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MasterChef (US) - Gordon Ramsay, Graham Elliot, Lex Luthor, and lots of crying.


I admittedly don't know who the other two people are in this show. I've actually never really watched it. I've stuck to No Reservations and Man v Food, admittedly. I have to say though, I really, really don't like Joe. He seems like such a snobby cunt.


I LOVE Ramsay on MC and Kitchen Nightmares. I really should sample some of his UK stuff though one of these days which is supposed to be more real according to our overseas friends here.
UK Kitchen Nightmares is fantastic, absolutely different show from the US version, it doesn't have that fake talking heads moments that are prominent in the us shows, and it makes it so much better.
Shows themselves are more centered around the business, the food, and not around the people drama, and when they have that stuff it's shown in a tasetful manner. Music and editing is toned down also, it isn't overtly dramatic as in the US version.

As for the Masterchef: It's my favourite us show at the moment, really love how the chefs don't really compete that much and are more sympatethic to each other. I liked that in the second season, and it seems this season won't be different.



My take on why Ramsay is so rough on HK is those people ARE already paid chefs and should know better. That said I still don't like HK, too much yelling and cussing and forced insanity. Plus the people are uh, REALLY unattractive and look like substance abusers or trailer park rejects half the time.

I LOVE Ramsay on MC and Kitchen Nightmares. I really should sample some of his UK stuff though one of these days which is supposed to be more real according to our overseas friends here.

I love his U.K. shows that they play on BBC in America. I usually catch them in a late-night marathon and it's like a whole different person. Obviously the anger is what they want with Hell's Kitchen and some of those chefs deserve it, but every other show I love him in. Master Chef is competitive but laid back and Kitchen Nightmares usually only involves some serious yelling if the person is REALLY asking for it by still not learning a thing or refusing to make a change. If the person respects his or her workers and Gordon, then he's nice for the most part.

I love having this show on two nights in a row too. There's simply nothing on right now and they capitalize on that for sure.



Thanks for the recommendations, guys!
The Marco Pierre White version of UK Hell's Kitchen is fun too.

Marco infamously made Ramsay cry when he worked in Marco's kitchen.

He also had The Chopping Block, shortlived as it was on NBC. Along with a sorta revival, Kitchen Wars, currently on UK Channel Five. (Or the internet.)


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
The MasterChef Power Rankings have to be:

1) Christine: A cookbook by a blind person would be insanely marketable, and she seems incredibly talented and nice

2) Felix: Seems like she's got the skills and the spirit to take it all the way

3) Stacey: Has shown she's got the ability in spades, and seems like the best leader in the group so far.

4) Josh: Haven't seen him put up something that the judges didn't like, and seems like a stand-up guy


I thought for sure that Christine was going to get jacked by something simply due to the challenge. But then she did a perfect apple pie and turned around and did a ceviche with a live crab.

Now I'm wondering if we should just give her the crown forever and try to find out who comes in second.


Fucking Tali and Ryan. I actually want to make a twitter account just to tweet malice at them even if it is somewhat scripted for sensationalism.

I hope Felix, Stacey, Josh, and Christine make it to the end.
The Marco Pierre White version of UK Hell's Kitchen is fun too.

Marco infamously made Ramsay cry when he worked in Marco's kitchen.

He also had The Chopping Block, shortlived as it was on NBC. Along with a sorta revival, Kitchen Wars, currently on UK Channel Five. (Or the internet.)

Wow, someone made Ramsay cry once? o_O This Marco guy must be hardcore.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Here's my take on Ryan.

He's a complete douche that, to me, appears to be the type of person that thinks he's cool when he's actually not. My guess is he got criticized and/or bullied in school because of it. If you watch his mannerisms and hear those things he was saying when in the pantry talking to the judges, it is clear the guy is not socially normal. Everything he said was cringeworthy. I mean, that comment about throwing people under the bus...who talks like that? He reminds me of the kid in middle school that tried SO hard to get other people to like him by trying to be funny and just couldn't. If the kid isn't a douchebag, you feel bad for him. Unfortunately, in this case, the kid is a huge douchebag.

Now, since everyone else in the competition is mature and could care less how cool they look, he sees an opportunity to be "cool" and has decided to step up being a douche and act like he's the hottest guy in the entire state.

I could not believe he gave a blind woman a real crab to cut and cook. What a complete jackass. Then he has the audacity at the end of the episode to say that he needs to start taking out the "other douchebags" in the competition. Right.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
I forgot, does Masterchef do the challenge like on Hell's Kitchen where they present some complicated dish, allow the contestants to examine and taste it for a while, and then tell them to replicate it? I can imagine one of those would be really bad for Christine unless her aide is really good at visual descriptions.
I forgot, does Masterchef do the challenge like on Hell's Kitchen where they present some complicated dish, allow the contestants to examine and taste it for a while, and then tell them to replicate it? I can imagine one of those would be really bad for Christine unless her aide is really good at visual descriptions.

They have in previous seasons on one of the challenges i think... last season it happened when there were like 10 or fewer contestants... they had to replicate the previous years Winner i think.


I forgot, does Masterchef do the challenge like on Hell's Kitchen where they present some complicated dish, allow the contestants to examine and taste it for a while, and then tell them to replicate it? I can imagine one of those would be really bad for Christine unless her aide is really good at visual descriptions.

I remember they brought Cat Cora in to cook in front of them and then they had to replicate it.
UK Kitchen Nightmares is fantastic, absolutely different show from the US version, it doesn't have that fake talking heads moments that are prominent in the us shows, and it makes it so much better.
Shows themselves are more centered around the business, the food, and not around the people drama, and when they have that stuff it's shown in a tasetful manner. Music and editing is toned down also, it isn't overtly dramatic as in the US version.

As for the Masterchef: It's my favourite us show at the moment, really love how the chefs don't really compete that much and are more sympatethic to each other. I liked that in the second season, and it seems this season won't be different.

Pretty good summary of all UK reality tv compared to the US. I actually cringe every few minutes watching american reality TV.


Disappointed with Joe's meanness this season -- it's just not up to par. The old "taste, look, walk away" thing was so good. Already by the first elimination challenge he's thrown something in the trash, spit something out...where is he going to go from there? Fire their dish out of a cannon? I feel like he's overplaying it early. If Joe can't be amusingly cruel it's really going to eat into my enjoyment of the show. I felt like both he and Graham were bizarrely artificial in the auditions as well.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
It's jarring going from HK Ramsay to the enthusiastic and cheerful Ramsay in this.
Either the guy is a great actor or he's terribly bipolar. I'm not allowed to watch HK when the wife is around.... she gets disturbed by all the beeping.


Either the guy is a great actor or he's terribly bipolar. I'm not allowed to watch HK when the wife is around.... she gets disturbed by all the beeping.

He's probably a pretty good actor by this point, he's been doing various reality shows for almost 15 years. It's worth going back and seeing him on Boiling Point, the documentary about his restaurant that was his first appearance on TV -- he does offhandedly fire a waiter in the first episode, but his whole presentation is a lot more muted. That was back when he was opening his first solo restaurant, of course, so he had a little less to be bombastic about. But in general his attitude is different on every show he's on (although, yeah, that raw pork was a definite HK moment). MasterChef is a tearjerker, so he has to be positive. The problem with Hell's Kitchen at this point is that he's had ten years of needing to top his level of anger last season.
Disappointed with Joe's meanness this season -- it's just not up to par. The old "taste, look, walk away" thing was so good. Already by the first elimination challenge he's thrown something in the trash, spit something out...where is he going to go from there? Fire their dish out of a cannon? I feel like he's overplaying it early. If Joe can't be amusingly cruel it's really going to eat into my enjoyment of the show. I felt like both he and Graham were bizarrely artificial in the auditions as well.

Joe has been pretty sympathetic so far this season I think... maybe since he did so much early on, hes gotta slow it down, show some compassion and hell rip into them later on :p


:lol at Ryan thinking they weren't being picked because people couldn't identify their talent.

Awww yeah Christine gets the best advantage of all.


Guys guys guys I can't watch yet. Tell me what happened with Felix?

Looked like she was so focused on finishing the last platter that she forgot she was in a competition. She was still working after Ramsay said stop and then he came over and told her no cheating.
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