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MasterChef (US) - Gordon Ramsay, Graham Elliot, Lex Luthor, and lots of crying.


Wow, Joe is kinda of nice tonight. I missed the first part so I don't know about the Hindu girl. Watching last week, I think they focus way too much on Whitney. Glad they toned it down tonight


What a fucking joke Slim is. Doesn't even know how to cook a crab, glad Ramsay told her she was torturing it and was being a dumbass.


Wow, Slim is dumber than I thought. Ramsay even gave her an out and she didn't take it. Now all I need is Whitney gone and I would be ok with anyone winning except for maybe Sharone. Sharone went from all-star nice guy to giant douche in like one week.


Did Slim just rip apart a live crab with her bare hands? :lol The contrast between her and the Hindu chick was amusing.


From: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/01/arts/television/01masterchef.html
Mr. Ramsay, the infamous British chef and host of two reality shows on Fox, “Hell’s Kitchen” and “Kitchen Nightmares,” has added a third competition this summer, “MasterChef,” for amateurs who have dreams of fine-dining careers. It is the standout reality show of the summer, and Fox is on the verge of ordering a second season.

“He is our version of ‘CSI,’ ” said Mike Darnell, Fox’s president of alternative entertainment, referring to the three-legged CBS crime franchise. Presuming that all three shows continue, Mr. Ramsay “won’t be off the schedule for more than a couple weeks at a time,” Mr. Darnell said.


Sad to see Jake go home, good guy, and kept things entertaining.

It's kinda funny how it seemed Lee hardly even existed in previous episodes, and then in this one he's all over the place. :lol

I feel like I'm liking Joe less and less each episode. It's pretty apparent that his food and cooking knowledge, beyond Italian dishes, is nowhere near the other two, and therefore his dickish attitude isn't really earned.
Sharone is getting a bit of a working over by the judges. Haha.

Ramsay's pants are tight.
I keep getting drawn into the money maker area.


KibblesBits said:
Sharone is getting a bit of a working over by the judges. Haha.

Ramsay's pants are tight.
I keep getting drawn into the money maker area.

mmmmmm, me too. LOVE the accent.


Sheetal said David's name way too enthusiastically :lol

(she's obviously not a fan of him from the things she writes on her blog)


Man, I'm shocked that Sharone is gone. Thought he was a finalist the whole time. Still plenty of time for Crying Guy to win it all!


Narag said:
Damn these dramatic commercial breaks.

I know right. All that for some freaking ingredient :lol

Sharone is gone, but the fact that he could have a job at Joe`s restaurant is cool. Next week is the finale?


Yes Sharone. Yer outta here.

tell us about your dish. Instead goes on a monologue about his life.
the sea salt at the end was just cherry on top :lol


The product placement in this show is soooo bad. Instead of saying "You'll be cooking on our brand-name skillets today" MasterChef crams it down your throat.

"Wow look at that brilliant sear on that whatever-the-fuck-brand-name skillet. It's so great because you can get that sear and not have to worry about it sticking. It's amazing!". And the contestants are always like "Yeah...okay."

Love the show, though. :lol


So tonights the season finale. Any thoughts on who is going to be Master Chef? I'd say either David or Whitney


Jakfu said:
So tonights the season finale. Any thoughts on who is going to be Master Chef? I'd say either David or Whitney

I've been pulling for David the whole time. He has the personality and skills.


Crying guy is advancing, we all know it. He had the balls to make the recipe his own.

Especially since the concept is to make a recipe book.


They're criticizing them for breaking tradition when that's the entire reason David won?



Zoe said:
They're criticizing them for breaking tradition when that's the entire reason David won?


To be fair, I think that's kinda the trick though. Or at least to hear the process they're going through.


This is actually a really good final. Lee was too much of a by-the-book great chef. Whitney and David will be a really creative final. It's amazing how much more confident(real confidence) both finalists have.


I think what I enjoyed most about this show was how the competitors were mostly supportive of one another. Backstabbing gets boring.


Gaborn said:
You can tell the judges both love and want to beat David down for his confidence.

I still can't figure out if Beef Wellington is the smartest or dumbest thing David has done ever.:lol


If he pulls it off maybe Ramsey will bring him on to teach all the Hell's Kitchen idiots how to cook one for a change.


Tamanon said:
I still can't figure out if Beef Wellington is the smartest or dumbest thing David has done ever.:lol

It's very very smart - if it's PERFECT. If it's not it's a huge backfire.

benjipwns said:
If he pulls it off maybe Ramsey will bring him on to teach all the Hell's Kitchen idiots how to cook one for a change.

It'd be kinda cool actually if there was some crossover somehow between the two shows.
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