignments but it really kinda sucks that it completing them does essentially nothing.

It also feels like those planets are there simply to extend the game as the story feels like I'm at the half-way point. If this were KOTOR, i'd be discovering the big plot twist at this point and I'd still have a hell of a lot more to see and do. I really loved the story and charecters but damn if we couldn't do anything with them! Why didn't we visit the Quarian Flotilla? Why couldn't I find the Genophage cure?

What ME does well...very well. The thread has more than enough praise so I won't bother regurgitating them as they've been well covered (and with good reason!) I'm looking forward to the next part even though I wasn't ecstatic with this one and perhaps that one will have more of what I expected.


well said


3rdman, I think you're focusing too much on the uncharted world collect-a-thons. Yes, they were crap, which is why I only did them once in the five times I've played the game. I'd agree on that bit of the game being a 7, but the main plot of the game is separate and fantastic in my mind.
Ventrue said:
3rdman, I think you're focusing too much on the uncharted world collect-a-thons. Yes, they were crap, which is why I only did them once in the five times I've played the game. I'd agree on that bit of the game being a 7, but the main plot of the game is separate and fantastic in my mind.

More importantly, however, the sidequests are completely optional.


Finished my insane playthrough earlier, actually did it faster and with less trouble than hardcore due to better micromanagement. Spent 45hrs on this infilitrator alone through 3 playthroughs, and still no 60, gah.

Still looking forward to playing through the game atleast once more because I want to go through it as a female sheppard and enjoy quality voice acting
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