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Max Payne 3 |OT| Funny as hell, we couldn't decide on a sub-title


So PC version pushed to June 1st? Fuck!!!!

My birthday is May 30th. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO NOW?

By the way guys are the physics in this game amazing? That is what I am looking forward to, should make every encounter unique.

The physics are incredible 95% of the time, but the other 5% is an unintentional Max-Payne-breakdancing brand of whackness.

But, yeah, when they work, it's fucking unreal. There are a lot of unique moments that come from the physics.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Oh shit, I completely forgot this game hasn't released for PC yet. lol

Any idea how much better it looks than its console counterpart?


Oh shit, I completely forgot this game hasn't released for PC yet. lol

Any idea how much better it looks than its console counterpart?

Look at the screens Rockstar released (that looked way too good for consoles) and you should have a pretty good idea what it'll look like on high settings.


Why isn't my box green? I feel left out :(

Because you're cooler than most people. Those green cases are damned ugly. The clear case looks nicer to me.

They do end it on the note where the reporter says,
"It looks dark everywhere, but in some places there are light," or however it went.

I'd honestly be happy if MP3 is the last Max game. The ending and Max's walking away from violence (until it finds him agian, perhaps?) felt good, in my opinion.

I loved how it ended.
I think the line was "It's dark in some places, but sunny everywhere else." I do love that he gets a measure of peace at the end and the final view of the rising sun. I'm happy if it's the final game as well, I've been playing with this character for a decade and to finally have a somewhat happy ending for him... makes me happy. Plus it bucks R*'s tendency this generation to have just depressing endings (GTA/RDR/LAN) and R*'s most heroic character essentially gets the happiest ending. I really like that.

"There it was. The soundtrack to my life. Finally."


Fantastic moment.


I really wanted to like this game but I just can't enjoy the gameplay at all. The story, graphics, euforia shenanigans and everything is absolutely fantastic... but the few small gameplay snags (which i'm sure have been already dissected multiple times in this thread) bring the whole experience down for me.


GAF, help me not suck at this game. I've only just hit Chapter II, and am having a tough time not dying. Like, I find myself going through all three pain killers you're given fairly early on. I'm generally pretty good at third person shooters, but this game is bringing my morale down :( I'm only playing on normal, and am trying to utilize the bullet time and shootdodge to the best of my abilities, and have already increased the sensitivity as well.

Are there any tips you guys can think of? I'd like to play more of this game but honestly if I have to keep replaying checkpoints, I can see it getting old quickly.


GAF, help me not suck at this game. I've only just hit Chapter II, and am having a tough time not dying. Like, I find myself going through all three pain killers you're given fairly early on. I'm generally pretty good at third person shooters, but this game is bringing my morale down :( I'm only playing on normal, and am trying to utilize the bullet time and shootdodge to the best of my abilities, and have already increased the sensitivity as well.

Are there any tips you guys can think of? I'd like to play more of this game but honestly if I have to keep replaying checkpoints, I can see it getting old quickly.

Trying play slower, don't rush through sections. Also always go for headshots. I like to go into BT, peek out of cover & get some headshots, then cover & turn off BT, repeat. That's gotten me through most parts fairly easily.


GAF, help me not suck at this game. I've only just hit Chapter II, and am having a tough time not dying. Like, I find myself going through all three pain killers you're given fairly early on. I'm generally pretty good at third person shooters, but this game is bringing my morale down :( I'm only playing on normal, and am trying to utilize the bullet time and shootdodge to the best of my abilities, and have already increased the sensitivity as well.

Are there any tips you guys can think of? I'd like to play more of this game but honestly if I have to keep replaying checkpoints, I can see it getting old quickly.

Play with the aiming options. I have mine at 7vert 7horiz 10accel. Also, turn off any aiming aids. Make sure you're using free aim and not soft lock, too.
It seems to me that the amount of fun you have with this game is directly related to how creative you are with kills. If you just go into it looking to clear the room as fast as possible to get to the next cutscene then it probably won't be a great experience.

But if you go in looking for the craziest kills you can pull off and really see what Euphoria can do then it's a pretty incredible ride. My only hang up with this game is that there aren't enough environmental ways to kill and interact with enemies. Sure there's a few here and there like the
car lift
but I was just hoping for more.


Trying play slower, don't rush through sections. Also always go for headshots. I like to go into BT, peek out of cover & get some headshots, then cover & turn off BT, repeat. That's gotten me through most parts fairly easily.

Play with the aiming options. I have mine at 7vert 7horiz 10accel. Also, turn off any aiming aids. Make sure you're using free aim and not soft lock, too.

Thanks guys, I'm trying to slow down and be more patient, and I've lowered my sensitivity a little. Not to sound like a baby, but I wish there was a way to get more pain killers or that the game had auto regeneration. I feel like I take a shit ton of damage whenever I try to move from one place to the next. Ah well, time to give it another go.


Thanks guys, I'm trying to slow down and be more patient, and I've lowered my sensitivity a little. Not to sound like a baby, but I wish there was a way to get more pain killers or that the game had auto regeneration. Ah well, time to give it another go.

If you're playing on Medium, you'll get 1 PK for every 2 deaths in a row at the same checkpoint. You can get up to 9 PKs (9 including any you previously held) this way.
Okay, so after figuring out how to use the soft lock, this game just got a hell of a lot easier and alleviated most of the difficulty issues I had in my semi-meltdown last page. Feels a bit cheesy to play like this, but I can see the rationale for it.


Okay, so after figuring out how to use the soft lock, this game just got a hell of a lot easier and alleviated most of the difficulty issues I had earlier.

That's well and good, but I'm now awaiting your complaints of the enemies being bullet sponges later on in the game.
Thanks guys, I'm trying to slow down and be more patient, and I've lowered my sensitivity a little. Not to sound like a baby, but I wish there was a way to get more pain killers or that the game had auto regeneration. I feel like I take a shit ton of damage whenever I try to move from one place to the next. Ah well, time to give it another go.

1. Bullet time
2. Run sideways
3. Headshots or spray body parts until the "X"
4. Profit

I don't agree with the people saying slow down, personally. In 95% of shootouts, the more reckless I played with bullet time and shootdodging, the better I did. I found that taking shots from cover meant I would always take at least 1 bullet, and that's one bullet too many.

Okay, so after figuring out how to use the soft lock, this game just got a hell of a lot easier and alleviated most of the difficulty issues I had in my semi-meltdown last page. Feels a bit cheesy to play like this, but I can see the rationale for it.

Don't get mad when you're auto-locking guys right on their armor and wondering why you can no longer get quick kills.


If you're playing on Medium, you'll get 1 PK for every 2 deaths in a row at the same checkpoint. You can get up to 9 PKs (9 including any you previously held) this way.

Really? I've died in this same checkpoint in Chapter II four times in a row now and haven't gotten a single pain killer :(


Rented this for PS3 tonight to tide me over till the PC version and it's impressive technically. Can't wait to see it in it's full glory though, I think it's gonna be pretty stunning.


Yeah, I hate stick acceleration with a passion so I had my settings set to 10/10/3. Bumping acceleration up to 10 completely fixed my gripes with the controls, it feels really good now.


Thanks for the reply's, can't wait for this to hit PC!

The physics are amazing indeed. There's some real disturbing pleasure to be had in purposefully setting up your final kill slow-mo bulletcam for the poor victim to get smashed through panes of glass, fall down a flight of stairs/off a rooftop, or just land in a crumpled heap after copping multiple shotgun blasts to the face. Almost sickening how satisfying it is.

Happy birthday in advance, btw. How about a solid day playing through MP1&2 and then MP3 the day after?

Thanks man! Ya sounds like a plan, MP1 then MP2 all day. Wake up and download MP3 off steam. Life is good.


Also make use of blindfire. It can be hugely useful especially since enemies are aggressive in running up to you if you're sitting behind cover. Just pop blind shots at them as they're coming up to you. Looks awesome too.

And like in some other cover shooters, peeking out will aim your weap in the same spot it was at before. Use that to properly line up your shots.

And of course make judicious use of slowdown.


Really? I've died in this same checkpoint in Chapter II four times in a row now and haven't gotten a single pain killer :(

It's been said here before, but two tips always worth remembering:

- When behind cover and being shot at, you will slowly gain adrenaline for bullet time. In case you're stuck somewhere and provided that grenades aren't being tossed in your direction, you can simply draw attention from enemies, hang back until your meter is high enough, and then pop 'em with bullet time.

- Even when your meter's completely drained, you can always still shootdodge and gain all its slow-mo benefits. And if things get too overwhelming, you can try to find a narrow corridor-like space nearby and make Max shootdodge backwards into it so that enemies are lined up directly in front of you, as opposed to all around you and ready to pounce when you're prone. Even more useful when you can get him to land behind some cover somewhere.

What part in Chapter II are you having difficulty with? The favela hoods aren't too aggressive so you could build up your bullet time a bit as they shoot at you, and try the above steps and slowly get more proficient with the game.


Hmmm, mechanically I am not so sure. The cover system is very slow and sloppy, and limited in that you can't really slide around corners properly. The mechanics are serviceable enough for the game, but I think it's the animation, collision detection and audio-visual presentation which really seals the deal and makes this one of the best third person-shooters in years.

The thing about this game is that even after a week of playing it, all I can think about while I'm at work is: I wanna play more Max Payne 3. That's my mark of a great game.
The cover system isn't as crisp as in some of it's peers certainly, but it's serviceable for the very limited use I've used it. I haven't moved from cover to cover while progressing or anything, only really used it for hanging back before going down a corridor etc. It's immensely satisfying to shoot people in this game. I've been using the light assist option, which is really nice for acquiring that first target, it autolocks a little below the head (as RDR did too), so you ease off it, pan slightly high for the single headshot. It's kind of like the slow motion stuff in RDR too really.

It feels fantastic, and the euphoria tech makes everything connect and hit really well. It's a very different game, I haven't finished it yet, but I think it's better than Uncharted 2 so far, which was my previous favorite Western TPS. It actually reminds me more of Uncharted than anything else, probably because of the heavily interwoven story work. I was never crazy about the first two games actually, they were good, but I think very overrated.
Is NeoGANG full? I've been trying to get an invite and I saw it's up to 300. There are always people who join the GAF clan but don't play, I'd still like to get an invite if possible.
I'm finding the controls and difficulty in this game extremely frustrating.

Here's a list of complaints I need to get off my chest - some subjective (of course).

2.) Jesus christ why did you get out of cover?!?
5.) How many shots does it take to kill a guy in a wife beater?
6.) Which bloody way am I supposed to go?
7.) Playing this checkpoint .. again.. the tenth time.
8.) Sniper rifle zoom in using a different analog stick for aiming? WHYYYY
9.) Why'd you change my gun for the next checkp--DEAD
10.) Wait, which gun am I trying to pick up?
11.) I can't pick up ammo for a gun that isn't equipped in hand?
12.) So many guys and there doesn't appear to any cover. Oh there's a spo--DEAD
13.) Re-spawn.. RUNNNN!!!

I'm seriously considering just playing this on easy, lol

I agree with all of those except the ones about not knowing where to go and starting "way back there". I guess I got lucky and didn't die in some of the more tedious spots people are complaining about but I had some small issues so I know it's a valid complaint. The one about switching guns on you automatically pissed me off throughout the game. Sometimes he'll even drop a nice rifle to go through a door and then you're stuck with a pistol to clear out the next room.

Does anyone know if you can get the trophy for beating the game on Old School mode by going act by act in chapter select after beating it on hard? I'd rather choose my order in beating then rather than playing the entire game over again. Also, if you turn infinite painkillers on, does it affect trophy hunting?


Does anyone know if you can get the trophy for beating the game on Old School mode by going act by act in chapter select after beating it on hard? I'd rather choose my order in beating then rather than playing the entire game over again. Also, if you turn infinite painkillers on, does it affect trophy hunting?

Unfortunately, no, you have to start a new game. And turning on any of the "cheats" disables trophies/chievos.


I seriously want to punch whoever was in charge of those cutscene screen effects. It feels like every other second the screen is flickering or doubling or doing some other dumb, annoying shit.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Really? I've died in this same checkpoint in Chapter II four times in a row now and haven't gotten a single pain killer :(
This happened to me on Chapter 2 (the checkpoint that starts at the helipad). I died many, many times and was never given any additional painkillers. It's worked as intended on all other spots where I died repeatedly, so I don't know what was going on with my game at that point.
I agree. And people are complaining about getting shot while standing up from shootdodge, but without that risk the move would be gamebreakingly easy. Don't shootdodge if you'll be in a position to get lit up. It's simple.

No No No. It's the games fault remember....no way could it ever be the player.


So I finally started hard mode with free aim. I always do my first playthrough on the "Normal" (in this case "Medium") mode of the game then complete it again on a higher difficulty later on. And I'm okay I think. It's quite difficult now. I think I'd be better at free aim with a mouse then with a controller. I see some of the high scores in arcade mode under free aim and it's impressive. I beat all the chapters with soft lock and couldn't even get close to the soft lock scores.


So I finally started hard mode with free aim. I always do my first playthrough on the "Normal" (in this case "Medium") mode of the game then complete it again on a higher difficulty later on. And I'm okay I think. It's quite difficult now. I think I'd be better at free aim with a mouse then with a controller. I see some of the high scores in arcade mode under free aim and it's impressive. I beat all the chapters with soft lock and couldn't even get close to the soft lock scores.

I played through the game with free aim on normal difficulty and found it to be a reasonably challenging game, but nothing too taxing.

I just started my 'hard' playthrough with free aim, and, uh, let's just say that I'm dying very quickly and I'm not sure whether I am up to the challenge :)


I played through the game with free aim on normal difficulty and found it to be a reasonably challenging game, but nothing too taxing.

I just started my 'hard' playthrough with free aim, and, uh, let's just say that I'm dying very quickly and I'm not sure whether I am up to the challenge :)
Yeah I think I'm going to wait to complete hard mode on the PC. I just feel I'm going to aim better with a mouse.


It's been said here before, but two tips always worth remembering:

- When behind cover and being shot at, you will slowly gain adrenaline for bullet time. In case you're stuck somewhere and provided that grenades aren't being tossed in your direction, you can simply draw attention from enemies, hang back until your meter is high enough, and then pop 'em with bullet time.

- Even when your meter's completely drained, you can always still shootdodge and gain all its slow-mo benefits. And if things get too overwhelming, you can try to find a narrow corridor-like space nearby and make Max shootdodge backwards into it so that enemies are lined up directly in front of you, as opposed to all around you and ready to pounce when you're prone. Even more useful when you can get him to land behind some cover somewhere.

What part in Chapter II are you having difficulty with? The favela hoods aren't too aggressive so you could build up your bullet time a bit as they shoot at you, and try the above steps and slowly get more proficient with the game.

Just make sure you have room to shootdodge and aren't doing it into a wall or some other object, since it'll interrupt you.

Though it can be simultaneously hilarious and fittingly awesome to finish an enemy via shootdodge and then watch as Max smacks into something (even better if you get the cam from the final enemy's viewpoint). He is older, drink-sodden, and clumsier, after all, yet still a badass all the same.

You can also knock enemies down by dodging into them, which can be fun, though it's not particularly advisable unless they're the final one. :p
You can also knock enemies down by dodging into them, which can be fun, though it's not particularly advisable unless they're the final one. :p

About that:
There was a section near the end in the police station where I thought there was only 1 enemy left in a room so I jumped head first into the glass window only to find another guy in there as I crashed into him while simultaneously killing his partner.
The bullet cam was ridiculous, and needless to say I laughed for like 5 minutes. <3 Euphoria


About that:
There was a section near the end in the police station where I thought there was only 1 enemy left in a room so I jumped head first into the glass window only to find another guy in there as I crashed into him while simultaneously killing his partner.
The bullet cam was ridiculous, and needless to say I laughed for like 5 minutes. <3 Euphoria

Haha yeah, so many fun little accidental moments like that just tend to crop up during normal play due to the great physicality of the game.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I seriously want to punch whoever was in charge of those cutscene screen effects. It feels like every other second the screen is flickering or doubling or doing some other dumb, annoying shit.

Thank god someone else feels this way. I was beginning to think I had the weirdest and most singular reported glitch possible. It is absolutely terrible. I'm not sure what I hate the most, the doubling or the just random bursts of CMYK colour.


Really enjoying the hell out of the multiplayer so far. If anyone wants to play sometime send me a fr, my gt is, The H4ndofgod.

Chapter 3 was so damn annoying on hard!


Thank god someone else feels this way. I was beginning to think I had the weirdest and most singular reported glitch possible. It is absolutely terrible. I'm not sure what I hate the most, the doubling or the just random bursts of CMYK colour.

It's really a matter of taste. I really enjoyed them.
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