I'm rewatching parts of the forum, and one thing I noticed (unrelated to the questioning) was that she stood during the questioning, suggesting a deeper engagement with the questioner. Trump just lazily sat there. Now whether that we planned or not, it caught my attention as very respectful.
As for the emails, it's always going to be an issue, whether people are sick of hearing about it or not. Most people view it as a judgment issue, and it's important that any issues people have regarding the judgment qualities of the candidates are always raised. Having said that, there definitely wasn't an equal amount of time devoted to issues that question Trump's judgment. I think one question that could have been hammered is Trump's claim about knowing more about ISIS than the generals. He clearly doesn't, and Lauer only asked him twice. And twice, Trump evaded the topic. But Lauer interrupted Trump with another a point that was a little different. I was expecting him to follow-up with "how could you, as having served zero days in the government, possibly know more about ISIS?" But he didn't.
He also talked about Trump being so cozy with Putin. But Trump spent a lot of time going back and forth so....there's that.
By my count, there was approximately 2 1/2 minutes discussing Trump's judgment (generals and Russia) and 6 minutes talking about Hillary's judgment (emails). Maybe there is more on Trump, but those are the topics that stuck out to me as the biggest and most noteworthy critiques of their judgment.
(I didn't meticulously analyze each question...just quickly went through what I remembered and tried to find things I may have forgotten)
So on that front, it was definitely an imbalanced interview (then again, more people are said to trust Trump over Hillary, so there's that, lol)