It was at times nearly unplayable for me, and loading the game again didnät change a thing.
I just finished the game. It took me about 68 hours (if the in-game timer is to be trusted) as I did all the sidequests, and in retrospect I kinda wish I hadn't, as most them repeated the same formula with Mako rides and same looking bunkers and bases. That's one thing the sequels handled much better. Their sidequests actually had some variety, and interesting story/character aspects.
Not to mention, that the characters and the equipment were at so high level towards the end, that the game was like a walk in the park. Excluding some Mako battles, and gangs of enemies or those with bazookas, I could pretty much storm every battle and not give a damn about being in cover.
I also witnessed another bug during the ending cutscenes, where all the music and sound effects just disappeared, and only the dialogue remained. Had no choice but to boot up the game, and start again from the last checkpoint. This has to be the most bug-ridden game I've ever played (never played any of Bethesda's games on PS3).
That all being said, I loved the game, even its battle system.
was my personal highlight, along with the ending. And I can kinda see now how many were disappointed with the sequels, eventhough they handed some things better. All in all, it evoked a certain B5 nostalgia, and that might be the best compliment to the game, as far as I'm concerned. I think I might have to watch the B5 series through for the 6th time now...