Matt Lauer is and always has been a joke and a disgrace to the profession he purports to belong to.
Sadly, many major network anchors and pundits have taken it woefully easy on Trump throughout this cycle, including some who I otherwise respect, likely out of a desire not to alienate their programs from him and the heavy ratings he inevitably drags in tow. Not to mention the vested interest these networks have in misleadingly portraying the candidates as somehow equally flawed and thus closer competitors than the truth belies. The journalistic bankruptcy displayed by Lauer here and his peers over the past year has been nothing short of breathtaking. Print media, mercifully, has been better on this front.
Keep on lobbin' them softballs at Prima Donald, Lauer and your ilk. Just don't forget to intentionally mischaracterize Clinton's e-mails as the disqualifying failure that it isn't and further squander what little professional integrity remains to you.