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Mass Effect |OT| Alien love in an elevator


Crovax33 said:
I'm stuck on Benezia with a shitty balanced party because I knew nothing about what abilities I would need before I had to decide on a party for this planet. I keep getting knocked down to death, EVERY TIME. Sometimes I make it to stage 2 only to be knocked down to death. It's frustrating.

Does anyone have any recommendations on how to beat this boss?

I'm a Vanguard and my party consists of Urdnot Wrex and Tali'Zorah nar Rayya (I am for sure dumping her as soon as I get off this rock).

I made the mistake of fighting her too early the first time I played. I'd recommend playing the other available missions and building up your talent points and abilities. A powered up assault rifle will dispatch some of those irritating guardians that keep popping up. I had a party of Wrex and Tali last time I played. They are awesome characters; your level may just be too low or you may not have used your talent points in the most effective manner. That party is very effective if leveled up sufficiently.

I haven't used the Vanguard class yet. I was thinking about using a Vanguard next. I'm sure someone else has, though.


Crovax33 said:
I'm stuck on Benezia with a shitty balanced party because I knew nothing about what abilities I would need before I had to decide on a party for this planet. I keep getting knocked down to death, EVERY TIME. Sometimes I make it to stage 2 only to be knocked down to death. It's frustrating.

Does anyone have any recommendations on how to beat this boss?

I'm a Vanguard and my party consists of Urdnot Wrex and Tali'Zorah nar Rayya (I am for sure dumping her as soon as I get off this rock).
Don't dump Tali if you're a vanguard, you'll need her decryption skill. You should probably dump Wrex since he's pretty much also a Vanguard and is messing up the balance.

As for the boss battle, just try not stay in one place and take out the Asari Commandos and geth before even concentrating on Benezia.
Crovax33 said:
I'm stuck on Benezia with a shitty balanced party because I knew nothing about what abilities I would need before I had to decide on a party for this planet. I keep getting knocked down to death, EVERY TIME. Sometimes I make it to stage 2 only to be knocked down to death. It's frustrating.

Does anyone have any recommendations on how to beat this boss?

I'm a Vanguard and my party consists of Urdnot Wrex and Tali'Zorah nar Rayya (I am for sure dumping her as soon as I get off this rock).

As soon as the fight starts, focus all your fire on the first asari commando that approaches your team. I find she goes down pretty easy (heh).
-Once she is dead, run down to the right where two Geth snipers are. Tali's powers + Wrex's weapons should make short work of the Geth.
-I find taking up a position in the top right corner to be useful, Benezia won't be able to use her powers against you, so you can focus on the geth and asari. The Geth are easily taken care of, use Tali's sabotage when they enter, their weapons will be disabled and you can storm them with ease.
-The Asari's always enter in the top left corner, if you can keep your distance from them then they won't use their biotic powers, and you can pick them off with a pistol or sniper rifle.
-Don't forget to use Tali's Damping power when the Asari are clustered in that bottom corner, it'll temporarily disable their biotic powers allowing to get a little bit closer to engage at short range, or use some biotics of your own.

Don't forget to make use of Tali's powers, she can't hold her own in a fight but she's freaking useful for disabling weapons and shields to give you that slight edge. Don't forget that her tech attacks work in a certain radius, so when the enemy are packed close together use those tech powers to disable en masse.


Also, keep in mind that you are not supposed to fight Benezia until her power runs out and you get the cutscene. Before then, just move around the back side of the area where she can't hurt you.
Hmm, on my 4th run through on Insanity. I can see Thresher Maw's being even more annoying seeing as they now take about 4x as long to kill. I don't mind the time, I just hate getting to the end of a battle then being upturned and insta-killed by the fucking things. Really shitty design choice, its like death/insta-load through no fault of your own.



xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Crovax33 said:
I'm stuck on Benezia with a shitty balanced party because I knew nothing about what abilities I would need before I had to decide on a party for this planet. I keep getting knocked down to death, EVERY TIME. Sometimes I make it to stage 2 only to be knocked down to death. It's frustrating.

Does anyone have any recommendations on how to beat this boss?

I'm a Vanguard and my party consists of Urdnot Wrex and Tali'Zorah nar Rayya (I am for sure dumping her as soon as I get off this rock).

Sounds like you rushed through and got to that fight way too early - even with my buffed up team after quite a bit of side quests, she did some serious damage, and I was a Vanguard as well...

Serious damage in the sense that she never killed me, but she hurt me a lot, and I kept redoing the fight until I won without taking too much damage...

I guess I can suggest sending your two squad members up forward while you stay in the furthest corner avoiding damage and using powers while looking out for the Geth that run in every now and then, and use Unity every time a party member dies...

And this is if you don't have an earlier save to fall back on to boost up and come back again...
EGM: Are there any quests or planets that people definitely shouldn't miss?

CH: One of the neat things is going back to our solar system and helping the Human Alliance on the moon. You'll drive around, and as you're cresting a mountain, you'll see the Earth come up over the horizon -- it's actually pretty cool. Then there's Eletania, the planet with a quest that involves space monkeys, which always gets a laugh around here. We also made six-legged space cows for the planet Nodacrux, but one of our designers didn't like them because he thought they looked too creepy. But he let us put the cows in the game on the condition that one of them would follow you around and eventually pickpocket you.

Wolffen said:
Same here. I gave it to my wife for Christmas, so I didn't really get a chance to play it until she beat it a week ago. She's been on my case to play through it so she could talk to me about the story. Finally beat it last night. Took about 40 hours on normal doing every side mission I could find, and hit level 50 on the last planet you visit in the game. I really, really enjoyed the game. Wonderful and surprising story, with fun combat once you get the hang of things. And a wonderful soundtrack too.

There were definitely some rough edges, some the fault of UE3 (Mark Rein, Epic needs to fix their shit!), some the fault of Bioware (horrible inventory management, squad AI could be very weak, and squad commands didn't work very well in many circumstances). Hopefully both parties can get things smoothed out for the next game, and I'm really hoping to see ME2 by 2009. I'm absolutely fine with the current graphics for this gen, as long as the texture loading and frame rate issues get fixed (hey, Microsoft, how about allowing developers the option to install stuff to the HDD to improve this particular problem in UE3 if Epic can't fix it themselves?) for the next two games.

Early on in the game, I really hated that the ability to take control of each party member that existed in the KotOR games was gone. Once my biotic abilities were up and I could throw and lift, I didn't care so much. :) I would still love to have that type of party control back in the future, if only to play as Wrex. :) Speaking of which, Wrex better be in the next game. One of the best characters in a game in a long time, and the Krogan are some of the coolest looking alien designs I've ever seen.



just finished first playthrough with a soldier:
-level 45
-75% Renegade
-20ish hrs
-nailed Ashley
-killed the Council
-let Rachni queen go

overall had an incredible time on my first rpg ever(not a fan in the past)

really hope ME2 does base its story off of the major decisions i made

way late- over and out!


Crovax33 said:
I'm stuck on Benezia with a shitty balanced party because I knew nothing about what abilities I would need before I had to decide on a party for this planet. I keep getting knocked down to death, EVERY TIME. Sometimes I make it to stage 2 only to be knocked down to death. It's frustrating.

Does anyone have any recommendations on how to beat this boss?

I'm a Vanguard and my party consists of Urdnot Wrex and Tali'Zorah nar Rayya (I am for sure dumping her as soon as I get off this rock).
Tali/Wrex/Vanguard should actually be a pretty decent, well-balanced party, if you've spent their talents properly (concentrate mainly on survivability and weapon/biotic talents for wrex to complement your own, and build tali for tech ownage).

Your problem is probably just that you went to Noveria at a low level, which is when it's by far the hardest planet (i usually do Therum->Feros->Noveria, although with enough sidequests it's easy enough to do it second, or even first if you do a lot of sidequests before going there). If you rush there immediately after finishing the bare minimum of story missions on the Citadel, i can definitely see it being very nasty indeed.

You might also be misunderstanding the fight (i know i did at first, until i realised it was standard rpg boss cliche #1) - for the first stage, you can't hurt Benezia directly at all, so stay out of line of sight of her and concentrate on taking down the asari/geth. Use your biotics and Tali's tech skills to disable them (lift/throw/damping/sabotage), then gun them down and they should die relatively easy. Once you've killed the first one, retreat to one of the far corners (in the 'back' of the room, away from the entrance to the part where Benezia is standing), as there are large pillars that block Benezia completely back there. Then just bunker down and kill things as you come to you, poking your head out briefly to deal with any that are hiding behind cover at the other end of the room.

For phase 2, there are a few ways to deal with it - the way i've normally done it is to toss Benezia in the air with Lift, then get everyone to unload everything on her, which usually results in a kill before her minions can cause any problems (and they're all despawned when you actually defeat her), but i guess the strategy of retreating to the corners to deal with the minions could work as well, with the addition of heading over to deal with her when you've killed them all (can you even kill them all, or do them spawn more indefinitely? i dunno, like i said, i've always just killed her ASAP).


To All,

Need some help with a section of the game... Pretty early on...

I am playing the Liara's Dig Site section of the game. I am at the point where I am trying to espcape with Liara, and I ride the elevator up to the top and I am met with a Krogan Battlemaster who is after her, and a bunch of geth robots. When the battle starts, I am at level 10, and my party consists of Shepard, Wrex and Tali.

Now when the battle starts, I try to concentrate on the
the krogan, while my teammates take care of the geth, but its like my team gets killed almost instantly, and then I am left alone to fight off the Krogan, and I always get killed when he charges at me.

Am I doing something wrong at this battle? I checked a FAQ on gamefaqs, and the person says to disable him with biotics, to make the fight easier, but I dont think Shepard can use Biotics, and if can, I am not sure how to use it..

IF anyone can give me some assistance, I would really appreciate it.



aparisi2274 said:
To All,

Need some help with a section of the game... Pretty early on...

I am playing the Liara's Dig Site section of the game. I am at the point where I am trying to espcape with Liara, and I ride the elevator up to the top and I am met with a Krogan Battlemaster who is after her, and a bunch of geth robots. When the battle starts, I am at level 10, and my party consists of Shepard, Wrex and Tali.

Now when the battle starts, I try to concentrate on the
the krogan, while my teammates take care of the geth, but its like my team gets killed almost instantly, and then I am left alone to fight off the Krogan, and I always get killed when he charges at me.

Am I doing something wrong at this battle? I checked a FAQ on gamefaqs, and the person says to disable him with biotics, to make the fight easier, but I dont think Shepard can use Biotics, and if can, I am not sure how to use it..

IF anyone can give me some assistance, I would really appreciate it.


I just finished that fight. I killed everybody and left the Krogan to the end. Also used Unity and med gels. and just run away like a bitch :lol and shoot him from far away. Took me two tries but i got it done


aparisi2274 said:
Am I doing something wrong at this battle? I checked a FAQ on gamefaqs, and the person says to disable him with biotics, to make the fight easier, but I dont think Shepard can use Biotics, and if can, I am not sure how to use it..

Immediately when the battle starts press RB and use whatever you feel will work on the enemies (dampen or lift the krogan, sabotage then overload the geth). Use AI hack on the geth if your skill is high enough. What's your own class?

Edit: also use proper ammo, toxic rounds on the krogan, they'll prevent his health from regenerating, armor piercing for the geth.


A question for you Mass Effect veterans...

I'm playing with Sheppard as a Solider and have used Liara (pure Biotic) and Tali (pure Tech) as my wingmates exclusively. I did this so that the team always has equal weaponry, biotic, and tech.

With this team I'm tearing shit up. Benezia beat us the first time because I didn't catch on that white health bar = fight the other guys. The next time I walked through those encounters. I will play with this trio through the game.

My question is: Do I need to make sure my other teammates have the best weaponry because there will be a time when all six of them will be utilized a la final boss fights in Final Fantasy? Am I ever going to be forced to use a certain character?

Bascially if I found my favorite two and totally ignore the others will I screw myself down the line? Or is it always going to be a three-person team of my choice?


Dyno said:
My question is: Do I need to make sure my other teammates have the best weaponry because there will be a time when all six of them will be utilized a la final boss fights in Final Fantasy? Am I ever going to be forced to use a certain character?

Bascially if I found my favorite two and totally ignore the others will I screw myself down the line? Or is it always going to be a three-person team of my choice?

Depends on the characters (and your skills at one point). No probs with Tali and Liara though.


Uncle said:
Immediately when the battle starts press RB and use whatever you feel will work on the enemies (dampen or lift the krogan, sabotage then overload the geth). Use AI hack on the geth if your skill is high enough. What's your own class?

Edit: also use proper ammo, toxic rounds on the krogan, they'll prevent his health from regenerating, armor piercing for the geth.

Hmmm I am not sure I even have unity or stuff like that... I hope I didnt fuck myself.. I mean I have the game set to auto assign my talent points, so I think Shepard is in a Soldier class right now... When I press RB when the battle starts, I can use Overkill, Shield, and 2 other choices... I usually just pick Shield boost for all my characters...

Am I supposed to press the A button when I am using my assult rifle... The OSG says to use the storm ability, but I dont know what that is... I never used it...

The girl, Tali just opened advanced Dampening... so I guess I can use that... but I know for a fact I dont have any lift skill.

Also, when I press the RB and give the Sabotage skill to my party members, how do I know when to switch to Overload?

I know shepard does not have access to Dampen or lift... :(

So am I pretty much screwed?
aparisi2274 said:
To All,

Need some help with a section of the game... Pretty early on...

IF anyone can give me some assistance, I would really appreciate it.


That part pissed me off no-end in my second run through, the geth were no trouble at all, the problem for me begun when the Geth were all killed and the Krogan would charge at you, almost attach himself to your body and whack you to death. I hate the 'Charge and whack' mentality of the AI that crops up in the game, its not so bad towards the end of the game as you have the power to keep them at bay, in the early missions its almost a sign of "Resume".

-Anyway, don't focus on the Krogan at the beginning of the fight, its the Geth who are the primary concern. There are 4 geth to take down, two should be pretty much in front of you, then another one each to the left and right. (Imagine you are facing towards the bubble Liara was trapped in). Make the most of any tech biotics you have to give you that initial edge. Ignore the Geth that is edging towards the left, he and the Krogan will go and hide by a pillar, don't worry about them. Take out the two geth in front of you, then go to the right and take out the 3rd, get you party to follow you (left on Dpad) otherwise they'll get stupid and go running off to get themselves killed.

-When you kill the very last Geth who is by the Krogan, he will begin to charge at you like a loon. Make sure you have Push or Lift and Damping available; push or lift will stop him from attacking you for a few seconds, damping will prevent him from using Immunity or any other defensive power he has. When he is down, unload on him, use marksman, carnage, overkill, or any offensive tech/biotic powers you still have. Make the most of when he is incapable of fighting back. Its not his weapons you need to watch out for, its him running at you and hitting you to death, so keep your distance as much as you can.


aparisi2274 said:
Hmmm I am not sure I even have unity or stuff like that... I hope I didnt fuck myself.. I mean I have the game set to auto assign my talent points, so I think Shepard is in a Soldier class right now... When I press RB when the battle starts, I can use Overkill, Shield, and 2 other choices... I usually just pick Shield boost for all my characters...

Save the shield boost for a bit later unless they die immediately. When their shield is nearly depleted then use it.

Am I supposed to press the A button when I am using my assult rifle... The OSG says to use the storm ability, but I dont know what that is... I never used it...

I don't know what you mean by pressing the A button. Just shoot like you normally do? Also I have no idea what storm ability is supposed to be.

Also, when I press the RB and give the Sabotage skill to my party members, how do I know when to switch to Overload?

When you press and hold RB choose the targets and use the skill. Tali will do it after you release the RB. Then right after do the same with overload. The geth should be easier to kill since one (or more if you aim right) can't shoot and one (or more) doesn't have shields. Repeat when able.

You can also assign targets with LB if you for example want Wrex to shoot at the krogan while Tali does her thing with the geth. Also, helps when choosing the ammo, which you can do in the middle of a battle too, btw.

I know shepard does not have access to Dampen or lift... :(

Shepard can use all the skills his squad has, so you do have at least dampen. What skills do you have for Wrex?


sionyboy said:
That part pissed me off no-end in my second run through, the geth were no trouble at all, the problem for me begun when the Geth were all killed and the Krogan would charge at you, almost attach himself to your body and whack you to death. I hate the 'Charge and whack' mentality of the AI that crops up in the game, its not so bad towards the end of the game as you have the power to keep them at bay, in the early missions its almost a sign of "Resume".

-Anyway, don't focus on the Krogan at the beginning of the fight, its the Geth who are the primary concern. There are 4 geth to take down, two should be pretty much in front of you, then another one each to the left and right. (Imagine you are facing towards the bubble Liara was trapped in). Make the most of any tech biotics you have to give you that initial edge. Ignore the Geth that is edging towards the left, he and the Krogan will go and hide by a pillar, don't worry about them. Take out the two geth in front of you, then go to the right and take out the 3rd, get you party to follow you (left on Dpad) otherwise they'll get stupid and go running off to get themselves killed.

-When you kill the very last Geth who is by the Krogan, he will begin to charge at you like a loon. Make sure you have Push or Lift and Damping available; push or lift will stop him from attacking you for a few seconds, damping will prevent him from using Immunity or any other defensive power he has. When he is down, unload on him, use marksman, carnage, overkill, or any offensive tech/biotic powers you still have. Make the most of when he is incapable of fighting back. Its not his weapons you need to watch out for, its him running at you and hitting you to death, so keep your distance as much as you can.

Well my problem is that I am pretty sure everyone in my current party does not have access to PUSH or LIFT. I know Tali has the Damping effect... but like Shepard has Shield Boost, Overkill, and one other one, that I dont remember... I am also at level 10 with my party...


aparisi2274 said:

In the options make the AI only auto use Defense abilities. Manage the use of offensive abilities yourself. One primary concept of ME as a player is always have abilities available for charging enemies. Carnage, lift, throw, singularity, stasis, hacking (for geth) and damping to a lesser effect which will briefly freeze some enemies. If you don't mange these abilities for the AI they will run through them fast and they might not be available when you need them.


Uncle said:
Shepard can use all the skills his squad has, so you do have at least dampen. What skills do you have for Wrex?

How does Shepard use the same skills as his squad? Wrex has warp, boost, shield, overkill, and one other one I cant remember...
aparisi2274 said:
How does Shepard use the same skills as his squad? Wrex has warp, boost, shield, overkill, and one other one I cant remember...
He doesn't. You do. You order the squad to use the skills you want, while holding RB and navigating trough the skill-menu.

Take every Geth out but one while fighting the Krogan, AFAIK, he wont charge until there is at least one geth left on the field.


aparisi2274 said:
How does Shepard use the same skills as his squad? Wrex has warp, boost, shield, overkill, and one other one I cant remember...

With the RB? Also you might want to set from the options that the AI can only use defensive skills, so they won't waste the good skills (the AI is pretty good with the defensive ones). Use warp on the Krogan when he charges at you (that should stop him, I think). Also use overkill with Wrex, he'll do more damage.


Uncle said:
Use warp on the Krogan when he charges at you (that should stop him, I think). Also use overkill with Wrex, he'll do more damage.

Warp won't stop him. Personally I'd always give Wrex the shotgun and in this situation I'd use Carnage on the Krogan.


Uncle said:
With the RB? Also you might want to set from the options that the AI can only use defensive skills, so they won't waste the good skills (the AI is pretty good with the defensive ones). Use warp on the Krogan when he charges at you (that should stop him, I think). Also use overkill with Wrex, he'll do more damage.

ok so I am still confused on how shepard can use the other skills from my team mates? When I press the RB it brings up the Skill Wheen, and its broken into 3 sections, one for each of my party members... Then I pick my skill, and then the skills for the other party members... So how do I pick one of there skills to be used as my own.

Sorry guys... I didnt know this game was that intuitive...


aparisi2274 said:
When I press the RB it brings up the Skill Wheen, and its broken into 3 sections, one for each of my party members... Then I pick my skill, and then the skills for the other party members...

.. which means the skils are effectively yours becuase you are controlling them.


Sysgen said:
.. which means the skils are effectively yours becuase you are controlling them.

ohh ok... I was not aware of that... So lets review:

Set the AI to use only Defensive skills
Take out the geth first, and leave one behind.
Give Wrex the Shotgun (someone said to use the carnage skill, but I dont have it. I over overkill).

Also, when I press RB to bring up the skill wheel, and lets say I use dampen, before I let go of the RB button should I use the L stick to highlight the targets that I want my teammate to use the dampen on??? IS that how it works?

Now there were a couple of times I did drop him, but he regenerates, and when he gets up, thats when I get fucked...


aparisi2274 said:
ohh ok... I was not aware of that... So lets review:

Set the AI to use only Defensive skills
Take out the geth first, and leave one behind.
Give Wrex the Shotgun (someone said to use the carnage skill, but I dont have it. I over overkill).

Also, when I press RB to bring up the skill wheel, and lets say I use dampen, before I let go of the RB button should I use the L stick to highlight the targets that I want my teammate to use the dampen on??? IS that how it works?

Now there were a couple of times I did drop him, but he regenerates, and when he gets up, thats when I get fucked...

There isn't one way to do this. Kind of what makes the game so great. Experiment. If it helps I had a lot of trouble with this my 1st time through.

Other suggestions: Target him with right dpad and then select overkill for Wrex. Run using A and then try some abilities.


Uncle said:
Depends on the characters (and your skills at one point). No probs with Tali and Liara though.

Could you elaborate a tad? I understand I'll be cool with the two I picked but am curious as to what you mean.


aparisi2274 said:
Also, when I press RB to bring up the skill wheel, and lets say I use dampen, before I let go of the RB button should I use the L stick to highlight the targets that I want my teammate to use the dampen on??? IS that how it works?

Yes. You get the little target triangle to show when the target is in your sights so to speak.

Dyno said:
Could you elaborate a tad? I understand I'll be cool with the two I picked but am curious as to what you mean.

Spoilers obviously. I'll try to keep them as light as I can.
On one story planet you have to split your team (choose if Kaiden or Ashley goes to do a different mission). Also if you don't have maxed out intimidate or charm, one character will no longer be available after a certain point


aparisi2274 said:
Give Wrex the Shotgun (someone said to use the carnage skill, but I dont have it. I over overkill).
Overkill is an assault rifle skill, Carnage is a shotgun skill. Wrex should have both by Level 10 using auto levelling, check. I used manual levelling and so I made Wrex my shotgun specialist. The skill changes in the skill wheel based on what weapon you have equipped.


I don't know what you mean by pressing the A button. Just shoot like you normally do? Also I have no idea what storm ability is supposed to be.
It means the in-combat sprint ability (which also auto-melees if you run into something with it).


arhra said:
It means the in-combat sprint ability (which also auto-melees if you run into something with it).

Heh. I didn't even know about that. Is it in the manual or even the "tutorial"?


Here is another question unrelated to my other issue...

Whats an acceptable level to beat the game? And "should" you go to each planet in a system to level up?


I recall it being in the tutorial the first time you see the Husks I think. You know about the Mako cannon right?


Uncle said:
Yeah, but I just use my pimped out sniper rifle these days.

2 things.

1. What should I know about the Mako Cannon?

2. Is there anyway to use the sniper rifle and have him take a breath or something, so that the rifle is steady?
aparisi2274 said:
2 things.

1. What should I know about the Mako Cannon?

2. Is there anyway to use the sniper rifle and have him take a breath or something, so that the rifle is steady?

The Mako has a cannon. RB to use it (it may seem obvious, but my friend didn't know about it until he was about 10 hours into the game...you can also zoom by LT and clicking the R analog stick. I didn't work that out until 10 hours in!)

The Sniper rifle will get steadier as you increase your skill points in it, until that time you'll never get a steady shot (although I think using Assassination power will help you a lot) In the mean time try to use any weapon stabiliser mods you come across, and give it a few seconds between each shot. Also, when you use the Sniper Rifle, crouch for a decrease in stability time.


aparisi2274 said:
2 things.

1. What should I know about the Mako Cannon?

2. Is there anyway to use the sniper rifle and have him take a breath or something, so that the rifle is steady?

1. That it exists. It seems to come as a surprise to a lot of people who don't read the manual.

2. If you crouch it'll sway a bit less. For more you need to put more points into the sniper rifle skill.
Uncle said:
2. If you crouch it'll sway a bit less. For more you need to put more points into the sniper rifle skill.
Which is totally worth it IMO, not only for the soldier class, but also for Garrus. He's a machine with the Sniper.

Also if you have Wrex in your squad all the time, give him more points in Krogan Battlemaster + Fitness + Shotgun = Krogan Tank.


Uncle said:
Spoilers obviously. I'll try to keep them as light as I can.

Thanks. That's the kind of stuff I don't mind knowing ahead of time in order to not muck up my play through.

Giving Liara and Tali their free reign to fight at will makes for some awesome fireworks, biotic and tech just make a mess out of everything! I can't count how many times I got to fill a helplessly Lifted enemy with lead or watch the geth just start to dance around each other while sparks are flying. Plus that way I take all the sweetest armour and weapons for myself. Tee Hee!


Hey to everyone who helped me this morning, your advice was great. I took care of that Korgan Battlemaster with ease... It actually was a pretty easy fight... So now I am back on the Normandy.

Thanks again all...


Dyno said:
Thanks. That's the kind of stuff I don't mind knowing ahead of time in order to not muck up my play through.

Giving Liara and Tali their free reign to fight at will makes for some awesome fireworks, biotic and tech just make a mess out of everything! I can't count how many times I got to fill a helplessly Lifted enemy with lead or watch the geth just start to dance around each other while sparks are flying. Plus that way I take all the sweetest armour and weapons for myself. Tee Hee!
FACT - so sweet when packs of geth just float around singularity


Hey guys just 2 quick questions:

Filter or no filter?

I am in feros, just about to go to exogeny corp (only done citadel and sidequests, am 18 hours in) and am loving it. What is the general consensus about the combat, because I for one am loving it.
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