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Max Payne 3 |OT| Funny as hell, we couldn't decide on a sub-title


Where can I get the official soundtrack that's out today? Not iTunes. Thanks!

It's an iTunes exclusive.

Pre-orders and owners of the SE got a redemption code for the soundtrack, but it's missing two tracks that are present on the iTunes release, and really, really good tracks at that.


I'm at Chapter 7 and so far I don't like it, something about the way the gunplay works feels off. It's just not fun for me, the only reason I keep playing is because of the level design.

Bullet time seems useless, you kill the guys only to discover that there are more, now you're in the open, slow ass Max needs ages to get up, you get hit, pop a painkiller, screen distorts, you need to readjust yourself.
Also oh, there's a guy behind glass, let's activate bullet time and take him out. Nope, bullet time renders glass all shiny so you can't see shit.
Every shootout feels the same, it's just different environments, wouldn't be a problem if the actual shooting was fun, which it isn't

Pretty much the same to me. But I'm liking the setting, history and level design.

I'm playing on the PS3 and to me the game looks as good as Uncharted. It's a different look, but damn the graphics are great! I really enjoy the realistic setting.

As a brazilian I was really curious about how Rockstar would portrait the country. The only issue I've got is that we never had problems with paramilitary groups.

Yeah, violence and crime are an issue, but as a country we got solid foundations. Institutional insecurity is thankfully not a problem we're facing.


You guys hate the gunplay, of all things? Euphoria makes it a gem. It's damn violent and feels very tactile due to it. Several kills I've had have been jaw-dropping due to the enemy reactions.

I was gonna wait for the PC version, but I just Redboxed the PS3 version in the meantime. Playing on Hard + Free Aim is fun and challenging. Normally I loathe dual analog for shooters but the feel of the gunplay here makes it worth it. Can't wait for the freedom that'll be offered with a mouse; if there is one thing annoying about the gunplay it comes down to the typical limitations of shitty dual analog.
You guys hate the gunplay, of all things? Euphoria makes it a gem. It's damn violent and feels very tactile due to it. Several kills I've had have been jaw-dropping due to the enemy reactions.

With Mass Effect 3, Uncharted 3, and now this game in the last 6 months, I've come to know more than ever that everyone really does have their own opinions.....Some of which I truly do not understand. Aside from getting gibs with the Gnasher in Gears 3, there's not a single shooter in 7 years I've had more fun with purely shooting enemies. I just.....I don't get the gunplay complaints.

Opinions. Gotta love em
or not


I like how the guns feel. I like it better than Uncharted for example where it takes 10 to 15 shots to take down an enemy. My main problem is with the controls.

I don't know if Red Dead Revolver is a good comparison, but I was a damn good shoot on that game, the controls clicked with me. I mean, I'm a good player on most third person shooters I try, but here I'm like a drunk lost in a firefight...

Well I think at least it fits with the story! :)

I put all the sensibility settings to the max and it still feels slow and janky to me...

To each his own I guess.


With Mass Effect 3, Uncharted 3, and now this game in the last 6 months, I've come to know more than ever that everyone really does have their own opinions.....Some of which I truly do not understand. Aside from getting gibs with the Gnasher in Gears 3, there's not a single shooter in 7 years I've had more fun with purely shooting enemies. I just.....I don't get the gunplay complaints.

Opinions. Gotta love em
or not

Yup, some people sure are strange. There is no other game on the market which so successfully conveys the feeling of pumping bullets into human bodies. Everything just feels so physical, from Max's movement, to the amazing Euphoria-based hit reactions. I could watch enemies in this game fall down sets of stair forever.


I'd like Max to be able to move directly from cover to cover, much like in Mass Effect 3

And it would be nice for him to get up from the ground directly into cover. Not stand up and slowly hide behind something.

The gameplay would be pretty much perfect with those 2 things (imo of course)
I think mechanically it's probably the best TPS outside of Vanquish, certainly better than Gears and Uncharted.

I love Vanquish, but the act of shooting enemies is more fun in this game IMO. Vanquish was all about the crazy crap possible with melee, the weapons, and the bosses, but shooting robots just ain't the same.

EDIT: And that makes me sound crazy, but you know what I mean. *shifty eyes*

EDIT2: Okay better way of putting it is "Shooting enemies without Euphoria physics just ain't the same." IS THAT BETTER? JEEZ


I think mechanically it's probably the best TPS outside of Vanquish, certainly better than Gears and Uncharted.

Hmmm, mechanically I am not so sure. The cover system is very slow and sloppy, and limited in that you can't really slide around corners properly. The mechanics are serviceable enough for the game, but I think it's the animation, collision detection and audio-visual presentation which really seals the deal and makes this one of the best third person-shooters in years.

The thing about this game is that even after a week of playing it, all I can think about while I'm at work is: I wanna play more Max Payne 3. That's my mark of a great game.


Yup, some people sure are strange. There is no other game on the market which so successfully conveys the feeling of pumping bullets into human bodies. Everything just feels so physical, from Max's movement, to the amazing Euphoria-based hit reactions. I could watch enemies in this game fall down sets of stair forever.

This can be a double-edged sword at times, like how long it takes for Max to get off his ass when he's on the floor or getting in and out of cover.

It's also weird that they mapped the 180 quick-turn to just about the worst place imaginable on the controller. I don't know why they didn't map it to X/A while you're aiming, a la Shadows of the Damned.


This can be a double-edged sword at times, like how long it takes for Max to get off his ass when he's on the floor or getting in and out of cover.

It's also weird that they mapped the 180 quick-turn to just about the worst place imaginable on the controller. I don't know why they didn't map it to X/A while you're aiming, a la Shadows of the Damned.

You're absolutely right, of course. The physicality of the animation cuts both ways, granting the game its highs and lows. Max's lumbering quality can be frustrating as heck, but there's something about his weightiness which connects me with him in a tangible way... almost like he's a real guy whose limitations I need to be mindful of.

One of Max Payne 3's great strengths is the dichotomy of its central character: he oscillates between superhuman and fragile. He is the terminator, but he is also a fragile, middle-aged man. The contrast creates this amazing tension, and makes it all the more satisfying when you launch out of cover and take out five enemies in a single shoot dodge.


Finished it the other night, I can kinda see how people were having trouble with checkpoints, but the only bad one I experienced was at the start of the
final, airport level when Max comes in on the baggage carousel
. Had to repeat that about 4 or 5 times because the guys upstairs kept popping out and killing me, but that was my own fault.

As for the ending and the final levels, (only click if you've finished the game)
I do admit that I had to do a double-take to remember that I wasn't playing as John McClane in some sort of cross between a (really excellent) Die Hard 2 & 4 game, but I do appreciate the character development and contrast of that bum and waster in Hoboken & Brazil deciding to clean up his life and to not let it defeat him... I'm just not entirely convinced that the head shave was necessary for anything apart from being a physical representation of how transformed he'd become. But I guess that's the point, no?

I also take it that Beach Max is another symbol of contrast to the cold, dark and rainy nights of old, and as uneasy as I was with it at first, I do like it now.

Didn't like the arbitrary boss fight at the end either.

My only other complaint is that the unskippable cutscenes are making Score Attack and New York Minute runs an absolute chore. Very disappointed...especially when having to restart NYM when failing - which is fine in itself but made worse by the technical limitations. If that large 35gb or so install means that PC users don't have to put up with this, that'll go a long way to it being the superior version.

LOVE Payne Killer MP, hilariously intense. One moment it's like "screw you Max, stop killing me" and then suddenly "Hey Max, I'm now Passos...err, let's work together?" Things just get ridiculously intense when you're being hunted down by every single person on the map. Would love a co-op version of this against AI-controlled enemies, ala Horde Mode.


Finished it the other night, I can kinda see how people were having trouble with checkpoints, but the only bad one I experienced was at the start of the
final, airport level when Max comes in on the baggage carousel
. Had to repeat that about 4 or 5 times because the guys upstairs kept popping out and killing me, but that was my own fault.

As for the ending and the final levels, (only click if you've finished the game)
I do admit that I had to do a double-take to remember that I wasn't playing as John McClane in some sort of cross between a (really excellent) Die Hard 2 & 4 game, but I do appreciate the character development and contrast of that bum and waster in Hoboken & Brazil deciding to clean up his life and to not let it defeat him... I'm just not entirely convinced that the head shave was necessary for anything apart from being a physical representation of how transformed he'd become. But I guess that's the point, no?

I also take it that Beach Max is another symbol of contrast to the cold, dark and rainy nights of old, and as uneasy as I was with it at first, I do like it now.

Didn't like the arbitrary boss fight at the end either.

My only other complaint is that the unskippable cutscenes are making Score Attack and New York Minute runs an absolute chore. Very disappointed...especially when having to restart NYM when failing - which is fine in itself but made worse by the technical limitations. If that large 35gb or so install means that PC users don't have to put up with this, that'll go a long way to it being the superior version.

LOVE Payne Killer MP, hilariously intense. One moment it's like "screw you Max, stop killing me" and then suddenly "Hey Max, I'm now Passos...err, let's work together?" Things just get ridiculously intense when you're being hunted down by every single person on the map. Would love a co-op version of this against AI-controlled enemies, ala Horde Mode.

As to your query about Max shaving his head, I took it as both a physical manifestation of his desire to change certain aspects of his life, and also a practical way of disguising himself from the thousands of armed right-wing paramilitary psychos and favela gangsters who had him in their sights.


I hear a lot of good things about MP2 and with MP3 out I figured I'd start the series from the beginning. I'm a few hours into MP1 and basically like nothing about it. The unskippable and intrusive cut scenes, the hilariously juvenile attempt at grit, the clunky ass controls, horrendous frame rate and increasingly stupid story. Does MP2 improve on these things? Does the gameplay get any smoother? Should I just skip ahead or does it seem like the series isn't for me?


I hear a lot of good things about MP2 and with MP3 out I figured I'd start the series from the beginning. I'm a few hours into MP1 and basically like nothing about it. The unskippable and intrusive cut scenes, the hilariously juvenile attempt at grit, the clunky ass controls, horrendous frame rate and increasingly stupid story. Does MP2 improve on these things? Does the gameplay get any smoother? Should I just skip ahead or does it seem like the series isn't for me?

Sounds like you're not playing it on PC.

I played the MP1 the first time on PS2 and wasn't that impressed either. PC though, it's a whole nother game.




Why isn't my box green? I feel left out :(


Sounds like you're not playing it on PC.

I played the MP1 the first time on PS2 and wasn't that impressed either. PC though, it's a whole nother game.

PS2. I can appreciate it for the innovations of it's time, but as a game today it's kind of shitty. Just wondering if the series takes a great leap in quality, aside from visuals, mainly in terms of playability/presentation. Cause right now it plays clunky as shit and the presentation is cringe worthy. I hear MP2 is quite the game.


Goddamn the MP progression is slow as molasses. I usually finish top 2 in every game too. I'm looting, getting killstreaks, using my BURST as much as possible, everything.

What gives? Is there some secret I'm missing out on? I've been playing mostly TDM.


Goddamn the MP progression is slow as molasses. I usually finish top 2 in every game too. I'm looting, getting killstreaks, using my BURST as much as possible, everything.

What gives? Is there some secret I'm missing out on? I've been playing mostly TDM.

its just slow, see the grinds section for what challenges you need to get xp


As to your query about Max shaving his head, I took it as both a physical manifestation of his desire to change certain aspects of his life, and also a practical way of disguising himself from the thousands of armed right-wing paramilitary psychos and favela gangsters who had him in their sights.

Cheers for that, yeah that makes sense.

One of Max Payne 3's great strengths is the dichotomy of its central character: he oscillates between superhuman and fragile. He is the terminator, but he is also a fragile, middle-aged man. The contrast creates this amazing tension, and makes it all the more satisfying when you launch out of cover and take out five enemies in a single shoot dodge.

Good comment here. One of his lines during the NY levels where he says that he's "never wanted to live so bad"
when the DeMarcos come after him
has really stuck with me - summing up his character, addiction to the adrenaline rush and his penchant for violence in the name of good so well - and I don't think I've ever loved any level in a game as much as I did those flashbacks whilst also feeling pure pity AND awe for the guy I was controlling.

I love how these levels
are used to directly contrast the before and after Max in order to make that final, warrior Max even better.
I was kinda hoping that by the end of credits there would be "Max's journey through the night will continue"

I guess it would cheapen things up for the tone Rockstar was trying to convey.
This can be a double-edged sword at times, like how long it takes for Max to get off his ass when he's on the floor or getting in and out of cover.

It's also weird that they mapped the 180 quick-turn to just about the worst place imaginable on the controller. I don't know why they didn't map it to X/A while you're aiming, a la Shadows of the Damned.

Wait wait, there's a quick-turn button?
Wait wait, there's a quick-turn button?
Down on the d-pad. I always forgot it existed. Never used it once.

Shooting a running bad guy in the knee and headshotting him as he fall to the ground will never get old. Never.
Seriously. Even without bullet time and shoot-dodging the look and feel of the gun combat is second to none. Throwing that stuff in just takes it to a whole other level.


Potential end game spoiler:
I was kinda hoping that by the end of credits there would be "Max's journey through the night will continue"

I guess it would cheapen things up for the tone Rockstar was trying to convey.

They do end it on the note where the reporter says,
"It looks dark everywhere, but in some places there are light," or however it went.

I'd honestly be happy if MP3 is the last Max game. The ending and Max's walking away from violence (until it finds him agian, perhaps?) felt good, in my opinion.


I actually read the manual. Had to do something while waiting for both disks to install.

I'm gonna say it again because it needs sayin':

The Max Payne 3 manual is a work of art. I can't remember the last time we got a nice full colour manual that actually detailed everything. It was like washing my eyes with silk.


Wow, this game was just improved for me immeasurably when I brought acceleration up to 10. I hate stick acceleration so I assumed I would want it on the minimum setting, but it turns out I actually want it on the maximum setting.

The controls are actually really good now, as long as I don't get my hands on a sniper rifle...

Also I got to disc two and the story's picking up. Still not all I was hoping for out of a MP or R* game but it's good for what it is.


Shooting a running bad guy in the knee and headshotting him as he fall to the ground will never get old. Never.

Also eerie fun is shooting a guy so that he falls on his back, and then popping him in the head as he leans forward to get back up. The animation engine renders that realistic in a way that momentarily gives one pause. Lots of moments like that in the game.

And this game probably has the most satisfying blind-fire mechanic ever.


I find the game kind of boring, actually. I wish it clicked better with me, but it has grown to be extremely tedious and aggravating.

Having said that. These shooting mechanics and just all around character control in GTAV are going to be great.


So PC version pushed to June 1st? Fuck!!!!

My birthday is May 30th. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO NOW?

By the way guys are the physics in this game amazing? That is what I am looking forward to, should make every encounter unique.


So PC version pushed to June 1st? Fuck!!!!

My birthday is May 30th. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO NOW?

By the way guys are the physics in this game amazing? That is what I am looking forward to, should make every encounter unique.

The physics are amazing indeed. There's some real disturbing pleasure to be had in purposefully setting up your final kill slow-mo bulletcam for the poor victim to get smashed through panes of glass, fall down a flight of stairs/off a rooftop, or just land in a crumpled heap after copping multiple shotgun blasts to the face. Almost sickening how satisfying it is.

Happy birthday in advance, btw. How about a solid day playing through MP1&2 and then MP3 the day after?
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