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Mass Effect |OT| Alien love in an elevator


This may be a dumb question but is there Heavy Turian armor? I've been looking but all I ever find is Light and Medium.


ckohler said:
This may be a dumb question but is there Heavy Turian armor? I've been looking but all I ever find is Light and Medium.

Who would wear it? Garrus has Tactical Armor, not Combat Armor. You will also never see Light Krogan armor, even though Wrex can, in theory, wear such a thing.

* * *

Actually I'll take that back.

There is one character that can equip any weapon or armor in the game, and that would no doubt include non-existant Heavy Turian armor.

Richard Leeroy Jenkins. Try it sometime. He can equip anything. He also doesn't even look like himself when you get down to the planet.

Unfortunately, if it's not something he can normally wear, he defaults to normal appearance. I tried to get him in Wrex's Battlemaster armor, but no dice. :D

It is amusing to see a 600+ HP Richard Jenkins with Master Immunity and high-end Predator armor die to some dinky drones.


okay, you can add me to the list of people that reached level 50 in one playthrough. i did pretty much EVERY side quest possible and went out of my way to find all the extra mineral deposits on each planet you could land on. in addition, near the end of the game i hopped out of the mako to kill enemies by foot (found out about this wayyyyy late).

didn't get any ally achievements though. :( i switched my party too many times in the beginning. terrible achievement.

end stats:

class - vanguard
level - 50
play time - 40 hr. 8 min
achievement points - 550
I'm working on the achievements for using neural shock and AI hacking X amount of times. Does it count if I use these abilities when nothing is around? Fire them at a wall for example? Or does it have to be used on an enemy?

As an aside, I'm glad the achievements actually unlock something when you get them. I could
care less about gamer points.


For those "____ Expert" achievements:

Weapons have to kill.

Tech mines can be used on anything, and whenever.

Barrier can be used whenever.

Telekinetic biotics can be used on movable objects.

Everything else has to hit something in combat.


Playing it again as a Biotic and the combat is much more interesting. The game didn't have bad combat as a soldier, it just felt a bit basic. Adding biotic abilities adds a nice little bit of strategy which fixes this problem. Wish I had played this way the first time.


chase said:
Playing it again as a Biotic and the combat is much more interesting. The game didn't have bad combat as a soldier, it just felt a bit basic. Adding biotic abilities adds a nice little bit of strategy which fixes this problem. Wish I had played this way the first time.

Yeah, I can't wait to try the game as an Engineer or Adept. I don't really believe in micromanaging party members unless absolutely neccessary (really hard boss fights), and the AI for Liara and whomever tend to be pretty good at launching foes.

* * *

Speaking of which, I'm L55 now and after sniping all his minions, Elanos Haliat decided to run directly up the mountain at me. Maybe he just decided he couldn't handle being one-upped by the hero of the Elysium Blitz. Or, of course, maybe the AI decided shooting at a distance wasn't working so well for them.

At any rate - big mistake. Liara apparently didn't appreciate being trapped in a cave at ground zero for an atomic blast.

So she fired Singularity 12, slinging him into the air and flying around. She then used Lift 12 on him, sending him even higher. I tried to shoot but without auto aim, and explosive rounds requiring me to hit SOMETHING, no dice. It's okay, Liara didn't need my help. She then used Throw 12, vaulting him over the other side of a massive hill as I tried (and mostly failed) to riddle him said explosive rounds using overkill. Boom. Dead. :D


chase said:
Playing it again as a Biotic and the combat is much more interesting. The game didn't have bad combat as a soldier, it just felt a bit basic. Adding biotic abilities adds a nice little bit of strategy which fixes this problem. Wish I had played this way the first time.

My first time was as an Adept and it was great. Just could not use anything but a hand gun. Now I have a soldier with Singularity and it's great. The combat as a soldier is great. It makes the game feel very different.


JayDubya said:
Who would wear it? Garrus has Tactical Armor, not Combat Armor. You will also never see Light Krogan armor, even though Wrex can, in theory, wear such a thing.

See, this is why I was confused.

First up, I have no idea what the difference between tactical armor and combat armor is. This is the firs time I've even seen the words "tactical armor" appear in reference to this game.

Secondly, I have no idea what class Garrus is although I assume he is the one that is half soldier/half tech. But even knowing that, how am I to know that a half soldier/half tech guy can't wear heavy armor? I chose the adept class.



There are three different Armor Skills.

Basic Armor, Tactical Armor, & Combat Armor.

Sentinels don't get an armor skill.

Engineers and Adepts get Basic Armor, which just gives bonus DP, hardness, and unlocks Shield Boost.

Infiltrators and Vanguards and "Turian Agents" get Tactical Armor, which does all of the same, and also adds the ability to unlock Medium Armor proficiency.

Soldiers and "Krogan Battlemasters" get Combat Armor, which starts with Medium Armor proficiency and instead has the ability to unlock Heavy Armor proficiency.


Thanks. It still pisses me off how the game doesn't explain this basic crap. You practically have to reverse engineer the thing to figure any of it out.

However, having said that, I still think the game is fantastic.
Ok I beat the game last night as a Soldier. Level 52. What I am curious about is I am doing my second playthrough as an Engineer but it forced me to pick a bonus skill (I took shotgun.) Do you have to pick a bonus skill?

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I'm still confused as to what Biotic amps and that other techie sounding device is that you can equip on your characters. Boosted defenses? Or something more obvious to classes outside my own(Vanguard). I see them for sale at shops, but outside of equipping one because right now I am not, I fail to understand the stat descriptors for them.
Brandon F said:
I'm still confused as to what Biotic amps and that other techie sounding device is that you can equip on your characters. Boosted defenses? Or something more obvious to classes outside my own(Vanguard). I see them for sale at shops, but outside of equipping one because right now I am not, I fail to understand the stat descriptors for them.

They decrease the cooldown time for your skills, and I think, in some cases, increase the damage they cause. I'm not sure exactly how they work, but just think "the higher the numbers, the faster you can re-use your skills".

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Vyse The Legend said:
They decrease the cooldown time foryour skills. I'm not sure exactly how they work, but just think "the higher the numbers, the faster you can re-use your skills".

Oh wow. thanks!


How rare is the Geth armor, and can you get it for anyone but Wrex? All I've ever found is a single set that Wrex is wearing, and I'd love to get the rest of the crew in that.


Chrange said:
How rare is the Geth armor, and can you get it for anyone but Wrex? All I've ever found is a single set that Wrex is wearing, and I'd love to get the rest of the crew in that.

There is Geth armor? I've only found the AR.


Yeah it's black with a green design. I think it's the same pattern as another set, only with different colors, but I'm not positive.

Edit - it's called Berserker X: 75/420/51
wow. I only saw the Geth AR and the geth armory license but thats about it, cant wait to find the armor since i already have colossus x for most of my party.


JayDubya said:
Richard Leeroy Jenkins. Try it sometime. He can equip anything. He also doesn't even look like himself when you get down to the planet.

Jenkins' first two names were "Richard Leroy?" :lol

I never knew that. Makes his death even more hilarious.
JayDubya said:
For those "____ Expert" achievements:

Weapons have to kill.

Tech mines can be used on anything, and whenever.

Barrier can be used whenever.

Telekinetic biotics can be used on movable objects.

Everything else has to hit something in combat.

Thank you, and since you seem fairly knowledgeable....

Can I keep reloading so I can do over a certain combat section using certain powers and eventually get the achievements?

I powered through the game as fast as I could, spamming all the tech powers I could, but I still didn't get AI hacking and Neural shock, hence I did new game+ witht that guy and I'm hoping I can can just run through Eden Prime a bunch of times spamming those powers on everyone.

On a side note, you can get through the game REALLY fast if you know what you're doing.
Turning in Opold's smuggling to Anoleis cuts the Haanshan plaza section of Noveria down to a couple minutes.

Oh, and should I get a random character to 50 before starting my 'final' character? the one I intend to take to 60, run though the higher difficulties etc?


Subete no aware
Note that to get to 60, you need to play the game 2 times fully and one time on the main quest. You may be able to get to 60 in one play through if you kill everything outside of your Mako, but I kind of doubt it. You'll find the XP jump from 59 to 60 scary the first time you see it.

You can reload the same section over and over. I found a nice place to do this is the first main quest on the Citadel. Also note that AI Hacking and Neural Shock must successfully hit in combat to count.
firehawk12 said:
You can reload the same section over and over. I found a nice place to do this is the first main quest on the Citadel. Also note that AI Hacking and Neural Shock must successfully hit in combat to count.

Does that mean AI hacking a <random organic enemy> doesn't count? And vice versa for neural shock?

And god help me if AI hack has to actually successfully hack <random AI enemy> to count.
Zzoram said:
Is it even fun to play as a tech specialist? Tech seems pretty useless.

Well its a mine that does damage and either disables enemy shields or stops them from using their weapons, so i guess it really depends on how you want to play.

Of course in the end soldier is probably the easiest class to play especially when you make the cool down of immunity shorter then the duration of the ability.

On a funny note, i somehow managed to get the tactician achievement on my first play through with the soldier even though most of the time i didn't even bother taking cover.
Zzoram said:
Is it even fun to play as a tech specialist? Tech seems pretty useless.

Overload becomes incredibly powerful against shields later on, especially when you choose the "operator" specialization. This is especially useful on higher difficulty levels, when most enemies have strong shields.



Finally got my black-and-red Heavy Colossus X.

With Combat Armor 12, Master Immunity always active, the upgrade that boosts Damage Resistance x2, etc, etc...

I just stood up to two Geth Armitages and 4 Geth Rocket Troopers. They were all focus firing on me. Shields went down to nothing in one hit.

My ~830 HP went down by like 1-2% per hit. :lol Hardcore mode is going to be fairly easy now.

Geth Colossi still hit really hard and have a simply obscene amount of hp, though. And big groups of high level commando / soldier guys, all with Shield Boost and Immunity, means you need Master Warp in a big way, and on as many characters as possible. So frustrating.

Luckily, Liara can essentially spam Warp, Singularity, Lift, Throw et. al as much as she wants with Master in all, 6 in Asari Scientist, two Medical Exosuit Xs, and a Savant X implant. So those fights become just about endurance.

Also, I had my first massive frame skip earlier. Master Singularity in a tiny room with a lot of guys. :lol


Unconfirmed Member
Not sure if this was mentioned before but found a cheap way to use the sniper rifle. I basically can use it like a pistol. You just run around without scoping in and right before you run want to shoot just hold either of the should buttons down and it brings up the weapon switching menu or the skills menu. In the middle of either of those menus you will see a circle, you just aim it at the target then let go as fire the rifle. It's a dead on shot every time.


MaizeRage25 said:
Where'd you find it?

C-Sec Requisitions guy.

Here's a trick in case you guys don't know it: when you enter the Citadel via FTL all the vendors are a blank slate. When you talk to the vendors, THEN their gear is determined.

1) Walk up to a vendor.
2) Save.
3) Talk to vendor.

4a) Desired gear appears, you buy it. Fin.
4b) Desired gear does not appear, go to step 5.

5) Reload game. Return to Step 3.

* * *

This also kind of works with the Alliance Quartermaster guy in the Hangar Deck. You can't just change planets though, you have to change systems and then immediately go to the hangar bay, then save, etc.
JayDubya said:
C-Sec Requisitions guy.

Here's a trick in case you guys don't know it: when you enter the Citadel via FTL all the vendors are a blank slate. When you talk to the vendors, THEN their gear is determined.

1) Walk up to a vendor.
2) Save.
3) Talk to vendor.

4a) Desired gear appears, you buy it. Fin.
4b) Desired gear does not appear, go to step 5.

5) Reload game. Return to Step 3.

* * *

This also kind of works with the Alliance Quartermaster guy in the Hangar Deck. You can't just change planets though, you have to change systems and then immediately go to the hangar bay, then save, etc.

Thanks, I'm going to go try this.

EDIT: Now rawking some Colussus IX Medium Armor.


I got lucky and the guy was selling both a Light and a Heavy model of Colossus X. I kind of want a Medium just to see what it looks like, even though only Infiltrator / Vanguard Shepards have any use for Medium armor.
Just finished my second play through on Hardcore. Plan on going for a third on Insanity. Anyone have any tips for it? And how much harder than Hardcore is it? I didnt really have any problems on Hardcore so I'm hoping I should be fine.

And I gotta say, the more I play of this game the more I like it. Slowly becoming my GOTY.
Just finished my second play through on Hardcore. Plan on going for a third on Insanity. Anyone have any tips for it? And how much harder than Hardcore is it? I didnt really have any problems on Hardcore so I'm hoping I should be fine.

And I gotta say, the more I play of this game the more I like it. Slowly becoming my GOTY.

What class are you playing? As a soldier, Insanity wasn't tough for me. It just takes a long, long long time to kill things.


Subete no aware
PedroLumpy said:
Does that mean AI hacking a <random organic enemy> doesn't count? And vice versa for neural shock?

And god help me if AI hack has to actually successfully hack <random AI enemy> to count.

It has to "hit", which I take to mean "effect the enemy". I used it on the two cannons that appear in that quest. But I guess you can use it on the numerous Geth enemies later on.

Just finished my second play through on Hardcore. Plan on going for a third on Insanity. Anyone have any tips for it? And how much harder than Hardcore is it? I didnt really have any problems on Hardcore so I'm hoping I should be fine.

And I gotta say, the more I play of this game the more I like it. Slowly becoming my GOTY.

Drive through all the Mako sections quickly. The Mako sucks at level 60 against multiple geth arty and rocket soldiers, since it doesn't scale with the enemies. While you have more shields and Colossus Armor, the Mako seems to have the same shields and canon that you would have had at the beginning.


hyp said:
in addition, near the end of the game i hopped out of the mako to kill enemies by foot (found out about this wayyyyy late).

How much better is the XP? I've just hit around 44-45 at 20hours and I'm just leaving for Ilos. I've done practically every side quest and found the majority of the rare minerals and turian medals.

I got the romance achievement too, but
was tame as hell. Is the other one any different?

After hating the sniper rifles so much I'm in love with them now. One shot kills rule, and the sound is awesome.
BrokenSymmetry said:
Overload becomes incredibly powerful against shields later on, especially when you choose the "operator" specialization. This is especially useful on higher difficulty levels, when most enemies have strong shields.
And sabatoge just completly obliterates the geth "tanks" that pop up every so often. Just disables them while you tear it apart. Incredibly handy.


Subete no aware
You only get 50% XP in the Mako.
Also, Liara's "love scene" is probably the best out of all of them since you get that weird "mind meld" sex scene in addition to them just kissing.
They four possible romances use the same cutscene though, so it's just the dialog before and after that's different.
I just completed
rescuing Liara from the ruins and am about to head off to both Noveria and Feros
. It took me about 12 hours, but now that I finally understand the combat and menus, it's fully consuming my mind. And I love it.

When I started, I had problems getting into it, for sure: Interactions with NPCs weren't quite up to the standard the previews had set; combat was largely confusing and seemingly random at times; and the environments felt restrictive and sterile. In truth, the only thing pulling me along was the story.

But, hot damn, once I got to my first unexplored planet, everything changed. The chore of exploring the
completely evaporated and I've since spent the majority of my game time scoping out new world after new world. While each shares many of the same elements, none are predictable, and I'm constantly surprised at the different ways you encounter side quests. Exploring planets and completing sidequests is ridiculously addictive, and the bits of sidestory and hints to a larger galactic history peppered throughout certainly help to heighten this.

The combat is a huge high point for me now, too. At the onset, I had my allies set to do everything themselves. After a dozen hours, however, I realize how poor their AI is and I'm now micromanaging everything and doing much better in battle for it. I just wish there were more encounters ...

I'm enjoying the character interaction and dialogue a great deal, but it's thus far my least favorite aspect, oddly enough. Many conversations feel stiff and the off-putting human character models don't help anything either.

Not my goty so far, but damn close...

... and holy shit did I make all that pretty boring to read. Apologies. :lol


Zzoram said:
There is Geth armor? I've only found the AR.

I think there is even a license for Geth stuff you can buy.

This reminds me: Is there anyway to see which licenses I already have on the Normandy?
plaidtopia said:

... after I finish mapping the galaxy and its mineral deposits. In full.

This was my approach after Feros, I went around and did most of the side missions and exploring, by the time you'll be ready to go to a story planet you should be in the 30s.
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