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Mawaru! Made in Wario Impressions

That might be true Jarrod, but they'd also be DS games (since it's backwards compatible AND the cart slot is in the same place as the SP) in a sense.

So ok NOA, where's the Seima no Kouseki announcement/date already? As far as I know, there's still no listing for it. And Rekka no Ken + would be nice.


Dan: yeh, I realise that much, but I'm slightly nervous considering it took almost FIFTEEN FUCKING YEARS for the first English FE release, and the fact that Seima no Kouseki is definatley teh rox.


Dragona Akehi said:
That might be true Jarrod, but they'd also be DS games (since it's backwards compatible AND the cart slot is in the same place as the SP) in a sense.
True... actually I think Wario Ware Twist and Yoshi's Universe might be the real test of Nintendo '3rd pillar' PR. If Nintendo really considers DS as a seperate product they'll release them. If not (and they consider DS to be the GBA successor), they won't bother as the DS versions will be significantly cheaper to produce and it'll avoid overlap in their product schedule. We'll see... just don't get your hopes up.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Nah, way too early to start getting worried. At the earliest you can get antsy in mid-late December or early January when we find out NOA's general schedule for the first few months of the year.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
jarrod said:
Sure... and Yoshi is probably a guaranteed big seller. F-Zero might have some strong pull with the TV series though (Kirby saw a similar revitalization). Still, expensive custom carts + DS versions puts a big question mark over WarioWare & Yoshi imo.

People hate F-Zero. I don't know why (it's probably the art style actually), but it hasn't sold well for a long time now. Someone at Nintendo loves the series though, they keep churning them out to average sales and now it's on TV! Very strange. Kirby's always sold better, I don't think it's the same situation.

You're right about the third pillar thing though. Will be interesting, especially as third parties certainly don't seem to see them that way.


Mama Smurf said:
People hate F-Zero. I don't know why (it's probably the art style actually), but it hasn't sold well for a long time now. Someone at Nintendo loves the series though, they keep churning them out to average sales and now it's on TV! Very strange. Kirby's always sold better, I don't think it's the same situation.
Well really, we haven't seen how the show could impact F-Zero sales in the US yet. We'll see with GP Legend in the September NPD.


(more a nerd than a geek)
See, I think both Wario and Yoshi will make a GBA release here in the USA... at the very least, they'd serve to promote interest in the DS games.


Sorry, I'd love to post pics (the box is pretty cool too) but my real computer is out of commission right now and this wireless laptop is SUPER slow, I don't even want to think about the time it'll take to upload pics :p


Dragona Akehi said:
So ok NOA, where's the Seima no Kouseki announcement/date already? As far as I know, there's still no listing for it. And Rekka no Ken + would be nice.

Rekka no Ken +? Don't you mean Fuuin no Tsurugi?


And even i am moderately surprised
picked up today...


awesome stuff!

i like the nice "clicky" feel from the unit when you turn the GBA, very nice.


DCharlie said:
picked up today...


awesome stuff!

i like the nice "clicky" feel from the unit when you turn the GBA, very nice.
leaves office in search of Mawaru: Made In Wario


And even i am moderately surprised
small store in TD

I've nearly finished the main game though (although the original wasn't hard either)

EDIT : Now finished.


And even i am moderately surprised
As requested - plus some extras....

contemplating whether to play this on the train today or not....






works for Gamestop (lol)
Looks like the pirates have already dumped the rom, but obviously it's unplayable. Wonder if they can get it emulated...

Come on NoA, bring this game over. I can handle a DS and GBA version :|


And even i am moderately surprised
my GF bought me a huge slime for Xmas... it's bean bag sized!

Anyways, voted against playing on the train... damn work getting in the way of my gaming again :(


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
That sensor's lookin' kinda big next to that SP. Hope it's not too annoying.

The place I'm importing it from said it shipped but we'll see how long the Global Priority takes over the Pacific :(.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Dsal said:
The place I'm importing it from said it shipped but we'll see how long the Global Priority takes over the Pacific :(.

Is that the FedEX one? I got something from the states to NZ in about 6 days.


The sensor looks like the rumble pack for the N64 but a tad smaller. Might feel a bit awkward at first but I'm sure it'll come natural after a little play... please God let NoA bring this and Yoshi over. PLEASE!


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
0wn3d said:
Not only am I jealous that you got the game...

I'm jealous of that slime in the background. ><

Well I have seen his whole slime family... more than in the damn game mori mori....


So what type of mini games did 9-Volt have then? Is this 18-Volt guy got SNES type games or something?

What type of unlockables? Any games ports of older games like Fly Swat?

They should port Yoshi's Safari and Duck Hunt to Wario Ware Touch :p
I just went to the local store and they had it and WOULDN'T SELL TO ME. They were like "t goes on sale tomorrow" and I just kind of stared at them cause I've NEVER seen a game store enforce a for-sale date in over three years in Japan. Maybe it's a city thing. I was like "but if I can't buy it tonight then I'll just get it tomorrow in Shibuya!" and they stared at me like "is he threatening us?" and I was like "what the hell!" and left.

Hate hate hate hate hate.


DCharlie said:
As requested - plus some extras....

contemplating whether to play this on the train today or not....





Damn those shots really make me want an SP, still holding out for the DS though.

*plays crappy launch GBA :(*



john tv said:
Strangely enough, the upcoming Yoshi game uses a different sensor than this one. I wonder what that one does?
At a guess, I'd say it uses the same motion sensor but lacks the rumble pack.


I've been horribly sick so I haven't been able to play since I last posted... but off the top of my head, 9-Volt's games include Donkey Kong JR (move it side to side rapidly to make DK climb), Donkey Kong 3 (shoot stuff at DK's ass) Zelda 1 (move Link's shield to block attacks from Octoroks), Mario 3 (Mario is on a rotating platform which you control, move it to make sure he doesn't get hit), Wrecking Crew (rotate it and then press A to blow up bombs and take out baddies before they get you), Kid Icarus (move Kid left and right to avoid getting hit), Ice Climber (you're holding a hammer, swing it left or right to smack an enemy) and two Metroid 1 games (in one Samus is a morph ball and needs to collect missiles, in the other the tilt controls her gun arm and you have to aim and fire).

One thing to note is that whereas the games in the first Made in Wario were virtually pixel-perfect reproductions of the originals, in this one there are some pretty major edits to make them a bit more obvious. For instance the ground in the Kid Icarus/DK3 games are curved, in Wrecking Crew and Zelda 1 you get an overhead view (I know Zelda is overhead already, but this is, um... more overhead), the view is zoomed-in in Ice Climber, etc.


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
Wario64 said:
Lik-sang.com is selling the game for $49 USD, free shipping worldwide



Yeah that's where I got mine. The thing is the free shipping doesn't have a tracking number that gives you updates. So you just have to wait until it shows up. For most sane people that wouldn't be a problem, but I'm antsy :D.

For the people that have played it already, is it hard to see what's going on on the screen when you're turning the GBA around so much? Is it a problem?
There was once a nice little store in Ebisu that sold games early, but they closed down. Maybe we'll have to go to the store that DCharlie goes to in order to get the games early. Maybe we'll have to beat the location out of him tomorrow night (and let's hope it's not between two pachinko parlors and has a bunch of porn magazines in its front display... Wednesdays are already embarrassing enough).


Yeah, it can get a little hard to see what's going on when you're shaking the GBA rapidly... it isn't a huge problem though.

Oh I forgot one of my favourite 9-Volt games: Ice Hockey. You're the fat guy. Move it left and right to check the thin guys.


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
Just imagine trying to play this game with the older non-backlit GBA! You had to be in just the right angle to the light to see anything. Now you're moving it around all over the place... must be tough without the SP.


WONDERFUL feel when rotating. I used it on an old-skool GBA and it felt perfect. Those with smaller hands (ones that can't handle the manly-sized Xbox controller) might enjoy the SP better.

The games are good, I just know I'll be wanting more content (can you ever have too much?).


Fowler said:
Also, I forgot to mention that it has a rumble feature built in.
Does it use the power from your GameBoy or do you need a seperate battery (as it was with the Rumble Pak for the N64) ?



Acrylamid said:
Does it use the power from your GameBoy or do you need a seperate battery (as it was with the Rumble Pak for the N64) ?


Uses the GBA's power -- it's not a very powerful rumble like the Rumble Pak, it's more a buzz as feedback.
I just got this game today and I've got to say it's a serious contender for Game of the Year.

Circular Mario Bros is the BEST BOSS GAME EVER

Here's a picture if anybody is wondering what the humongo cart looks like.



Played StrikerObi's copy tonight... oh my god, it's so good. Nintendo will die if they dont release this here.


And even i am moderately surprised
"Definitely definitely DEFINITELY the GBA GOTY so far. Simply awesome."

i think there will be a Game-science.com review up soon - the game does have some issues unfortunately :(

But it's still GBA GOTY! :)

(anyone actually dared to play this in public)

john tv

I have, yeah. :) Played it on the train yesterday and then on the walk from the station to O last night...

Prolly got lots of strange looks but I wouldn't know cause I was trying to play the game, lol

EDIT: long as it's not spoilery, what kinds of issues are you talking about?


And even i am moderately surprised
tried the hard "one chance" tower yet?

I'm convinced that some of the games are actually impossible to complete in their hardest form - ESPECIALLY the keyring game with concentric key rings. The clock starts ticking and you are out of time by the time you've cleared the first ring... :(

Conversely, the main game was far too easy.

I'd have liked more modes too - there isn't anything for having multiple players. Given that a GC version is unlikely (how can you turn your device with it wired to the GC?) then some simple turn based games would have been nice.
I'd like to take this time to say a very heartfelt and personal thank you to the good folks at the US Postal Service for not bothering to deliver my so-called overnight package containing this game. Your dedication* knows no bounds.

*to being complete fucking inefficient lazy jackoffs
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