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Mawaru! Made in Wario Impressions


works for Gamestop (lol)
Is there a mode similiar to Made in Wario's red elevator stage, where the games get faster and faster? I got so damn addicted to that stage in the original...my high score is still 338 for that stage. I would find it nuts if this new one has a similiar stage. Tilt sensor + quick microgames would make me go crazy
Kobun Heat said:
I'd like to take this time to say a very heartfelt and personal thank you to the good folks at the US Postal Service for not bothering to deliver my so-called overnight package containing this game. Your dedication* knows no bounds.

*to being complete fucking inefficient lazy jackoffs

Isn't overnight free if they don't deliver (Or is that just domestic)?
ravingloon said:
Isn't overnight free if they don't deliver (Or is that just domestic)?
It was actually a domestic shipment.

I do believe they say they'll refund your money if they screw up, but I bet dollars to donuts there's a little asterisk next to it that effectively absolves them of all responsibility.


DCharlie said:
(anyone actually dared to play this in public)

I played it on the train to drinking last night and work this morning. It is that much harder to play when you get jolted around, either forcing you to actually move, or just moving the sensor in the game.

Everyone must have thought I was retarded because I was 360ing my GBA (not pressing any buttons) while laughing to myself... and not holding onto anything to stable myself so I would go stumbling across the isle every now and then... while laughing.

GBA GOTY. Thank you Nintendo for bringing playful FUN back into the market.

The main game is a little short, but the game is appealing enough AND has a lot of unlockable mini-games, etc. to make it all worth it.


Wario64 said:
Looks like the pirates have found a way to emulate the game...
What is the point? The whole fun of the game is in moving the machine around and getting used to the movement sensor. With an emulator, it's probably a snoozefest. But yeah, I guess hackers like a challenge :(


works for Gamestop (lol)
Yeah, there's really no point in playing it. But they did find a way to get it to work. If anything, I hope the rom convinces people to buy the actual game
The game's really growing on me - not that I wasn't anything short of enthused from the beginning, but the more I get used to the shaking cartridge, the more fun it is. I've unlocked all the minigames for the first two characters ... moving on to the rest.

Small question for those who have finished the main game:
I still have one "character" left unlocked after completing the game. Do I have to get 25 points in the One Chance hard tower or something? Cause that's just not fucking possible.

And a statement for those who've beaten 9-Volt:
Circle Mario Bros. is the best thing EVER! I really hope one of the unlockable mini games is 1-1 in its entirety...

I also agree with DCharlie that some of the hard puzzles seem absolutely impossible ... like literally so. This is unfortunate as Made in Wario, while often very difficult, was always fair about being completable. Some of these hard puzzles require hand motions and speed that would torque your GBA in half.

Even so, easy winner for GBA GOTY.


BTW, RE: 9-Volt's boss stage...

You guys ever replay 9-Volt's stage for a high score? The harder versions of the boss are actually different levels -- 1-2, 1-3 etc, it's awesome :)


I just broke down and ordered from play asia too. Took advantage of the situation to also buy Katamari Damacy Japanese, and a couple of the Mario dioramas.


Umm, is there a way to make the cart more sensitive?

I picked up the game today and I'm finding it ridiculously difficult because the damn thing won't move strongly unless I fully tilt the game 90 degrees. Yet when I tilt the game I CAN'T SEE THE SCREEN >_<

I don't quit get it. I've tried standing and dancing around with it, swooping my body right when I tilt right and bobbing to the left when I tilt left but I don't get it. Is there any way to play this game while sitting where you can still see the screen to avoid things?

Also I picked up Kururin Squash along with it because of all the Kururin praise on these forums. It better be good or I'll have to denounce the forum.


And even i am moderately surprised
"I picked up the game today and I'm finding it ridiculously difficult because the damn thing won't move strongly unless I fully tilt the game 90 degrees. Yet when I tilt the game I CAN'T SEE THE SCREEN >_<"

you are making the same mistake as i am!

You don't TILT!
you have to physically TURN the GBA....

so , you have to move your GBA like this :


rather than tilting... i had the same problem for a while...

john tv

Didn't you guys watch the cute little (cough, mandatory) "tadashii asobikata" bit after you started your game? It shows you how to play, even has a little picture and everything... :)


I cannot get more than 11 on the
one life monkey tower
. It is doing my head in! I can at least do the one
where you have to get the key off the keyring
, though :)
I'm missing one level in
stage. The next-to-last one on the Zukan. I've done it at all three difficulties (though not successfully) and it WON'T REGISTER! Has anyone else had this problem? More to the point; has anyone else gotten it to register?
JackFrost2012 said:
And a statement for those who've beaten 9-Volt:
You don't want to know! Seriously! Go back to whatever you were doing. Nothing to see here. Wait for Spaceworld.

My copy will be here today, and NCS is going to get a refund on the shipping from the gummint.


not to mention that "mawaru" means "to rotate". =)


buh, mine won't be here for like, 700 years. fucking ground shipping. is there a better place to buy games than NCS?


And even i am moderately surprised
"Whoa whoa whoa, you SPIN the GBA rather than tilt!?!?"

yes, and some levels require you to rotate your GBA through 720+ degrees....
I just completed the zukan (game index) and unlocked
Pyoro R. Pyoro sits in the middle of a small planet at the bottom of the screen, and you rotate him left and right and use A to shoot out his tongue. There's a lot of different types of insects attacking his planet, this time, so it's kind of like a spherical Galaga ... or something. Bonuses for killing multiple enemies in a single tongue-thrust.

I'm fairly certain that Mawaru! Made in Wario "cheats" on the random number generator to make unshown games more likely to appear during level playthroughs. I cleared out almost every stage in 3-4 playthroughs, except for
, who took so many playthroughs to get the ONE LAST GAME I thought my copy was buggy.

I'm now torn on what to do next: normally, I'd go straight to the zukan and start "clearing" characters, but the sheer number of Gashapon unlockables makes me want to stick to trying to best high scores. Any suggestions? Also, I'm still missing the "character" just to the right of 9-Volt ... anyone know who this is?


Running off of Custom Firmware

They have to release this here. They have to.

How hard would it be for someone who doesn't speak a lick of Japanese?


Mejilan said:
How hard would it be for someone who doesn't speak a lick of Japanese?
There are, I think, three games that feature Japanese words as part of the gameplay, but they're not critical games like the RPG boss in the first game, they're just regular minigames. You probably won't be able to get a high score in the mini-game collection on those three games, unless you take a crash course in hiragana, but you should be able to pass the story parts that contain them.

Finally unlocked the last ? in story mode last night.
You need to
get a score of 50 or more in Wario Watch
and the game itself is
a new version of Wario Watch starting with 5 seconds on the clock!
. So now I'm going through the Zukan, trying to open everything up in story mode, and I am wondering what is the relevance of
's presence in the Zukan list? Do his minigames just pop up randomly in any of the story games, or do you have to focus on one specific story?

As for the gatchapons, a lot of the mini-games you can unlock are fantastic. Some are almost good enough to be a game in their own right, notably
Wario Bike
. The records are also really cool. I think the gatchapon collection may give this game a lot more replayability than the first game.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Thank Jonny. It'd irk me that I wouldn't be able to "perfect" my skills thanks to the language barrier. But, if NoA drops the ball on this one, I'll import it in the future.
So they tried to deliver it to work on Saturday (two days late, in case you were counting) and were shocked to find... nobody was there! Guess I'll have it tomorrow.

Johnny, the character of
just pops of randomly in other people's stages. You can complete that part of the zukan while playing anybody stages at all, so just keep at it. It's a cool "extra" character, though. Thanks for the info on unlocking the last mode - sounds like a blast!

My luck on unlocking gatchapon minigames has been terrible ... I've only gotten three. Meanwhile, I've gotten every record but one and over half the musical instruments. >_< Well, I'll keep at it ... the gatchapons are a great way to keep you aiming for high scores even after the zukan is complete; now there's a reason to keep focusing on beating your high scores in the stage modes and not just single-game your way through the zukan. I'm sure that there's still a great minigame for full-zukan clear, though...

BTW, I'm tempted to plug in my GBA and leave the
"don't move" egg
minigame on overnight. Wonder if there's a special gatchapon for hitting 999?


JackFrost2012 said:
BTW, I'm tempted to plug in my GBA and leave the
"don't move" egg
minigame on overnight. Wonder if there's a special gatchapon for hitting 999?
Haha, I got mine to 350 but was worried about it crashing, because the screen was going crazy by that point.


works for Gamestop (lol)
GG-Duo said:
The Made in Wario series has the greatest CM campaigns ever.

Indeed. Just watched them all today. I wonder what they're gonna do for the next Made in Wario game after the NDS version. It seems pretty tough to keep pumping them out with crazy ideas that actually work


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
Got mine last night.

The control is really well done and "sticky" with the positive tactile feedback that the rumble thingy provides.

The difficulty level was really low though :(

Still, the entire experience is fun and just flat-out hilarious. I was giggling like a schoolgirl though most of the game play. After handing it off to other people to play, they were all reduced to giggles within a few seconds. I think game has the fastest 0-60 giggle speed in all of gamedom.

It's interesting, because the original WarioWare GBA game mostly confused and flustered casual gamers when I'd hand them the game. They never knew if they were supposed to be using the D-pad or a button. But with this interface, there's almost never any question about how you're supposed to interact.


/me wonders if they'll use this tech in Revolution's controllers, given that it works so well in this game. 360 degree spinning wireless controlers here we come! Yay!


got mine yesterday. Lots of fun, but sometimes I get confused about which direction to spin.

Loved the umbrella balancing. There is me calmly playing at my desk at work, the occasional flick of the wrist, all very discreet. Then the umbrella starts getting out of control and I'm twisting and turning like a loon :D

not too bad though - can't believe you can't skip the animations the first time they appear. Very un-Nintendo.
I've got about 85% of the unlockables. I had crap luck unlocking minigames, only got about 3 for the first 80%. The upside is I now tend to unlock 1-2 minigames per character session. :) Though the majority of items can be unlocked anywhere, it turns out there's a subset of toys and of musical instruments specific to each character's stage. Math shows us that the more complete the "general" pool of items is, the more likely you are to get a "character specific" item. So you'll get the great majority of these last.

In any case, I've unlocked some GREAT minigames.
Table Hockey Forever
is exactly what the name implies, and
Long Jump
is surprisingly addictive, too. The definite winner so far though is
Space Boomerang! You toss a boomerang with a wrist flicking motion, and it kills all the flying enemies in its path, building a point multiplier on its path. Large flick = large arc, small flick = small arc. You have to catch the boomerang on the return path or its Game Over. Most "regular" enemies are harmless, but some go for the arm and have to be taken out ASAP. Powerups include a bounceback shield, screen crash, time slower, etc. It's really addictive and zen-like and fun.

The most complex minigame I've unlocked is
Putter Golf, which actually has a full set of (linear) holes. You putt from left to right over hills, up jump ramps, through sand traps and over water hazards to land in the hole. I played at least six holes worth ... there's probably at least 9, maybe a full 18.

Viva Mawaru!


Knows the Score
Just noticed spong say this is scheduled for a March release in Euroland, so maybe it'll appear in the US soon.


I've got a ton of mini games unlocked now too, but my favourite by a long way is
Nekoroid, in which you roll a fat cat around the floor while shooting enemies at various angles.
Hilarious fun.
At last, I have proof that God hates me!! I just finished the last of the unlockables, save character-specific ones. My last two unlockables were two minigames:
Wario Bike and Nekoroid
. Of COURSE these are widely perceived to be the best minigames! Sob. Wonder what happens to the gashapon machine if I try a fully "cleared out" character, now...

Edit: Okay, now THIS is strange. Johnny, someone, help! When I use the Gatchapon machine on a "cleared out" character, now, I get
phone numbers
. According to the description, I can use these with the
old-style telephone
. The problem is
I can't find the numbers anywhere! They don't show up as a new "object" under gashapon, and I can't make them "appear" while using the old-style telephone. I want to call people!

Edit 2: Also, I can now say that, without a doubt, THE BEST minigame is
Apple Hunting
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