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MasterChef (US) - Gordon Ramsay, Graham Elliot, Lex Luthor, and lots of crying.


I do not know how two meatloafs from two contestants got them aprons, i love meatloaf don't get me wrong. I mean i make a great meatloaf and my friends always want me to make it but come on, if someone brought me a meatloaf in a food cooking contest i would have to turn them away.

maybe it was super dank meatloaf though?

i mean, i'd expect them to be really hard on it, so if they liked it its probably really good.


Ok, finally saw ep 1.

Favorites out of those that got in:

Dark horse:
Beaver guy
NFL guy

and yeah, Adriana is ridiculously cute.
Liking the people that have went through so far, but man is it just me or does the show seem more produced/put together? The part with filleting the fish, the part where they walk away while the chick is still talking, so many people going back to get their supporters. Just seemed more forced than usual.

Dammit I know Sasha will probably go far, and it's going to annoy me the entire damn time.


Hopefully Adriana will be in this show for a while, she's stunning.

Can't wait for the first skill challenge episode, half of the people with aprons will be kicked out and it will be glorious to watch.


I don't know what it is, but I can't stand the "auditions" period of this show. I enjoy the competition when it begins, but these first few episodes are so unwatchable to me.


I don't know what it is, but I can't stand the "auditions" period of this show. I enjoy the competition when it begins, but these first few episodes are so unwatchable to me.


They milk out some back story, have the tasting with the judges giving bizarre stares, and then one says yes, one says no, and then final judge just sort of sits there while dramatic music swells up and the contestant starts pleading over why they should get an apron.

Then it cuts to the Masterchef door, it opens, and they come skipping out with a shit-eating grin on their face.

Or they pad it out with stuff like that proposal for contestants who don't make it.

They milk out some back story, have the tasting with the judges giving bizarre stares, and then one says yes, one says no, and then final judge just sort of sits there while dramatic music swells up and the contestant starts pleading over why they should get an apron.

Then it cuts to the Masterchef door, it opens, and they come skipping out with a shit-eating grin on their face.

Or they pad it out with stuff like that proposal for contestants who don't make it.

The dissagreeing this year seems way over the top as well. Graham says it has tons of flavor, Lex Luthor says he disagrees the other judges are stupid, Graham says "well, I disagree.". It seemed like the exact same argument every time.


Hmm, that looked really delicious actually. Simple but good.

I think Joe was absolutely floored his grandma was black.

Oh yeah, we're in Community now. Wonder if folks will find the thread, lol.
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