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MasterChef (US) - Gordon Ramsay, Graham Elliot, Lex Luthor, and lots of crying.

I liked that they showed what they're doing for the blind girl, figured they'd have someone to help in the pantry at least.

Still don't like how they portray things as if they could pick all the people moving on before getting to the last group.

Yeah, I wasn't a fan of that. Did they do it on past seasons? For some reason didn't remember them doing that. What are we supposed to think, they decided on the little taste tests as they walked around? Just dumb, if you are going to cut them so easily don't put them through.


They've done it in past seasons. Even to point where they'll send through an entire group and you know there's only two people left out of three or more groups left.

I have to assume that in reality they go through everyone and then bring them back up for elimination. But the show certainly doesn't give that impression.
What are we supposed to think, they decided on the little taste tests as they walked around? Just dumb, if you are going to cut them so easily don't put them through.
They do this further on when they pick just three dishes to actually taste and evaluate. Another part I don't care for. You have 12+ people cook, and we get to see three.


Yeah, I wasn't a fan of that. Did they do it on past seasons? For some reason didn't remember them doing that. What are we supposed to think, they decided on the little taste tests as they walked around? Just dumb, if you are going to cut them so easily don't put them through.

I dont think they ever did it for eliminations like tonight but they definitely did it for the cooking challenges where they would pick the top three dishes to taste without testing the other peoples.

edit - beaten and i agree its bullshit we dont get to see the other stuff the people cook
They've done it in past seasons. Even to point where they'll send through an entire group and you know there's only two people left out of three or more groups left.

I have to assume that in reality they go through everyone and then bring them back up for elimination. But the show certainly doesn't give that impression.

They do this further on when they pick just three dishes to actually taste and evaluate. Another part I don't care for. You have 12+ people cook, and we get to see three.

I knew they did it later on with picking the 3 standouts, but that at least makes more sense to me than just eliminating people out right based on impressions during the process.


I like it, mixing up the elimination. Surprised that disgusting looking biscuit wasn't up there.

Nevermind, it's up there, must've missed it.
Got hooked on MS and KN last year, there's a thread for everything on Neogaf I swear, haha

It's jarring going from HK Ramsay to the enthusiastic and cheerful Ramsay in this.

I know, Hell's Kitchen is too irritating and stressful to watch, it's just constant swearing, screaming, fighting and most of the chefs look really unhealthy or like borderline meth heads. I much prefer Kitchen Nightmares and Master Chef, way more fun and Ramsay is a lot more bearable and balanced. I gotta say though, Joe really comes off as a genuinely smug, rude piece of crap at times. Gordon can be obviously be a jerk and a loudmouth but he's still fun and you can tell it's mostly for show and even when he's cutting someone down, he will usually at least throw a helpful comment or two in as to what needed to be fixed. Joe just seems to like intimidating and humiliating people whenever he can. I like Graham, he's tough but likable and gives interesting comments but he's gotta lose the Dame Edna glasses.


God damnit I forgot to not watch the previews when there are team captain winners. The preview always spoils the losing team in the elimination challenge. Fuck u Fox.


Just started watching this on Hulu - anyone know if Seasons 1 & 2 are streaming anywhere? Professionals too.

EDIT: I guess Youtube has some of them in parts.


I'm in love with Felix.


So damn cute and such a good cook.


I don't care how cheesy it is I get happy when the christine does well

and I have a feeling right when the tall basketball guy gets some screentime he is going to go home.
Nice to see the previews from last week didn't give away the losing team. Maybe they learned?

How did someone not get their ass chewed up for the raw pork? They acted like it was no big deal and even went back and got some people new pork. That should have been an automatic vote lost.


I still prefer the mystery box episodes. They really never have the training to do the large catering challenges. Even the chefs on Top Chef struggle with those.
I don't care how cheesy it is I get happy when the christine does well
It helps that she's one of the more likable and forthright people.
and I have a feeling right when the tall basketball guy gets some screentime he is going to go home.
That does seem to be the black guy treatment on this show.


Yea I don't know what previews you watched but it gave away who was on what team and who was in the pressure test. I even complained about it lol.
What? It totally gave away the losing team.

Not from what I saw, maybe I saw something else? The preview I saw made it seem like the red team lost. Showed the red team captain(can't remember his name) struggling in the team challenge(him standing around dumbfounded) and looked like it showed him in the pressure cooker.

Could have been that I didn't pay attention to anyone else it showed though, I just saw the red teams captain and thought they were losing.


I actually watched both episodes this morning because I couldn't be in for them. Haven't deleted that yet so I checked. The preview shows two people from the losing team in talking heads about the elimination challenge thing, flashes two or three more in cuts and then focuses on Christine.

The episode itself was misleading about which team was "winning" during the Marine challenge.
I actually watched both episodes this morning because I couldn't be in for them. Haven't deleted that yet so I checked. The preview shows two people from the losing team in talking heads about the elimination challenge thing, flashes two or three more in cuts and then focuses on Christine.

The episode itself was misleading about which team was "winning" during the Marine challenge.

Hmm, Now I'm wondering what I saw. :lol Damn was hoping they had changed their ways. Hopes ruined, going back to not watching them.


I remember them showing christine with a blue apron and then her in the pressure challenge with a black apron on

edit - just watched it they only show the red team and the captain during the actual challenge but then fuck it up by showing frank and his team with black aprons in the pressure test. I like how they threw in a voice over from the red team's captain as if its going to confuse anyone when obviously the losing team is wearing a black apron and they can't both lose.

Im just going to hope I remember to skip the previews at the end of mystery box challenge episodes because thats usually how the pattern goes.
I'll cut out the preview and stick it on YouTube if anyone actually cares enough. Will only take a couple minutes. :lol

Neh, it's no big deal. I may have just seen a commercial or something and thought I was thinking of the preview.

For some reason I just remember seeing the red teams captain in a black apron. :lol


I knew who lost because it showed all the Asians doing the elimination.

lol i never noticed that but your right it does and they were all on one team.

and it was fucked up that christine got picked last (even though its kind of expected) I would have picked her and just had her taste all the food because she probably has the strongest palate of all those chefs. thats more useful in a competition than what half the people picked before her did. Oh and anyone else get the feeling that the dude made her serve for pity votes? thats seriously the dumbest way to get productivity out of her since someone has to stand next to her and tell her where to put it.


Yeah, she seems like a pretty rad reality tv show contestant.

I think in the preview there was a clip where she said something ridiculous like "haters are my motivators". That's not a thing that anyone should say.

Pretty sure that was Monty (Monti?) that said that in the preview in response to Ryan getting on her case.


Felix is naughty. I can feel it.

Behind her cute angel like face I can smell that she is a beast in bed.

I don't know why I have this impression of her.

And she's a great cook too!


Felix is hot, and the blind girl is doing awesome I hope she gets pretty far, I don't think she's the best cook per se but man she is better than tali.
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