Just finished it on my new PC, God damn what a great game. It only took me 11 hours, which seems short, but the story was so epic, especially the last hour or so, that it doesn't really bother me. I didn't really do any side quests, which seems to be what most people complain about, and I actually enjoyed the Mako sections.
The only planet I didn't care for was Noveria, for some reason it just kind of felt like I was playing Doom 3 or something, what with me not knowing what the fuck I was supposed to be doing and the whole place being narrow hallways connecting small rooms and labs and bugs jumping out of floors and walls and shit. But whatever, at least I didn't need a flashlight, and the fight at the end was pretty cool.
I'm still pissed about what happens to Wrex, as he was my BFF up to that point. I'm looking forward to playing through it again now that I have a better understanding of the various systems (combat system, skill system, gear system, etc.) - I really didn't have a fucking clue about anything for like the first 6 hours, it's a miracle I made it as far as I did.
I played as a soldier though, and so the whole tech/biotics thing is still a mystery to me. I'm going to be going down that route a bit more in my second play through - are there any particular skills I should be aware of? Also, how do you have the game not auto-level up your team mates? I want to be able to specialize them a bit more, when the game auto levels them it just seems to go with a balanced approach, like evenly distributing points across many different weapon skills instead of just focusing on one.