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Mass Effect (PS3) |OT| Shepard's love is not exclusive

So I have played the ME trilogy on Xbox multiple times but got rid of them a few months ago when I had a clear out of games.

I was hoping they would do a ME trilogy on Wii U but i have just got back into using my PS3 and i plan on having a lot of games digitally on this, so is ME a good buy on PS3? I always wanted to go through the trilogy from scratch one more time and this seems like a good opportunity to do so! (maybe ill wait for PSN sales!)
Just finished my first playthrough of this as a Paragon Femshep.

Personally, I'd say it's my favourite of the series, followed by 2 and then 3 by a large distance.

Like the RPG elements (such as being able to customize loadouts for both myself and my squad), overall storyline, less emphasis on cover during combat, etc.

I will say that it puts into perspective some of the improvements made in ME2. Such as the removal of that horrible texture pop-in and general visual enhancements, much larger map variety, more fleshed-out squadmates and greater technical polish.

But the loading times are actually bearable in ME1, at least for the PSN version. I fucking hated how you had to go through a shitload of loading screens in ME2 just so you could talk to your squadmates after missions. The elevator loading doesn't seem that long, and at least they fill them out with squad banter or news reports.

The infinite ammo system in ME1 is much more interesting than having generic ammo clips in the later games too.

One thing they really should've done was keep the loot and inventory system, but make them much more manageable and user-friendly. Lower the amount of useless drops, and make an inventory screen that's worth a damn. And maybe get rid of the more pointless stuff, like radar jamming.

That's off the top of my head, I know there's a lot more reasons why I think ME1's way better than the sequels.


So considering I started off with ME2 on the PS3 and completed ME2 and ME3. The original Mass Effect really seems closer to the classic RPG style of leveling and item progression. I figured with "electronics" and "decryption" being the lock picking skill of the game I went with a Infiltrator.

What I am trying to figure out is this. At the start of the game you have no freaking money and the items you want from the vendors are freaking expensive as hell. Here I am just finishing Virmire (as well as all possible side quest/planet exploring available to this point). I just hit the freaking credit limit at 9,999,999 and there is like nothing available I can buy than is better what I have. I guess everything will turn into omni-gel from here on out. While I am enjoying the original ME. I still feel like Dragon Age : Origins was Bioware's best game this generation. But I am starting to see why people seem to think ME 1 is the best in the series. Will post my final thoughts when I complete it.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that with the Infiltrator I am getting so much damn loot its kinda ridiculous. Don't get me wrong I love loot whoring as the next guy. There is just so much of it.


Just finished my first playthrough of this as a Paragon Femshep.

Personally, I'd say it's my favourite of the series, followed by 2 and then 3 by a large distance

I think ME1 gets better after you've played ME2 and maybe ME3, because the familiarity with the universe you get from playing all of the series makes you appreciate a lot of the content in ME1 more. It might not be the case for everyone of course but there's quite a lot to take in the first time you play ME1 if you're new to the universe.

What I am trying to figure out is this. At the start of the game you have no freaking money and the items you want from the vendors are freaking expensive as hell. Here I am just finishing Virmire (as well as all possible side quest/planet exploring available to this point). I just hit the freaking credit limit at 9,999,999 and there is like nothing available I can buy than is better what I have. I guess everything will turn into omni-gel from here on out.

You should hit up the guy on the Citadel who sells Spectre gear. That's about the only vendor who will sell you good stuff. It's to your right when you come out the elevator from the landing pad if I remember correctly.


Really Really Exciting Member!
You should hit up the guy on the Citadel who sells Spectre gear. That's about the only vendor who will sell you good stuff. It's to your right when you come out the elevator from the landing pad if I remember correctly.

The vendor at the bottom floor of the Normandy can also sell Spectre gear.


This made me smile, when I came across with it last night.


In Finnish society Alko has a generally accepted role and mission to responsibly develop Finnish alcohol culture and prevent harmful effects on health and social policy.

Because of its status as a sole right holder in Finland Alko has a great social responsibility as an operator on alcohol sector.

What I am trying to figure out is this. At the start of the game you have no freaking money and the items you want from the vendors are freaking expensive as hell. Here I am just finishing Virmire (as well as all possible side quest/planet exploring available to this point). I just hit the freaking credit limit at 9,999,999 and there is like nothing available I can buy than is better what I have. I guess everything will turn into omni-gel from here on out. While I am enjoying the original ME. I still feel like Dragon Age : Origins was Bioware's best game this generation. But I am starting to see why people seem to think ME 1 is the best in the series. Will post my final thoughts when I complete it.

o_O I've played 46 hours and got The Completionist trophy last night, and I've yet to do the Virmire mission, yet I've got "only" about 2,5 million credits.


Really Really Exciting Member!
This made me smile, when I came across with it last night.



o_O I've played 46 hours and got The Completionist trophy last night, and I've yet to do the Virmire mission, yet I've got "only" about 2,5 million credits.

It's really not hard to hit 9,999,999 credits if you unlock every damn lockers and crates you come across, do every sidequests that have plenty of them on top of items that enemies drop and sell everything and don't bother buying anything from vendors other than Spectre weapons and those Predator/Colossus armor with 2 slots.


It's really not hard to hit 9,999,999 credits if you unlock every damn lockers and crates you come across, do every sidequests that have plenty of them on top of items that enemies drop and sell everything and don't bother buying anything from vendors other than Spectre weapons and those Predator/Colossus armor with 2 slots.

I've done what you said, and I haven't bought anything but the store licenses and Medi-Gel & grenade +1s in the beginning. Perhaps it's partly because I've had to convert equipment to Omni-Gel, instead of selling them, as my inventory has reached its limit several times. BTW, the way the equipment is grouped when selling them is incovenient to say the least. I wish they would be grouped according to categories, instead of levels. Well, it's not a big problem, as I have more than enough of credits eitherway.
Finally got the platinum for this the other night... space jesus, what a fucking grind.

The Neural Shock trophy only registers when casted on something with health, so the best way to do it is when grinding the AI Hacking trophy on Fist's turrets:

Save just after encountering the warehouse workers > enter Fist's place > cast Neural Shock on Fist > cast AI Hacking on a turret > load last save > repeat 75 times. If you've passed Fist, just land on any planet, get out and cast NS at the Mako.

It's so stupid that your squadmates' powers don't count for that series of trophies. I had to grind over 4 hrs to get those, just sitting there casting them all at a Rapid Transit Terminal 75 times.
Played for 6 hours. Still
in the Citadel, about to present the Council with Talia's evidence of Saren's rogue actions

Is this normal?

Also, am I supposed to be missing
one of the keepers? I've scanned 20 out of 21 :(
Played for 6 hours. Still
in the Citadel, about to present the Council with Talia's evidence of Saren's rogue actions

Is this normal?

Also, am I supposed to be missing
one of the keepers? I've scanned 20 out of 21 :(

That's normal for me! I do every side mission before continuing with the story. The Ally trophies (have X member in your party for X amount of the game) pinged for me while only on Noveria.

Hint: check the Docking Bay or the Ward Access (need to take an elevator to get there).


Really Really Exciting Member!
Yeah the one near the Normandy can be easy to miss since its so out of the way.

There is a very useful map out there that tells you where to find every keepers and quest givers on the Citadel. If you just google "citadel map mass effect 1", you should find it.


This should have been a triolgy OT for the PS3/360 users. Since I'm on the 2nd game, I was going to post in the 2nd game's OT, but its over a year old. Anyways.

I finally got all the party member's, everyone is loyal except
the geth Legion.
I think I have all the ship upgrades, nothing is listed anymore and I just got the IFF reaper thing.

I really hope I survive that suicide mission.
I hear your crew can die during that.


Really Really Exciting Member!
This should have been a triolgy OT for the PS3/360 users. Since I'm on the 2nd game, I was going to post in the 2nd game's OT, but its over a year old. Anyways.

I finally got all the party member's, everyone is loyal except
the geth Legion.
I think I have all the ship upgrades, nothing is listed anymore and I just got the IFF reaper thing.

I really hope I survive that suicide mission.
I hear your crew can die during that.

You should be ok... unlessss, you do stupid decisions like this(no major spoiler, just examples of what to expect) :

Shepard :
"We need someone to go into the vent to hack a door! Grunt, you go there. We don't need a tech expert like Tali anyway."

Shepard :
"We need someone to lead the 2nd team. Hey Jack, you look like someone I can trust the lives of my squad with. I choose you!"


Very beautiful game, despite the horrible fps (& some effect cut);now I'm replaying it following the 'bad' kharma path, but unfortunately I have overwrited my first whole walkthrough, damn. I'll be waiting to buy mass effect 2 when will have the same price on the psn.


Very beautiful game, despite the horrible fps (& some effect cut);now I'm replaying it following the 'bad' kharma path, but unfortunately I have overwrited my first whole walkthrough, damn. I'll be waiting to buy mass effect 2 when will have the same price on the psn.

Unless you strictly want digital I bet ME2 can be found for pretty cheap these days (20 and below).
When you're in the Mako, does everything worth checking out appear, on the Map, or is some stuff hidden?

Loving it so far

I'm playing on normal, and the combat is a piece of piss so far, and I've found myself ignoring the biotic and special abilities. Does the game get harder?
Is there any reason to visit planets without being given a mission first?


Really Really Exciting Member!
When you're in the Mako, does everything worth checking out appear, on the Map, or is some stuff hidden?

Loving it so far

I'm playing on normal, and the combat is a piece of piss so far, and I've found myself ignoring the biotic and special abilities. Does the game get harder?
Is there any reason to visit planets without being given a mission first?

Why are you ignoring the biotic and special abilities? It's the only thing that makes the shitty combat tolerable.

You often get sidequests just by visiting a new system, and that sidequest is always about a planet or spaceship in this system. All other sidequests can be found on the Citadel, or by scanning some computers during the main missions like Feros.


I'm playing on normal, and the combat is a piece of piss so far, and I've found myself ignoring the biotic and special abilities. Does the game get harder?
There are a few difficulty spikes, but in general it's a pretty easy game on Normal. Some classes definetly have an easier time than others too, as they're not very well balanced. Soldiers in particularly are massively overpowered at higher levels.
Seems like some stuff, like minerals, only appear when you get closer.

Hmm. Hopefully I can pass the resource side-mission with materials to spare then. I've only been to one planet (Presrop), but if its indicative of the average planet, I don't really fancy randomly exploring all of them to find the resources/medallions


Really Really Exciting Member!
Hmm. Hopefully I can pass the resource side-mission with materials to spare then. I've only been to one planet (Presrop), but if its indicative of the average planet, I don't really fancy randomly exploring all of them to find the resources/medallions

You do not need to do these minerals/artifact sidequests. In fact, i would advise you to simply ignore them. They barely give any XP and at some point in the game, you will be drowning in credits so much you will turn items into Omni-gels since you won't need credits.


Hmm. Hopefully I can pass the resource side-mission with materials to spare then. I've only been to one planet (Presrop), but if its indicative of the average planet, I don't really fancy randomly exploring all of them to find the resources/medallions

To pass the collect-a-thons (ESPECIALLY the mineral one) you WILL need to do a lot of exploring. The minerals one especially requires a LOT of exploring in the Mako.

I will disagree with Bisnic, though. Those quests (barring the minerals one) do have a small payoff later on in the series.


Really Really Exciting Member!
To pass the collect-a-thons (ESPECIALLY the mineral one) you WILL need to do a lot of exploring. The minerals one especially requires a LOT of exploring in the Mako.

I will disagree with Bisnic, though. Those quests (barring the minerals one) do have a small payoff later on in the series.

And what would that be? I sure never heard of getting a small payoff in ME2 or ME3 from finding every little artifacts in ME1. The only interesting thing was some
Prothean ruins stuck in a corner on some barren planet that gave you a vision from the past(in text form!),
but that wasn't part of these quests and was never mentioned again.

Unless it gives you a little extra Palladium/Iridium/whatever to start with in ME2.


To pass the collect-a-thons (ESPECIALLY the mineral one) you WILL need to do a lot of exploring. The minerals one especially requires a LOT of exploring in the Mako.

I will disagree with Bisnic, though. Those quests (barring the minerals one) do have a small payoff later on in the series.

What kind of reward? I've collected everything else but the minerals, and the last one of Prothean Data Discs/Turian Insignias/League of One medallions is still missing, and I'm debating on whether to try to find them all or not.


And what would that be? I sure never heard of getting a small payoff in ME2 or ME3 from finding every little artifacts in ME1. The only interesting thing was some
Prothean ruins stuck in a corner on some barren planet that gave you a vision from the past(in text form!),
but that wasn't part of these quests and was never mentioned again.

Unless it gives you a little extra Palladium/Iridium/whatever to start with in ME2.

It's the only way to achieve final completion of
the Conrad Verner quest in ME3. He needs the materials, and apparently you've been keeping them around all these years.

What kind of reward? I've collected everything else but the minerals, and the last one of Prothean Data Discs/Turian Insignias/League of One medallions is still missing, and I'm debating on whether to try to find them all or not.

It's not anything huge, but it is kind of satisfying from a series perspective.


Really Really Exciting Member!
It's the only way to achieve final completion of
the Conrad Verner quest in ME3. He needs the materials, and apparently you've been keeping them around all these years.

Really? All i thought he could give us is that book he wrote that is worth 1 (lol) War Asset.


Really Really Exciting Member!
It's 4. But, yeah, that's what I'm talking about. And I guess all you need is
the Matriarch's writing.

I remember
Conrad mentioning a guy that i helped before in ME1(think it was the Exogeni scientist who wanted data on Feros),
not some artifact i picked up.


I remember
Conrad mentioning a guy that i helped before in ME1(think it was the Exogeni scientist who wanted data on Feros),
not some artifact i picked up.

You have to have done several things, including that, what I mentioned and
have purchased a specific manufacturer license.
You just accomplished the first part of the quest.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Oh i see. Oh well, not like i'm going to bother doing those awful mining and artifact ME1 quests just to get a few extra lines from him in ME3. :p


It's 4. But, yeah, that's what I'm talking about. And I guess all you need is
the Matriarch's writing.

So, that's the only one of those that has rewards? Hope so, as it's the only one I've completed. There's no reward for getting all the
Prothean Data Discs


I guess I responded wrong, cause Tali lost her loyalness to me. It seems it was either her or Legion, I picked Legion. lol

Hope she doesn't die


I guess I responded wrong, cause Tali lost her loyalness to me. It seems it was either her or Legion, I picked Legion. lol

Hope she doesn't die

In those cases, you can regain loyalty later. Try talking to her and see if your paragon or renegade is high enough, you can recover.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Yeah it's better to try to do that, having a (ME3 squadmates spoilers i guess?)
dead Tali and Garrus in ME3 kinda sucks since you lose squadmates and no one replace them.


First time on the mission,
everyone survived but Tali, but she was in the final team. Then I tried again and use Legion and Thane, everyone survived and got the achievement!
Now I'm trying to get the romance one. I guess I screwed it up cause I had fun sex with Jack. Lol.

She is the only one thats a evil character? Cause I have almost max renegade. I did romance Liara in the first game, but broke up with her in the Shadow Broker thing.


Really Really Exciting Member!
First time on the mission,
everyone survived but Tali, but she was in the final team. Then I tried again and use Legion and Thane, everyone survived and got the achievement!
Now I'm trying to get the romance one. I guess I screwed it up cause I had fun sex with Jack. Lol.

She is the only one thats a evil character? Cause I have almost max renegade. I did romance Liara in the first game, but broke up with her in the Shadow Broker thing.

Being Paragon or Renegade doesn't matter in romance. You could be the holiest Shepard in the galaxy and still romance the "evil" Jack. Or be the biggest asshole possible and still romance the "cute and innocent" Tali.


Being Paragon or Renegade doesn't matter in romance. You could be the holiest Shepard in the galaxy and still romance the "evil" Jack. Or be the biggest asshole possible and still romance the "cute and innocent" Tali.

Well, Samra turned me down when I tried. I don't get any romance options with Miranda. I guess try an get Tali loyalty again and try her? Though during the final mission Shepard was in his room looking at a picture of Liara.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Well, Samra turned me down when I tried. I don't get any romance options with Miranda. I guess try an get Tali loyalty again and try her? Though during the final mission Shepard was in his room looking at a picture of Liara.

You cannot romance Samara, so that's normal.

Miranda is possible, guess you didn't take the right choices when they came up?

And i suppose that if Shepard looked at Liara in the final mission despite what you might have done in the Shadow Broker DLC, i think that means she will still love you in ME3. Personally, i suggest romancing Liara/Tali/Ashley/Kaidan/Garrus because of the extra scene you see with the ME3 extended cut that you won't get if you romanced a ME2 squadmate like Jack or Miranda.


Bummer. So I can't romance anyone now? Guess I might as well start 3. Not going to do that until Saturday when I buy From Ashes.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Bummer. So I can't romance anyone now? Guess I might as well start 3. Not going to do that until Saturday when I buy From Ashes.

Like i said, you're probably still with Liara. You will learn pretty early during ME3 if she still loves you, in the same mission you meet her. Which is like the first mission after the prologue.

Smack Fu

Started to replay ME 1 on xbox, man I wish they would remake it with ME 3 engine. After playing ME 3 recently, going back to 1 is hard work. So much stuff that I took for granted in 2 and 3.


Just got past
. The mission was good, but the framerate was really stuttering at low figures towards the end, and eventually it locked up during loading, when I was about to go back to Normandy. That's the fourth time so far. =(

Foxix Von

Just got past
. The mission was good, but the framerate was really stuttering at low figures towards the end, and eventually it locked up during loading, when I was about to go back to Normandy. That's the fourth time so far. =(

A truly authentic Mass Effect experience.


Just got past
. The mission was good, but the framerate was really stuttering at low figures towards the end, and eventually it locked up during loading, when I was about to go back to Normandy. That's the fourth time so far. =(

There was some stuttering (PS3) when I played that mission but I never had any lock ups. Haven't had any lock ups at all, yet.


Got From Ashes, started to play. No install is nice? I guess longer load times is why. Is it stream installing? Can't tell. I forgot about playing the Amular: Reckoning demo I played ages ago, got some armor from it. Looks pretty cool. I bet its replaced rather fast though? I can't wait to replace vega. Don't like the character at all. Starting the DLC I'm stumped why this is paid DLC. The lore that I'm getting just from these few scenes is kinda required if you want to know more about the Mass Effect universe.
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